OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

Hi All :peace:
I was stoned when I germed my seeds and put two seeds in the same pot and now they are both growing. Will this end in disaster? Or can they grow this way. I seriosly doubt I could seperate them. Any thoughts or comments?

They will compete for root space, light and food, so they probably won't get as large as if they were in their own pots, but you can grow them together.

I think I asked a similar question a while back, and someone also said that if plants will tend to stretch vertically when shaded by a nearby plant in order to get more light.

In my experience, two plants in the same pot will get about half as large as if they had the pot all to themselves, which makes sense if ya think about it.
Thanks Sun.
Out of all the grows I read nobody ever mentioned it. Surely I'm not the only one who's ever done it.:smokin:
Of the three little plants I have growing, those two are the one's that are growing the best. Go figure. They are the only Auroura Indica that germed and grew.
The bright side is they are the smallest growers, short fat fannies. They will get an 8" pot, the rest 6". I hold my breath at these little plants, they are so green and beautful. Until you grow one you just don't understand.:ganjamon:
Thanks Sun.
Out of all the grows I read nobody ever mentioned it. Surely I'm not the only one who's ever done it.:smokin:

DGMGH plants two seeds in one pot because he believes it improves the chances of having a male and female.

I've planted multiple plants in large trays and totes. The advantage is that the large volume of medium holds water far longer than smaller individual pots. The disadvantages are that plants grow at different rates and wind up being different heights, and you can't adjust a short plant's height up closer to the light. Also, you don't have the option to remove males to a remote area. It's just really nice to be able to shift plants around when they are in their own pots, and after growing both ways, I think it's usually better for each plant to have its own pot. There's a time and a place for both methods, however.

Of the three little plants I have growing, those two are the one's that are growing the best. Go figure. They are the only Auroura Indica that germed and grew.
The bright side is they are the smallest growers, short fat fannies. They will get an 8" pot, the rest 6". I hold my breath at these little plants, they are so green and beautful. Until you grow one you just don't understand.:ganjamon:

Yeah, growing is a very rewarding thing.

keep it green bro!
OK, I over watered them. I told myself I wouldn't, but I did.:smokin:
I have read the "Top Ten Mistakes That Beginners Make" over and over again and did it anyway.lol
When my girls were in Jiffy cups the outside of the cups kept drying out, like two times a day. I just couldn't resist.
Now they are in their permanent homes. Took about 2 days for them to adjust. Now they are looking good again.
This Hawaiian weather is something to deal with constantly. Keeps me on my toes. I am really enjoying this grow.:cool:


first off bro congrats on the babies! i am a little concerned about you circuits thou bro check it ok you have 305 watts of CFLs you are prolly drawing 3-4 amps on just the lights that realitivly little on a 15 or 20 amp circuit as for the computers they draw very little ampage that means that circuit is already mostly loaded although the breaker is a fail safe so to speak you say you live in a old house witch prolly means old wiring i wouldn't constantly push the limit of those old wires. it maybe a non issue but i would always stay on the side of safety. is there any way you can run a extension cord to another outlet that is on another circuit if not shut the breaker down and isolate other devices on that circuit and move them or shut them off.
you also said you are have trouble with heat control . i was wondering where your intake and exhaust was , i don't see them in the picture . ideally in a grow cab you want either the exhaust or intake on the bottom and the other on the top forcing the air to move from top to bottom or bottom to top of the cab. kinda like this pic i drew for you the duct does not have to be in the exact top of bottom they can be coming in from the sides it doesn't matter you just the air to move through the grow chamber and lights and out the room . here is a good STONER TIP when trying to figure out if you ventilation is working properly take a big as bong rip or rip of the pipe and blow it at your plants see how long the smoke hangs over top of them it should dissipate fairly fast . you can also see in the smoke how your air travels in your room. if the smoke is hanging around you gotta rethink your ventilation.

i hope i helped and thanks for stoping by my grow

Thanks canolution your suggestions and help mean allot to me.:thanks:

I've kind of beat the heat problem for now. My exhaust is at the top and the intake at the bottom hidden behind the pots. The door to the cab is always open and I have plenty of air flow. The AC is blowing right in the intake.
My real problem is humidity. I'm hoping to get get a dehumidifier in a week or two and will see if that helps. Budget allowing. I'm sure this is the reason that the plants are really behind in growth. They should be larger by now.
This is the end of the third week.

I found another outlet that is not no the same circuit. Have to wait a fews days before I can get a good extension cord. That should help from kicking the breaker.
I'm kind of hard headed. I knew this was going to be a hard attempt at growing, but tried it anyway. Desperate for buds.;)
cool cool yea you split that air conditioner onto another circuit you will be fine i am sure that is wut is drawing most of your amps . i have been lucky enough to not need a dehumidifier. i am not sure how to deal with that wut is your RH? 66% is still in a acceptable range for veg growth it will give you short node spacing and fat leaves. them plants look fine for 3 weeks, my blueberry grew slow at first to but once it got some nice roots it took off.

It was you that made me look again very carefully for a different outlet and I found it in the small laundry room which is part of this room. Now I can start thinking of using my small Cab which is ready to go. Maybe I can clone a few and just keep it going..oops daydreaming again.:rollit:

My RH is weird to say the least. Right now it is 66%, but it goes from 50% to 72%. The last week has been always 60% up to 72%. A very tropical Hawaiian week.
Thanks again for the tips.
yea that seems like a typical RH for the tropics . i to live in a simi tropical place well as tropical as the continental us gets anyways. hiawia sounds like paradise to me. but anyways are you pulling air from outside for your return air. i am unable to do that here because the temp and RH go way out or range and sometimes change in a matter of minutes. i used the air from another part of the house for the return. another thing is fans the problem with the RH being over 65% is it starts to affect how the plant transpires and respirates slowing plants growth and open the door to a host of problems involving fungus and other parasites. keep the air moving inside the cab, use 6" clip fans to blow the air over the plants this will lower the humidity a little but it also helps the plants respiration by evaporating moisture on and around the plants at a higher rate. also wut is the humidity of the return air going into your grow cab. if it is lower than wut is in your cab you need the vent more and faster. ie. bigger exhaust fan. wut does your cab run if you close it up tight ? you should take some better photos of your setup to . lets see that smaller cab your taking about. hows the kids doing?

Hi again canolution
Here's some more pictures of the Cab and the smaller Cab.


Thanks canolution for all your help and tips.
OK here's the info you wanted.

Outdoor Temp 81.6 H 64%

AC temp 76 blowing into the room.

Intake T 79.3 H 56
Exhaust T 81.6 H 55

Inside the Cab with door closed.
T 86.9 H 53
The temp inside was taken at the very top of inside. If I took the temp at the bottom it would be influenced by the lights.

So just your suggestion to close the door really helped with the H, but increased the temp to 86.
Do you think it's Ok to have the temp that high?

Another reason I can't go though the walls is we want to sell this place soon. I say we because my ex wife lives here too. Long Story. We both own half the house. Three years ago it was worth $850,000, but is only worth around $500,000 now. Waiting for the prices to go back up if they do. We barely get by on my retirement. So not much to spend.

I'm so used to Hawaiian weather, I am freezing my ass off.lol:smokin:
SWEET, you got that sucker about dialed in perfect. yes RH and temperature does a dirty dance with each other when one goes up the other goes down. but them conditions will grow some dope bro. i run my veg room in the high 80s sometimes when i am to lazy to seal the room up. the plants seem to love it. as for you house man, i am no realitor but if i was u i would hold onto the house the market will rebound to pre98 conditions before it crashes again well that is if the vandenburger group has its way. it is a huge conspiracy man it really is! download the movie the "obama deception" you will see central banking has owned ever president after truman. lol anyways dude i feel you on the retirement. i am only 26 but as i get older i watch my older smoking friends try and pay for weed that keeps getting more and more expensive while they are liven on a fixed income. drug dealers come and go and you get stuck with some punk kid that charges YOU TWICE AS MUCH FOR YOU DOPE AND STEALS A COUPLE GRAMS OUT OF EVER BAG. it is a damb shame. you got the solution thou man it is grow your own dope. it is so rewarding in so many ways. I am curios thou why dont you grow outside. they have year round conditions for growing there dont they?

o yea is that the guts to a fridge?

Thanks again canolution:thanks:
I love the way u described the dance between T & H. That's the main problem I've been fighting. I can't thank you enough for the help. The girls are thriving now. They are happy as hell now and growing. They are still short but are spreading out. I could actually see growth from one day to the next. They are short fat fannies anyway. I bought the seed for that very purpose since I have limited space in the Cab. No thats not a fridge. Both Cabs are old stereo cabinets. I was going throw one of them out and it struck me I could recycle them and put them to use.

Outdoors would be perfect here, however they would be gone the first night.
The houses are right on top on each other and I can hear conversations from all sides.:smokin:

I buy my stuff from a old guy like me. I've been buying from him for about 20 years. It's a love hate relationship. I hate his prices, but I like him as a friend and we have great talks. I know his whole family and have watched his daughters grow up. He doesn't grow, just resales it. Believe me if you don't know people here (like family) you are not welcome. I know there is at least four big growers in my area, but they are really careful. Before I retired I made good money so it didn't hurt too much. Now it does.
You are right about the control of the pres. When the average person final gets sick of the way things are going, things will be forced to change.

Once again thanks for the help, you've made a friend in me.:thanks:
you got a friend here to man . i am glad to help you i am i am learning a lot to just buy helping you man so it is my pleasure.

it is more than just the press they own everything man even the government bought and payed for. the president works for them not us.
you have to watch this movie check out this link man , this is going to blow your mind

Thanks, I will go to youtube to watch it. No speakers hooked to this computer, but I have some hooked to my other computer. :nomo:
Looking like a great start! I'm new but I started with Hydro so this will be fun. Good Luck!!!

Musik \\\vVv/// :goodjob::roorrip::grinjoint:

Thanks Musikgenman:ganjamon:

You are so right. This is fun. I love looking at them too.

I just read your journal and man, you have an adventure:grinjoint:
You were much braver than me in trying hydro as your first grow.
Those two girls you have are crazy. Very nice work.
Think we both know that we wouldn't be so far along had we been by ourselves, but we have both received great help from the folks here at 420.

I'll be looking forward to your final numbers, well done.
If I get an oz or more I'll be happy as hell. I will have learned allot.
Great Job Bro:Rasta:
Hi All that are watching my grow. I have an unexpected addition to my family of girls. I forgot my germ box in the closest and last week I went in to clean it up. After two weeks of it setting there I had another girl starting.:grinjoint:
It's 1 week old and healthy in it's jiffy cup.

Here's my thinking:
1. Throw her in with rest. I'm going to start 12/12 next week, so for her it would be a no mercy kind of thing.
2. I could put her in a separate grow box. It's ready to go however, I was going to use that one to start 4 more replacement ladies about 4 weeks into flowering, they will have veged for 4 or 5 weeks and I could keep a continuous grow going.
3. ?

Any advice or comments would very welcome:surf:
I think you are absolutely right. In fact I found this 'active' (there are a few inactive forums out there) forum and all the positive people who share the same ideology as I do, right after I started. In that we make a great support team for each other. Without all the help I would have failed for sure.

I think that if you are trying to go with a perpetual grow, you are on a right track. I am about the same with mine, i germinated 4 more seed a little over a week ago in anticipation of harvest, so that when i harvested I had replacement plants to put in my flowering area. My plan is to harvest once a month, but in reality i still have a ways to get to that point. I feel like now that I pretty much have one grow almost completed, my confidence for the next grow is astounding.

Musik \\\vVv///
I think you are absolutely right. In fact I found this 'active' (there are a few inactive forums out there) forum and all the positive people who share the same ideology as I do, right after I started. In that we make a great support team for each other. Without all the help I would have failed for sure.

I think that if you are trying to go with a perpetual grow, you are on a right track. I am about the same with mine, i germinated 4 more seed a little over a week ago in anticipation of harvest, so that when i harvested I had replacement plants to put in my flowering area. My plan is to harvest once a month, but in reality i still have a ways to get to that point. I feel like now that I pretty much have one grow almost completed, my confidence for the next grow is astounding.

Musik \\\vVv///

Yep, perpetual grows just make sense to me. We are ready to jump right in and continue. Everything is set up so why not continue? And we can still try new strains and experiment along the way.

420 has stolen most of my time:cool: I just keep on finding things I want to read more about and try. I also feel much more confident too.
I still think much more about how and what I do now. Slowly eliminating all possible answers before acting. More comfortable is what I feel now.

Glad we'll be watching each other my friend.

Have great grow. :peace:
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