OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

It popped when I pulled it off, thinking it was a tiny flower, but being so small, the pollen did nothing more than spray my finger tips. Just for giggles, I used a toothpick to spread some on a lower bud. See what happens. Funny things you do when your brain is medicated:cheesygrinsmiley:

Funny things you do when your brain is medicated:grinjoint:
And not medicated for me:grinjoint:

That would be wild. Wanda seeds:cool:
how is it going man,glad you dodged the bullet bro and hope you feal better.We had a nor'easter in nyc this weekend,no big deal tho,not like we had any house's slideing or anything like that.Surf was mad crazy for long island,one poor surfer bit off more than he could chew and we lost him.
You have to give moter nature her respect when she shows her angre side.oh well2am nyc time and im burnt....peace
It popped when I pulled it off, thinking it was a tiny flower, but being so small, the pollen did nothing more than spray my finger tips. Just for giggles, I used a toothpick to spread some on a lower bud. See what happens. Funny things you do when your brain is medicated:cheesygrinsmiley:

hi oldskool did you give that bud a little spray of sugar water to keep the pollen in place? Supposed to be a good way to keep it from travelling. I guess a toothpick full wouldn't go far anyway.
how is it going man,glad you dodged the bullet bro and hope you feal better.We had a nor'easter in nyc this weekend,no big deal tho,not like we had any house's slideing or anything like that.Surf was mad crazy for long island,one poor surfer bit off more than he could chew and we lost him.
You have to give moter nature her respect when she shows her angre side.oh well2am nyc time and im burnt....peace

Hi Dain Bramage Thanks I do feel better. Usually doesn't last long. :yummy:
Too bad about the surfer, should have know better. Mother Nature is a bitch at times.:smokin: Been through a couple those nor'easters. Lived in NJ for a few years. Ugh! It was Hockey heaven for me, just a quick train ride an would come up right under the Garden. Loved the NY crowd and the Rangers.

The storm isn't over here yet. Its just been missing me. Down the shore guy watched as his house slid into roaring flash flood. They think there will be more. The storm is kinda circling back around time and again.

Right now its beating hell out of Kauai. 14 folks have lost there homes so far.
They evacuated some places. Here's how bad it is: 18.3" of rain in 24 hours in one place and 13.5 in another.
Sorry got carried away with the weather report:smokin:
hi oldskool did you give that bud a little spray of sugar water to keep the pollen in place? Supposed to be a good way to keep it from travelling. I guess a toothpick full wouldn't go far anyway.

Thanks for the tip Mmmmmick! But to be honest, I don't think I had much, if any on the toothpick. Was such a tiny amount of pollen that sprayed out on my finger tip, I doubt if I captured any.

OMM, it's 2:30am, I was sleeping soundly until the cops began pounding on the apt door across from me. Don't know the cause, but it certainly got my attention. Glad Wanda's window was closed....whew.
OMM, it's 2:30am, I was sleeping soundly until the cops began pounding on the apt door across from me. Don't know the cause, but it certainly got my attention. Glad Wanda's window was closed....whew.

What a way to wake up:smokin:

Glad you have a strong heart:ganjamon:

Whew is right.:clap::clap::clap:

Every thing goes on in these Journals:hmmmm:

Glad you are safe my friend:surf:
Whoa, too close for comfort ol buddy, especially living in the state adjacent to the left of your home state.

Stupid, stupid, stupid law, may it someday:rip:
Whoa, too close for comfort ol buddy, especially living in the state adjacent to the left of your home state.

Stupid, stupid, stupid law, may it someday:rip:

Funny, I never thought about my home state's out look.
I guess I assumed they were as backward as yours.:smokin:
Funny, I never thought about my home state's out look.
I guess I assumed they were as backward as yours.:smokin:

They are. To say both states are non progressive would be the understatement of the year.

I just opened the door to Wanda's room now that the lights are on. Doubly glad I didn't have the window open:cheesygrinsmiley: Gawd she reeks.

You feeling better? Hope so.
They are. To say both states are non progressive would be the understatement of the year.

I just opened the door to Wanda's room now that the lights are on. Doubly glad I didn't have the window open:cheesygrinsmiley: Gawd she reeks.

You feeling better? Hope so.


She is Wanda the Dank!

Yes, feel much better. Sure don't like those episodes. They seem to be getting farther apart. Thank Goodness! Thanks for asking.

See you didn't get back to sleep:smokin:
Hi All,
Here's some updated pictures. Not much has changed, but they continue to look good.:popcorn:

Group shot first.

Rose and Mary, Love the flowers. Funky Colors.




Sorry for the quality, just couldn't seem to take any good ones today. Too much sun.:ganjamon:
What's wrong with those photo's? They look great to me! Buds are coming along nicely, love the colors! Too much sun? No sympathy here OMM, supposed to get a mix of rain, and snow tonight. Is the tallest one Joanne?

I'm starting to see some dis coloration on some of the small bud leaves, but all the other leaves look normal, hope I didn't over feed her.

Last shot is very tasty, see some sugar sprinkles starting to build up:ganjamon:

No, I didn't get much sleep after the neighbor incident, then had to work yesterday, was a challenge to stay awake.

Glad to hear your feeling better.
OMM looks like your going to have you a nice little harvest there. Keep up the work dude they all get better as you go. Hairs turning colors thats 100% normal dont trip. Last pic in line back there^^^^^^^^^ looks like one needed alittle water. But sweet looking plants dude. ++++++
What's wrong with those photo's? They look great to me! Buds are coming along nicely, love the colors! Too much sun? No sympathy here OMM, supposed to get a mix of rain, and snow tonight. Is the tallest one Joanne?

I'm starting to see some dis coloration on some of the small bud leaves, but all the other leaves look normal, hope I didn't over feed her.

Last shot is very tasty, see some sugar sprinkles starting to build up:ganjamon:

No, I didn't get much sleep after the neighbor incident, then had to work yesterday, was a challenge to stay awake.

Glad to hear your feeling better.

Brrrrrrrrrrrrr No snow thank you:grinjoint:!

No, That's Tad. She's a monster. She has grown taller, guess she likes her new home.:surf:

Got to come over and see her. Wanda acting up?:smokin:

Truthfully I'm still amazed at the whole flowering thing. Watching it change and grow right in front of my eyes. I sure am more aware of nature and how it all seems connected................ Good meds tonight.:grinjoint:

I didn't think you would get back to sleep. I wouldn't have:thedoubletake:

Thanks I am feeling better :ganjamon:
Glad to see the storm missed you - the OBX caught that big northeaster pretty good. Glad to see you are feeling better too.

Those plants look great to me! I'm sure they are happy growing in paradise.
OMM looks like your going to have you a nice little harvest there. Keep up the work dude they all get better as you go. Hairs turning colors thats 100% normal dont trip. Last pic in line back there^^^^^^^^^ looks like one needed alittle water. But sweet looking plants dude. ++++++

Hey Thanks Wood I fit all goes well, in little more than a month, I'll be one happy old Fart. Your right that's Tad. After all my over watering when I started I just wait until I'm very sure they need watering now.

Glad you had a good time at the concert. :cheer:
Glad to see the storm missed you - the OBX caught that big northeaster pretty good. Glad to see you are feeling better too.

Those plants look great to me! I'm sure they are happy growing in paradise.

Hi OBX:surf:
Weird, the storm was all around me, but somehow I got passed by. :grinjoint:
Thanks, I feel much better.

So it got you, glad you made it through.:cheer: Nasty Things!

Yep, the girls are loving it, they smell wonderfull.:ganjamon:
I took the guess work out of wondering about the need to water by accident. I pulled one of the bamboo skewers I was using for LST out, and noticed how the moisture saturated the bamboo. Now when it's close to watering I just stick one in, leave it for about ten minutes, then check it. If most of the stick is dry, and only the bottom couple inches are slightly damp, I water. Poor mans watering meter.

I don't know if she's acting up or just changing, but she is putting out weird skinny growth out the tops of the buds. Posted a question about it in the FAQ's. It's called 'Foxtailing'........what BWC Bay Area calls it.

Last year I said I wouldn't spend another winter here. So much for famous last words. Cold sucks.

Better idea, I'll pack Wanda's bag, and bring her over to see you LOL:ganjamon:
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