OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

Give me a while, and it'll come back to me.....I'm sure:rofl:

How's that cola cross weaving coming along? Get the girls more sun today? Where's the pictures? Are we there yet?

As far as Route 66, how's it feel to be part of history?

Was sooo nice not to have to lug Wanda to the sink this morning.

Make an offering to Pele, might help with the VOG:surf:
WOW what a differance since my last vist my friend..You have come a long way with them girls..I new you could doit... A++++++ you green thumb you...lol... Cheers

Hey moslowjj:welcome:
Good to see you. I was hoping that you were all right and not having to do any more treatments:grinjoint:
Thanks for the kind words.:surf:
Let's just say some of my fingers are stating to get green:ganjamon:
If you do go with wood on a road trip, have a green time. :peace:
Give me a while, and it'll come back to me.....I'm sure:rofl:

How's that cola cross weaving coming along? Get the girls more sun today? Where's the pictures? Are we there yet?

As far as Route 66, how's it feel to be part of history?

Was sooo nice not to have to lug Wanda to the sink this morning.

Make an offering to Pele, might help with the VOG:surf:

Hi OldSkoool Well if it doesn't come back to you, something else will pop up.:smokin:maybe.

Pictures coming up right now. Afraid you'll be disappointed at my attempt at cross weaving. Just couldn't bring myself to do it. :smokin:
I did some tying but nothing major. Better safe than sorry.:Rasta:

Pele was nice today. Absolutely beautiful day. Did manage to get the girls more sun.:grinjoint:

Man we are history:peace::peace::peace:

Pictures coming up. :ganjamon:
Hi All:welcome:
Some of you will probably be disappointed in me and my attempt at making my girls more durable in the great outdoors.

GMT1975A I know I have disappointed you. I tried it and it just didn't seem right. So I didn't do it. Maybe next grow. Please don't take what I'm about to say the wrong way. I think of you going to the Bud Tasting Competition is great and I hope you win.:grinjoint: But the 2.5 oz entry fee, would be what I am hoping to get from my grow in total. So we are not in the same ballpark as far as growing goes. Maybe some day. Weed is expensive here and there are no dispensaries to buy from. I hope you understand. :peace:

So here come the pictures:
This is Tad with her 6' plastic bamboo rod it place some tying done.

Another of Tad.

This Joanne.


Vicki again


Rose and Mary

Rose and Mary again.

Three Top Shots



Two Groups shots


The bamboo rods maybe over kill, but trade winds get to 30 or 40 mph sometimes.
Hope these girls reward me in the near future:ganjamon:
Comments and questions welcome as usual. Peace to all. :peace::peace:
No worries mate, if your not comfortable with weaving them, you must have reason for it. Besides, those support rods look substantial enough to do the job originally intended....right? It's all good.

As far as your photo's......DAMN! +++Reps! Night and day difference from the CFL days........who's envious now? ME

I can just see those support rods straining under the weight of BF trich covered colas on all your beautiful ladies... can I get an Amen?


Thank ya brother!
OldMedMan..not disappointed in any way bro. You have some gorgeous plants there, something to surely be proud of. As far as the bud competition, the average yield for the Medical 1024 is ~600 grams indoors. I try to push the averages up where I can. We will have 2 plants (Moby Dick & Power Kush) that average ~400 grams indoors, along with the Medical 1024. Michigan has no dispensaries either, but we have access to medical growers (caregivers) who always have a little spare :) . Keep going the way you are bro, you are doing a great job!
OldMedMan..not disappointed in any way bro. You have some gorgeous plants there, something to surely be proud of. As far as the bud competition, the average yield for the Medical 1024 is ~600 grams indoors. I try to push the averages up where I can. We will have 2 plants (Moby Dick & Power Kush) that average ~400 grams indoors, along with the Medical 1024. Michigan has no dispensaries either, but we have access to medical growers (caregivers) who always have a little spare :) . Keep going the way you are bro, you are doing a great job!

Hi and thank you for being understanding.. What a yield you are getting:goodjob:
I got up early today, for me anyway, and have the girls basking directly in the sun. They are loving it.;) Here is something I posted in mmj Hawaii forum yesterday.

Did you read the news lately? A few days ago down in Chinatown ( a really bad place at night and she was there at 1 am) they were going to bust this 65 year old woman for trying to score some weed? It was the only place that she knew to buy it. She's a legal mmj user and they didn't arrest her. The next day the Mayor ( I believe it was him ) said we should be ashamed of this. That an older woman had to do something like that just to refill a legal prescription. Said he was working on a new way to protect legal mmj users and their sources. Hope it happens.

When you get your ticket here, your on your own. There is no list of care givers at all. Hell, I'm a care giver and can grow for other people, but how can they find me? I'm not going to put and ad in the paper.:smokin:

As you know I love your Moby Dick it's so beautiful. Good luck and have a great time! :cheer:
I love your plants! YOU are going to be the one rewarded with lots of smoke brother!:goodjob:

Hey velodrone:grinjoint:
My only worry now is keeping them safe from thieves. That's one reason I usually stay up so late. :popcorn: My pack of lizards are doing a good job keeping the critters away. Just can't trust the Humans. :Rasta:
Thanks for taken a look.:clap:
I got it, why not just put a small metal lattice fencing around 'em, find yourself an old model T coil, run it through a 12 volt battery to the lattice.

Problem solved when you hear the thud:rofl:

Don't have one of man's best friends?

Bet the girls enjoyed the sun, have a great night! Dressing up for Halloween?

I'm going as an old guy.

....go yankee's!
I got it, why not just put a small metal lattice fencing around 'em, find yourself an old model T coil, run it through a 12 volt battery to the lattice.

Problem solved when you hear the thud:rofl:

Don't have one of man's best friends?

Bet the girls enjoyed the sun, have a great night! Dressing up for Halloween?

I'm going as an old guy.

Now to find a Model T:smokin:

I had a man's best friend named Teddy. Part Husky and Pit Bull. Didn't look like either, big old fuzzy thing. Gentle as could be. Did bark at strangers, but humped on all my friends. :grinjoint: I loved that old fart. Died couple years ago. Just didn't want another after him. Had a Cat that lived 18 years. Haven't replaced her either.

Don't have to dress up. Scare hell out of kids naturally. :Rasta:

Here's a picture I made for you.

Here's one of Joanne, girl's bustin out all over.

Go Kings! Hell being a Hockey fan in Hawaii.:popcorn:
Theres those pretty flowers Looking sweet old man

Thanks wood:grinjoint:
Yea, had to put them in with pictures with something to do with weed.
other wise they would have been censored. Hope you and JJ have good trip to the concert.:cheer:
good lookin plants OMM keep it up. i cant wait to see how they look in a month, especially Tad.
Looking GRE@T OMM!!!!! The girls look be@utiful with the "flowers in their h@ir." Their br@nches @re re@lly stocky too, definitely built to hold some weight!!! :popcorn: *Here comes the buds...doo in doo doo*
good lookin plants OMM keep it up. i cant wait to see how they look in a month, especially Tad.

Hi Bubby:grinjoint:
Yep, in bout a month if all goes well, I'll be really happy.:ganjamon:

Tad is amazing ;) Been thinking about cloning her or making a her a mother.
Joanne is going good too.

This is so much easier than those first few months. :peace:
Looking GRE@T OMM!!!!! The girls look be@utiful with the "flowers in their h@ir." Their br@nches @re re@lly stocky too, definitely built to hold some weight!!! :popcorn: *Here comes the buds...doo in doo doo*

Hey Bro:grinjoint:
Nature is really weird. If you get any sap on you from the stems of those flowers, it will make you deathly ill. Self protection at its best. Toxic.:thedoubletake:

Hope your right.:ganjamon:
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