OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

If you can keep them in the sun you'll need every bit of those 6er's.....damn I'm jealous.

My other aloha buddy says the dooldrums are back? Trades fall off?

No sun today
No trades today
but plenty of Vog
High high Humidity
What else can I say
Berm a Shave
(((((((((((((OMM))))))))))))))) :hug: I went back and viewed the lastest shot of the girls and THEY LOOK AWESOME! I just love Rose and Mary, the twins are my favorite cuz I remember their start and loved how you named them! All yer ex's look terrific tho. Starting to see some buds - YES!:yummy: Me too! It looks like yer ladies loved the bigger pots and the direct sunshine!

SUCH A GREAT JOB!!! No snitchin' any buds now - no matter how tempting! That's gonna be hard for me!!!!

Thanks Granny:thanks:
Guess you could say I love all my ex's:surf:
I know buds buds and buds:cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer:
Your right they do love the sun and the new pots.:ganjamon:

Seriously Granny I wish I could help you in the Happy exhausting job you've got ahead of you. I think half of 420 would help if they could. :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:
We all love ya Girl :peace:
OldMedMan, we had originally did LST on our Jamaicans. When they got larger, we had to do a reverse LST, by tying the branches back to each other for support. Might be a way you could try? Just take opposite branches and tie them together to provide support. We used long plastic coated wire ties which worked quite well. Just an idea.
OldMedMan, we had originally did LST on our Jamaicans. When they got larger, we had to do a reverse LST, by tying the branches back to each other for support. Might be a way you could try? Just take opposite branches and tie them together to provide support. We used long plastic coated wire ties which worked quite well. Just an idea.

WoW GMT1975A I never thought about that.:thanks:
In the morning I'll take a look and see what I can do.
I appreciate your experience.:peace:
Now those are some healthy looking girls. I see you have some sturdy looking stems, that will help keep them buds off the ground. Cool, looking forward to more bud porn pics in the near future.

Hi sisco;)
I'll post some more pics soon..
That part about buds on the ground, make me flinch.:grinjoint:
VOG back again? Pele must be pissed about sum'pin.

Plants so big you have to truss them up? We should all have those problems:amen:

Whoa! Almost 6am, the Diva will be waking up, I best see to her needs:adore:

Have a great Thursday!
look at it this way OMM..........

It's a good thing to have to be concerned about :grinjoint:

Your right about that:grinjoint:

You know you told me people aways want to do to much for they're plants and I'm finding that to be true. Everyday I want to water them, water them, water them. They haven't needed water since the transplant. Except the two in the smaller pots. I just know those big one's need water! Or something!
I'm positive they need something. urge urge :peace:
VOG back again? Pele must be pissed about sum'pin.

Plants so big you have to truss them up? We should all have those problems:amen:

Whoa! Almost 6am, the Diva will be waking up, I best see to her needs:adore:

Have a great Thursday!

Good Morning OldSkoool:peace:
Vog wasn't too bad today, hopefully the trades are back:smokin:
I think my plants look larger than they are in the pictures. I am in day 32 of flowering and I could have up to another 45-50 days to go, so I am going to listen to their advise and tie em up.:surf:

Your a slave to that girl;) and I don't blame you.:cheer:
Well good news on the Trades, your girls will enjoy the clean air as well.

Size of your plants, ummm, need to have something next to 'em to judge the scale...I got it, how about standing next to them, Joanne takes a pic of you with a Dick Cheney mask on? Lord, I must be really medicated to think of that.

You know I've been slav'in away on Wanda. I took Flurple's tip, and trimmed off all the small, undeveloped shaded buds under her branches. Makes since not wasting the plants energy on them.

Enjoy the sun, ugly thunderstorms here.
OldSkoool and Butcher Hello:smokin:

The Vog is back:smokin::smokin:
Since you were both asking about the weather. It's muggy and still at the moment. No trade winds. So the girls and I are soggy.:grinjoint:
You know Hawaii, wait 5 min and it will change. Maybe tomorrow.

Tied up Tad to a bamboo stake. I'll post pics tomorrow.
I think you can judge their size by looking at the screen door.

Yep, Butcher Vicky has surprised me to no end. She a beauty now.

OldSkoool Thought you might have caught my lame attempt at a Brem a Shave sign. Don't know it you remember em. This was before freeways.
They would put a few signs up in a row along the road with a few words on each sign which would end up being something silly followed by Brem a Shave. I'm probably spelling it wrong anyway.:smokin:

Thanks for lookin in guys :peace:
Yes I caught that, and suffered a senior moment when I completely spaced my smartass comment relating to the age of a person that could remember....

Does Your Husband......Misbehave........Grunt and Grumble.......Rant and Rave.......Shoot the Brute some.......Burma-Shave.

Starting in 1945, my dad packed us in the car for the drive from Torrance, CA. to St. Jo, MO. every summer to visit his, and my moms folks. I got to know US highway 66, and Burma-Shave signs intimately old buddy. Can you imagine today's driver having to drive 1,500 miles on a two lane asphalt road? Drinking from canvas water bags draped over hood ornaments?

I wish I could remember that first trip. Dad related to me later that he was driving across southern Colorado around 4am, and for a second, everything lit up like it was daylight. It was July 16, 1945, the flash was the first atomic bomb test.

Okay, done tripping down memory lane. I'll check back later to see the pic's of your trussed up ladies.

I'll be updating mine today as well.......soon as the Diva wakes up in a few hours.
Ooops, forgot, another senior moment.

Screen door? Guess ya didn't like my mask idea:cheesygrinsmiley:
Yes I caught that, and suffered a senior moment when I completely spaced my smartass comment relating to the age of a person that could remember....

Does Your Husband......Misbehave........Grunt and Grumble.......Rant and Rave.......Shoot the Brute some.......Burma-Shave.

Starting in 1945, my dad packed us in the car for the drive from Torrance, CA. to St. Jo, MO. every summer to visit his, and my moms folks. I got to know US highway 66, and Burma-Shave signs intimately old buddy. Can you imagine today's driver having to drive 1,500 miles on a two lane asphalt road? Drinking from canvas water bags draped over hood ornaments?

I wish I could remember that first trip. Dad related to me later that he was driving across southern Colorado around 4am, and for a second, everything lit up like it was daylight. It was July 16, 1945, the flash was the first atomic bomb test.

Okay, done tripping down memory lane. I'll check back later to see the pic's of your trussed up ladies.

I'll be updating mine today as well.......soon as the Diva wakes up in a few hours.

Those Senior Moments are killers. To bad I missed the smart ass remark.
You'll think of some thing sooner or later.:grinjoint:

Damn, that was a great visual story about Brema-Shave and route 66.:popcorn:

I did a little binding, but I will probably do some more. I went back and reread
what GMT1975A told me and I think I misunderstood what he meant. Guess I'll find out when looks in next time. I'm also going to try to be sneaky and try to get the girls more sun. :peace:
Those Senior Moments are killers. To bad I missed the smart ass remark.
You'll think of some thing sooner or later.:grinjoint:

Damn, that was a great visual story about Brema-Shave and route 66.:popcorn:

I did a little binding, but I will probably do some more. I went back and reread
what GMT1975A told me and I think I misunderstood what he meant. Guess I'll find out when looks in next time. I'm also going to try to be sneaky and try to get the girls more sun. :peace:

OldMedMan, cross tie the limbs that are opposite each other, so when viewed from the top, it resembles a wagon wheel spoke. That way, opposite limbs are tied together and supporting each other. Hope that clears it up some.
WOW what a differance since my last vist my friend..You have come a long way with them girls..I new you could doit... A++++++ you green thumb you...lol... Cheers
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