OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

Aloha honey to you too !!!! (((((BIG GRANDPA HUGS))))) Good to see you:welcome:

I hate to say this but no pictures for while. I took some a while ago. I had that Old Hawaiian sunrise looking through my plants and some other good shots, but when I tried to transfer them as I usually do it didn't work, either the usb cord is bad are my camera's having problems. Maybe I can borrow the camera I gave to Joanne couple years ago. He He

I think my girls will be behind for awhile they just started their 4th week in flower and the are not what I expected them to look like, of course, they've been through allot of stress. These girls are to finish in 5 to 7 weeks , I think it will be longer. That's fine by me.:grinjoint:

Next time I'll have knowledge to do a better job.:cheer:

One thing I will do is LST them like OldSkoool did. I really do believe that it will increase the yield. More bud sites.

On the other hand your way sounds good too. Your plants all are growing up and up. No matter what strain. maybe the height they are is keyed by how tall they are when you put them into flowering.. Interesting comparison.:grinjoint:

These girls have tree trunks for stems.:grinjoint: Ain't gonna bend these:rollit:.
Love to experiment too. Its all about finding your style, I think.

I still think one of the fun things about growing is the unexpected.:ganjamon:

See you soon:surf::surf::surf: Keep it up Granny :clap::clap::clap:
wow they blew up during flowering...how much longer do they have left to go? :rollit:

Hi Mate. The are in the middle of week four of flowering so I have about 5 or 7 weeks left. Maybe a bit more. :peace:
Aloha honey!!!! (((((BIG GRANNY HUGS))))) WOW!!! :clap: The ladies got a new home and a bigger pot! I bet they love both! They are gonna pack on the bud for you now!!! :slide::cheer: And I would love to see some closeups too!

I don't know that early LST keeps them short unless you do it like OldSkoool thru the flowering stage also. I grow mine in the veg stage to where they have filled out with 4-6 secondary growths that are at the same level of the main top - then I release them to grow to the height I want them for flowering. This fills them up so they are fuller on the top level (more top colas in the end *I hope*).

However, I think the height when sent to flower also makes a massive difference on how tall the plant will get (with the exception of if you LST as OldSkoool does during flowering too).

I say this cuz with SOME of the first group I sent to flower, I LST'd all strains and grew SOME of them to 12" tall before putting them to flower. They are now massively tall and these included both sativa AND indica varieties. The Blueberry and Medijuana are both indicas - but they have grown just as tall as the sativa dominent strains of White Widow and Thai Tanic. I feel like there is going to be a lot of wasted space at the lower area of these tall ladies. The indicas cuz it's empty space and the sativa dominent cuz there is so much undergrowth it can't get enough light.

Then there were SOME strains in the first group that I LST'd and sent to flower when they were 9" to 10" tall, these included the LD, one non-LST'd Medijuana, and a G13 Haze. The LST'd LD and G13 Haze have grown wide with the LST, full with top budsites, but not nearly as tall. I really prefer this, so the remaining strains I sent to flower this last week have all been 9" to 10" tall. These are full with future cola sights due to the LST, but are a much easier height to grow.

I was under the assumption that the LST would keep them short, and I think how OldSkool continues them with LST in flowering is extremely effective on keeping them short. But I'm experimenting to see if it doesn't have more to do with their height when put to flower. I guess I'll find out soon enough if my theories hold water.

I sure do want to drool over some closeup shots of yer buds? Pretty please? I bet they are saturated with trichs... is it snowing on the beach?:surf:

While LST restricts vertical height, I don't believe it it has an impact on the plants ability to achieve it's growth potential. Instead of growing vertical, the main stalk, and secondary branches continue to grow, but in low circular patterns around the pot (why I have to make constant adjustments to keep all the tops at the same height). Whether or not this has an effect on potency is yet to be determined by Ganny. But I do know that spreading the growth, allowing new buds that would otherwise never get the proper amount of light to fully mature if grown naturally, receive direct light using this method, and hopefully increases the yield.

Keep us posted on this Granny....ops, Gonja Goddess:ganjamon:

Where's those close ups OMM?

I noticed an upstairs neighbor had a view of Wanda in the sink being watered yesterday. Drama. You'll also notice I closed the blinds for the shot of her after I readjusted her LST tie downs.

Loose Lips Sink Ships.
hi OMM hope your new grow arrangements work out for you.
LST with a little selective supercropping can really load up the budsites for your next veg. And shorten the plants by the amount of sideways growth.
Good luck with your girls.
hi OMM hope your new grow arrangements work out for you.
LST with a little selective supercropping can really load up the budsites for your next veg. And shorten the plants by the amount of sideways growth.
Good luck with your girls.

Thanks for looking in and the advise.:welcome:
Next grow will be different for sure.
The girls are looking good. Trying to find a camera that works so I can post some pics. Bud sites are forming everywhere. I think Joanne is forming one hell of a cola.:surf: I hope. I hope. I hope. :peace:
Morn'in OMM! I'll be hoping Joanne grows that big fat cola! I just dropped to check for more updates. Hope all is well wit ya.
Morn'in OMM! I'll be hoping Joanne grows that big fat cola! I just dropped to check for more updates. Hope all is well wit ya.

Hey Good morning to you too :surf:
Yea, things are going good. Just had one hell of tropical shower. Real frog drown er.
I have decided not to bring em in at night anymore. The OldMedMan has his limits. He He. Got to listen to my own slogan down below. :peace:
Thanks Man:grinjoint:

Bob Marley and Ozzy O are right :cheer: Booze is poison.
When we bought this place the agent gave us a bottle of Champagne, its still in the refrigerator. 22 years ago.:ganjamon:
:nicethread:Been readin your thread man, nice plants. I dont drink any more, but seems like ya could get a good price for some 22 yr. old aged champagne,lol
Your reasoning for not wanting to move 'em back and forth is exactly why I'm changing my set up. No more killing my back lugging this heavy bi#@tch to the kitchen sink.

I built another light canopy for my friend that adopted the other plant, and his idea, suspend it (rope/pulley) over the plant that sits on top of a 5 gal bucket. I feel stupid for not thinking about this myself, so much more efficient. I added pics of it to the foam board thread. Now I'll be able to sit down while I do maintenance, and gaze.

I envy you, I'd love to grow Wanda in natural light, especially tropical sunlight. Have you noticed any difference in them since they've been in the sun?

Good to hear you have buds cropping up all over, makes ya feel good about all the time you've spent on them. Your efforts especially.

Enjoy your Sunday tending to their needs:peace:
Hey thanks sisco,
Roots hard as a cement block. Will try what you said. Have to go find some super thrive. thanks :grinjoint:
still readin bro-27 pages and I'm cheatin a little, read the beginning and end, now goin for the middle. Anyways, just wanted to say I have also cut roots as Doc described and worked well for me, although same as him, not on mj plants. But they are a lot heartier than some of the plants I grow, so you should be fine, they look great so far.:goodjob:
Sorry been awhile since I peeked in but wow what a change. Looking great dude. Didn't you have one under LED's? I wonder what the LED's think of getting full color spectrum now? I bet they are freaking. But gl with the varmits. I don't think you have to worry bout the lizards unless they are packing their own bong and lighters. They eat them other bugs and worms,ect. If they are to tall and stick out try digging a hole and bury the pots in. Close to X-mas time you can put little red balls on them and say they are tomatoes.JK but I use to do that for real when I was growing in my veggie garden. Looked good from a distance. GL and welcome to the worry garden. You'll be up every morning and stepping outside to breath a sigh of relief, a bigger sighs as the flowers get bigger. But what great looking x-mas trees you will have.
:nicethread:Been readin your thread man, nice plants. I dont drink any more, but seems like ya could get a good price for some 22 yr. old aged champagne,lol

You Know it Billy.
I think of it as an free investment:surf:
Your reasoning for not wanting to move 'em back and forth is exactly why I'm changing my set up. No more killing my back lugging this heavy bi#@tch to the kitchen sink.

I built another light canopy for my friend that adopted the other plant, and his idea, suspend it (rope/pulley) over the plant that sits on top of a 5 gal bucket. I feel stupid for not thinking about this myself, so much more efficient. I added pics of it to the foam board thread. Now I'll be able to sit down while I do maintenance, and gaze.

I envy you, I'd love to grow Wanda in natural light, especially tropical sunlight. Have you noticed any difference in them since they've been in the sun?

Good to hear you have buds cropping up all over, makes ya feel good about all the time you've spent on them. Your efforts especially.

Enjoy your Sunday tending to their needs:peace:

Hi OldSkoool:surf:
Yep, those 4 gal pots did me in. My body told me shut up and sit down. I did.:yummy:
I've been looking at what you've done and it looks great. Don't feel stupid, you just hadn't thought about it yet.:grinjoint:
About to post some really bad pictures. Got to find another camera.

So far it's been soggy in this wonderful climate. Few tropical hard ass down pours. Mixed with spots of sunlight. Even that bit of sunlight got them to turn their pretty necks in that direction.:Rasta:
still readin bro-27 pages and I'm cheatin a little, read the beginning and end, now goin for the middle. Anyways, just wanted to say I have also cut roots as Doc described and worked well for me, although same as him, not on mj plants. But they are a lot heartier than some of the plants I grow, so you should be fine, they look great so far.:goodjob:

It worked just fine. Almost like they didn't notice.:grinjoint:
your power issue , try staggering your on times so there isnt a sudden draw of power , you can also open the outlet and see if you might have a second circuit in there alot of the time there will be , make a pig tail and break the gold tab on your plug then it is 2 circuits they can share there white or common wire

Hey thanks for the advise.:grinjoint:
Saw my drunken electrician and he's coming by.
Since they are outside now, no problems, except hoping they are still there every morning. :surf::surf::surf:
Sorry been awhile since I peeked in but wow what a change. Looking great dude. Didn't you have one under LED's? I wonder what the LED's think of getting full color spectrum now? I bet they are freaking. But gl with the varmits. I don't think you have to worry bout the lizards unless they are packing their own bong and lighters. They eat them other bugs and worms,ect. If they are to tall and stick out try digging a hole and bury the pots in. Close to X-mas time you can put little red balls on them and say they are tomatoes.JK but I use to do that for real when I was growing in my veggie garden. Looked good from a distance. GL and welcome to the worry garden. You'll be up every morning and stepping outside to breath a sigh of relief, a bigger sighs as the flowers get bigger. But what great looking x-mas trees you will have.

Good to see you Wood
Yep, the LED is jealous now. I think the real varmits will be humans and I'm on the look out. Two black lizards have adopted the girls and are laying in wait for critters. I looked up lizards to see what they are called. You wouldn't believe how many different lizards there are. I quit looking. ;)
I'm in that worry garden already.:grinjoint:
Just as you say, big sigh of relief every morning;).
Hope these Xmas trees leave me allot of presents :clap::clap::clap:
First let me apologize in advance of these pictures I am about to post. Really shit borrowed camera.:thedoubletake:
Well, here they in all their ugly glory. Not the plants, but the pictures.
I tired to get the sunrise from my girls point of view. Camera over did the sky.






Well so much for terrible pictures.
Maybe tomorrow I'll have a better camera :grinjoint:
Lordy, looka those big beauties basking under Hawaiian skies!

Have any large Samoan buddy's willing to stand guard? If not, you might want to arm the lizards LOL.

Try not to worry about 'em, I'm sure they'll be just fine.

Those tops look very tasty, bad camera or not. Bet they smell delicious:yummy:
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