OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

Crap, re read your comment, didn't notice the ......'I did'....past tense.

Never mind, you probably knew it anyway.
Probably don't want to mist those ladies now that their in flower, from all that I've read, misting a flowering plant will induce mold, and your humidity is high enough already. During vegging, mist all you want. Just let 'em dry out, misting them once shouldn't do any harm my friend:peace:

Figured I'd throw in my clones when I update my journal with Wanda's 9th week photo today. Also have an experiment in the works, small bud I cutoff for a look see at the trich's through the microscope.

Man you got to leave Wanda alone.:smokin:
DAMN!! the girls are filling out nicely. LOL..I love the pict where rose and mary are fightin for space. Are they in the same pot?And if they are what size pot are they in?

Hey Buddy,
Yes, Rose and Mary are in the same 8" pot. I was stoned when I germ'd them and accidentally dropped in two seeds. Didn't notice until they had sprouted.
I figured the roots were in a big fight in there and I would probably kill them if I tired separating them. They do fight for light.:ganjamon:
wow...your plants look real healthy..they have this lush look about them. good job medman

Hey Thanks:welcome:
Here's hopping we both bring good harvests at the end.
Sure would help to keep our money in our billfolds, what little we have.:ganjamon:
Gotta love those big, fat Indica leaves OMM. Looking sooo tasty! Think you were medicated when you planted em? Just wait till you medicate yourself on these babies after you harvest em:slide:

Rose, and Mary from the same strain? Just curious, if not, might be some new wacko weed of your own creation! Some of my best design ideas came to me under the influence, perhaps it wasn't the meds, but divine guidance that lead you to drop the two seeds. Never know:grinjoint:

Top growth still causing issues? You also mentioned putting them out at night, do you put them out in sunlight during the day? Your right about disappearing, I had 3 plants disappear years ago off my back porch. I was pissed beyond words.

Thanks for dropping in on my journal, I just now updated with the clones (finally).

Have a great hula day.
Gotta love those big, fat Indica leaves OMM. Looking sooo tasty! Think you were medicated when you planted em? Just wait till you medicate yourself on these babies after you harvest em:slide:

Rose, and Mary from the same strain? Just curious, if not, might be some new wacko weed of your own creation! Some of my best design ideas came to me under the influence, perhaps it wasn't the meds, but divine guidance that lead you to drop the two seeds. Never know:grinjoint:

Top growth still causing issues? You also mentioned putting them out at night, do you put them out in sunlight during the day? Your right about disappearing, I had 3 plants disappear years ago off my back porch. I was pissed beyond words.

Thanks for dropping in on my journal, I just now updated with the clones (finally).

Have a great hula day.

Hi My Friend:grinjoint:
Those pics came from early in my grow. Sure looked beautiful then.:slide::slide:

Like you I would be so pissed if someone grabbed my plants.:thedoubletake:

Yes, Rose and Mary are luckily are the same strain.:popcorn:

Yep, the plants in both boxes have used all the space now.
Change number 1 zillion and 1 coming soon. They will not go unpunished for growing so large. He He They have been asleep for the last 24 hours and they realize things are going to change. :ganjamon:

I'll be by to see those clones.:peace:
hey brother,
just stopped by to say high, the girls are looking good, i want you to know that i mist my girls EVERYDAY during FLOWERING hell i get them so wet the branches hang sideways and i have always done so without mold or other problems just make sure they are dry before you put them back under the lights blow a fan across them.just my opinion and i know we all have our own one of those keep up the great work !!!!!!!!
oh and about the outside thingy my buddy lost 19 plants from a outdoor grow lastweek fricking sucks....so be careful
hey brother,
just stopped by to say high, the girls are looking good, i want you to know that i mist my girls EVERYDAY during FLOWERING hell i get them so wet the branches hang sideways and i have always done so without mold or other problems just make sure they are dry before you put them back under the lights blow a fan across them.just my opinion and i know we all have our own one of those keep up the great work !!!!!!!!
oh and about the outside thingy my buddy lost 19 plants from a outdoor grow lastweek fricking sucks....so be careful

Hey Thanks Man:grinjoint:
I think that's one of the things I love about 420. We all do grows so differently and our grows seem to always to succeed in spite of us.:cheer:

Yes, if we do an outdoor grow we know going in its a gamble. We have actually thought about planting 10 fem'd spouts and just leave them and come back when they should be done and see if we find any thing.
If its gone we lost the seed money. If they are there we chop them down quick and laugh all the way home. Anyway it's a nice fantasy.:ganjamon:
hey brother,
just stopped by to say high, the girls are looking good, i want you to know that i mist my girls EVERYDAY during FLOWERING hell i get them so wet the branches hang sideways and i have always done so without mold or other problems just make sure they are dry before you put them back under the lights blow a fan across them.just my opinion and i know we all have our own one of those keep up the great work !!!!!!!!
oh and about the outside thingy my buddy lost 19 plants from a outdoor grow lastweek fricking sucks....so be careful

damn...19 plants? too bad can't call the police cuz that definitely deserves an investigation.

Hey Thanks Man:grinjoint:
I think that's one of the things I love about 420. We all do grows so differently and our grows seem to always to succeed in spite of us.:cheer:

Yes, if we do an outdoor grow we know going in its a gamble. We have actually thought about planting 10 fem'd spouts and just leave them and come back when they should be done and see if we find any thing.
If its gone we lost the seed money. If they are there we chop them down quick and laugh all the way home. Anyway it's a nice fantasy.:ganjamon:

Make some seeds and you won't even be out the seed money ;).
Make some seeds and you won't even be out the seed money ;).

Hi Sun :grinjoint:
Thanks for looking in.
Haven't run across any males yet. Friend has some seeds Bubblelicious and Papaya that are mixed so, I'm pretty sure I'll get my hands on one sooner or later. I will try to find a good looking healthy one to make seeds with.
Would love to cross one with my big Indica Joanne. I have one more fem'd seed from that strain. First I want to smoke a little of it before I go pollinate anything. :slide::slide:

I would use your method of pollination that was detailed in your journal. That explanation was great. :cheer:

Check back in a few days. I have been forced to come up with a different growing scheme. The girls have totally out grown their boxes. It has been crazy that I actually wanted them to quit growing. Sound like cross purposes to me. :peace:
Just dropping in to say high, checking up on how your girls are doing. Up late last night building another light canopy, putting the finishing touches on it now.
Scored some KB this morning, 'spensive, but worth every penny:ganjamon:
Hi Sun :grinjoint:
Thanks for looking in.
Haven't run across any males yet. Friend has some seeds Bubblelicious and Papaya that are mixed so, I'm pretty sure I'll get my hands on one sooner or later. I will try to find a good looking healthy one to make seeds with.
Would love to cross one with my big Indica Joanne. I have one more fem'd seed from that strain. First I want to smoke a little of it before I go pollinate anything. :slide::slide:

I would use your method of pollination that was detailed in your journal. That explanation was great. :cheer:

Check back in a few days. I have been forced to come up with a different growing scheme. The girls have totally out grown their boxes. It has been crazy that I actually wanted them to quit growing. Sound like cross purposes to me. :peace:

lol.thats a good problem to have if you have the extra space..
Well, here's the new set up. On my back porch. I don't like it, but it was the logical answer. Believe it or not I will bring them at night to a dark room with fresh air and two fans. Guess I'll find out if my neighbors trustworthy or not.

As you can see I've changed things a bit. Figured if I was to let real sunlight shine on them I should get as much from them as I could. So I replanted 3 of them.

Left to right. Vicky is in an 8" pot now.
Rose and Mary are in a 3 gallon pot.
Joanne got a 3 gallon pot also.
Tad is the same 8' pot, no change.

I had them in the dark for 36 hours since I was going to change they're 12/12 to 6am to 6pm.
It's bit hard to watch them this way, but I hope to make sure the sun doesn't burn hell out of them. This first day. They will get about 6 hours of direct sun and 6 hours of indirect sun. Here's hoping they survive.

These plants are strange Tad grew to be the tallest while in darkness,

To give credit when it's due. I want to thank the following folks who each had a part in my transplant technique.
Doc Bud
When I had each root mass in my hand I cut 5 vertical slits. Then replanted them into larger pots. This is what they all recommended and who am I to not follow their experience:thanks:.
For all the transplants I watered them with B-1 in the recommend dosage per gallon of RO water. The other I watered with RO water only.

Since I used the same soil FF Ocean Forest. I don't think any of them but Tad will need any nutes for a while.
Feeling a bit anxious about the back porch thing:thedoubletake:
Guess that's normal.:popcorn:
Any comments advise always welcome friends.
A new start:ganjamon:again:ganjamon:
do the old string the cans together, filled with pebbles and hang em about a foot off the ground, then when someone comes a looking at least you'll have a chance to catch em !!!!!!!! :popcorn:

second thought get a baby monitor they are cheap and watch from inside hell do both then when you hear the cans just look at monitor and know who gotcha !!!!!

yeah i might be a lil high right now but hey its how i get creative lol :bong: :roorrip: :grinjoint: :cool: :ganjamon: :rollit:
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