OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

I yes I've heard really good comments on bushmaster and how it does make short fat fanny's out of your plants. :smokin::smokin:
My Cab is 19.5" x 21.5' x 58". About 7.5 sq ft. We think along the same lines, instead of reg 2x2 wire I might just use a small DIY wood frame. Yea I love 420 and all the smart but really fine people here. Its part of a new side of life
for me. A happy one.:ganjamon:

I don't know how many nodes your strains tend to throw but 1 or 2 might work just great in that area. I just tied twine to form the grid, wanted to keep the shadows down. Just make it easy to adjust, at first you won't know how high the screen should be. Once you've had your favorite strains in there for a grow you'll have some idea.
Lots of help here for sure. I find I'm feeling a little more "up" since taking up this hobby and finding 420.:Rasta:
Parish the thought OMM! Now that really would be a Greek tragedy.

The thing about bondage training (chuckle) is starting early on, which I quite sure your aware of. I like it because I like fiddling with Wanda (no smart remarks now:smokin:), adjusting her little tie downs, keeping her budding buds at the same height 50 times a day. Jesting of course, but people are beginning to talk.

You should save Joanne after you harvest, cure that wood and build a new grow shed outa her.

That's awful "Parish the thought". :grinjoint:

Yeah I was going to talk to you about you and Wanda. What's to say? Your starting to get other people involved. That girl is nothing but trouble for you.:smokin:
Just pretend you don't notice her. And if you do get any more involved don't tell us.:ganjamon:
We might even have another Greek Tragedy. :peace:
Gre@t Job OldMedM@n!!! :clap: The girls @re looking re@lly bushy, he@lthy, @nd gorgeous. It's @m@zing how long Vicky h@s come from her weird little stubby le@ved, seedling ph@ze!! I c@n't w@it to w@tch them fill out!!!
I don't know how many nodes your strains tend to throw but 1 or 2 might work just great in that area. I just tied twine to form the grid, wanted to keep the shadows down. Just make it easy to adjust, at first you won't know how high the screen should be. Once you've had your favorite strains in there for a grow you'll have some idea.
Lots of help here for sure. I find I'm feeling a little more "up" since taking up this hobby and finding 420.:Rasta:

I like couchlock so just about any Indica would do. If I find the Blackjack good (Joanne, Tad, and Vicky) I might just stay with it, however I am open to many other Indica dominate .:peace:
Gre@t Job OldMedM@n!!! :clap: The girls @re looking re@lly bushy, he@lthy, @nd gorgeous. It's @m@zing how long Vicky h@s come from her weird little stubby le@ved, seedling ph@ze!! I c@n't w@it to w@tch them fill out!!!

Hey AmGrowR good to see you. Yeah Vicky is doing fine, she is so green.:yummy:
They all smell to high heaven, hummm good.:surf:
By the way how's that fish smelling, you've been holding it for a while now?:ganjamon:
Hey AmGrowR good to see you. Yeah Vicky is doing fine, she is so green.:yummy:
They all smell to high heaven, hummm good.:surf:
By the way how's that fish smelling, you've been holding it for a while now?:ganjamon:

LOL!! Y@ nothing smells better, IMO, th@n @ nice fresh b@ss!! I love the smell of fish. In @ll @ctu@llity, I only held her for 'bout 2 min., took @ pic, @nd rele@sed her to hopefully be c@ught @g@in @nd m@ke someone else's d@y sometime. My f@ther instilled c@tch & rele@se in me @t @ very young @ge @nd I th@nk him for th@t. @lso, I w@s just thinking @bout breeding @ str@in to smell @nd t@ste like fish. B@ss Gr@ss!! I'd smoke th@t s**t @lld@y!!! LOL
TIMEOUT:..... oldskool when did mob barley ever say "dont worry, be happy"?..........

Kudo's to Odorous, busted the OldSkoool big time. Obviously, I, like soooo many others (feeble excuse), was under the impression Bob Marley 'cut that wax'. But thanks to the breadth, and width of the internet lying beneath my boney old finger tips, I discovered that I too was duped by false information. Seems as if Bobby McFerrin cut that kumbaya message back in '88. What I get for believing that mis informed contributor to Limewire.

OMM, don't ya just love that stink? Love it myself, but my son may have a different opinion. He's do home on leave before I harvest, looks like I'll have to make that scrubber, otherwise he'll go back to his ship smelling like an Amsterdam MJ bar.

I'll second that how tall question. Joanne looks like a friggin Redwood.
TIMEOUT:..... oldskool when did mob barley ever say "dont worry, be happy"?..........

Kudo's to Odorous, busted the OldSkoool big time. Obviously, I, like soooo many others (feeble excuse), was under the impression Bob Marley 'cut that wax'. But thanks to the breadth, and width of the internet lying beneath my boney old finger tips, I discovered that I too was duped by false information. Seems as if Bobby McFerrin cut that kumbaya message back in '88. What I get for believing that mis informed contributor to Limewire.

OMM, don't ya just love that stink? Love it myself, but my son may have a different opinion. He's do home on leave before I harvest, looks like I'll have to make that scrubber, otherwise he'll go back to his ship smelling like an Amsterdam MJ bar.

I'll second that how tall question. Joanne looks like a friggin Redwood.

Damn! Can't get away with anything round here:smokin:
Bob Marley sounded good to me too. Got to get some reinforced synapses going in the memory banks. My main music banks seem to be stuck from about 1967 to 1984. :grinjoint:
Damn Again! Hope he doesn't smoke, otherwise he's going to need flushing before goes back.:smokin:
Just measured Joanne, she looks taller than she is, must be that big ass stalk:cheer: She's 34" from the soil up. Had to raise the light up again, I thought she had stopped. One or two more raises and I will have do something else with the lights. The two girls in the small box jump in the last two days. I think I'm repeating myself. Got to do something different with lights.:grinjoint:

The smell? What smell? The real Joanne doesn't bitch about me smoking down here anymore, the whole house smells like it.:cheer:
Yup, no slack at all.......I tell ya, I get no respect. Gawd I miss Rodney.

He's smoked, but he's a pretty straight and narrow kid, especially when it come to his career in the Navy. He's currently finishing up his college on the Navy's dime, wants to follow his shirt tail relative and fly F-18's. He made FC2 in two years, so I have no doubts he'll make it.

They keep growing like that and you may have to raise the roof of your house:Rasta:

Time to update my journal, forgot to add my clone records.....surprised I haven't killed them yet.
Hi All:welcome:
This is day1 of the 6th week.

Tad is about 8" now.

Rose and Mary continue to fight for space.

Little Vicky is 2 weeks younger than the others, but is catching up fast.

Joanne is 9" tall now. I think Ill just let her lean a little. Self LST.;)
All of them are so bushy you can't see all the happenings under there.
When they reach 10" I'll put them in 12/12 and we'll see what happens.:ganjamon: :peace:

are your lights too close? it seems like you have a heat stress problem by the looks of your leaves. thats why they are curling up like that. raise the light, and occassionally mist them with a spray bottle, lightly
Here's some pics at the end of week 6. The yellow is from the lights.

Here's Joanne. She grew like crazy in the 24 hours of darkness.


Vicky she is catching the others.

Top view of Rose and Mary.

Another of Rose and Mary top views are all I get of them now.

Another of Tad. She is booming.
Just realized I left out Joanne. She's growing like crazy too. Joanne's there after all too my too stoned I guess.
Hopefully I'll have bud porn soon. Thanks everyone for the help and comments. I sure love doing this. :ganjamon:

you've got some terrible heat stress going on, raise your lights immediately and maybe mist your plants with water. the leaves are all curled up from heat stress. trying to help
Yup, no slack at all.......I tell ya, I get no respect. Gawd I miss Rodney.

He's smoked, but he's a pretty straight and narrow kid, especially when it come to his career in the Navy. He's currently finishing up his college on the Navy's dime, wants to follow his shirt tail relative and fly F-18's. He made FC2 in two years, so I have no doubts he'll make it.

They keep growing like that and you may have to raise the roof of your house:Rasta:

Time to update my journal, forgot to add my clone records.....surprised I haven't killed them yet.

I know your proud of that young man. Glad he's got his eyes squarely on his goals.:grinjoint:
Damn, now I know why some of houses here are up on stilts here - had to raise their roofs.:grinjoint:
Good luck with the clones. :peace:
Hi gnome grown;)

I know your just trying help and I sincerely thank you.
I've done allot of dumb things in this grow. Starting the grow was the first.
Just had to get my hands dirty and try it anyway. These plants should have been dead long ago and they really are struggling really bad now. Amazing Plants. Starting in a room with no ventilation in or out. Dumb. Air conditioner blows air in, but with no exit. Dumb. Thought short plants would be OK Dumb. Putting 4 plants in one small box. Dumb. Temp in boxes are always 70 to 95. Dumb. Humidity always over 60 up to 85. Dumb. Over watered them at first. Dumb. Now I seem to not water them enough. Dumb. You get the idea.

I watered them yesterday and today when I opened the door, Vicky was actually bent over from the top. Watered her and within 20 minutes had straightened up. It has been and will be a challenge just to keep them alive.
I just started the 4th week of flowering with about 7 weeks left. Truthfully if I yield anything I will be surprised and very happy. I have found the real pleasure of this grow has been keeping a journal. I have made so many good friends and have met such a variety people here its totally worth it.

Want to put them all outside, however I think they would disappear the first night.
I did spray them with water twice today like you suggested and we'll see what happens.:smokin:
Hey old med thats the only way to learn ...By doin it. You can read and read but until you get your hands dirty(like u said) nothin will grow.. You will get some good bud from them in the end.. Just the torture you have done to them will make them spooge some potent trics.. Keep the faith bro and you will be growwin em like palm trees in no time...lol only buds instead of coconuts......
Hey old med thats the only way to learn ...By doin it. You can read and read but until you get your hands dirty(like u said) nothin will grow.. You will get some good bud from them in the end.. Just the torture you have done to them will make them spooge some potent trics.. Keep the faith bro and you will be growwin em like palm trees in no time...lol only buds instead of coconuts......

Hey thanks moslowjj:grinjoint:
I needed that. Guess you could say I'm a bit bullheaded just for tryin this at all. The real pay off for me is people like you that I've become friends with here on 420.:ganjamon:
Probably don't want to mist those ladies now that their in flower, from all that I've read, misting a flowering plant will induce mold, and your humidity is high enough already. During vegging, mist all you want. Just let 'em dry out, misting them once shouldn't do any harm my friend:peace:

Figured I'd throw in my clones when I update my journal with Wanda's 9th week photo today. Also have an experiment in the works, small bud I cutoff for a look see at the trich's through the microscope.
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