OldMedMan's 2nd Grow 5 Strains and AirPots

Couldn't have said it better myself :smokin:

With those winds I am kind of surprised you had bud rot OMM...then again as big, dense, and moist as those nugs look it makes some sense. I got to see what bud rot looks like yesterday after pulling out a nug I had curing but had forgotten to "burp" the container often enough. I think it was bud rot...white, fuzzy mold.

Anyway, I was hungry before I saw those pics...now I just want a big bowl of Weedies! Awesome haul dude, it definitely exudes a tropical glow :cheer::bravo:

Hey Thanks Lil N:)

Surprised me too!!!! I think it had something to do with the strain.....no resistance naturally to rot. Chopped the Kandy Kush today...no rot!
I was really surprised by the rot.....to much wind here for that, like you said.
Life's mysteries.:slide:
I'll post some pix of the harvest and the rot in a few minutes.
Sorry, but what you have is mold....plain old mold.:smokin:

Think I'll join you with a bowl of Weedies:cheer:
Those buds "look" dense lol if thats possible...
Very nice haul on that plant wish I could smell them.

Love the keyboard too but it might be counter productive to use while stoned.

Thanks Stealthy1:)
They are dense, so it's possible. You can smell it alright. I have two big brown bags of buds drying and three jars burping. Jo wont even open the door!

I know what you mean about the keyboard "Look at those pretty Lights" :)

Everyone should take a look at your new journal.....you lucky guy! Folks, this man just won 30 seeds! Oh! and a T-Shirt!!!!!:cheer:
Wow OMM! Those are some VERY pretty nugs - love the color and shape...

Very sorry to hear about the bud rot - kind of like finding a turd in your bed... I've lost several colas to the rot in the past when growing outside near a stream, some looked perfect outside but had the grey dust everywhere once you pulled them apart.

Anyway, looks like you won't be hurting for good smoke for a long time! :cheer:
I'd love to smoke some of your Blackjack with you OMM. I can understand how you might get into the flow of the game more than the actual game play, lol.

I've only seen pics that looked like a dry crumbled part of the bud, light brown, probably a different stage of the same issue?
Yeah, it might be less than perfect but far from disastrous, still a beautiful load of great bud. You should be proud of the finished product, you're doing a great job and the minor loss isn't due to anything you did to the plants.

I'll keep an eye out for an AC unit that doesn't require a drain and handles dehumidifying duties as well.

Hi Mmmmick!:grinjoint: Yea, the game was good, I think!:grinjoint:
Don't know what's with me tonight, just happy as can be and not even stoned. Well, let's face it, this has been a great week for me and more to come.:)

I'll be posting some pictures of the rot in a few minutes and your right its partly light brown too. Ugly stuff!

I was just thinking of the comments you made about the AC. A few years ago if an AC worked we were happy! New fangled damn things! :cheer:
ok, question here...
what is silicon? (sand like) and why and what all is it good for? never heard of it (regarding plants):cheer: except the last couple of mo...thank you....lavendar

Hi Lavendar:)
Here is the blurb from the manufacturer's page.

Silica Blast is a beneficial nutrient supplement to be used in conjunction with Botanicare nutrients or your preferred standard nutrient program. It strengthens your plants stems and stabilizes the pH in recirculating hydrogardens. Silica Blast is ideal for use in container gardening or soilless hydrogardening applications. Silica Blast helps strengthen plant tissue allowing plants to flourish in adverse environmental conditions such as heat, drought, and frost

I should have used more than I did, it may have prevented the bud rot. We live and learn. Hope this helps as to what it does for you. :peace:
Wow OMM! Those are some VERY pretty nugs - love the color and shape...

Very sorry to hear about the bud rot - kind of like finding a turd in your bed... I've lost several colas to the rot in the past when growing outside near a stream, some looked perfect outside but had the grey dust everywhere once you pulled them apart.

Anyway, looks like you won't be hurting for good smoke for a long time! :cheer:

Hey OBX Good to see you Buddy!:cheer:
Thanks for the nice comments my friend.:)

Yep, couldn't see it at all, damn rot! At least it didn't get the whole plant!
I'm still laughing about the turd in your bed.:rofl::rofl:

What you up to lately? Know your up to something.:grinjoint:
What you up to lately? Know your up to something.:grinjoint:

You know me well Old Med Man... :cheesygrinsmiley:

I'm actually working on a hempy grow - just posted a pic over on the idiot's guide to hempy.

I had to set up at a buddy's house since I can't grow where I live anymore :smokin:

Hope I get something anywhere near as nice as your nugs!
Hi Everyone

Well, here is some pictures of the bud rot I had. They are not too good as I had to dig them out of the garbage can outside. I never wanted to see them again.:smokin:

From the outside you couldn't see it at all. These are from the cola I tore apart. I couldn't find the pieces that were totally black.
I should have documented it when I found it, but I just didn't want to see any more of it. I was actually lucky that this was the only bud that had it.





Sorry for the picture quality.....didn't use my tripod.

I hope this is the only time you will ever see it!:smokin::smokin:

I wasn't upset over the loss of a cola. I was upset that I had it all. If that makes sense.:grinjoint:
Sorry to hear about that OMM..

At least you nipped it in the bud now and it did not spread through out the entire plant. Well I hope not...

Best of luck to ya my friend..
Day 68 of Bloom

The Harvest of Kandy Kush

The standard table shot of the buds:)


Bowl 1:)

Bowl 2:)

Couldn't really see the number, so a close up. Removed one stem and it dropped a gram.:):smokin:

Total wet weight 480 grams.:)

The buds were tight again, but didn't have the weight of the others I harvested.
I think because she had allot of sativa in her. But Hey, I'm not complaining.:)

The only thing I am complaining about is my hand is about to fall off.:ganjamon:
Sorry to hear about that OMM..

At least you nipped it in the bud now and it did not spread through out the entire plant. Well I hope not...

Best of luck to ya my friend..

Hey L-1 Good to see you!:cheer:
Yep, just the one bud.....very lucky! :grinjoint:
Thanks for looking in!
You know me well Old Med Man... :cheesygrinsmiley:

I'm actually working on a hempy grow - just posted a pic over on the idiot's guide to hempy.

I had to set up at a buddy's house since I can't grow where I live anymore :smokin:

Hope I get something anywhere near as nice as your nugs!

Yep, I just knew it:grinjoint: Glad you had the friend to let you grow at his place. I'll jump over and take a look. With that inventive mind you have, I just knew you were up to something somewhere. How's the thing with the house going? Sure glad to see you Buddy!:cheer:
Wonderful 3rd harvest!
So about 500 grams for plant?

Better make that around 400 wet grams so far per plant. Will be harvesting your girl, the Strawberry Haze very soon. :)
Another great job OMM, the Kandy Kush is a good addition to that huge stash you are building. Very nice tabletop.

You are doing a great trim job on those buds. They look very well manicured.

The pics of the rot are pretty much what I expected to see. Hope I never see it in person. Good to hear there is none in the KK. :thumb:
Another great job OMM, the Kandy Kush is a good addition to that huge stash you are building. Very nice tabletop.

You are doing a great trim job on those buds. They look very well manicured.

The pics of the rot are pretty much what I expected to see. Hope I never see it in person. Good to hear there is none in the KK. :thumb:

Hi Mmmmick!:) Man, this what I've dreamed of frankly. Me of little faith, still trying to get my head around this whole thing to be honest.

Thanks for the compliment on the trim. To me this one was kind of ragged. My hand was killing me and I just wanted to get it done. I didn't even think of saving the popcorn buds, straight into my bag of trim for trying to make some cannabutter soon.

I took a very small piece of the Lemon Skunk and dried it on the cable box. I am still trying to decide if I want to take another hit. One seems to be enough. Real couchlock! :bravo:

I may finally get to be a provider for someone soon. A real cool old gal at the local hardware store (she's married damn it!) was telling me about an older man that can't find any mmj anywhere. His wife is looking too, so I told her to have them call me. He has a bad case of cancer and is in constant pain.
I'll talk to them first. He may dieing and if that's the case, I'll just give him some. If not then I'll talk to him about being his provider. We will see. :reading420magazine:
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