OldMedMan's 2nd Grow 5 Strains and AirPots

Oh! No! Lavendar:smokin::smokin::smokin:
You've got to go back and read the newsletter at the top left of the opening page!!!! I should have been more clear! BeJesus! Wait till you see that one!
At least it doesn't start until the 7th!!! Well, at least you got some you wanted!
So Sorry, I wasn't clear! :smokin:

I don't put them in a bag! I just put them in a closet I made light proof.
Smoke monster must have mislead you.:)

oh nooooo you dont....i wont go back there, and i cant even think about it...lol....but if its around the 7th, thats a maybe....well, i shouldn't, but what the heck....lol...now you know why i'm not allowed around a car lot...he's serious about that....will not even let me drive in the city...esp. around a car lot....not allowed in the atv area either....ok, i blew it....but...i had no excuse really at all....j/k....thank you for the word up, i'll have to go read the blurb...usually dont bother, just go to see what they have....i was real glad to get these seed tho...now i can take them off my list....lavendar:cheer:
oh nooooo you dont....i wont go back there, and i cant even think about it...lol....but if its around the 7th, thats a maybe....well, i shouldn't, but what the heck....lol...now you know why i'm not allowed around a car lot...he's serious about that....will not even let me drive in the city...esp. around a car lot....not allowed in the atv area either....ok, i blew it....but...i had no excuse really at all....j/k....thank you for the word up, i'll have to go read the blurb...usually dont bother, just go to see what they have....i was real glad to get these seed tho...now i can take them off my list....lavendar:cheer:

OooooooH yes I do! We are suckers for seeds!:cheer:

I sold cars when I lived in Sacramento, so I finally got sick of em. I drove some fine demos thou. I love it, Hubby won't let you drive in the city. Sounds like a smart guy! :)

A last tease.....there maybe some there that you haven't grown! :grinjoint:

I'm starting to feel like that little devil that sits on your shoulder. :rofl::rofl:
Hi Mmmmick Yep, shook them a little much, however, they were sticking together. I tried to separate them by hand at first, but then they suck to me.:yahoo:

Speaking of the GWS she is in the dark for then next two days, she's ready.
KK and Strawberry are not there yet, but getting there. :yummy:

I hope the poly bags work for you. Norcaliwood is trying them too. So far he really likes them. :grinjoint: Plenty of air. Man I hear you on the budget Buddy.

The Gravity recommended using molasses with it. Somehow they seem to work together.

I'm burping them 4 times a day for a while, then I'll cut it down as they cure, I don't want to screw these buds up now.:yahoo:

heheh If they're that sticky there's not much coming off them anyway.
GWS is sporting some nice tops, looks interesting in a sticky kinda way.
I have to check out Norcali's thread and see if I can pick up any pointers. Maybe thats where I saw them, was a while back and they weren't in use but discussed.

I know you've got the cure down, once I start to post I spout basics half the time. It's an affliction, lol, not meant to reflect where i think your experience/knowledge level is. Probably irritating to some folks, lol.
I Know......I know......I'm still kind of in shock! :ganjamon:

No, I didn't expect this at all....just hoped for a good grow!

Thanks Buddy:yahoo:

Now for a tease...Attitude is at it again....on the 7th, spend $30 bucks and get 6 free fem'd seeds. Sorry had to throw that in. :grinjoint:

It's a good kind of shock to be in.:thumb:
I think you've surpassed your hope by a good measure.

Oh no , not me, I have strong willpower, Attitude can't get to me. I don't need any more seeds right now, my visa is close to stuffed, lol. I might have to squeeze a portable AC unit on there this summer, if I can make it fit, lol. can't think of any more good reasons.:grinjoint:

I might take a little cruise by Attitude tho, just to see whats shakin'. heheh can't hurt to look, right?
heheh If they're that sticky there's not much coming off them anyway.
GWS is sporting some nice tops, looks interesting in a sticky kinda way.
I have to check out Norcali's thread and see if I can pick up any pointers. Maybe thats where I saw them, was a while back and they weren't in use but discussed.

I know you've got the cure down, once I start to post I spout basics half the time. It's an affliction, lol, not meant to reflect where i think your experience/knowledge level is. Probably irritating to some folks, lol.

You know what? My friend I like that you spout basics. It reinforces what I think and sometimes you help me find mistakes. Lets face it we both tend to forget things sometimes. Old farts!
The GWS is an unknown for me, of course, so it should be interesting to see what she's like. Several people are really interested in her so she might be good stuff. Tis a nice day here 85 degrees H is 54% and blue sky and puffy white clouds. Makes me want to do nothing!:cheer:
It's a good kind of shock to be in.:thumb:
I think you've surpassed your hope by a good measure.

Oh no , not me, I have strong willpower, Attitude can't get to me. I don't need any more seeds right now, my visa is close to stuffed, lol. I might have to squeeze a portable AC unit on there this summer, if I can make it fit, lol. can't think of any more good reasons.:grinjoint:

I might take a little cruise by Attitude tho, just to see whats shakin'. heheh can't hurt to look, right?

:cheer::cheer::cheer: I'm starting to feel like the little devil on every one's shoulder. :grinjoint: If you do get a potable AC, make sure it is easy to tell when it's full and easy to empty. Jo has one and she forgot to empty it, what a mess. Haven't looked at them in years, maybe they have changed. Can't even see any difference in the light bill when its on.
By the way you sounded a lot like Lavendar! :grinjoint:
You know what? My friend I like that you spout basics. It reinforces what I think and sometimes you help me find mistakes. Lets face it we both tend to forget things sometimes. Old farts!
The GWS is an unknown for me, of course, so it should be interesting to see what she's like. Several people are really interested in her so she might be good stuff. Tis a nice day here 85 degrees H is 54% and blue sky and puffy white clouds. Makes me want to do nothing!:cheer:

yep coupla dusty ole buggers, heheh
I'm not familiar with the GWS either but she's looking pretty fine.
Same weather here pretty much, couple of degrees cooler, but it's a lazy Saturday. My favorite kind.

:cheer::cheer::cheer: I'm starting to feel like the little devil on every one's shoulder. :grinjoint: If you do get a potable AC, make sure it is easy to tell when it's full and easy to empty. Jo has one and she forgot to empty it, what a mess. Haven't looked at them in years, maybe they have changed. Can't even see any difference in the light bill when its on.
By the way you sounded a lot like Lavendar! :grinjoint:

Can't rape the willing OMM, and if you didn't let us know about these deals they might slide on by when needed.
Yeah I have a dehumidifier like that, sticky float needs constant monitoring, so I will definitely stay on top of the potential flooding. The dehumidifier was on concrete, the AC unit will be on hardwood, so I'll be extra careful.

lol, thats my feminine side.

I resisted, did cruise by but I didn't buy. I'm so proud of my restraint, heheh.
Hey, OMM, long time just lurk,

re dehumidifier, take out the tank and install a drain hose!

Congratters on a textbook grow! good looking harvest there!

I'm still doing the legalizing work - i have a national organization thinking of adopting MMJ as one of their endorsements. (hope it goes thru, am trying to line up votes, etc)
yep coupla dusty ole buggers, heheh
I'm not familiar with the GWS either but she's looking pretty fine.
Same weather here pretty much, couple of degrees cooler, but it's a lazy Saturday. My favorite kind.

Can't rape the willing OMM, and if you didn't let us know about these deals they might slide on by when needed.
Yeah I have a dehumidifier like that, sticky float needs constant monitoring, so I will definitely stay on top of the potential flooding. The dehumidifier was on concrete, the AC unit will be on hardwood, so I'll be extra careful.

lol, thats my feminine side.

I resisted, did cruise by but I didn't buy. I'm so proud of my restraint, heheh.

Hi Mmmmick I'm posting the harvest of the Great White Shark in few minutes. Had to do it today. Kandy Kush is now in the dark. HeHe! My Saturday was not lazy as I had planned. Live by sword and so on.....

Like your feminine side.....clean, clean and watchful! :grinjoint:

By the way....it's not the 7th yet...so I wouldn't go back :)
Hey, OMM, long time just lurk,

re dehumidifier, take out the tank and install a drain hose!

Congratters on a textbook grow! good looking harvest there!

I'm still doing the legalizing work - i have a national organization thinking of adopting MMJ as one of their endorsements. (hope it goes thru, am trying to line up votes, etc)

Hi Tiger Looking is good....do allot myself. Wonder if I could put a hose on the portable AC.....ah....never mind...that sounds like hands and knee stuff and don't/can't do that stuff anymore.:grinjoint:
I thought you would still be at it. I know how strongly you feel about things. Man I hope you convince them to endorse your proposal. :bravo: A major step in the right direction.:bravo:
Day 66 of Bloom

The Harvest of the Great White Shark:)

It could have been much better, however one of it's three main colas had Bud Rot through out. That stuff is invisible until you start trimming it. However I am quite happy as it is. Sorry no fancy pictures or anything. It was getting quite late here and I don't have lights on in this room after dark....plants pretty close by outside where I sit. :)

OK! Here's the buds. It doesn't look like much, but they weigh a ton.:cheer:


And here is the total weight with stems removed. :)

I'll take 404 grams wet anytime! :ganjamon:
They have started their initial dry in their big brown paper bag.;)

Tomorrow, if my hands will move, will be the Kandy Kush's time to be harvested. She told me yesterday it's her time.:)
looks great omm,
yes, thats a good wt....i'll go for 101.0g dry.....possibly more since you say they are hard....we went to relatives for dinner....stopped and got a twenty dollar bag of oysters and put on the bbq grill with the ribs....they didnt know you could cook them on the grill....turned out to be a feast....really great...best oysters i've had since alaska....no mud taste....hope you enjoyed the day, and your fingers healed....its such a good pain...we are done for a wk or two....now to get the babes repotted and moved up....see ya later....great harvest....did you take a pic of the bud rot? would like to see what it looks like....thanks, lavendar:cheer::cheer::cheer:
looks like a nice harvest, sorry to here about the bud root, but at least you still got some killer smoke. loved this grow you did a great job, allot of solid good info here.:nicethread:

Hey Thanks Irish:) 2 more to go. It has seemed a very quick grow by my old standard...which was very slow.:)

Thanks for coming by!:grinjoint:
looks great omm,
yes, thats a good wt....i'll go for 101.0g dry.....possibly more since you say they are hard....we went to relatives for dinner....stopped and got a twenty dollar bag of oysters and put on the bbq grill with the ribs....they didnt know you could cook them on the grill....turned out to be a feast....really great...best oysters i've had since alaska....no mud taste....hope you enjoyed the day, and your fingers healed....its such a good pain...we are done for a wk or two....now to get the babes repotted and moved up....see ya later....great harvest....did you take a pic of the bud rot? would like to see what it looks like....thanks, lavendar:cheer::cheer::cheer:

Hi Lavendar Well your day sounded yummy. Oysters and ribs uuuuum good:grinjoint: Glad you can take it a bit easier now,:)
I was so upset I didn't take a picture, but I'll dig it out of the trash and show you what it looks like. The only way I knew was that cola was squeezable and the others weren't. Then I cracked it open, said a few choice words and went on. :smokin::smokin: I never go into a grow not expecting any problems so I was pretty cool about. Sh*T happens.:cheer:

101g dry would be just fine. Thanks!:)
Next time you should use some silicon, it will help big time with bud rot. that stuff help on so many levels its unreal. it will always be a part of my garden.

Hi Irish Well, I did!:smokin: But obviously not enough. Bout every third watering. That's the way we learn......the hard way!:cheer: Thanks!:)
Hi Irish Well, I did!:smokin: But obviously not enough. Bout every third watering. That's the way we learn......the hard way!:cheer: Thanks!:)

ya use it every watering and i like the pro-tek silicon use 1/2tsp per gal every time. I am sure the little you did add probably helped you save those other buds maybe. at least you didnt lose ur whole crop and u still got some killer weed
Hey Omm, another round of great looking buds!!:bravo:
And another great looking table top, heheh.
You are nailing your second grow my friend, it's great to see it happening.:bravo::thumb::bravo::woohoo:

I'm glad you chopped when you did, could have lost plenty. Too bad about the rot, nasty surprise. Serenade or Bud Rot Stop would be handy if available, can't get it here and I could use some. How's your airflow when they are in the dark pre-chop?
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