OldMedMan's 2nd Grow 5 Strains and AirPots

Lil N, thanks so much for all of that super useful information on bug bites, and POT..lol:welldone:

I was in the jungles of Peru once. On the Rio Perene with a friend that had me as his quest in his fam. home.

We went out to swim in a brook near by.. I put my pants on a boulder while we frolicked around drinking Guayava Wine. When we were on our way back to the house, (since it was so humid there I carried a rag in my back pocket) I reached into the pocket and went to wipe my forehead with it.

I saw this scorpion hanging from the towel! Right above my nose and in my face! I dropped it and yelled for my friends that were up ahead of me, they found me naked again, cause I stripped to see if any more were in my clothes..

So the people that live there told me I was very lucky, there was no doctor around for MANY MILES and a small one with brown and red was "muy mala" very bad. I jarred it in some alcohol and brought it back with me. I got a tattoo of it so I wouldn't forget about that adventure in the South American Andes.

Yay!to you're pot OMM

Wow! sisco You do get around!:yahoo:
When I was a Kid in Arkansas I almost put my shoe on with a scorpion in it.
They got into the shower too! Yikes!:smokin:

Sisco I really thought about retiring in Peru at one time, I have some friends down there. Thought about Panama too, but Hawaii is too nice to leave.:ganjamon:

No wonder you don't mind trucking into the woods too grow. You have experience! :thumb: :peace: to you my friend.:surf:
lol...I hear ya OMM, not something I would want loose in my house! Peru actually seems to be a fairly popular place for Americans to move...when considering moving abroad anyway.

Sisco...South American inverts can be quite deadly, scorpions for the most part really aren't that dangerous. There are some deadly ones but the vast majority aren't...doesn't mean they won't make you hate life though ;) It's kind of strange...there's a Centuroides species that is found in Florida AND in Guatemala but the ones in Guatemala have potentially lethal venom while the ones in Florida are not really any worse than a hornet. But I digress... lol
lol...I hear ya OMM, not something I would want loose in my house! Peru actually seems to be a fairly popular place for Americans to move...when considering moving abroad anyway.

There are many places where Xpats go to retire. About 4 years ago when I retired for good from the university I was teaching at, I could see our country was headed down hill, I started to look for other places to live. I waited too long to do it. Couldn't get a fair price for my house.

Any way I found big populations of Americans in Thailand, Peru, Costa Rico, Belize, Panama, and believe it are not, China. All were relatively safe. Had my passport and visa for China, and a couple of others, but decided to stay here. I love Hawaii too much, even if I am dead broke.:ganjamon:

Man, you are really well informed on poisonous creatures. Hobby or just interested? :ganjamon:
do you ever go to irish boys, he just got his crop in and it is quite the haul...has a contest going, and i guessed, but didnt see the last couple of photos, what a haul....lavendar:peace:what did you teach?
Hobby...at one point my friends would refer to my collection as a small zoo lol. "Worst" I've kept as a specimen, I don't consider them pets really, was a 2" Latrodectus mactans (aka Black Widow) that I found one day. Fascinating critters, not prone to biting except females with egg sacs, and afaik there hasn't been a single fatality from a BW spider bite in the U.S. in around 25 years. I have also kept large orb weavers in my home...no tank...just let them spin a web in a corner of the house and toss it some bugs once in a while. Once they have the web setup they don't go anywhere either! Best to give them something to entice them to make a web where you want them like tall house plants, curtain rods, taut string or sticks...

SO...you're probably saying to yourself yeah yeah yeah, wth does this have to do with pot? Well...spiders are awesome as organic pesticides :D As are centipedes and scorpions but centipedes are too nervous and prone to biting. Scorpions, while being amazing predators, can't climb smooth surfaces (neither can centipedes actually) and thus can only eat bad bugs on the soil unless they decide to try and climb the plant itself which is highly doubtful.


Man...that quick dried portion of that test bud must be doing it's job, I'm rambling about inverts and pot all in the same post :bong:
do you ever go to irish boys, he just got his crop in and it is quite the haul...has a contest going, and i guessed, but didnt see the last couple of photos, what a haul....lavendar:peace:what did you teach?

Hi Lavendar I have watched his last two grows and he does it right!

I taught anything to do with Computer Science from the basics to Systems Analysis. When I met my first computer it was love at first sight!:ganjamon: Kind of funny though, I taught myself about computers and then went back to school to get my degree. It was quite a time, I was working full time and attending school. If you want it bad enough.......:ganjamon:
A friend and I supplied all the high schools on the island with computers for their Drug and Alcohol Classes.:ganjamon: He was a Preacher and left to spread the word in Russia. You should see the pictures he has sent me.
After a few years I closed our little company, there were other things I wanted to do. Little did I know the economy was going to crash. :smokin:
Hobby...at one point my friends would refer to my collection as a small zoo lol. "Worst" I've kept as a specimen, I don't consider them pets really, was a 2" Latrodectus mactans (aka Black Widow) that I found one day. Fascinating critters, not prone to biting except females with egg sacs, and afaik there hasn't been a single fatality from a BW spider bite in the U.S. in around 25 years. I have also kept large orb weavers in my home...no tank...just let them spin a web in a corner of the house and toss it some bugs once in a while. Once they have the web setup they don't go anywhere either! Best to give them something to entice them to make a web where you want them like tall house plants, curtain rods, taut string or sticks...

SO...you're probably saying to yourself yeah yeah yeah, wth does this have to do with pot? Well...spiders are awesome as organic pesticides :D As are centipedes and scorpions but centipedes are too nervous and prone to biting. Scorpions, while being amazing predators, can't climb smooth surfaces (neither can centipedes actually) and thus can only eat bad bugs on the soil unless they decide to try and climb the plant itself which is highly doubtful.


Man...that quick dried portion of that test bud must be doing it's job, I'm rambling about inverts and pot all in the same post :bong:

Man, that's fascinating. Two years are so ago I had a spider that looked like a Daddy Long Legs. Knew she wasn't dangerous so I justed watched her for months. Until she ate her mate. That did it for me!:yahoo:

Did you see my Pink Praying Mantis ? It loved to keep to keep two of my plants bug free in my last grow. I should have grabber her, but she disappeared. Bummer!:smokin:
Hey my friend i was very busy last week, so how are you and your girls, are they turning on amber??

Hello Super:ganjamon:

Sorry, still mostly clear. Checked to day. Glad to see your back.on:surf:
Hey OMM, haven't been by in a while. And a good thing it is...all that bug talk...creepy...:smokin:

I love your back yard brother, what a nice little getaway that is, privacy and beauty combined.

And of course the girls are looking fabulous...you will need to go buy more mason jars I fear...:ganjamon:

Got some pics of the little WW girls yet? I wanna see what they are up to. :bong:

Aloha my good friend and wishing you :peace: from my little garden.

And I just wanted to see if there was a desire from a bunch of people to put that SLH journal together. Seems like there is. I think if we really wanna do it we should set a time table before I ask Soniq to post a thread on it...wouldn't be a good thread if no one was ready to plant :smokin:. I am ready whenever, I only have 5 plants going atm.
WOW, your thread is just moving right along. Nice pictures of the plants man. they are looking tasty!:yummy:
That Great White is sucking up the calcium man. Maybe you should provide a straw. lol After what I've seen from your gorgeous plants I think I'm gonna have to try out those strains. Especially the Shark. I'll have to wait tho, Just ordered some newbies, and have a Sharksbreath seed included. She should be a sight to behold. I might have missed were you posted about your garden, but have you had some intruders or something to make you wanna put alarms and such up, or just preventative? Either way, I think if your worried about it and have the capital a fence might be a way to grow. I dunno.

Om a lighter note, yur view is awsome. Palms, tropical plants. nice. I pictured you having a Papaya or mango tree in the yard tho. lol

Keep up the good work man! Aloha.
Hey OMM, haven't been by in a while. And a good thing it is...all that bug talk...creepy...:smokin:

I love your back yard brother, what a nice little getaway that is, privacy and beauty combined.

And of course the girls are looking fabulous...you will need to go buy more mason jars I fear...:ganjamon:

Got some pics of the little WW girls yet? I wanna see what they are up to. :bong:

Aloha my good friend and wishing you :peace: from my little garden.

And I just wanted to see if there was a desire from a bunch of people to put that SLH journal together. Seems like there is. I think if we really wanna do it we should set a time table before I ask Soniq to post a thread on it...wouldn't be a good thread if no one was ready to plant :smokin:. I am ready whenever, I only have 5 plants going atm.

Aloha My Friend High

Guess you have to have an empathy for them (bugs).....I don't! :smokin:

I do just relax out there two or three times a day. I feed the birds and the birds are just like the view, beautiful. They fly to the windows and doors and make it very plain Feed Me Now! :surf:

I was in the hardware store yesterday and almost bought some more jars. Decided not to. Don't want to count my chickens before they hatch! :surf:

I promise I will post a picture of her today. The other is stating to look like another male. That's good and bad. Bad if it's male. Good if it is. I can crack a Super Lemon Haze seed and our little grow together will be on.:thumb:

Hope you have :peace: in the Zen Garden today:thumb:
WOW, your thread is just moving right along. Nice pictures of the plants man. they are looking tasty!:yummy:
That Great White is sucking up the calcium man. Maybe you should provide a straw. lol After what I've seen from your gorgeous plants I think I'm gonna have to try out those strains. Especially the Shark. I'll have to wait tho, Just ordered some newbies, and have a Sharksbreath seed included. She should be a sight to behold. I might have missed were you posted about your garden, but have you had some intruders or something to make you wanna put alarms and such up, or just preventative? Either way, I think if your worried about it and have the capital a fence might be a way to grow. I dunno.

Om a lighter note, yur view is awsome. Palms, tropical plants. nice. I pictured you having a Papaya or mango tree in the yard tho. lol

Keep up the good work man! Aloha.

Hey Mr J A good morning to you:ganjamon:
Last grow I had a 20 something beat on my patio door at two a.m. Scared me half to death. Even waving my baseball bat at him didn't deter him. He was standing next to my plants and was so drunk he didn't notice them. Took me about an hour and a broken fence gate to finally get rid of him. That was enough to scare the crap out of me. It make me very paranoid about security.:smokin::smokin:
I have already been searching here locally for a fence like Fry suggested. Got to find a place that will deliver and maybe put it up for me.
I'm 5'9" and weigh 135 pounds and have problems doing somethings so I need a bit of help. The smokers I know, don't know about my grow and I want keep it that way. Sad to say, don't trust any of them. Not the kind of people that are on 420.:ganjamon:

Had Banana Trees for years and about 6 years ago they all just fell over an died on me. Didn't know much about plants back then.:smokin:
Did you see my Pink Praying Mantis ? It loved to keep to keep two of my plants bug free in my last grow. I should have grabber her, but she disappeared. Bummer!:smokin:


I think we all miss Pinky, :cheesygrinsmiley:

Have a great day OMM!

No, I hadn't until the pic on this page...mantids are simply awesome, nature's lil aliens :) Very cool looking pink mantis, I bet it did a great job on the bugs. Only ones I've seen in the wild are the "standard" green Chinese mantids and they just look mean, like they want to bite my finger or something lol.


...and who would've thought to move to China? Maybe from some other nations but from the U.S.? That's kind of strange in a way, the other places I can fully understand though! I'd love to go to Thailand (Thai food is probably my favorite so far) but after reading a thread elsewhere on this forum I understand potsmokers should avoid it as I understand the police there can demand an on-the-spot piss test from anyone and if you piss positive off to jail you go!
Places Pot People Should Avoid Around the World by Marc Emery

^^^Read it if you haven't, it's actually quite the enjoyable article. And do a google image search for "orchid mantis" ;)

OMM...you've got almost the exact same build as me...5'8", 130 pounds. As my grandfather told me years ago..."Work smarter, not harder." and that's a saying us smaller framed people really should take to heart. I know when I was younger I was always trying to prove that I could keep up with the bigger guys (didn't always work lol) and eventually realized that was just stupid lol.
Day 54 of Bloom

Standard group shot

Kandy Kush

The Great White Shark

Lemon Skunk

Lemon Skunk

Strawberry Haze

White Widow

White Widow

White Widow

The White Widow is now officially a part of this grow:grinjoint:

Hope you liked this mini update One more girl and I will be at my legal limit. Super Lemon Haze coming soon to this grow.:cheer:
No, I hadn't until the pic on this page...mantids are simply awesome, nature's lil aliens :) Very cool looking pink mantis, I bet it did a great job on the bugs. Only ones I've seen in the wild are the "standard" green Chinese mantids and they just look mean, like they want to bite my finger or something lol.


...and who would've thought to move to China? Maybe from some other nations but from the U.S.? That's kind of strange in a way, the other places I can fully understand though! I'd love to go to Thailand (Thai food is probably my favorite so far) but after reading a thread elsewhere on this forum I understand potsmokers should avoid it as I understand the police there can demand an on-the-spot piss test from anyone and if you piss positive off to jail you go!

Hi Lil N Pinky was quite a girl. Should have captured her, but didn't have the heart.:smokin:

No Thailand then! Spent a year there once long ago. Was like paradise!

China contacted me about teaching there, they promised free housing and a good wage, but I would have been in China and didn't think I would like it.:smokin:
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