OldMedMan's 2nd Grow 5 Strains and AirPots

Snow? Don't tell me you took up skiing now????????? I'm a thinking you is in the wrong spot....... Hey looking back the pic's are great. Makes plants look ERRRR GREAT......... Good looking out Old Man

Hey Wood No snow man! Only snow I like is on Buds:cheer:

Thanks for the good words Buddy......Hi Miss J!:grinjoint:
They're all great. Thanks for asking. This growhas been great to see. I know I don't comment much. But you can bet I swing by just about every other day most of the time. Your journals get filled quick. Its always great to cruz by and always see a lil bit of Aloha.

Hi Butcher No problem, I know your lurking around doing good things on the way. Much Aloha to you. Do you happen to know where Hawaiian Duck is?
He's MIA.:smokin:
Aloha OMM :blushsmile:

All of the ladies look very sexy, but im gonna say that the GWS and KK are the ones i've got my eye on still. They are looking great! Sorry I've missed so much. What do you think of the Airpots now that you are well into flowering?


Hey there Dro! The GWS has been a big surprise to me too! The KK is crazy....colas everywhere. She may take a long time to finish, she's Sativa dominate. I love the AirPots. The only thing that's anywhere close to negative is not their fault,,,,it rains so much here it's washing all my nutes away. I put em back thou.:grinjoint: Good to see You!:cheer:
Hi Butcher No problem, I know your lurking around doing good things on the way. Much Aloha to you. Do you happen to know where Hawaiian Duck is?
He's MIA.:smokin:

Haven't talked to him in a while. I'm sure hes alright. Probably got his hands full in those rooms by now.
I think a bump is in order:cheer:

Day 35 of Bloom

The badies all FIMed

Great White Shark

Great White Shark

Grealt White Shark

Kandy Kush

Kandy Kush

Kandy Kush

Kandy Hush


To be contued

Pistils on that GWS closeup are pretty impressive OMM, fat lil mothers.:thumb: and the KK's got a trippy look to it..very nice.
Hi Thanks Mmmmick I know GWS has been a total surprise.:ganjamon:
The Kandy has hardly any leaves on it which worries me but we shall see.
I just for the hell of it looked at the trichs on the Strawberry Haze and found a few amber trichs. Way to soon in my eyes, but who knows?
Gonna watch her close.:ganjamon:
Hi Thanks Mmmmick I know GWS has been a total surprise.:ganjamon:
The Kandy has hardly any leaves on it which worries me but we shall see.
I just for the hell of it looked at the trichs on the Strawberry Haze and found a few amber trichs. Way to soon in my eyes, but who knows?
Gonna watch her close.:ganjamon:

trade ya....mine is 15wks old, living on water and still only clear/white t's...and has more leaves than bud....unbelievable....thanks for the links, been reading them....great help...later, lavendar:thumb::peacetwo:
trade ya....mine is 15wks old, living on water and still only clear/white t's...and has more leaves than bud....unbelievable....thanks for the links, been reading them....great help...later, lavendar:thumb::peacetwo:

Thanks Lavendar:Rasta:, but I'll keep mine!:grinjoint:
Glad the links helped...those guys sure know what they are doing. :surf:

Hi Thanks Mmmmick I know GWS has been a total surprise.:ganjamon:
The Kandy has hardly any leaves on it which worries me but we shall see.
I just for the hell of it looked at the trichs on the Strawberry Haze and found a few amber trichs. Way to soon in my eyes, but who knows?
Gonna watch her close.:ganjamon:

heheh, I guess you'll just have to learn to live with a high bud to leaf ratio.

Arjans Strawberry Haze is supposed to be around 75 days flower, she must be anxious to prove herself to you.:thumb:
Group Update Still Raining


The girls are waterlogged to say the least and it's still coming down. The yellow leaves were there before, so new ones yet. Will give them some molasses and Cal-Mag in the morning. Then keep an eye on them. We have had no sunlight for 4 days. The rain is failing through a very heavy VOG. Vog is volcanic ash that comes from the Big Island and we are all supposed to stay indoors because it really hurts your breathing. Probably the plants too. Not hard to see why it would hurt plants and humans. Aloha All!
heheh, I guess you'll just have to learn to live with a high bud to leaf ratio.

Arjans Strawberry Haze is supposed to be around 75 days flower, she must be anxious to prove herself to you.:thumb:

That's what I thought too! Mmmmick Most of the seed banks only tell you the indoor flowering period which is 77 days, but most sativa dominates take allot longer outside. If she finishes fast....I will be over joyed. :cheer:
Group Update Still Raining


The girls are waterlogged to say the least and it's still coming down. The yellow leaves were there before, so new ones yet. Will give them some molasses and Cal-Mag in the morning. Then keep an eye on them. We have had no sunlight for 4 days. The rain is failing through a very heavy VOG. Vog is volcanic ash that comes from the Big Island and we are all supposed to stay indoors because it really hurts your breathing. Probably the plants too. Not hard to see why it would hurt plants and humans. Aloha All!

Ah the trials and tribulations of living in Paradise! You have everything there, even Volcanic Ash! We don't have that where I live. Imagine, free fertilizer raining down from the heavens! Well actually we do have it falling from the sky's here. We call it bird sh*t!

Just stopping by OMM to say hello! I've been so bad lately with posting around! Your family seems to be taking the ash in stride! Perhaps it is actually good for the girls?:Rasta:
The plants luuuuv whatever they're getting - that's all I can say! Great pics and plants.

Does the rain wash the ash from the undersides of the leaves as well, or do you need to manually clean the stomata?

Ah the trials and tribulations of living in Paradise! You have everything there, even Volcanic Ash! We don't have that where I live. Imagine, free fertilizer raining down from the heavens! Well actually we do have it falling from the sky's here. We call it bird sh*t!

Just stopping by OMM to say hello! I've been so bad lately with posting around! Your family seems to be taking the ash in stride! Perhaps it is actually good for the girls?:Rasta:

Man, you can't fool me!:grinjoint: It's all those smoke tests your doing.....I was going to do something, but can't remember what it was, must not be important..................:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I'll pass on the free fertilizer. It gets on sticky buds and you end up smoking it! :smokin:

Cutting some tomorrow are we? Good for you Woodsman!:cheer:
The plants luuuuv whatever they're getting - that's all I can say! Great pics and plants.

Does the rain wash the ash from the undersides of the leaves as well, or do you need to manually clean the stomata?


Hey Papa Thanks.:surf:
They do love it! The first time it rained for about 6 days they grew like hell!. This time I'm hoping it goes to the buds!:Rasta:

It depends on if there is wind and rain, otherwise I have to check em good and wash them. It also washes off some invisible little worms(?) that leave tracks on the leaves, but actually doesn't hurt the plants, just looks bad.

I'm also very careful to give them nutes after a heavy rain, because the AirPots drain so fast. If you see anything I could do better let me know.

Hope you didn't mind that I sent Lavendar over to look at your Scrog. :grinjoint:
Hey Papa Thanks.:surf:
They do love it! The first time it rained for about 6 days they grew like hell!. This time I'm hoping it goes to the buds!:Rasta:

It depends on if there is wind and rain, otherwise I have to check em good and wash them. It also washes off some invisible little worms(?) that leave tracks on the leaves, but actually doesn't hurt the plants, just looks bad.

I'm also very careful to give them nutes after a heavy rain, because the AirPots drain so fast. If you see anything I could do better let me know.

Hope you didn't mind that I sent Lavendar over to look at your Scrog. :grinjoint:

uhhmmmhmhmh rain all the week here. Need a grow like yours during the rain.^^
Hey Papa Thanks.:surf:
They do love it! The first time it rained for about 6 days they grew like hell!. This time I'm hoping it goes to the buds!:Rasta:

It depends on if there is wind and rain, otherwise I have to check em good and wash them. It also washes off some invisible little worms(?) that leave tracks on the leaves, but actually doesn't hurt the plants, just looks bad.

I'm also very careful to give them nutes after a heavy rain, because the AirPots drain so fast. If you see anything I could do better let me know.

Hope you didn't mind that I sent Lavendar over to look at your Scrog. :grinjoint:

Any thing to do better? No way - you're giving a clinic as far as I'm concerned! There's multiple new goodies I'm learning in just that last post - let alone the journal!

And thanks for the complimentary referral. She's a great grower and a fine addition to any journal's community. I am looking forward to doing the scrogs for this journal - the one going now is just nutzo - gotta wait to see what I get from it before deciding if its a success. After the last, anything less than 550-600g will be disappointing I have to admit.

Any thing to do better? No way - you're giving a clinic as far as I'm concerned! There's multiple new goodies I'm learning in just that last post - let alone the journal!

And thanks for the complimentary referral. She's a great grower and a fine addition to any journal's community. I am looking forward to doing the scrogs for this journal - the one going now is just nutzo - gotta wait to see what I get from it before deciding if its a success. After the last, anything less than 550-600g will be disappointing I have to admit.


Thanks Papa Yea, Lavendar is a great grower. Proven over and over. I give her much respect for trying to be even better. :grinjoint:

Guess that's the real challenge, to get better with every grow. If by some awful turn of fate, your Scrog doesn't do as good as your last, I damn sure won't miss the next one!:cheer:
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