OldMedMan's 2nd Grow 5 Strains and AirPots

Hi buddy, just dropping in for a visit, just read back like three pages to refresh myself with where your at! Your site sure does move quick. I'm out of breath already! I'll have to take a nap or something just to recover from the physical trauma! :Rasta: I've decided that I will be sending all my plants to you for care and upbringing. You should start a boarding school for wayward plants! The way you have with them would do them all wonders and you would teach them to be nice big fat and trich filled ladies! I'm trying to convince the airlines that they can benefit from the PR of assisting in this great humanitarian effort. Save the plants!

Man, I'm sorry, it's just pay back for making me do the same thing when I visit your grow. :grinjoint: Just take a deep breath and relax. It'll pass. :grinjoint:

I have to once again say sorry But the state of Hawaii has told me no more plants at this time. Now if you could let me be your provider, I am licensed to be provider so that would work out, however there's that Airline thing again. You may not be able to get them back home.:cheer:
DAMN brother your photography skills are up there. And the thumbs is definetly green on your hands. I cant wait to see this harvest.After the last mishap this is a well deserved one. :goodjob:

Thanks Butcher Finally read the book that came with my camera.:cheer:
The green is from trimming the little Bubblelicious that finished early, stuff just won't wash off. :grinjoint:
I agree that first one was a mishap, but I'm still smoking it! :bravo:
I think I might just have to book a flight and get my lazy but out there to help out with the trimming man! Woods is right. your plants are fantabulastic!! I love how you Hawaiians have the perfect weather for outdoors. I'm stuck here wishing untill mothersday!! PLAAAH. I have a spot for guarenteed no problems outdoor grow here, but nothing like the variety that you have!! I love it!!! that thumb of yours is greener than your plants man! WOOHOO!!!

Hey jasonlee Wait a minute! You said lazy butt! Of course, when it comes to trimming I bet you can hold your own with anyone. Guess the reward at the end is an inspiration. :cheer: It is for me.:cheer:
Well truthfully we do have some great weather, however it is a battle to grow here. Just ask any of us. For instance we are going to have a big 3 of 4 days of very stormy weather starting tomorrow and we have them year round. About a month ago we had 50 mph winds for a week. :smokin::smokin:
With that said, you would have to force me to leave at gun point. :rofl::rofl:
Hey OMM, just got a chance to check out your pics here, looking so sweet! I have to admit that I'm leaning towards that Great White Shark now over the Lemon Haze, that girl is coming on strong!

Hi Fry Thanks for dropping in for a look. That journal of yours is so busy, it's a full time job.;) They all are just looking so good, but your right, the Great White seems to love it here. I'm like mother hen to these girls.:cheer:
I loved the pictures of your dogs playing in the snow. You sure live in a beautiful place.:bravo:
:roorrip:Oh wait, here :passitleft:Sharing is a goodness. ;)

Hope this day finds you well and at peace with your world. I am excited that you are trying out LST. I want to see a proper LST done then put out under the goodness of the sun....:smokin:.

Aloha my friend and :peace: from my little garden to yours.
Hi Fry Thanks for dropping in for a look. That journal of yours is so busy, it's a full time job.;) They all are just looking so good, but your right, the Great White seems to love it here. I'm like mother hen to these girls.:cheer:
I loved the pictures of your dogs playing in the snow. You sure live in a beautiful place.:bravo:

Yeah, I've been pretty busy with the harvests and all. Hopefully I'll get The Beast up and running soon, but not today. It seems I've caught a cold and I'm miserable, tomorrow will be better day!

That was a pretty good spring snow we had, there was no snow left when the storm hit, it'll be good for the rafters! I love it around here, the natural beauty is amazing!
:roorrip:Oh wait, here :passitleft:Sharing is a goodness. ;)

Hope this day finds you well and at peace with your world. I am excited that you are trying out LST. I want to see a proper LST done then put out under the goodness of the sun....:smokin:.

Aloha my friend and :peace: from my little garden to yours.

Well, Thank You High!:passitleft: Sharing is goodness, so right back to you.:grinjoint:
Actually I am at peace with my world today:grinjoint:
Got up early to work on the "Flower Garden" out front while it's cool, but the storm that didn't happen, is happening today. So it will give me a chance to straighten things out a bit indoors that I've put aside too long.

The girls all look like they were just dipped into a big barrel of water. Looks like they are loving it.

Question. Have you ever transplanted a plant that you have LSTed? One of the WW's looks just right for it. :grinjoint:

The world around here is just green everywhere, all the Plumeria Trees are in full bloom and it's beautiful. Will try to get some pix of them to post.

Man, it's coming down hard now. Everything looks so clean and the smell is great!

Aloha and Peace to you in your garden.:allgood:
Well, Thank You High!:passitleft: Sharing is goodness, so right back to you.:grinjoint:
Actually I am at peace with my world today:grinjoint:
Got up early to work on the "Flower Garden" out front while it's cool, but the storm that didn't happen, is happening today. So it will give me a chance to straighten things out a bit indoors that I've put aside too long.

The girls all look like they were just dipped into a big barrel of water. Looks like they are loving it.

Question. Have you ever transplanted a plant that you have LSTed? One of the WW's looks just right for it. :grinjoint:

The world around here is just green everywhere, all the Plumeria Trees are in full bloom and it's beautiful. Will try to get some pix of them to post.

Man, it's coming down hard now. Everything looks so clean and the smell is great!

Aloha and Peace to you in your garden.:allgood:

:roorrip:Yeah, I have transplanted a plant I have LST'ed....I just undid the LST and transplanted it....waited a couple days for any possible shock to wear off and strapped her down in the new container. Remember only one shock at a time...my rule anyway.

I love weather of any sort, mostly change I think. And I love spring rains as long as the snow doesn't mix with it....:grinjoint:. Guess that is less likely for you. And spring there is amazing I bet...as are most season's :smokin:.

:peace: my friend and much Aloha from the little garden. Working on my Zen after Pineapple told me she was pissed and hungry and you better feed me or I will grow freckles this morning....Man these girls can eat.
Yeah, I've been pretty busy with the harvests and all. Hopefully I'll get The Beast up and running soon, but not today. It seems I've caught a cold and I'm miserable, tomorrow will be better day!

That was a pretty good spring snow we had, there was no snow left when the storm hit, it'll be good for the rafters! I love it around here, the natural beauty is amazing!

Sorry about the cold Fry:smokin: I turn into a complete wimp when I have one. Hope it doesn't last long or get really bad. I know you don't have the time, but get rid of it first before you go back to working on the beast.

We are both lucky, on purpose, to live in beautiful places. :bravo:
:roorrip:Yeah, I have transplanted a plant I have LST'ed....I just undid the LST and transplanted it....waited a couple days for any possible shock to wear off and strapped her down in the new container. Remember only one shock at a time...my rule anyway.

I love weather of any sort, mostly change I think. And I love spring rains as long as the snow doesn't mix with it....:grinjoint:. Guess that is less likely for you. And spring there is amazing I bet...as are most season's :smokin:.

:peace: my friend and much Aloha from the little garden. Working on my Zen after Pineapple told me she was pissed and hungry and you better feed me or I will grow freckles this morning....Man these girls can eat.

Oh! No! Freckles! Don't need freak freckles on a Pineapple!:smokin:

Well, I may bring that girl in and try bending her around later. ;)

Gonna be moving a lot of stuff around inside and I better do it now, I feel a big lazy coming on...it's the rain!:grinjoint: The big island does get snow up by the big telescopes.

Have a great day in the garden my friend and much Aloha to you and your wife.
Hey jasonlee Wait a minute! You said lazy butt! Of course, when it comes to trimming I bet you can hold your own with anyone. Guess the reward at the end is an inspiration. :cheer: It is for me.:cheer:
Well truthfully we do have some great weather, however it is a battle to grow here. Just ask any of us. For instance we are going to have a big 3 of 4 days of very stormy weather starting tomorrow and we have them year round. About a month ago we had 50 mph winds for a week. :smokin::smokin:
With that said, you would have to force me to leave at gun point. :rofl::rofl:

hahaha, yea, I guess I did say Lazy butt, didn't I. Oh well. I'm actually not lazy usually, I prefer the term Procrastonator. I'm not too shabby with the trimming, just grab a beer or two, cup of crown (for cleaning the resinated scissors, then drinking when your done) and a good movie. I actually just got done trimming up my Lil' Girls about an hour ago, so I got a nice little buzz goin. It took me quite a while just for the 3 girls, but for a 2x2 closet I am doing the happy dance for how much I ended up yielding. WOOHOO! anywho, that sucks about the storms. do you just bring the girls in, or have some kind of shelter from the wind?
I hear ya about not wanting to leave. I'd camp in a holy tent in the storms and rain out there and still have a shit-ass grin on my face. hahaha....

oh, by the way, did the cal-mag help your girls any?

Thanks Butcher Finally read the book that came with my camera.:cheer:
The green is from trimming the little Bubblelicious that finished early, stuff just won't wash off. :grinjoint:
I agree that first one was a mishap, but I'm still smoking it! :bravo:

Oh no not the whole grow just the hermi and the weather. Definetly not you on that on e. It was genetics & acts from above.
hahaha, yea, I guess I did say Lazy butt, didn't I. Oh well. I'm actually not lazy usually, I prefer the term Procrastonator. I'm not too shabby with the trimming, just grab a beer or two, cup of crown (for cleaning the resinated scissors, then drinking when your done) and a good movie. I actually just got done trimming up my Lil' Girls about an hour ago, so I got a nice little buzz goin. It took me quite a while just for the 3 girls, but for a 2x2 closet I am doing the happy dance for how much I ended up yielding. WOOHOO! anywho, that sucks about the storms. do you just bring the girls in, or have some kind of shelter from the wind?
I hear ya about not wanting to leave. I'd camp in a holy tent in the storms and rain out there and still have a shit-ass grin on my face. hahaha....

oh, by the way, did the cal-mag help your girls any?


Hey J I just went over and looked and you do great trim work for sure. Nice buds, Buddy. I would be doing the Happy Dance too!

The storms. My first grow, I tried bringing them in, but my back said "Oh! No you don't", so they are own their own out there. The shed blocks some of the wind. The storm actually got here today, but as storms go this one is cool. Just lots of rain and no winds.The girls seem to like it...I know the AirPots do. By the way there are no new yellowing leaves, so the cal-mag worked.....that was before Mother Nature decided to flush them for me. The H today is 70%.

Well, I've interrupted your Happy Dance too long...if you are still on your feet Bro. :bravo:
Oh no not the whole grow just the hermi and the weather. Definetly not you on that on e. It was genetics & acts from above.

Hey Butcher, don't feel bad cause that's how I looked at it, but it did teach me what not to do this time!:cheer:
Hope all is well with you and the family.:grinjoint:
Snow? Don't tell me you took up skiing now????????? I'm a thinking you is in the wrong spot....... Hey looking back the pic's are great. Makes plants look ERRRR GREAT......... Good looking out Old Man
They're all great. Thanks for asking. This growhas been great to see. I know I don't comment much. But you can bet I swing by just about every other day most of the time. Your journals get filled quick. Its always great to cruz by and always see a lil bit of Aloha.
Aloha OMM :blushsmile:

All of the ladies look very sexy, but im gonna say that the GWS and KK are the ones i've got my eye on still. They are looking great! Sorry I've missed so much. What do you think of the Airpots now that you are well into flowering?

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