OldMedMan's 2nd Grow 5 Strains and AirPots

Wicked plants man. you have some great jeans there. your girls could use a touch of calcium tho. the light lower leaves with darker veins are tell-tale. give em a taste and they'll smile! ;)

P.S. sorry if someone else already recommended that, I might have missed it.
:bravo: Those are some truly beautiful plants my friend. All of them are healthy and full of bud, you should have a great harvest....if only Granny Blunt were watching this grow....:Rasta:

The variation in the buds is great to see and all look like superior weed. :goodjob:

Glad to see you have your babies maturing nicely.

Hope you had a cool breeze blowing through that jungle as you had to do your chores on the girls tonight...I did notice the guard Lady Bug down in that bud picture.

:peace: brother and Aloha from the little garden in the mountains.

Aloha My friend High

Granny Blunt is missing it all! Where is that woman?:cheer:

I know what you mean, all these girls are just packing it on and each one, if you look closely is so different. I think I'm about a thrid of the way home with these girls, these stavias will be that long for sure. However, a surprise might be in the making for some finishing sooner.

Good eyes High, thats my little helper. I told her to bring all of her friends around. Wish Pinky would show up from my last grow.:ganjamon::ganjamon:
Wicked plants man. you have some great jeans there. your girls could use a touch of calcium tho. the light lower leaves with darker veins are tell-tale. give em a taste and they'll smile! ;)

P.S. sorry if someone else already recommended that, I might have missed it.

Hi jasonlee One person told me....Me After I flushed today, I gave them a nice helping of cal-mag. Maybe that will help. Thank you for being spot on in your comment. Now we wait to see if we are right.:cheer:
gorgeous....is the kandy kush a purple? sure looks like it....sure do envy you the outside grow, you'll put up enough for the year....the babes are beautiful...is that when you fim? i need to start the process earlier then...but it makes sense....great pics...take care, next time, lavendar:thumb:
gorgeous....is the kandy kush a purple? sure looks like it....sure do envy you the outside grow, you'll put up enough for the year....the babes are beautiful...is that when you fim? i need to start the process earlier then...but it makes sense....great pics...take care, next time, lavendar:thumb:

Hi Young Lady The Kandy is a bit purple. The sun was already about down when I took the photos, so that probably helped em to look a little different. Actually I FIM'ed the others when they were a bit taller.
Norcaliwood and I were talking the other day and he said do them early and often. Since it worked so well on this grow,,,,,many colas,,,,,I'm going to to do it again as they get bigger. It's so nice to get grow pointers and then use them.
420 just about forces us to get better.:cheer:
Great update OMM. The ladies are stacking up some really nice looking colas. Hope you've got something on hand to tie them up soon, there's gonna be some weight.:goodjob:
Great update OMM. The ladies are stacking up some really nice looking colas. Hope you've got something on hand to tie them up soon, there's gonna be some weight.:goodjob:

Are you kidding? I have been just waiting for this moment.:thumb:
Mmmmick, I got all that stuff ready in my first grow. Now maybe I can use some of it!:grinjoint::grinjoint::grinjoint:
Your ladies are so beautiful, I'm jealous b/c I can't grow outside.... Well not yet anyway but as soon as the weather warms up I will..

Let me ask a dumb question my friend.... What is FIM?
Your ladies are so beautiful, I'm jealous b/c I can't grow outside.... Well not yet anyway but as soon as the weather warms up I will..

Let me ask a dumb question my friend.... What is FIM?

Hi Light:grinjoint: There are no dumb questions my friend:grinjoint:

FIM is a way of getting your plant to be bushier and a way to get your plants grow more colas. Here is the link.

This should explain it all.:cheer:
Amazing, Beautiful, Fantastic job, those ladies look so, so nice...... Very nice job...

Thanks sonzor:surf:

Keep me posted on your next one. I know you have plan in mind already.:thumb:
Hi Young Lady The Kandy is a bit purple. The sun was already about down when I took the photos, so that probably helped em to look a little different. Actually I FIM'ed the others when they were a bit taller.
Norcaliwood and I were talking the other day and he said do them early and often. Since it worked so well on this grow,,,,,many colas,,,,,I'm going to to do it again as they get bigger. It's so nice to get grow pointers and then use them.
420 just about forces us to get better.:cheer:

soooo true....later, lavendar:thumb:
Hi buddy, just dropping in for a visit, just read back like three pages to refresh myself with where your at! Your site sure does move quick. I'm out of breath already! I'll have to take a nap or something just to recover from the physical trauma! :Rasta: I've decided that I will be sending all my plants to you for care and upbringing. You should start a boarding school for wayward plants! The way you have with them would do them all wonders and you would teach them to be nice big fat and trich filled ladies! I'm trying to convince the airlines that they can benefit from the PR of assisting in this great humanitarian effort. Save the plants!
I think I might just have to book a flight and get my lazy but out there to help out with the trimming man! Woods is right. your plants are fantabulastic!! I love how you Hawaiians have the perfect weather for outdoors. I'm stuck here wishing untill mothersday!! PLAAAH. I have a spot for guarenteed no problems outdoor grow here, but nothing like the variety that you have!! I love it!!! that thumb of yours is greener than your plants man! WOOHOO!!!
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