OldMedMan's 2nd Grow 5 Strains and AirPots

Well, you know what it's like then sisco They get real heavy when wet.
The plan is put them over multiple clothes lines and wash them. Oh! Joy!:smokin:

You be careful OMM, might let them dry a bit before trying to put them up there. My back hurts from here thinking about a wet rug....:whoa:

Aloha my friend, it can be enough for peace to reign until better comes along. Glad you and Joanne can be friendly :grinjoint:.

You are right Lavendar lee side is the populated side and the more expensive side. However, there are many more houses or whatever and there are bargains and as usual there places you don't want live at all because they are not safe anytime. It is still America. :yahoo:

you're sure now? i thought ak was america too, and it was, but a hundred a fifty yrs ago america, well, not that much actually, but close....i love the rural life....what do people hunt there...boar? never really read about any thing but that....
well yahoooo, this is free time, so i'm running thru to say howdy and on my way to spread hate and discontentment to the masses....and just generally annoy people....take care of you and the girls, did the a/c mess finally dry up? later, lavendar:yahoo::yahoo::rollit:
Plz be careful! don't screw your back up too..

I'll be right over to give ya a hand..

Oh, wait :bravo: here you go.. a hand! get it? :smokin:

Sisco Thank you for the hand:grinjoint: Your always so helpful.:smokin::smokin:
What would I do without you????:bravo:
You be careful OMM, might let them dry a bit before trying to put them up there. My back hurts from here thinking about a wet rug....:whoa:

Aloha my friend, it can be enough for peace to reign until better comes along. Glad you and Joanne can be friendly :grinjoint:.


Howdy High I am going to do just that, let them dry out,,,,real dry.:grinjoint::grinjoint:

I have a pain in my rear end, but not my back and I want to keep it that way!! I see what hell all you guys go through. I think screwed up backs are one of the biggies on 420.:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:

She makes things better all around when she wants too. Hope she keeps it up. :smokin:

Thanks for your concern.:cheer:

Aloha my mountain friend :peace:

Just fixed on this.

will be mine like thatttttt??
you're sure now? i thought ak was america too, and it was, but a hundred a fifty yrs ago america, well, not that much actually, but close....i love the rural life....what do people hunt there...boar? never really read about any thing but that....
well yahoooo, this is free time, so i'm running thru to say howdy and on my way to spread hate and discontentment to the masses....and just generally annoy people....take care of you and the girls, did the a/c mess finally dry up? later, lavendar:yahoo::yahoo::rollit:

Okay Lavendar You know what it's like here then. Most of the old timers still don't want to be a state. It was very much like we did to the Indians, we kinda just took it from them.
Boar hutting is biggie here. Big ole Razorbacks roam the mountains here. Most people fish like crazy here too.

Well, if that's what your gonna do, think I will follow you around and watch the devastation!:thumb:
Yep, everything is dry again.:cheer:
Damn hulio you have become quite the grower...The buds look great sticky,Stinky,Smokable... Gotta meet up with a guy tomorrow about a place to move too... What bad timing...But theres 4 sick people that can't grow for themselves and a nice piece of property I can move onto with all hookups and all I pay for is internet and phone. Grow barn is pretty much setup and room for mine too. Won't know till tomorrow all specifics but 5 times 15 will have my work cutout for me the shape i'm in...lol peace bro...
Great photographs O. You sure have a knack for taking pics! The skunk, Kush and the White Shark looked especially appetizing and your only at 5 weeks!. Great job buddy!:Rasta:

Hi Ya Buddy I must be getting used to the new camera :yummy:
You probably noticed some discolored leaves. I flushed them all today, and I mean flushed. Then I gave then all a healthy does of nutes. So maybe I can get rid of the yellowing. Over all they do look good. :cheer:

Thanks :cheer:
Man, I remember when you had 3 or 4 girls all squished into a Lil box..

Look at you now, growing some outdoor beauty's and ripping through another batch!

You are the man! Congrats on the great looking buds and seedlings.

Hi my freind sisco I remember those days only too well. :Rasta:

But man, I still hold my breath though! :thumb:
Damn hulio you have become quite the grower...The buds look great sticky,Stinky,Smokable... Gotta meet up with a guy tomorrow about a place to move too... What bad timing...But theres 4 sick people that can't grow for themselves and a nice piece of property I can move onto with all hookups and all I pay for is internet and phone. Grow barn is pretty much setup and room for mine too. Won't know till tomorrow all specifics but 5 times 15 will have my work cutout for me the shape i'm in...lol peace bro...

Hi JJ I picked up a bit from you so that must be what it is :thumb:

Wonderful news JJ Hope like hell that goes through for you:grinjoint:
Hey Man, when have you not worked your old tired butt off?:surf:
Sounds like a sweet deal. I want to see the master at work again, but a little more slowly and helping your health to get better at the same time. hulio. :surf:
I'll tell you something OMM they 'Greenhouse Seeds' use that Switzerland pot for 50% of their seed stock. I can see the Lemon in the 'greenhouse seed'? Is that where it's from? I know we talked but my pee brain forgot the vendor. That upward curl is common is the 'Church' least the last 6 or 7 generations I've grown. I've grown it before if it's the same. Weed? Man did it ROCK. Knocked my dick in the dirt. I just see the same trait is all. Lates my Friend
:bravo: Those are some truly beautiful plants my friend. All of them are healthy and full of bud, you should have a great harvest....if only Granny Blunt were watching this grow....:Rasta:

The variation in the buds is great to see and all look like superior weed. :goodjob:

Glad to see you have your babies maturing nicely.

Hope you had a cool breeze blowing through that jungle as you had to do your chores on the girls tonight...I did notice the guard Lady Bug down in that bud picture.

:peace: brother and Aloha from the little garden in the mountains.
I'll tell you something OMM they 'Greenhouse Seeds' use that Switzerland pot for 50% of their seed stock. I can see the Lemon in the 'greenhouse seed'? Is that where it's from? I know we talked but my pee brain forgot the vendor. That upward curl is common is the 'Church' least the last 6 or 7 generations I've grown. I've grown it before if it's the same. Weed? Man did it ROCK. Knocked my dick in the dirt. I just see the same trait is all. Lates my Friend

Hi Wood You are right my freind. Lemon Shunk is from Greenhouse Seeds.
It was not a colored seed so it just popped right up. The other Greenhouse seed is the Strawberry Haze. She was a colored seed and I had a hell of a time getting her going, but she sure puts out some colas. That's good news, she looks like she'll knock you for a loop. Stay down my freind! :grinjoint:
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