OldMedMan's 2nd Grow 5 Strains and AirPots

Hi groover I thought that's why I hadn't seen you Bro. Busy. Busy.

Happy 420 day to you too:cheer:

The new site is different alright. Still haven't figured out how to log out. Probably right in front of my nose again:smokin:

This wonderful body takes a small. Don't have to get me one Buddy, since the camera never got there. You'll need the money for the trip, so don't worry about it!:grinjoint:

You cant log out anymore. We're all here for good.:biglaugh:
Faaaaaark riiiiiiiight orrrrrrrrff with your dont get me a shirt BS!!!
The fact that some lowlife decided to re-route the camera isn't important.
What is important is that you had the kind heartedness to send it in the first place and that's why I AM sending you a gift. Even after losing one cam your nice enough to send another one to someone else in need. Your a good bloke and deserve a present for that reason alone. Just shut up and accept it oldman.:biglaugh::rofl: You've been told!!!! Don't sweat the $$$. I've had a bit of good fortune in the financial division. Got paid for the Jag and have done a bit of saving so for the FIRST time ever i'll be attending this sort of event CASHED UP (im talkin had to buy a moneybelt cashed up:yahoo:). I'm used to having to be a volunteer for tickets and busking and hitchhiking and doing festivals like a total bum. I have always had a great time and never found myself without enough food,drink,weed and stuff to get by, usually due to others generosity. Now that i'm in a position to do it, I can pass on that generosity to other like-minded people. It's gonna be a lot of fun.
Plants look fine. I wouldn't worry about the yellow leaf unless it also starts affecting the newer growth up top. Pippa had the occasional yellow leaf at about the same stage. Just pull it off mate. Problem fixed:biglaugh::peace:
Gosh, OMM from the pictures the plants look amazing, maybe you can see something I can not from the pictures. I know some yellowing of the lower leaves is to be expected. If the leaves are hanging a little bit it could be a bit too much water. Just a though though. And if thats the case, let them go without water for a few days and they will perk back up.... Great job again... Off to the grind..... Good luck...
I think foliage is the last thing those things need to worry about....they are beautiful. I imagine she got hungry for nitrogen and ate it from that leaf. That is why you should always leave some fans on...if she goes through a "OH HEY NITROGEN PLEASE" foliage growth spurt and bloom nutes only have so much added....don't want too much. I would just let it stay on so when she needs another mobile element quick she can eat it from that leaf instead of another....just my silly thinking.

If it ain't blown off in outdoor wind it is still relatively healthy, she is obviously a healthy girl...is she a plant that needs more nutes or can eat more and grow more? Wasn't that one of the plants that GMT grew as a monster...bet he would know.

Aloha my friend, your girls are beautiful and each has their own personality making them even more beautiful. :peace:
Rofl but he had very nice structure and density of the internodes as well as very profuse flowering ,,when I have crossed males outdoors that flowered and died very quickly I found the next generation of seeds turned out to be very quick flowering in fact I had one line of genetics that finished by early september which is really early for a outdoor crop in Ontario Canada I have usually had to wait til end up sept early october.

Yep, I was gonna try it but fate stuck his nose in an screwed it up. Just as well, I can grow 6 at a time and I have enough seeds for the next two years. Hopefully. I still be healthy enough to grow. I'd be 70 by then.:grinjoint:
I think foliage is the last thing those things need to worry about....they are beautiful. I imagine she got hungry for nitrogen and ate it from that leaf. That is why you should always leave some fans on...if she goes through a "OH HEY NITROGEN PLEASE" foliage growth spurt and bloom nutes only have so much added....don't want too much. I would just let it stay on so when she needs another mobile element quick she can eat it from that leaf instead of another....just my silly thinking.

If it ain't blown off in outdoor wind it is still relatively healthy, she is obviously a healthy girl...is she a plant that needs more nutes or can eat more and grow more? Wasn't that one of the plants that GMT grew as a monster...bet he would know.

Aloha my friend, your girls are beautiful and each has their own personality making them even more beautiful. :peace:

Of course your right HigH:grinjoint: And not silly thinking at all.:reading420magazine:

I think I'll just keep an eye on them and go by what I think. Not too many people have grow her yet and the seed banks don't have any notes that tells anything like that. She was a free seed.

No GMT hasn't grown one yet, that I know of.

Remember the alarm that you were nice enough to show me? I bought two of them off of eBay for $15.00 with free shipping. Think I'll put both of them out there as insurance, thanks to you.:thumb:
You cant log out anymore. We're all here for good.:biglaugh:
Faaaaaark riiiiiiiight orrrrrrrrff with your dont get me a shirt BS!!!
The fact that some lowlife decided to re-route the camera isn't important.
What is important is that you had the kind heartedness to send it in the first place and that's why I AM sending you a gift. Even after losing one cam your nice enough to send another one to someone else in need. Your a good bloke and deserve a present for that reason alone. Just shut up and accept it oldman.:biglaugh::rofl: You've been told!!!! Don't sweat the $$$. I've had a bit of good fortune in the financial division. Got paid for the Jag and have done a bit of saving so for the FIRST time ever i'll be attending this sort of event CASHED UP (im talkin had to buy a moneybelt cashed up:yahoo:). I'm used to having to be a volunteer for tickets and busking and hitchhiking and doing festivals like a total bum. I have always had a great time and never found myself without enough food,drink,weed and stuff to get by, usually due to others generosity. Now that i'm in a position to do it, I can pass on that generosity to other like-minded people. It's gonna be a lot of fun.
Plants look fine. I wouldn't worry about the yellow leaf unless it also starts affecting the newer growth up top. Pippa had the occasional yellow leaf at about the same stage. Just pull it off mate. Problem fixed:biglaugh::peace:

I have shut up then, Mate Sounds like your in Fat City for while, good on you, Buddy. About time you were! Your going first class this time, stay away from those titty girls.:grinjoint: Your gonna have a blast! Damn a money belt too. High rollin are we? Wish I was there with you Buddy!;)

Yea, I was worring prematurely as usual. I am so proud of the girls,I want them to stay perfect. Ain't gonna happen!:rofl::rofl:
You cant log out anymore. We're all here for good.:biglaugh:

Hi groover. Hey man to log out go to the 420 forums button at the top of the page then scroll all the way to the bottom, you'll see the logout button on the right.

That's the only place I've found that works, may be others.
Hi groover. Hey man to log out go to the 420 forums button at the top of the page then scroll all the way to the bottom, you'll see the logout button on the right.

That's the only place I've found that works, may be others.

Hi Mmmmick Damn they hid that well!:reading420magazine:
Thanks, bet most of us don't log out at all now. We are lazy about some things. That looks like a lazy to me!;)

Yea, Strawberry is my favorite. That big cluster at the top, just blows me away when I when I look at it......I'm not even sure of what I'm seeing, just like her picture.:cheer: Love it!:cheer:
some lemon buds:grinjoint:

I love this pict.LOL- and this is no joke OMM- I'm going to actually frame it and put it up in my garden. I think I may have to start a wall of fame. So thank you for belessing my garden with yours.:ganjamon: Thats is going to be one hell of harvest along with a great variety of flowers.:goodjob:And a happy belated 420- as we all know stoners tend to lag occasionally:rofl:
I love this pict.LOL- and this is no joke OMM- I'm going to actually frame it and put it up in my garden. I think I may have to start a wall of fame. So thank you for belessing my garden with yours.:ganjamon: Thats is going to be one hell of harvest along with a great variety of flowers.:goodjob:And a happy belated 420- as we all know stoners tend to lag occasionally:rofl:

Well, Thank You Butcher I am honored that you would do that!:cheer:
You made my day Buddy!:grinjoint:

Yep, we stoners tend to do that......Happy belated 420 Day. You guys did a great job....still don't know how you keep up with it all,:cheer:
Hello there OMM, hope all is well and plants are sticky and green. Quick question, is it me or is this site running a lot slower with this new fangled setup they have going? It was so stream line before... Two much going on and blinking things distracting me...... I will probably get use to it but I am always with the if its not broken don't mess with it theory....
Aloha my friend, just dropped by to say good evening, and I hope all is well in paradise.

Those lemon buds do look tasty. :yummy: Yeah I figured the picture thing out finally...maybe...I use "original only". Works for what I want it to do. And is more bandwidth friendly.

:peace: OMM.
Hello there OMM, hope all is well and plants are sticky and green. Quick question, is it me or is this site running a lot slower with this new fangled setup they have going? It was so stream line before... Two much going on and blinking things distracting me...... I will probably get use to it but I am always with the if its not broken don't mess with it theory....

Hi sonzor There girl are draining the leaves now, Seems way to early for me, but I've never grown these strains before, may be they doing what's normal.

Yep, the site seems slower to me too. Don't think they will go back, the banners and flashing stuff are all making the site more money. At least it's still 420. Take care my friend. :grinjoint:
hey, those are beauties....and i agree with high on them using up some leaf...and that pic that butcher liked is fantastic...been working in the garden, working on getting some new pics up...soon, still playing catch up...later, lavendar:cheer:
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