OldMedMan's 2nd Grow 5 Strains and AirPots

Hi Everyone

Well, here is Bubblelicious #1 And I'm a not so proud Dad.:smokin:


If there is any doubt, this one tells the story.:smokin::smokin::smokin:

Here's all my in door girls, getting a little nutes and sun. The were looking like crap, so had to do something to make em feel better. Hope it works:reading420magazine:

If they don't start looking better, they may go into the AirPots sooner than I wanted them to. All of them had a run off pH at 6.3. So we'll see. Back under the lights they go.:thumb:

Any suggestions? Got down to seven plants.....one more to cull.

That male looks like it will be a wicked father very strong genetics on it I hope you took him and let him pop some pollen into a glass vial for you so you could fertilize a few lower branches for some offspring cause imo you had a very nice father there.
Aloha my friend, Hope this 420 finds you happily medicated sharing your time with friends. Just dropping by to let you know you are a great friend and passing some love....:passitleft:.

:peace: from the mountains in spring.
Hay OMM, the bubble sounds amazing and oh my gosh, those ladies look awesome. Very, very nice job.... I seems like only a week or so ago you started, my time goes by so fast...... You are going to in the good stuff before you know it.. Great job....
Happy 4/20 OMM! I'm chewing on a brownie and smoking a bowl of Homegrown..hee-hee.

Very nice day over here, little cool but sunny and breezy. Hope you have a wonderful day!

Happy 420, to you sisco :cheer:

Sounds like you should be feeling no pain and a lot of Happy:grinjoint:
No I didn't Cateros Actually I have seeds to last a while. and I didn't want to chance an accident. Some other time. Your name sounds Greek. I didn't look at where you are from. Thanks for taking a look at mt grow.
You have officially adobted a new daughter dad!! And I have you as my new dad!! Thanks for everything!! Hope to see you soon!! Aloha!

Great! I couldn't have a better one BAS:thumb::ganjamon::thumb:

Can't wait to see you!!!!!
No I didn't Cateros Actually I have seeds to last a while. and I didn't want to chance an accident. Some other time. Your name sounds Greek. I didn't look at where you are from. Thanks for taking a look at mt grow.

I am in Canada but yeah the name is actually my online gaming name as well I play Lots of MMoRpg's so its supposed to be a medievil type of name actually . Its to bad you couldnt have stored some of that males pollen thou he really looked to be a superior specimen to be absolutely honest.
Aloha my friend, Hope this 420 finds you happily medicated sharing your time with friends. Just dropping by to let you know you are a great friend and passing some love....:passitleft:.

:peace: from the mountains in spring.

Aloha to you too High

Actually I did spend the day with friends here on 420 and did smoke a few along the way:grinjoint:
If I have my way Buddy, we'll be friends forever
Hay OMM, the bubble sounds amazing and oh my gosh, those ladies look awesome. Very, very nice job.... I seems like only a week or so ago you started, my time goes by so fast...... You are going to in the good stuff before you know it.. Great job....

Hi sonzar, The Bubble girl is curing as we speak. I have her well guarded:surf: Thanks for the good words about my ladies :cool:
You having to work so much, time gets away from you. However do it while you can in these tough times. Be looking for you!;)
I am in Canada but yeah the name is actually my online gaming name as well I play Lots of MMoRpg's so its supposed to be a medievil type of name actually . Its to bad you couldnt have stored some of that males pollen thou he really looked to be a superior specimen to be absolutely honest.

Way cool on the name. You did get the feeling right, very ancient/medieval. ;)

Actually that guy, was as not big as he looked and blew himself out after a couple of days in another location. Premature ejaculation the damn kid!!!!:smokin: Just couldn't wait.:rofl::rofl:
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