OldMedMan's 2nd Grow 5 Strains and AirPots

Omm my friend you have come along way since we first met..WTG the ladies look Great...REPs to ya for sure..... I'm husstlin tryin to get addition on Greenhouse so been early up and early out...takes all i got to do it but i love it and thats what keeps me goin just like you...Cheers my man...


ok omm,
got something to say, so here goes....i read alot, one of the things left i can do and enjoy since hurt...no big deal, just life, it was supposed to be this way, or it wouldnt be, but, one of the things i read, is philosophy, and one of the things that really stuck was this thought....there are two kinds of important people in the word....one is the fool, and the other is the selfish person...."a fool will give nothing to anyone, but if put in a corner, by what ever reason, will give begrudgingly and hatefully of the worst he has...this is because he believes that once out of his hand, the "gift" is gone forever and is lost....a truely selfish person on the other hand, will give the best of what he has, knowing full well that it will return to him a thousand fold"....i am sooo proud to know you....that was such a kind and generous gift to a friend...and i know woods will love it, even tho i havent known you all for as long as you've known each other....i am soooo PROUD to know all of you....thank you for being you, if i'ld known i'ld be meeting you in this lifetime, i would have come as a better person....lavendar:thanks:

:yummy::rollit: now onto the really good stuff....those pics and plants are nothing short of great.....and i love your security system....the cans with rocks or marbles would be a great addition....or a bell on each one somewhere....right now our biggest worry is rats....we think we got rid of most of them but with a store next door that burns garbage, they do hang out, so we hunt and poison them alot....can sit in the trailer and shoot out the window as long as its not toward the store....now, how red neck does that sound....but it fits in with the neighbors...forty three yrs ago the hubby planted trees all around his property, which the power co. is now cutting along one side, so looks like a fence will go up, but we live in the middle of a one acre wood, so we are 20 miles out of town, but in the middle of a small community, used to be a polish settlement...all small semi yuppie farmers now.....anyway, absolutely gorgeous plants....later, lavendar

Hi Lavendar Well, thank you, that was a nice thing to say. I don't see stockpiling things that you are not going to use. Let someone have it that needs it. Simple as that. I sure as hell can't take it with me. :ganjamon:
Out of the blue, people have done things for me and I made up my mind to be that way too. Every wife I've had has called me an idiot for being that way. My Hippie days were great. if you came over an saw something you liked, I would give it to you. Share life, make it good, it always comes back to you in some way. :ganjamon:
I told a poor, poor, local guy I was smoking with that I liked his pipe and he just flat gave it to me. He hand carves them out of bamboo. I still have it and use it 20 years later. Look in my gallery, there's a picture of it, Notice I remember what he did and the feeling he gave me. One of life's moments.
We can all do that! If we just would. :grinjoint:

A bell sounds good on each plant, that wood be cool. I'm always looking for some way to make noise. :yummy: Shame I have do all this at all, but it's reality.

This the longest I've ever lived anywhere. I think that would be so cool to plants trees 43 years ago and see them today. Rats! I'd be shooting em too!
Luckily there are cats that patrol around here every night. Your place sounds beautiful. A place that is secluded and with trees. Too bad the teenagers are around and being nose y. That's really cool, that you pretty much hide in the middle of a community.:ganjamon:

The plants are doing good and so am I. :ganjamon:
See you again very soon. You do realize your part of the gang now don't you?
Hey bro, was thinking of something louder than tin cans...I know I would never hear the cans inside my house.

I seen something that would be real handy for your plants.

Mount one of these on the tether and if anyone moves it enough to move this they will get a alarm in their face. :ganjamon: Like 8 bucks or something like that. I imagine they have ones with remote alarms like a key chain, but this is cheap.

Aloha OMM and :peace: to you my friend.

Brother I will be looking for one of those! Never even thought of it. Our bikes are hanging it the garage, since we can't ride them any more. So the thought never interred my mind. Will look for them now! :thumb:
Thank You High! :ganjamon: AlohA
Lavendar It seems you got invited into the car. Best. Hey OMM Hope that Wood's White fairs well. Talk at ya later. I just got off the phone with James all good. He was just down this ways, bummer he didnt have my hookup. But life is good. Keep it green....
Wow OMM, I finally caught up reading here and I'm exhausted but in a good way. The girls all look great and your little crop looks nice and tasty.

I didn't know those air pots came apart like that. That's uber-cool! :thumb:

Your low-tech security system is probably a better idea than my plan to set up a shotgun at ass level. Loaded with rock salt of course. I'll keep the double-ought shot for the slingshot and any follow-up shots required. The dogs keep the riff-raff away pretty well tho. I think I'll put some plants outside this year but stake them close to the ground like a ScroG so I can tent them with Panda film and keep them out of sight. I found out a friend has a monster roll of it for his farm and will give me lots for free.

+Reps when I can, for your girls and your generosity! :bravo:


LabRat hehe I feel the same about visiting you, always have to catchup!:ganjamon:
I am loving these airpots. The are making me look good! :yummy:

LOL. Shotgun at ass level! I have a BB gun :rollit: and a sling shot!
Dogs would sure help too. Since my last one died. I'm not mentally ready to get another one.:smokin:

That sounds good. ScroG camouflaged with panda film! Your mind is always working Bro. :ganjamon:

Thanks for the nice words too!:ganjamon:

He's BACK! OH! Just plain old good!!!!!!! Got to go see him!:rofl::rofl:
Lavendar It seems you got invited into the car. Best. Hey OMM Hope that Wood's White fairs well. Talk at ya later. I just got off the phone with James all good. He was just down this ways, bummer he didnt have my hookup. But life is good. Keep it green....

Me too Bro. Wood's White is what it really is. Have three of them popping up now. Hope I get at least one female! Cool about James, he's a good guy.
Gonna be a good summer for us all! Stay Down Bro!
Omm my friend you have come along way since we first met..WTG the ladies look Great...REPs to ya for sure..... I'm husstlin tryin to get addition on Greenhouse so been early up and early out...takes all i got to do it but i love it and thats what keeps me goin just like you...Cheers my man...


Hey JJ:bravo::ganjamon: Missed this some how, Sorry Buddy. Yeah, you and many others taught me allot that first go round. Actually, truth is I stop and think a bit more now. Those AirPots I'm using are making me look good too!

Your doing what? Well, actually I understand it. You are right, it keeps us going. Just don't rush at it, take your time. I got to see what your doing. Hopefully, your modifying it so it's easier to work in for you. Knowing you you're expanding it.:ganjamon: Please stagger your girls this time, so you wont be harvesting all at once! Those monsters you grow would tire anyone out. :ganjamon:

You know, I actually have a bit of that WhiteBerry from long ago. :thumb:
Thanks for the reps. Take care old friend!:bravo:
Got it Jim!

The Camera. Arrived an hour or so ago and I just opened it and wow, beautiful! I can't tell you how grateful I am and how fortunate I am to know such a person as yourself. I know that all of us have now witnessed this goodness and kindness and will now strive to be like you.

Hey who's that handsome dude with a self portrait in the camera? My wife is ready to leave me for that guy! Say's he has more hair than I do. Not only that, but he lives in Hawaii. She's booking a flight out in the morning Jim! That should give you enough time to get a head start and head for the hills. Take sandwiches and water in case she hangs around for awhile. Don't look back or you could turn to stone (not stoned) and that will be the end. Head for the high country and God be with you and have mercy on your soul if my wife catches you! :Rasta:

Thank you agian my great friend, I hope someday soon to be able to return the favor and also do the same to others!

Got it Jim!

The Camera. Arrived an hour or so ago and I just opened it and wow, beautiful! I can't tell you how grateful I am and how fortunate I am to know such a person as yourself. I know that all of us have now witnessed this goodness and kindness and will now strive to be like you.

Hey who's that handsome dude with a self portrait in the camera? My wife is ready to leave me for that guy! Say's he has more hair than I do. Not only that, but he lives in Hawaii. She's booking a flight out in the morning Jim! That should give you enough time to get a head start and head for the hills. Take sandwiches and water in case she hangs around for awhile. Don't look back or you could turn to stone (not stoned) and that will be the end. Head for the high country and God be with you and have mercy on your soul if my wife catches you! :Rasta:

Thank you agian my great friend, I hope someday soon to be able to return the favor and also do the same to others!


Ahhhh Shucks You let the cat out of the bag, I am quite dashing in my own way. Many people swoon when they see me! Skinny little guy, with gray hair, glasses and false teeth. I'm just plain fit! :ganjamon:

I have an escape route already picked out, She ain't bringing that damn leopard with her is she? Well, my BB guns loaded. I'm ready!:ganjamon:

Besides, I have Karma on my side! OMMMMMM!

Glad you like the camera Buddy. I expect to see some of your photography skills in action now. I gotta see that roof you were on!!!
Ahhhh Shucks You let the cat out of the bag, I am quite dashing in my own way. Many people swoon when they see me! Skinny little guy, with gray hair, glasses and false teeth. I'm just plain fit! :ganjamon:

I have an escape route already picked out, She ain't bringing that damn leopard with her is she? Well, my BB guns loaded. I'm ready!:ganjamon:

Besides, I have Karma on my side! OMMMMMM!

Glad you like the camera Buddy. I expect to see some of your photography skills in action now. I gotta see that roof you were on!!!

They had a sign at the airport said 'no snow leopards past this point', so as far as I know, no, she didn't bring it. LOL

I just took some pics of the buds, but this is without reading any of the 500 pages in the instructions. I've got the photos in the computer , but I have to re size them. It takes a long time to re size one photo so I'm downloading Picasa from Google right now so I can re size in bulk. Does this make sense? Or is there a quicker way. I never had to do this with my little 3 mp camera.
They had a sign at the airport said 'no snow leopards past this point', so as far as I know, no, she didn't bring it. LOL

I just took some pics of the buds, but this is without reading any of the 500 pages in the instructions. I've got the photos in the computer , but I have to re size them. It takes a long time to re size one photo so I'm downloading Picasa from Google right now so I can re size in bulk. Does this make sense? Or is there a quicker way. I never had to do this with my little 3 mp camera.

That makes me feel allot better...no leopard:grinjoint:

You get my email?

FPF (Fry) made a good suggestion about resizing on your journal. Think I will try a few his way. Feel sorry for groover, his new camera has an even larger book.:ganjamon:
That makes me feel allot better...no leopard:grinjoint:

You get my email?

FPF (Fry) made a good suggestion about resizing on your journal. Think I will try a few his way. Feel sorry for groover, his new camera has an even larger book.:ganjamon:

I have an old version of Paint Shop Pro I bought in the late 90's. I merely copy the folder from my old computers to the new one, and walla!!!, click on the executable file and it runs! No need to reinstall the software. Resizing is quick and easy. I'm not sure, but I believe with a little research, I would be able to resize in bulk as well. Maybe check around CNET for some freebie software for resizing photos. Here's one that looks useful.

Free Picture Resize Starter - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET Download.com
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