OldMedMan's 2nd Grow 5 Strains and AirPots

Hi OMM, awesome photo spread my friend. I can't pick a favorite but the Strawberry cough looks like she's gonna grow some big clumps of bud.
They all look very healthy, going well.:cheer:

Looking very nice there.:thumb:

Hi Mmmmick Thanks!
Strawberry is my favorite, but as any good Dad, I love them all. :ganjamon:
There pictures really show how each strain is different. I got a feeling I'll do multiple strains again. :grinjoint:

Well, I'm starting to get nervous since they all are doing so well. Tomorrow or the next day I will be installing my world famous security system. Just in case.:smokin::smokin:
Hi Mmmmick Thanks!
Strawberry is my favorite, but as any good Dad, I love them all. :ganjamon:
There pictures really show how each strain is different. I got a feeling I'll do multiple strains again. :grinjoint:

Well, I'm starting to get nervous since they all are doing so well. Tomorrow or the next day I will be installing my world famous security system. Just in case.:smokin::smokin:

grrr I swear I posted a repy to you already , lol

Probably previewed it and moved on.:grinjoint:
Of course they ALL deserve to be loved.

Multi strain grows are great. Especially when they've got room to show their stuff.
Yeah thats a good idea now that they are showing buds, get 'em wired up, make sure they stay home.
grrr I swear I posted a repy to you already , lol

Probably previewed it and moved on.:grinjoint:
Of course they ALL deserve to be loved.

Multi strain grows are great. Especially when they've got room to show their stuff.
Yeah thats a good idea now that they are showing buds, get 'em wired up, make sure they stay home.

You too!I don't know what that is. Happens even when I am not high too.
one wrong key and poof!

Your right I don't want those girls wandering around the neighborhood. :smokin::smokin::smokin::smokin:
yo omm that GWS is awesome! i really like the looks of that lemon skunk to;) i like that lingo your surfer brada came up with to "trinkets" haha thats awesome i'm gonna use that one from now on good growin to ya my friend

My pleasure CO:grinjoint:

GWS is great isn't she! This is really getting to be fun:cheer:
Hey OMM, I think I'd have to vote for the Strawberry Haze as my fav. so far! Looking great.

Sorry I haven't stopped by too much lately, with the weather getting so nice around here it's hard to justify spending too much time on the computer.

How are you doing health-wise, I hope everything is going well.

Hi Fry Mine too. She is just crowded with buds.:grinjoint:
No worries mate, I read you're description of what your doing in that good weather, sounds real nice.

Doing good at the moment, glad we both are!;)
Hi Fry Mine too. She is just crowded with buds.:grinjoint:
No worries mate, I read you're description of what your doing in that good weather, sounds real nice.

Doing good at the moment, glad we both are!;)

Great to hear you're doing well, keep it up! I'm feeling great too, a few days away from the alcohol and sticking with just the weed does me great.
Oh my my my OMM! :Rasta: I'm all cross eyed now, my face turned different colors and I had to stick my finger in the socket just to calm down! Whew!

I'm with FryingPan, I like that Strawberry thingy one. I like a few more but I can't remember the names! LOL with my short term memory loss, I can't turn the damn page back to see the name of the other ones. They are all beauties OMM and you should be a proud Papa!. Nice family ya got my friend! Is it the white shark that's the second from the right. That one looks very fat and chubby. Bet she's a good kisser! LOL.

Hey all just so y'all know, I'm sure ya do anyway, this OMM character is quite a guy. Just now I've been informed through Nasa traffic contol that there is a carrier pigeon (or was it a stork) that OMM has dispatched form his secret hideout deep in the Islands, with a package addressed to me. I'm glad you got birds that read OMM. We only have trained mosquitoes here. This nice man is sending me his old/yet almost new camera! Not to hard to believe as we all know him as a great guy. That he would do such a thing out of the goodness of his heart is amazing. I've met so many nice folks here on this site. OMM, it's no wonder your a famous celebrity in the Islands. Your a great and generous guy no matter what the X thinks, thanks buddy!
hey omm heres a pic of some GWS i just got for 4/20
Basic Cheap Security System

Well here is my very basic plant protection. As you will see it is not really designed to protect the plants, but to prevent theft of my plants. :surf:

Remeber my plants at night have total darkness and I am not worried about potential thief seeing it. :surf:

I use screw clamps with a protective sleeve around each stem. They are screwed in tightly. The wire I use is steel and is really tough. :surf:

I can't really afford any thing elaborate.:surf:

Here is the anchor that everything is tied to. I will probably add some cans with rocks inside to makes some noise.

If a thief runs in the yard to steal a plant "Surprise" they are all tied together! Noise will ensue, plants will fall and I will be there with my baseball bat to break whatever I can. Yes my plants will be injured, but I can recover them. Better than losing em all. I usually stay awake at night and I am maybe 20 yards away. Not the best system, but is better than nothing.:ganjamon::ganjamon::ganjamon::ganjamon:
Great to hear you're doing well, keep it up! I'm feeling great too, a few days away from the alcohol and sticking with just the weed does me great.

Hey Fry It is good that we are doing well! Of course still have aches and pains but, nothing serious at the moment. I don't use alcohol. Too many conflicts with my other meds, so I'm ahead of the game that way.
Like my friend Mmmmick sez " Up right and breathing is good! :yahoo:
Course you can always bury your system and nail it too ur wall. I use fishing leader material myself and a crimping sleeve, and 7 strand 300lb lead cable for the leads. Anyone ever shark fish or sturgeon fish is real familiar with the material. It's plastic coated and pliable. GL OMM plants look sweet
Aloha my friend. Your girls are looking so amazing bro :bravo:....you are gonna have some seriously beautiful buds...ginormous!!!

I am up an about now....:bong: :bongrip:

Feeling better, not perfect but the headache is a normal one and the body aches are subsiding.....:yahoo:. Will be time to work on my grow. Seriously thinking about sending The Church on her way....don't want to deprive the mass producers any room. I may just shift her into the corner and that is where she will live her days.

:peace: brother.
yo OMM got that light workin its freakin sweet man you are right so much light i would guess shes a 100 watt and thank you brother she will be goin into the veg room tmmrw once the poisin settles i put some pics up of on to ... very innovative theft technique it would stop any stupid thief in a second and then they wouldn't remember much due to a babe ruth slug from the end of your bat haha stay up my man
Oh my my my OMM! :Rasta: I'm all cross eyed now, my face turned different colors and I had to stick my finger in the socket just to calm down! Whew!

I'm with FryingPan, I like that Strawberry thingy one. I like a few more but I can't remember the names! LOL with my short term memory loss, I can't turn the damn page back to see the name of the other ones. They are all beauties OMM and you should be a proud Papa!. Nice family ya got my friend! Is it the white shark that's the second from the right. That one looks very fat and chubby. Bet she's a good kisser! LOL.

Hey all just so y'all know, I'm sure ya do anyway, this OMM character is quite a guy. Just now I've been informed through Nasa traffic contol that there is a carrier pigeon (or was it a stork) that OMM has dispatched form his secret hideout deep in the Islands, with a package addressed to me. I'm glad you got birds that read OMM. We only have trained mosquitoes here. This nice man is sending me his old/yet almost new camera! Not to hard to believe as we all know him as a great guy. That he would do such a thing out of the goodness of his heart is amazing. I've met so many nice folks here on this site. OMM, it's no wonder your a famous celebrity in the Islands. Your a great and generous guy no matter what the X thinks, thanks buddy!

Yea Woodsman The strawberry seems to be everyone's favorite, with the Great White Shark second. Of course I have great expectations for em all. :thumb:

Awww Sucks, Buddy. You needed a camera and I had an extra, so why not let some else have it. In all truth, I think others here could do the same thing. Some people have stuff they don't use anymore, so why not share with those who need it. A random act of kindness makes both people happy. End of soapbox speech. :ganjamon:

If that pigeon can fly and swim it should be there soon, my friend.:thumb:
Course you can always bury your system and nail it too ur wall. I use fishing leader material myself and a crimping sleeve, and 7 strand 300lb lead cable for the leads. Anyone ever shark fish or sturgeon fish is real familiar with the material. It's plastic coated and pliable. GL OMM plants look sweet

I did get fishing line too. Wood:ganjamon: Got all the parts together and when I went out to fix it up.....I forgot to buy the crimper.:smokin::smokin::smokin: So I used what I had.:yahoo:
Hope you and Miss J are fine!:ganjamon:
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