OldMedMan's 2nd Grow 5 Strains and AirPots

Aloha my friend. Your girls are looking so amazing bro :bravo:....you are gonna have some seriously beautiful buds...ginormous!!!

I am up an about now....:bong: :bongrip:

Feeling better, not perfect but the headache is a normal one and the body aches are subsiding.....:yahoo:. Will be time to work on my grow. Seriously thinking about sending The Church on her way....don't want to deprive the mass producers any room. I may just shift her into the corner and that is where she will live her days.

:peace: brother.

That's good news High!:bravo:
I know Bro they do look good, even to me. Hallelujah!:ganjamon:
You might ask Norcaliwood about the church, he's in his seventh generation of her and loves them, actually it's Miss J that loves her.:surf:

So glad you are feeling better! my friend!:ganjamon:

Much Aloha to you!
yo OMM got that light workin its freakin sweet man you are right so much light i would guess shes a 100 watt and thank you brother she will be goin into the veg room tmmrw once the poisin settles i put some pics up of on to ... very innovative theft technique it would stop any stupid thief in a second and then they wouldn't remember much due to a babe ruth slug from the end of your bat haha stay up my man

Way Cool CO:ganjamon:

Sucker sure is bright, like you said. Too bad I can't grow inside.:yahoo:

I'll be over to check it out and your cool grow too!:thumb:
Yea Woodsman The strawberry seems to be everyone's favorite, with the Great White Shark second. Of course I have great expectations for em all. :thumb:

Awww Sucks, Buddy. You needed a camera and I had an extra, so why not let some else have it. In all truth, I think others here could do the same thing. Some people have stuff they don't use anymore, so why not share with those who need it. A random act of kindness makes both people happy. End of soapbox speech. :ganjamon:

If that pigeon can fly and swim it should be there soon, my friend.:thumb:

Fear not for I have sentries posted "all along the watchtower' and will signal me when your faithful pigeon is sited. She will be escorted in by an honor guard hand picked by myself and will be awarded the highest of honors at my dinner table. Roast of Pigeon anyone?

What can I say OMM, but that your kindness knows no bounds!

Many thanks my friend (can't wait to take some pics with it).

Awww Sucks, Buddy. You needed a camera and I had an extra, so why not let some else have it. In all truth, I think others here could do the same thing. Some people have stuff they don't use anymore, so why not share with those who need it. A random act of kindness makes both people happy. End of soapbox speech. :ganjamon:

If that pigeon can fly and swim it should be there soon, my friend.:thumb:

Way Cool CO:ganjamon:

Sucker sure is bright, like you said. Too bad I can't grow inside.:yahoo:

I'll be over to check it out and your cool grow too!:thumb:

OMM you're bout the most generous fella i've come across in a while:welldone: karma will be hookin you up my brada and i agree if you got something you don't need help someone out that does and you will both be in good fortune:thumb: and i'll be glad to have yah over on the journal whenever you get round to it there should be some pics up of the girls that you haven't seen :surf:
ALOHA old friend,
The girls are looking sweeeeeeeeet !!!!!!!!
very nice job must be nice to have that tropical air all year long im still getting frost on the ground.
take care be safe !!!! :bravo:

Aloha to you too my friend,:surf:

Hawaiian weather changes all the time, and I mean all the the time. :smokin:

Its rainy and cloudy and 76 degrees, which is freezing to us.:smokin:

Hardly any of us have any indoor heat. But, I guess I'll live through it! :ganjamon:

You take care too!:ganjamon:
hey omm heres a pic of some GWS i just got for 4/20

CO.....now that looks good:thumb:
wish you could smell it my brada oh wait you can haha this pheno smells like lemony zest with a hint of chickoree and on taste has a musky draft on inhale with a hard afterburn on exhale and the aftertaste is very woody/citrus at the same time awesome bud i love this strain that nug weighed out at 3.2
Fear not for I have sentries posted "all along the watchtower' and will signal me when your faithful pigeon is sited. She will be escorted in by an honor guard hand picked by myself and will be awarded the highest of honors at my dinner table. Roast of Pigeon anyone?

What can I say OMM, but that your kindness knows no bounds!

Many thanks my friend (can't wait to take some pics with it).

"all along the watchtower" Now where have I heard that before? :peace::peace::peace:

A meal is a meal! You mean your gonna hand pick the Pigeon??? :ganjamon::ganjamon::ganjamon:
The plants are looooooooking great!!!!!

Shame that you have to leash them. I'm convinced we've been in societal decline since the 80s, and seeing that kind of security is just another reminder.

OMM you're bout the most generous fella i've come across in a while:welldone: karma will be hookin you up my brada and i agree if you got something you don't need help someone out that does and you will both be in good fortune:thumb: and i'll be glad to have yah over on the journal whenever you get round to it there should be some pics up of the girls that you haven't seen :surf:

Just seems logical to me. CO :yahoo:
New girls? Got to see em!:yahoo:
wish you could smell it my brada oh wait you can haha this pheno smells like lemony zest with a hint of chickoree and on taste has a musky draft on inhale with a hard afterburn on exhale and the aftertaste is very woody/citrus at the same time awesome bud i love this strain that nug weighed out at 3.2

Sounds delicious :ganjamon:
"all along the watchtower" Now where have I heard that before? :peace::peace::peace:

A meal is a meal! You mean your gonna hand pick the Pigeon??? :ganjamon::ganjamon::ganjamon:

'All the maidens came and went, barefoot servants too'

Right, I'm hand picking the honor guard and the pigeon. Finger licken good!

Funny but 'Doves' are pretty good eating. Had an Italian girlfriend (we were actually engaged) and her mom used to cook up a great tasting pot of doves and serve it over pilanta. Very tasty don't ya know!
The plants are looooooooking great!!!!!

Shame that you have to leash them. I'm convinced we've been in societal decline since the 80s, and seeing that kind of security is just another reminder.


Hate to say it PaPa but you are right! And now the economy is adding to the fire:smokin::smokin:

The girls thank you:peace:
'All the maidens came and went, barefoot servants too'

Right, I'm hand picking the honor guard and the pigeon. Finger licken good!

Funny but 'Doves' are pretty good eating. Had an Italian girlfriend (we were actually engaged) and her mom used to cook up a great tasting pot of doves and serve it over pilanta. Very tasty don't ya know!

Finally a cure for all these damn Doves. This island is over run by Doves, let's get Superweed and some of his friends over here and clear em out.:ganjamon:

Man, we have had very similar experiences. When I was in Italy, I had an Italian girl friend and her mother could cook. Man she could cook. Gained allot of weight. Brought the girl friend to the states....she lasted 3 months and went home. Said American's were pigs. Oh! Well!:ganjamon:
dude i go dove hunting every year just north of dallas texas best bird for breakfast there is in my opinion, fried dove, eggs and, a big plate of hash browns mmmmm...

Man, that's pretty country. Never eaten one yet, but sounds good to me.
I'm off to bed, it's morning and I'm half there already. Talk at you later. :ganjamon:
Man, that's pretty country. Never eaten one yet, but sounds good to me.
I'm off to bed, it's morning and I'm half there already. Talk at you later. :ganjamon:

ok omm,
got something to say, so here goes....i read alot, one of the things left i can do and enjoy since hurt...no big deal, just life, it was supposed to be this way, or it wouldnt be, but, one of the things i read, is philosophy, and one of the things that really stuck was this thought....there are two kinds of important people in the word....one is the fool, and the other is the selfish person...."a fool will give nothing to anyone, but if put in a corner, by what ever reason, will give begrudgingly and hatefully of the worst he has...this is because he believes that once out of his hand, the "gift" is gone forever and is lost....a truely selfish person on the other hand, will give the best of what he has, knowing full well that it will return to him a thousand fold"....i am sooo proud to know you....that was such a kind and generous gift to a friend...and i know woods will love it, even tho i havent known you all for as long as you've known each other....i am soooo PROUD to know all of you....thank you for being you, if i'ld known i'ld be meeting you in this lifetime, i would have come as a better person....lavendar:thanks:

:yummy::rollit: now onto the really good stuff....those pics and plants are nothing short of great.....and i love your security system....the cans with rocks or marbles would be a great addition....or a bell on each one somewhere....right now our biggest worry is rats....we think we got rid of most of them but with a store next door that burns garbage, they do hang out, so we hunt and poison them alot....can sit in the trailer and shoot out the window as long as its not toward the store....now, how red neck does that sound....but it fits in with the neighbors...forty three yrs ago the hubby planted trees all around his property, which the power co. is now cutting along one side, so looks like a fence will go up, but we live in the middle of a one acre wood, so we are 20 miles out of town, but in the middle of a small community, used to be a polish settlement...all small semi yuppie farmers now.....anyway, absolutely gorgeous plants....later, lavendar

Hey bro, was thinking of something louder than tin cans...I know I would never hear the cans inside my house.

I seen something that would be real handy for your plants.

Mount one of these on the tether and if anyone moves it enough to move this they will get a alarm in their face. :ganjamon: Like 8 bucks or something like that. I imagine they have ones with remote alarms like a key chain, but this is cheap.

Aloha OMM and :peace: to you my friend.
Wow OMM, I finally caught up reading here and I'm exhausted but in a good way. The girls all look great and your little crop looks nice and tasty.

I didn't know those air pots came apart like that. That's uber-cool! :thumb:

Your low-tech security system is probably a better idea than my plan to set up a shotgun at ass level. Loaded with rock salt of course. I'll keep the double-ought shot for the slingshot and any follow-up shots required. The dogs keep the riff-raff away pretty well tho. I think I'll put some plants outside this year but stake them close to the ground like a ScroG so I can tent them with Panda film and keep them out of sight. I found out a friend has a monster roll of it for his farm and will give me lots for free.

+Reps when I can, for your girls and your generosity! :bravo:

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