OldMedMan's 2nd Grow 5 Strains and AirPots

heheh, I know how I function when the smoke is heavy.
She's gonna be awesome after a cure.

The airpot root pics are great. Just think how much more effective your roots are when half of them aren't exposed to air as in a normal pot. Hardly a wasted root to be seen.
I've been trying to find out more about the copper hydroxide paint or coated pots. There was a link to an online shop that sold pots pre-treated but I've lost it and still haven't found them online yet. Don't remember if it was in your journal or on a completely different website. I'll scan back through eventually.
The airpots may be a better alternative, with little extra effort.

Hi Mmmmick Setting Sun got the answer and that is good because I didn't know the answer. Sounds mysterious .:grinjoint:

Miss Bubble is in her jar now. I will post a look at her in just a few minuets.
Might be brave enough for a smoke report too.:cheer:
hey omm been a while since i stopped through things seem to be runnin smoothly and bubbliscious looked awesome dude those nugs looked like lil rocks;) still haven't gotten the light apart to take a look to many other things goin on but i'll let you know when i do oh an hows the GWS doin?

Hi CO Report on the Bubble girl coming up. No hurry CO.:cheer:
Great White is bushing out like crazy, Bro .:grinjoint:
OilfieldTrash Look in Hawaiian Duck's journal for a good look at them, they do NOT look like mj. :grinjoint:[/QUOT

thanks omm,
finally found the journal, have it earmarked, now to read it...hope you had a good day, still not done with all the to do's around here....lavendar....looking forward to smoke report....i have one of those growing....about 4 wks out still at least...
Summary of Bubblelicious

Well here is her awesome :cheer: 14 grams


In her home for a while:grinjoint:

Her smoke is potent and head spinning as the fist test. I don't know how much stronger she can get with a long cure......I am already quite happy with her. She would be perfect for watching The Stanley Cup Playoffs if you're team is losing. :grinjoint:
To my poor taste buds she has a kind of lemon flavor. She is not harsh, but smooth.

The poor girl didn't yield much, but she was well worth the trouble:yahoo:
OilfieldTrash Look in Hawaiian Duck's journal for a good look at them, they do NOT look like mj. :grinjoint:[/QUOT

thanks omm,
finally found the journal, have it earmarked, now to read it...hope you had a good day, still not done with all the to do's around here....lavendar....looking forward to smoke report....i have one of those growing....about 4 wks out still at least...

No Problem Young Lady:grinjoint: Well, just wade into the do's and they'll get done. Germed some replacements for the two that are now gone. One hermi, one harvest.

My Bubblelicious was mistreated, forgotten and her trichs were way over due at 50% dark amber, but she is potent (8+) and good. A very smooth lemon kind of taste. ;)
Hi Mmmmick Setting Sun got the answer and that is good because I didn't know the answer. Sounds mysterious .:grinjoint:

Miss Bubble is in her jar now. I will post a look at her in just a few minuets.
Might be brave enough for a smoke report too.:cheer:

Hi OMM. SS often has the answer. I found the link I was after. They sell 15 x 3 gal spinout treated pots for 29 bucks.
They also had the MicroKote pots which apparently stops root circling but is a nutrient layer rather than a copper hydroxide. MicroKote sounds like a better plan but I don't know if the coating is only good for one grow or multiples.
Just playing with the idea of trying them out somewhere down the road.

Mmmm bubblelicious curing, sounds like the plan. May your other girls be even better. She pulled through and even if a little small she seems pretty special.:bravo:

Hi OMM. SS often has the answer. I found the link I was after. They sell 15 x 3 gal spinout treated pots for 29 bucks.
They also had the MicroKote pots which apparently stops root circling but is a nutrient layer rather than a copper hydroxide. MicroKote sounds like a better plan but I don't know if the coating is only good for one grow or multiples.
Just playing with the idea of trying them out somewhere down the road.

Mmmm bubblelicious curing, sounds like the plan. May your other girls be even better. She pulled through and even if a little small she seems pretty special.:bravo:


Hi Mmmmick:grinjoint:

So the coating kills the end of the root on contact? Of course, the tap root sends out a replacement root? Seems that's the way it would work. Hmmmm

My Bubble girl is a treat. Big Bang in a small package. I still have 5 unfem'd Bubble seeds...may see her again soon. Watching over some KC Brains White got 4 of em spouting. I think I told you this already. Oh! Well!

Went the Hydro Store today and had a good time. Bunch of old fart growers in there totally confusing each other. Was fun to listen too. Place is like a candy store. Got out there with what I was after and that was all. I feel lucky! :grinjoint:
yay for petite girls with nice buds haha that looks and sounds delicious my man good to hear the great white is thriving in sunny hawaii i woulda thought the tiger sharks mightve ran her off haha

Tell me about petite girls with nice buds The High School is 3 blocks away and they all them seems to walk by here on the way home. Its weird I'm usually out in the garage about that time.:ganjamon: I remember those days!:grinjoint:

I'll try to get some more pic up later today. The are growing everyday.:thumb:
I believe the Spinout treatment kills the root on contact and then the root puts out a network of finer roots to fill the interior of the soil mass. The MicroKote doesn't kill the root but it stops at the nutrient layer instead of winding around the outside of the soil mass, then grows the same fine root hairs.

Essentially the same as the airpots. Less expensive but the airpots will do their thing forever while the coated pots probably have a finite lifespan.

heheh I kind of had a feeling bubblelicious was gonna be a regular. Deservedly so. KC brains, another interesting strain. There are so many great choices out there, I have to do multiple screens for the rest of my days so that I can try more/all of them, heheh.

I'd love to have more choice when it comes to hydro stores but probably just as well the selection is limited. I have yet to make it out with only the articles I intended to buy. I get a chuckle out of some of the peeps that tend to hang there. Some will disappear into the back room every time the shop door opens. I guess it would be easy to assume they aren't growing tomatoes, lol.
You did well to stick to your shopping list. If I ever go hydro it won't be pretty when the Visa bill shows up.
I believe the Spinout treatment kills the root on contact and then the root puts out a network of finer roots to fill the interior of the soil mass. The MicroKote doesn't kill the root but it stops at the nutrient layer instead of winding around the outside of the soil mass, then grows the same fine root hairs.

Essentially the same as the airpots. Less expensive but the airpots will do their thing forever while the coated pots probably have a finite lifespan.

heheh I kind of had a feeling bubblelicious was gonna be a regular. Deservedly so. KC brains, another interesting strain. There are so many great choices out there, I have to do multiple screens for the rest of my days so that I can try more/all of them, heheh.

I'd love to have more choice when it comes to hydro stores but probably just as well the selection is limited. I have yet to make it out with only the articles I intended to buy. I get a chuckle out of some of the peeps that tend to hang there. Some will disappear into the back room every time the shop door opens. I guess it would be easy to assume they aren't growing tomatoes, lol.
You did well to stick to your shopping list. If I ever go hydro it won't be pretty when the Visa bill shows up.

Thats what I was thinking too. AirPots are always the same. There are three Hydro stores here. The first one was run by two wives and all they did was talk to each other. I've not gotten any farther than the second one. The young guy that runs the place asked me if I had ever been on 420? He made an instant friend.:grinjoint: When, I said I was OMM he shook my hand. I'm a frikking celebrity. Today he was talking about Kandy Kush. I told him I had one about 5' tall and his face fell. He wanted to be the first to grow one in Hawaii. Well, rambling again ......... Have good day Mmmmick!
heheh there are some characters running some of these shops. My solitary source always has a coffee cup that would curl your eyelashes. Likes his whiskey. He seems pretty cool about things and I've never seen him too far in the bag.

lol of course you're a celebrity, we recognized that right away, hence the MoM vote.:thumb: He'd better have voted for you as well, or we'll boycott his shop.
Gotta get up pretty damn early to get ahead of OMM.:bravo:

you too OMM, upright and breathing is always a good day. take care brother.
Hi Mmmmick:grinjoint:

So the coating kills the end of the root on contact? Of course, the tap root sends out a replacement root? Seems that's the way it would work. Hmmmm
They don't kill the roots per se. The roots just won't go anywhere near the stuff. They just grow away from the edges back into the middle and make massive root-balls.

Went the Hydro Store today and had a good time. Bunch of old fart growers in there totally confusing each other. Was fun to listen too. Place is like a candy store. Got out there with what I was after and that was all. I feel lucky! :grinjoint:

The hydro store is the Debil!!!

I have chest pains every time i leave that place. Went in to spend like a $100 and about fainted dead away when she said it was gonna be $408. It musta shown on my face because she gave me a discount without me even asking for it and brought it down to 350. It was one quiet ride home...

Her smoke is potent and head spinning as the fist test. I don't know how much stronger she can get with a long cure......I am already quite happy with her. She would be perfect for watching The Stanley Cup Playoffs if you're team is losing. :grinjoint:

My team doesn't lose, so idk what that feels like.:rofl::rofl::rofl: It is that time of the year again though, I love it. Who you root for?
To my poor taste buds she has a kind of lemon flavor. She is not harsh, but smooth.

Does it have the bubblegum flavor or smell at all?

Congratz on another fine harvest brotha. May have been a small amount but it sounds potent and like it will make a good addition to your collection. I am going to chop my first girl in less than a week. Wish me luck.
Thats what I was thinking too. AirPots are always the same. There are three Hydro stores here. The first one was run by two wives and all they did was talk to each other. I've not gotten any farther than the second one. The young guy that runs the place asked me if I had ever been on 420? He made an instant friend.:grinjoint: When, I said I was OMM he shook my hand. I'm a frikking celebrity. Today he was talking about Kandy Kush. I told him I had one about 5' tall and his face fell. He wanted to be the first to grow one in Hawaii. Well, rambling again ......... Have good day Mmmmick!

Oh my gawd. I have been chatting wiff a REAL celebrity!! Hugs brother. Sounds like a great strain you have going. I will have to see how she performs under your expert green tutoring. Yep, setbacks are a biotch, but just part of the grow experience. MDVL has ordered some additional seeds, so our seed warehouse is getting bigger. I fixed the heat issue so hopefully, fingers crossed, no more hermies. Now to install the kitty survielance cam...lol.
Thats what I was thinking too. AirPots are always the same. There are three Hydro stores here. The first one was run by two wives and all they did was talk to each other. I've not gotten any farther than the second one. The young guy that runs the place asked me if I had ever been on 420? He made an instant friend.:grinjoint: When, I said I was OMM he shook my hand. I'm a frikking celebrity. Today he was talking about Kandy Kush. I told him I had one about 5' tall and his face fell. He wanted to be the first to grow one in Hawaii. Well, rambling again ......... Have good day Mmmmick!

That's cool..:smokin:
Tell me about petite girls with nice buds The High School is 3 blocks away and they all them seems to walk by here on the way home. Its weird I'm usually out in the garage about that time.:ganjamon: I remember those days!:grinjoint:

I'll try to get some more pic up later today. The are growing everyday.:thumb:

damn dude that's quite frankly the most awesome thing i've heard all day you sure do got the livin life thing right OMM haha:bravo:that's also funny as hell got me crackin up right now... you know what i like about high school girls, i keep gettin older and they stay the same age lmao:grinjoint:

lookin foward to tha pics my brada glad to hear theyre gettin big:thumb:
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