OldMedman Goes Indoors

The Story Continues………..……The Terrible Christmas Party :phew::phew:

For months Ken and Barbie talked up their coming Christmas Party. All our good friends were going to be there, so we started planning. All Barbie would let us do was plan the dinner, which would be at our favorite Taverna. Before the party. We would all go down and pick which lamb we wanted to eat. They were skinned and hung outside the entrance. As they cooked it we all had a good Greek Salad and Ouzo bread. If you never heard of Ouzo, please Google it. It’s not welcome on 420.

We had a hell of a good dinner and we were ready to do some serious smoking. It was a costume party. The Greeks at the tavern loved us.
I was Santa and RS was my Pixie helper. Damn she looked cute in that outfit!
People came as elves, Santa's helpers, reindeer and wrapped packages. I passed out some ridiculous and not so ridiculous gifts for all. Mo wasn't there….Christmas eve was one of his big nights.

After all that madness,.most of us removed what we could of our costumes and drove over to Ken and Barbie's house. We sat on the floor with our backs to walls with the Christmas tree in the corner. Just a good buzz going around.

GT , the person I thought that might be your dad was there. Big old strapping guy from somewhere in Dixie named John. He was with his two Hawaiian ladies.. thats right 2. They lived together, in a great Greek house, court yards and all..The girls were in the Air Force.
Christos Jr, was there slithering around the room too.

Finally everyone was partied out and were getting their things together. Ken was standing by the door waiting to say goodbye to us.

Thats when Barbie stood up with Christos Jr. and said “Wait everyone we have an announcement to make!”. “I am going to divorce Ken and Christos and I are getting married!” Total silence. I looked at Ken and he was white as a sheet. He didn't know!

I didn't see or hear any congratulations at all. The place emptied in less than a minute.

People, me included tried to hug Ken. He wasn't having any of that.

Until that point I thought, I knew the depths of what bad things we humans do to each other. I was furious!

Two days later Ken drove his motorcycle into the side of a city bus. It didn't kill him, but he was in the hospital for a long, long time.

He will pop up again in the story…….to be continued.....
This is for all of the young bucks who don't know who Warren Zevon is:

Well, I went home with the waitress
The way I always do
How was I to know
She was with the Russians, too

I was gambling in Havana
I took a little risk
Send lawyers, guns and money
Dad, get me out of this

I'm the innocent bystander
Somehow I got stuck
Between the rock and the hard place
And I'm down on my luck
And I'm down on my luck
And I'm down on my luck

Now I'm hiding in Honduras
I'm a desperate man
Send lawyers, guns and money
The shit has hit the fan

Send lawyers, guns and money...

Oh hell Yeah ! stevehman ! :amen: It's time for some help!
Way cool Brother....still laughing.

The Lawyers are coming soon! :smokin::ciao::hmmmm::smokin:
B12 is one supplement that vegetarians/vegans need to take--only (I thought) occurred in meats. Now I find that it is present in pickled/fermented foods too, no wonder I like them.....Great story so far OMM
B12 is one supplement that vegetarians/vegans need to take--only (I thought) occurred in meats. Now I find that it is present in pickled/fermented foods too, no wonder I like them.....Great story so far OMM

Hey OG13 ! :)

Good to see you here. Maybe that's why I like pickled red and green peppers. ;)

Glad you like the story so far. :high-five:
OMM as with any great story or story writer, there should always be that part when you say D@MN I didn't see that coming.... so I am saying D@MN I didn't see that coming...
GREAT STORY! Keep em up and Keep it GREEN!
Hi Smooth ! :)

I know some of these fine folks have answered you already. I agree with them.....your fine as long as it didn't break the skin.....just some accidental super cropping. I do it all the time.:high-five:

Very glad you like my journal and story. :bravo: Don't be a stranger! :)
Thanks to all.
I have been doing a little bit of super cropping.

I take it it's ok to do it in flower they have been in flower since the 7th aug. And are still tied in position with stem creased didn't no when to untie them really. What happens if the skin splits and what Shuld I do if this happens.

Thanks again everyone always a good thread to ask for help so many great growers in here
Thanks to all.
I have been doing a little bit of super cropping.

I take it it's ok to do it in flower they have been in flower since the 7th aug. And are still tied in position with stem creased didn't no when to untie them really. What happens if the skin splits and what Shuld I do if this happens.

Thanks again everyone always a good thread to ask for help so many great growers in here

I try NOT to supercrop after the 2nd or 3rd week in flower. I will still LST, but supercropping causes more stress.

At the "crease" where you supercrop, the plant will for a "blister" or little nub. Once you see that form, she should be fine to untie.
OMM, u r starting to make me wonder, that guy John souns more and more like my pops, lol... Dont like barbie anymore, i have been in ken's shoes, that is rough...
OMM as with any great story or story writer, there should always be that part when you say D@MN I didn't see that coming.... so I am saying D@MN I didn't see that coming...
GREAT STORY! Keep em up and Keep it GREEN!

MS your so right!:)

Believe me, no one saw that coming. They must have been really careful. That Ken didn't know it, seems incredible. Course if your not looking and think things are fine. Obviously, she acted the same as always with him. I just knew that Christos Jr, couldn't be trusted in my mind when I met him. What they did was classless. :smokin:
Thanks to all.
I have been doing a little bit of super cropping.

I take it it's ok to do it in flower they have been in flower since the 7th aug. And are still tied in position with stem creased didn't no when to untie them really. What happens if the skin splits and what Shuld I do if this happens.

Thanks again everyone always a good thread to ask for help so many great growers in here

HI Smooth :)

Mr. Krip answered you. All I can add is if it breaks, try to straiten it up and use something to tie it back together....I've actually seen someone use duct tape on them. :)
OMM, u r starting to make me wonder, that guy John souns more and more like my pops, lol... Dont like barbie anymore, i have been in ken's shoes, that is rough...

He He! I thought he might be, after your description of him. I loved the guy, he and I did some deals all by ourselves. He loved to throw parties on the beach....they were good ones.
Before he met the Hawaiian ladies, he had a little French girl friend. 3 Greeks raped and beat her senseless. I mean actually senseless. He found them with in days and left them for dead. Don't mess with big John. All of Glyfada helped him find the assholes. :high-five:

Me and everyone else shunned Barbie and Christos from then on.....they could have shown a bit more class than that.

Man, I'm sorry that happened to you too. Stunning heart break.
Just a few comments.... ;)

Well, it happened. I slept for about 14 hours after yesterday. Through 3 clocks and all. So I didn't get to put the other set of fans in. Late this evening I looked in on the girls....who look much happier now. The temp was 88 and H was 44%.
Too hot! Hope the H stays that low. I'll put in the other fans tomorrow. I will also make an RO water run. Gonna pick up 60 gallons. Unfortunately in will be 60 one gallon containers. Ugh! Now that will make my butt drag a bit. Sure miss my helpers. You should have stayed here THsea!
Couldn't be happier about things though. :high-five:

Wow i just got to this page in your journal. I cant believe you would pick up water like that in the jugs thats amazing. Just imagine if you had to walk a couple miles to transport them hehe.

Hey OMM can I come visit you in Hawaii when I go on vacation??
I picked up an R/O system for about $150, 100gpd. It will pay for itself in about 3 months in water and fuel to pick it up. It just attaches to a hose, the down side is the amount that it wastes, they sell booster pumps that increase the efficiency, so I think I'll pick one of those up as well. It's nice not having to run to the water store every few days now.
I picked up an R/O system for about $150, 100gpd. It will pay for itself in about 3 months in water and fuel to pick it up. It just attaches to a hose, the down side is the amount that it wastes, they sell booster pumps that increase the efficiency, so I think I'll pick one of those up as well. It's nice not having to run to the water store every few days now.

I got a 150gpd for 250 but its not as wasteful. Its a new model by Growonix it only has a waste ratio of 1:2 instead of 1:4 or 1:5... Water doesnt cost much, but its ashame to waste it.
Magic that sounds like a great system. Mine is a bit more wasteful, but I love not having to get water from somewhere else. It's so damned handy, I wonder how I lived without it.

Hope you are well OMM - the story gets more interesting by the minute. Nice job on keeping us glued. Oh and how is the Frisian Dew doing - getting even better as it cures? So glad you found a good keeper. Love it! I'm so happy that at least one of my Lucys is looking great. The other one will be fine too, I'm almost positive. Can't wait!!
A Mixed Picture Update

The Autos







The Tent



Chopping one tomorrow!


The end of up date.

Your autos look like my girls outside that are just starting to flower. Well not exactly but for flower production it's close... I did a rookie mistake while attempting to supercrop my outdoor V-B and broke her main stalk. I hope she is OK :Namaste: I felt like shit b/c I broke the main branch of my baby but I put ductape around her and also a wooden stake in the ground{for support}. I don't think there is nothing ductape canit fix....lmao.... 2 years in and still making Rookie mistakes with my Girls, At times I want to kick Myself in the Azz!!!

I can Only Pray for buds like that Indoors :Namaste: Maybe if I get a HPS light then I can grow buds like that!
Wow i just got to this page in your journal. I cant believe you would pick up water like that in the jugs thats amazing. Just imagine if you had to walk a couple miles to transport them hehe.

Hey OMM can I come visit you in Hawaii when I go on vacation??

Hi Magic beans.

I did that for 4.5 grows.....the .5 is this grow.....as you'll find out later I didn't need as much water with the indoor grow, I just water more often often.

Buddy, I would love it if you came to Hawaii. Many of my old friends and work buddies from the University I taught at for 17 years are dead or have moved on. Visitors are far and few between for me. I would love to just BS for a while. Although my short term memory sucks and I have many "Senior Moments". :high-five:
stevehman and Magic beans :)

I have thought about an RO system for years. I found some I really liked, however it would have be an out side system......this is an old house that has been added on to for years, so that kind of killed indoors without many improvements that I just plain old don't want to spend money on.

I actually thought about an outside RO system too, but changed my mind when I dug about 2 or 3 feet deep and hit seawater. This was all a beach at one time.
In other words.....my whole yard is water logged. I don't want a swamp.I have three one gallon PUR filtering systems and believe it or not it's pH is a neutral 7.0. Perfect for soil growing and that is what I use. Guys, believe me I know that you are thinking of my best interest and I thank you for your concern. :high-five:
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