OldMedman Goes Indoors

WOW!!!!!!! great lookin plants and pics again OMM and it truly sounds like you have been BLESSED with a great life even with all the pain and suffering your enduring now have you tried B12 it helps me i know its in a multivitamin but some times you need to take the B12 pill itself enough doctoring for know Been gone from the net over weekend and i hear ya about the woman we love and we all know if mama aint happy aint nobody happy so very true been married almost 25 years shes a great woman my buddy asked me why were always together i said so i don't have to kiss her goodby my same buddy ask me why they are always buying makeup i said if the barn needs painting you paint it right but all fooling aside shes been a BLESSING in my life GREAT JOURNAL OMM THXS :Namaste:
Hey omm hope you are well.

Good to see you have harvested some great meds. I'm real behind and trying to catch up this thread grows nearly as good as your girls my friend.

Just wondered if I could get some info from you. I seem to remember you tying one of your girls when it grew to close to your light. I have had to do this to and the stem has creased where it has bent. Just wondered if you or anyone could tell me if this will restrict nutrient flow or could cause any other damaging affects.

Thanks again and am loving the story's
keep up the good work
Yep, Smooth, GT hit the nail on the head, what you ended up doing is breaking the fiborous tissue inside the stem, but as long as you didn't rupture the outside of the stem, you should be fine. It's actually a common practice employed by OMM, myself and many others to manage height.
UGH, sounds like you had to get you're soft manicured hands all dirty again..lol I was thinking of a song "moody blue" sung by Elvis...when you talked about RS. lol

You take care my man :adore:

Hey Sisco :high-five:
Moody Blue would do it...but I was thinking more along the lines of a funeral dirge . :smokin::smokin:
Sisco, funny you mention songs. I heard Warren Zevon's "Lawyers Guns and Money" the other day and immediately thought of OMM.

Hey My Friend :)

I have some of Zevon's music, bur not that one.....sounds like a perfect fit....the Lawyers are coming soon, but not for the reason your thinking of. :smokin::smokin:
HAHAHA OMM... GMT will truely disagree.. LOL But thanks for the compliment LOL .. :love: I think we should all find a happy medium and have a PaRtY!!

Shame on GMT! :)
A PaRtY sounds great! :love:
WOW!!!!!!! great lookin plants and pics again OMM and it truly sounds like you have been BLESSED with a great life even with all the pain and suffering your enduring now have you tried B12 it helps me i know its in a multivitamin but some times you need to take the B12 pill itself enough doctoring for know Been gone from the net over weekend and i hear ya about the woman we love and we all know if mama aint happy aint nobody happy so very true been married almost 25 years shes a great woman my buddy asked me why were always together i said so i don't have to kiss her goodby my same buddy ask me why they are always buying makeup i said if the barn needs painting you paint it right but all fooling aside shes been a BLESSING in my life GREAT JOURNAL OMM THXS :Namaste:

papatater you got it Buddy...I can't complain about my life at all...it has been a good one. Ups and downs and whatever. :high-five: I think your right on the B12, I need a separate pill. It is amazing what the right vitamins can do for one. :)

I loved your comment about not having to kiss her good by. Just makes total sense. Glad you've had such a good marriage. :)

I've been married a total of 41 years....only not with one woman, but 3. The 6 1/2 years with RS was the best and the worst! :love:

Glad your liking the journal. :)
Hey omm hope you are well.

Good to see you have harvested some great meds. I'm real behind and trying to catch up this thread grows nearly as good as your girls my friend.

Just wondered if I could get some info from you. I seem to remember you tying one of your girls when it grew to close to your light. I have had to do this to and the stem has creased where it has bent. Just wondered if you or anyone could tell me if this will restrict nutrient flow or could cause any other damaging affects.

Thanks again and am loving the story's
keep up the good work

Hi Smooth ! :)

I know some of these fine folks have answered you already. I agree with them.....your fine as long as it didn't break the skin.....just some accidental super cropping. I do it all the time.:high-five:

Very glad you like my journal and story. :bravo: Don't be a stranger! :)
Hey Everyone! :circle-of-love:

Love you all! I must have been blasted last night...when am I not?

My apologies to you all..my proof reading sucked last night! I promise to do a better job.....I hope.:)

I went down and refreshed my MMJ ticket today. I thought I had a month to go.
Not so !!! I had one more day, almost blew it! :yikes::yikes:

On the way back home, I took one of my favorite drives. The old Pali Hgwy.
It's what Hawaii is all about to me. Since I've been here so long, I know the good places to drive. Finally it reconnects with the new Pali Hgwy.

It's like driving through a vegetation tunnel. The trees cover the road and a small stream runs along beside it. I stopped at a small waterfall and just took it in. Plants that grew as house plants on the mainland are monsters over here. Just frigging beautiful. Other people were stopped along the way doing the same thing, just taking it all in. One of life's good moments.

To bad Jo doesn't like it here. If she had the money she would have been gone long ago. A pity, but this wasn't a day of negative thoughts. I enjoyed hell out of it. If you ever visit me.....that will be one the first places I would take you too. :circle-of-love:

I will start connecting all these stories very soon...it's getting close to the half way point and I would like to be there before the next part of this grow.
Peace all! :high-five:
Dam did I missed the grow?...glad it turned out on the good side.
I guess all we can do now is test it.. aya?
Hey OMM! Glad you got your ticket renewed! I left a message at the doctor's today, gonna get my appointment set up! :)

You live on the best side of the island, how can Jo not love that?

Anyway, did you see GG7's haul off those Blueberry's? Very nice!

Talk to you soon!
Hey OMM! Glad you got your ticket renewed! I left a message at the doctor's today, gonna get my appointment set up! :)

You live on the best side of the island, how can Jo not love that?

Anyway, did you see GG7's haul off those Blueberry's? Very nice!

Talk to you soon!

Hey Great THsea ! :)

This guy is a real Doctor, not a cheap o ticket mill guy. That just runs through tons of people a day. You'll see.:)

Well, that's the point, she doesn't like Hawaii at all. :smokin:

The Frisen Dew just gets better. A month are so she will be amazing....hope she lasts that long.:high-five:

Oh Yea! I saw that harvest.....just amazing! :bravo:
Hey Everyone! :circle-of-love:

Love you all! I must have been blasted last night...when am I not?

My apologies to you all..my proof reading sucked last night! I promise to do a better job.....I hope.:)

I went down and refreshed my MMJ ticket today. I thought I had a month to go.
Not so !!! I had one more day, almost blew it! :yikes::yikes:

On the way back home, I took one of my favorite drives. The old Pali Hgwy.
It's what Hawaii is all about to me. Since I've been here so long, I know the good places to drive. Finally it reconnects with the new Pali Hgwy.

It's like driving through a vegetation tunnel. The trees cover the road and a small stream runs along beside it. I stopped at a small waterfall and just took it in. Plants that grew as house plants on the mainland are monsters over here. Just frigging beautiful. Other people were stopped along the way doing the same thing, just taking it all in. One of life's good moments.

To bad Jo doesn't like it here. If she had the money she would have been gone long ago. A pity, but this wasn't a day of negative thoughts. I enjoyed hell out of it. If you ever visit me.....that will be one the first places I would take you too. :circle-of-love:

I will start connecting all these stories very soon...it's getting close to the half way point and I would like to be there before the next part of this grow.
Peace all! :high-five:

If I ever visit you, I would be honored to even meet you and just bullshit...It is so weird, just from keeping up with your journals, I feel like you are a friend that I just haven't got to visit for too many years!! If I was to ever make it to Hawaii, I would surely try to get you out and about to just hang out for a day...Like I said before....You are "THE MOST INTERESTING MAN ALIVE"...I'm pretty sure you weren't talking to me when you said, "if you ever visit me" but I went ahead and took the invitation!!! Always a pleasure to read up about you and your ventures, and like someone said a few pages back, "you make me realize how much I haven't done in my life"!! Thank you for always bringing smiles to a ton of faces here and always keeping us coming back for more...You are a positive vibe and more people need to know about you OL'MAN!!!!:bravo:
If I ever visit you, I would be honored to even meet you and just bullshit...It is so weird, just from keeping up with your journals, I feel like you are a friend that I just haven't got to visit for too many years!! If I was to ever make it to Hawaii, I would surely try to get you out and about to just hang out for a day...Like I said before....You are "THE MOST INTERESTING MAN ALIVE"...I'm pretty sure you weren't talking to me when you said, "if you ever visit me" but I went ahead and took the invitation!!! Always a pleasure to read up about you and your ventures, and like someone said a few pages back, "you make me realize how much I haven't done in my life"!! Thank you for always bringing smiles to a ton of faces here and always keeping us coming back for more...You are a positive vibe and more people need to know about you OL'MAN!!!!:bravo:

Jeez willoby....I'm starting to be embarrassed when you come around ! :blushsmile:

I truly thank you for your nice opinion of me. Come on over for a visit, the invitation is open to all. Just make sure I've had a good harvest before you come. Visits are far and few for me. I would love to sit down and talk story....even for days. :) Unfortunately....I usually instantly forget what was said......Dr. Said I've been smoking to long and I've lost allot of short term memory....I thinks that's what he said. Something like that anyway......:hmmmm:

I think we all have adventures......it's just how we remember them. Half full, or half empty, sort of thinking.:)

Well, truthfully I don't recommend some of the things I've done, they can get you in a whole lot of trouble.:oops:
This is for all of the young bucks who don't know who Warren Zevon is:

Well, I went home with the waitress
The way I always do
How was I to know
She was with the Russians, too

I was gambling in Havana
I took a little risk
Send lawyers, guns and money
Dad, get me out of this

I'm the innocent bystander
Somehow I got stuck
Between the rock and the hard place
And I'm down on my luck
And I'm down on my luck
And I'm down on my luck

Now I'm hiding in Honduras
I'm a desperate man
Send lawyers, guns and money
The shit has hit the fan

Send lawyers, guns and money...
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