OldMedman Goes Indoors

OldMedMan said:
Another Picture update....this is part 1

Day 64 of Bloom

These are all of the BlueBerry

These are of the Bubblelicious

Last but not least are the Autos...Day 30......They have not been watered since being re potted!

To be Continued.....

Nice! :thumb:

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The story continues......OMM's Second Temptation.

There is an island named Mykonos and its famous for being an ancient historical meeting place for 5 thousand years. If it was described today it is were the rich and famous play ,,,the ancient jet setters would meet there. Over the years it hasn't changed a bit.. Note: I did a Google and it has changed and in my eyes not for the better....big ass Hotels have moved in. I stopped reading it right there..a sacrilege .:smokin:

Fist of all there are no automobiles or vehicles at all on the island. All the houses are white with blue trim. There are no streets, just white washed paths, There is a Church for every day of the year..When I was there it had great tavernas and restaurants. It also had windmills..and also 6 nude beaches accessible only by water taxis.

I had heard enough about it to want to go see it myself. RS didn't want to go so I took a ferry over. Ferry's in Greece were like really big ships with 4 decks. Ist class was like 200 dracs.. When I got to Mykonos there were women waiting to rent you a room for how ever long you stayed. The room I had was great..old Greek furniture and all. The best part was the shower was on the roof.. It was a stall and it wasn't totally enclosed. While you showered you could see most of the island and you could hear music floating through the air..

Of course I took a water taxi to one of the nude beaches.. To be kind to me lets just say I am a pretty normal guy, but it didn't matter. I was there, so I threw my blanket down and stripped. The Beach was full of people.

The next water taxi pulled up and a tall as me beautiful woman got off, she walked right over next to me thew her blanket down and striped. Then she asked if I would put sun screen on her. Yes indeed I would. Turns out she was a model from Milan, Italy one of the fashion capitals of Europe.

And she was just taking a break. We walked over to a snack bar and they only sold one thing...strawberries and honey. It too was delicious. We spent the rest of the evening having a wonderful meal at an open air taverna.. She asked if I wanted to come with her to her room. Slap me in the head, with all my will power I said no. I still don't regret it, I was in love with RS. Well, now I do regret it! :love: Who know where that would have taken me.

Later on I don't know how many times RS and I went there. She loved the nude beaches too and would bear all. And show off.. We met many ex-pats who lived there. For some reason it always reminded me of a northern Cali town named Sausalito. Don't know how it is now though..in some ways it was a very hippie place. Lots of art and hand made things. I bought a kind of swordsman shirt with billowing sleeves. On Guard!

There was another island right next to Mykonos called Delos. Very few folks visit it. There was once a thriving civilization there, now it lays in ruins. It is supposed to be evil. You can see it all in the daytime. Creepy. It's worth a Google look. :love:
Darn that pain OMM, so sorry tho hear youre having more pain than usual. Sending you many stron, healing vibes for the days to come! Sounds like you may have a plan of attack so let us know how the natural and supplimental approach goes OK!?
Get well friend!:Namaste:
Hello OldMedMan! So sorry that you are in pain. When I was roofing I would try and eat bananas
because they were high in potassium to help avoid cramping up in hot weather. I've been here enjoying
reading your journal and looking at the pictures. Take care and I hope you get some good rest and start
feeling much better soon!............:smokin:

Hey Goshawk. :thanks:

That is exactly one of the vitamins I'm taking. ;) Man there is no rest with a tent full of girls. :yahoo: And more in the closet. I am feeling much better, Thanks. :yummy: See you soon. :Namaste:
Looks like we were posting at the same time! Great addition to the chapter!

Hi Buddy Yep we sure were. Thanks for the good wishes.....it feels like its getting better...the true test will be when I try to sleep again. Glad you like the story. :thanks:
The story continues .......Ken and Barbie

When I fist went out to our part of the Greek Air Base.....I met Ken and Barbie.
They were beautiful people. Ken was an Errol Flynn looking guy, very dashing.
Barbie looked like Barbie. :love: He worked in the office. Barbie worked with me in the Comm Center. She was a real cool girl. They had been married a few years.

Our first shift together she sat me down and said "I love my husband" and I said back "I love my wife". She said "Good, No fooling around". Perfect......well kind of. Since we worked 24 hour shifts, each of us would would bring in a fitted sheet set for the one twin sized mattress that was on the floor. When there was no work in the middle of the night we took naps on it. It was always cold as hell in the comm center, so from the very first night, we would spoon and cuddle to keep warm. That was great...course we made no comments to Ken or RS. No use starting trouble.

They were our first real friends and they were the first to come over and visit our first apartment. We became good friends, so much so Ken was one of my first sellers of hash. In the end he became a partner in my hash business and was for a long time. These two would have a part in this on going story that I didn't like too much. More on that when the time comes. ;)
What page can i find the beginning of this story? Matter of fact im just gonna look through this huge thread, i bet there are plenty. Ive heard you told stories. Ok let me sit on the floor and cross my legs.
What page can i find the beginning of this story? Matter of fact im just gonna look through this huge thread, i bet there are plenty. Ive heard you told stories. Ok let me sit on the floor and cross my legs.

Hi Magic beans.

Say What? I don't even know man! Sure glad you are going back yourself to look.:yahoo:
Hi All ! :popcorn:

Like all of us do sometimes when we are really stoned (Thank You Frisen Dew) we have what feels like a flash of true brilliance. To be forgotten immediately.

Here's mine for tonight......." Wow how lucky we are to have all these seed banks and different wonderful strains to try!"

Well duh! Don't kid me folks you all have had em.....just saying....:rofl::rofl:
Hey Magic Beans ! ;)

I just gave you some +reps for being good enough to read through my whole Journal.....you earned them. :Namaste:

Appreciated Medman. The read is where its at, though. It's going to take a few days, although I'm having a hard time putting it down. Ive gotta catch some Z's before I end up rolling another casual joint and pass out with it burning on my clothes lol. I am loving the work, though. Thanks again!
Well you can tell I am feeling much better, the vitamins are working. We'll see in the morning. ;)

The Story Continues.............Moses

Mo and I meet up later in a most unexpected place.

Mo was a black pimp, plain and simple.......however ...a high class pimp. He had 4 drop dead beautiful Swedish girls in his stable. He only did favors for Greek politicians and the very wealthy. He was the first and only pimp I have ever met.
Mo loved to smoke. I don't even remember how we met. It was like we all just knew him.
He would invite us to his house...quite a house by the way....and we all were there, our circle of friends and his girls. He would pay for everything. He furnished food and drinks and paid us for the hash.
Sometimes he would talk up Barbie and RS, telling them they were perfect for the work and the they would make money hand over fist. They would ways turn bright pink and giggle. That is when Ken and I would stand up and say "Not our girls...Not on your life" and every one would crack up. I swear everyone loved the guy.

Later in life he would fly from Sweden and come to my place and stay for a week.
He truly was a fine friend. I hope he had a long life.
Good morning omm. I just have to laugh about how much catching up there is every monday morning... Since I last logged in there were 4 more parts to your wonderful story.
Please keep those coming.
Well Irene came and went, she blew and spit a lot, but we are all fine.
Some clean up to do, but we were really prepared.
Thanks for thinking of us.
Glad you are feeling somewhat better, hang in there!
Keep em coming and :peace: to all!
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