OldMedman Goes Indoors

By the way folks

My Buddy THsea Called me today and he wasn't feeling to good. He's feeling better now. I was really starting to worry.

Oh! And by the way....he took the trim of the Frisen Dew.....He vaped a popcorn bud and it hit him the same way....some of the best he had ever smoked. He smokes many varieties and so he knows about strength in different plants. She's the new Champ as far as I am concerned. :circle-of-love:

soooo very many ways to define best...
but noted and acted upon....:thanks:
I've a sneaking suspicion that Buddha Quasar and the DP Frisen ane one and the same. The shops in Netherlands tend to be somewhat inbred....Meaning,when one gets a hit strain, the others all soon have the same type with a new name on their shelves. yeah yeah yeah....they mix in the "house genetics" PAHOOIE!!
I guess I'll know soon :)
But damnit.....yeah the Quasar IS good
Stoney good weed
Hey OMM,

I've been reading for a couple hours just trying to catch up. It's been a few days and I was 10 pages behind!!! :whoa: Wow

Glad to hear about your hand/finger...maybe another shot or two will fix it for good...sorry Jo isn't feeling any better, it sucks to be under the weather chronically. Sending good vibes for her :love::love::love: I loved the TGIF t-shirt, Granny420 :yahoo:

The story just keeps getting better, I agree with, I think willoby, who said he'd read it as a book...me too. Gonna have to look into that :popcorn:

Also Xlr8 about the erector sets and GT about the kids being smarter back then. I know for sure we were tougher...Not afraid to get dirty, I played outside from morning till the streetlights came on and never worried about anything, we rode our bikes without helmets, and in the back of pickups without any restraints whatsoever. My mother didn't have a clue most of the time where I was and she didn't have to worry about me either. I think most of our generation turned out OK.

So glad that THsea is OK...you sounded real concerned and that had me worried too. And the whole impersonation thing...I'm confused, upset and worried all at once...but I'm real glad the staff is so great about getting to the bottom of things. I never go anywhere but 420mag. Why would you when this site has everything you could ever need and the great people to go with it. Siscokid, so glad you're back. although I was gone a week and didn't realize you were gone, I surely would have missed you :love:

Can't wait to see what you have planned for this next grow you've been teasing us with...I've got a surprise too...I germed 4 of those seeds I got from my hermied White Widow, hopfully they'll all be female, we shall see.:yummy:

As always your picture updates are amazing, those plants look soo good. Waiting to hear about the harvest...and of course more of the story, until then


Happy Growing
Happy Friday OMM ;)
They do look good and why is it that they don't need water?
Also, do autos come in Fem or do you have to wait and see like with reg seeds?
They do look really good btw.

Good luck to all those in the path of Irene! I am one of them, but are prepared best we can anyways...
:peace: to ALL!!


Well actually they do need water but, not very often. What causes this is they have a strain incorporated with them. It's name is Ruderalis. This strain is for growing in hot climates where is not much water, so they inherently do not use much water.
Autos are always female, so you don't have to worry about what sex they are. They usually stay short although some do get as big a 3 or 4 feet. Xlr8 grew one that size and harvested 4.2 Ounces from it. When I saw that I decided to give them a try. One of the ones in the pictures I posted has grown another 3' inches overnight.

MS I hope you got through Irene with out too much damage or lost....I've been thinking of you Buddy. :love:
soooo very many ways to define best...
but noted and acted upon....:thanks:
I've a sneaking suspicion that Buddha Quasar and the DP Frisen ane one and the same. The shops in Netherlands tend to be somewhat inbred....Meaning,when one gets a hit strain, the others all soon have the same type with a new name on their shelves. yeah yeah yeah....they mix in the "house genetics" PAHOOIE!!
I guess I'll know soon :)
But damnit.....yeah the Quasar IS good
Stoney good weed

Hi Chopper. I just looked at Quasar and I think you are right....yep everyone jumps on the band wagon and names them whatever. I have a Quasar seed so will grow it soon.....just to see.;)

Hope you've got your place all put back together after you were hit so hard.
Peace Brother.:love:
Hey OMM,

I've been reading for a couple hours just trying to catch up. It's been a few days and I was 10 pages behind!!! :whoa: Wow

Glad to hear about your hand/finger...maybe another shot or two will fix it for good...sorry Jo isn't feeling any better, it sucks to be under the weather chronically. Sending good vibes for her :love::love::love: I loved the TGIF t-shirt, Granny420 :yahoo:

The story just keeps getting better, I agree with, I think willoby, who said he'd read it as a book...me too. Gonna have to look into that :popcorn:

Also Xlr8 about the erector sets and GT about the kids being smarter back then. I know for sure we were tougher...Not afraid to get dirty, I played outside from morning till the streetlights came on and never worried about anything, we rode our bikes without helmets, and in the back of pickups without any restraints whatsoever. My mother didn't have a clue most of the time where I was and she didn't have to worry about me either. I think most of our generation turned out OK.

So glad that THsea is OK...you sounded real concerned and that had me worried too. And the whole impersonation thing...I'm confused, upset and worried all at once...but I'm real glad the staff is so great about getting to the bottom of things. I never go anywhere but 420mag. Why would you when this site has everything you could ever need and the great people to go with it. Siscokid, so glad you're back. although I was gone a week and didn't realize you were gone, I surely would have missed you :love:

Can't wait to see what you have planned for this next grow you've been teasing us with...I've got a surprise too...I germed 4 of those seeds I got from my hermied White Widow, hopfully they'll all be female, we shall see.:yummy:

As always your picture updates are amazing, those plants look soo good. Waiting to hear about the harvest...and of course more of the story, until then


Happy Growing

Well, Hi there young lady ! Thanks to all the good folks like you for visiting my journal it does grow pretty fast sometimes.
About the finger....I canceled the appointment....it is very close to being normal now. Sorry to say Jo is still in pain. Early this morning she had a real bad time, Her legs and feet were hurting real bad and she had a terrible chest pain. I made her put an aspirin under tongue, just in case it was heart attack. After about 30 minutes she started to feel a bit better and finally went sleep. Scared the bejesus out of me. I kind of over react at times....but I do worry about my friends. THsea had me going too. :love:
I agree with what you said about us being much better children way back when. We had manners too! Most of the stuff back then was American made and had quality about them....now everything is cheap and dangerous and made out of crap in China.

I wouldn't be surprised that the story will probably continue later to night.:cheer:

I hope you get some females...that would be so sweet of them.:morenutes:

Soon as I germ a few seeds and have them in veg I'll tell everyone what the are. After all I'll be posting pictures of them,:thumb:
May you have a great day my good friend, :circle-of-love:
Beautiful pics and plants OMM i dont see how you get all that work done im still pretty young i just been rode hard and put up wet to many times i reckon :thumb:

Hi My Friend. ;)

:rofl::rofl: Been rode hard and put up wet :yahoo::yahoo: I guess that tells it all.:love:. OK....I'll be truthful...when it's time to hit the sack I am more than ready. :yummy: You take care now :thumb:
This interests me, I have that single freebie Quasar outdoors an she is about six feet, and flowering nicely, it is the plant in my jounal that naturally split... AND on the autos, Ruderalis isnt a strain, but a genotype if I'm correct on my terms, like "Cannabis Sativa","Cannabis Indiica",AUTOS would be"Cannabis Ruderalis",or some hybridized mix.
Hi Chopper. I just looked at Quasar and I think you are right....yep everyone jumps on the band wagon and names them whatever. I have a Quasar seed so will grow it soon.....just to see.;)

Hope you've got your place all put back together after you were hit so hard.
Peace Brother.:love:

Happy Friday OMM ;)
They do look good and why is it that they don't need water?
Also, do autos come in Fem or do you have to wait and see like with reg seeds?
They do look really good btw.

Good luck to all those in the path of Irene! I am one of them, but are prepared best we can anyways...
:peace: to ALL!!
One last thing, the lack of need for water and other pampering is due to the fact they are adapted to harsh environments....they are extremely efficient at using what is available ....also many are good before you ever see any amber
One last thing, the lack of need for water and other pampering is due to the fact they are adapted to harsh environments....they are extremely efficient at using what is available ....also many are good before you ever see any amber

Every time I think I have it figured out...here you come.....:thanks:

Maybe I should keep writing the story......:love:
The Story Continues...........Tasos Panos

I should have talked about this before. It starts before I ever set foot in Greece.

When I was stationed in Virgina. I was in charge of a Mars station. Mars = Military Amateur Radio Station. I would run nets between the Military and Voluntary Amateur Radio Stations. Was a wonderful job. We ran phone patches to folks stationed in Germany. This was way before digital anything was invented. So it was like a free call to loved ones separated by their assignments.

I had a Armature license so on snowy days I could run the nets from home. My Commander had given me his old rig to use....I was stoked. After my business was over I would start looking for distant armatures to talk to. One day as I was looking around I heard a SV call sign....Greece!
So I called back.....that's how I met Tasos Panos. He was a private detective in Athens. Very friendly guy and insisted that soon we arrived in Greece to come see him.

Well RS and I did. We were still living in a hotel at that time.

His office was top notch. Then he started talking about all the things he did.
He was an official currier for the Greek Government. He traveled with a suitcase hand cuffed to his arm. This where it started to get weired. He had diplomatic immunity where ever he went. He loaded the suitcase with hundreds of thousands of Greek drachmas. As he went from country to country he would exchange the money for the current currency. One can make thousands this way. All totally illegal. RS and I started feeling that we wanted to get out of there fast. Then he started telling us how many M-16s he was selling to other governments. That did it we were out of there!

We went straight to the CID office on the Air Base and told our story. They said they would look into it and to come back in two days.
Well, we did. When we came back the CID investigator took us to a little room with a big smile on his face and looked right at us and said " You can do whatever you want to with Mr. Panos.....He works for us!". Say what?

We never did anything with Tasos, but he was a friend and when he went up to the villages and found a wife, we went to his wedding. I don't have tell you about Greek weddings....we had a ball. :clap::clap:
The story continues.........Christos

During my second year in Greece two friends brought over a young Greek
Named Christos on first sight I didn't trust him. He was maybe 23 and handsome as hell, a six pack body, but there was something I didn't trust about him..RS would me tell me how much Christos loved me.. I had no choice but to work with him......he could supply keys of hash almost monthly.
I guess he was my friend in kind of a distant way. He did change RS and my life style.

He introduced us to his father...another Christos.

Christos Sr. was a millionaire. Like many Greeks have done and are still doing now, he came to the states and made millions....then he skipped out with out paying taxes. When I met him he was waiting for the five years to pass, before he could go back to the states

He had a 110 foot wooden Yacht. It had every bell and whistle you could imagine at that time. It was not a sailing Yacht, but one with twin inboard diesels.. After talking to RS and I for a while he asked us if we wanted to crew for him. Say what! Hell yes!
What our jobs would be was that I would caste off the line when we left port and then to throw out the line when we got back to port.. I can do that!! RS had the pleasure of serving ice cream to any of his special guests. RS and I had the forward cabin to ourselves He also had two girls from the villages that He was putting through school and would make sure they married well. Need less to say they were beautiful.
With my work schedule we went every where he went.. We even chugged to Italy once..
Sometime we would just drop anchor off an island and just scuba dive. One of the best things about the yacht was the it had been registered in the US, so we flew old glory as our flag. I just loved to come into a harbor with the stars and stripes flying in the breeze..
RS and I spent allot time sitting at the very front of the boat with our legs wrapped around the main keel and ride the waves. Sure wish I could post the pictures I took on the long rides at sea. We also learned why young Christos was so buff. He dived when we were docked and cleaned the barnacles of the underside of the boat..
More about Christos Jr later on....... ;)
seriously, you need to at the very least do a self-published eBook on your life. You could do it episodic style, a new chapter every month. I will be the first in line (online) to buy it. I think Amazon and a few others have the ability to market and sell the eBooks. I think the story is interesting and compelling enough to build a following and you could make a little spare change on the deal.
^Yes... the end of each chapter write a hook, to bring readers back. Like the "Perils of Pauline", with a literal cliff-hanger.

When my last GF twice told me: "Stop, I've heard that one before..."
I escorted her to the door.

We're not going anywhere OMM; We want more!
Actually OMM, I was wondering if you could stop the story.....
It is reminding me of how little I have done with MY life!!:rofl:
Kidding, I have stories too, but most wouldn't be allowed here lol....

Really though, this story is awesome, and som much more than I had hoped for! And Im so glad you're able to share it with us, and that its taking you down a road you need to go.
3 Cheers to OMM!!:Namaste:
Actually OMM, I was wondering if you could stop the story.....
It is reminding me of how little I have done with MY life!!:rofl:
Kidding, I have stories too, but most wouldn't be allowed here lol....

Really though, this story is awesome, and som much more than I had hoped for! And Im so glad you're able to share it with us, and that its taking you down a road you need to go.
3 Cheers to OMM!!:Namaste:


Some general thoughts:

  • Siscos back, and starting a new journal -- cool!
  • Autos look really great - love the Krip like LED pics. :)
  • Story just gets more and more interesting - nothing new there! Love it!
  • Most Importantly: Sure sorry to hear that Jo is still struggling and even having some things get worse. I'm sending you both positive thoughts and vibes. Please send her my best. Glad it sounds like your hand is feeling better though.

Take care my friend. :high-five:
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