OldMedman Goes Indoors

seriously, you need to at the very least do a self-published eBook on your life. You could do it episodic style, a new chapter every month. I will be the first in line (online) to buy it. I think Amazon and a few others have the ability to market and sell the eBooks. I think the story is interesting and compelling enough to build a following and you could make a little spare change on the deal.

My Good Friend stevehman. I've been sitting here for 40 minutes thinking of how to answer you. First of all I would be taking something I really enjoy doing and it would turn into work. I don't need more work. Sure I could use the extra money, who doesn't these days? I do love growing, but in all truth, I'm hoping to do 2 or 3 three more grows in my future, if I can. My health really sucks, most of what I do is shear will power. I have bursts of energy and get allot of things done...then I pay for for the next couple of days. I get no more than 4 hours of good sleep a night, then I wake up with terrible cramps in my legs and feet.
The story I'm telling is actually only about 7 years of my life. I've done so much more after those years that I am proud of and might write more about those instead of my criminal days. This story wil carry over to part 2 of this grow and hopefully be finish by then. I think it was Mr. Gator that said all stories have a the same ending and it's true. This one does end badly, but at the same time I was a different person at the end. Even in the bad parts I still had good times. There are some really some surprising times coming up. I can truthfully say that it dramatically changed my life and my opinions drastically. So please just ride along with me and enjoy. :Namaste:
Hi Granny
Girl I am afraid he has been banned. There are some idiots attacking our beloved 420. They pose as our members and post hateful messages about us on another site. They sound like our members, but they are not. It's disgusting that someone would be so spiteful to do things like this. I am sure 420 is trying to stop this idiocy. So Sisco might be back. Sorry to be the bringer of bad news. OMM Love you girl!


:thanks: Thank you honey for letting me know! My goodness, I know I've been busy, but yer journal grows as big as yer buds!!!! YEEHAW!!!!

Gees - I didn't know 420 was having these troubles. Urrrrgggg.

Don't have much time, but have been worried about Sisco... I did see a later post from him, so know he is fine now (THANK YOU!!!). I'll watch for his signature link.

Mum-in-law has decided to be a nudist. LOL She went back to the hospital (not funny at all). Hospice is now involved and she is getting morphine, ativan, and a number of meds to help keep her calm. Now she is NOT feeling pain - what a relief to all of us (hard week last week). Of course, she is often in her own happy place now cuz of the constant morphine, but I figured out my hubby gets a lot of things from his momma... he told me if he is ever in a nursing home, they better be ready for him to run around naked... well, *chuckle* his mom is now constantly taking off her gown lol... I was sure glad when hubby left last night, cuz then me and my sis-in-law didn't have to even try to stop her, we just pulled the curtains and shut the door. Hey - if it makes her happy OK!!!!

Hope you can see I'm keepin' my chin up as much as possible. We are all (well, us girls that can) taking turns staying overnight with her. It's not time yet, but my nursing background tells me it probably won't be months... but we just never know.

I'll pop in as often as I can tho to catch up!!!

:circle-of-love:LUVIES TO OMM AND ALL!!!:circle-of-love:
^Yes... the end of each chapter write a hook, to bring readers back. Like the "Perils of Pauline", with a literal cliff-hanger.

When my last GF twice told me: "Stop, I've heard that one before..."
I escorted her to the door.

We're not going anywhere OMM; We want more!

Hi Mr. Gator ;)

I guess this is truth day for me. When I first met you a fews years back. You intimidated the hell out of me! Your vocabulary just blew me away and your brilliance with words was over whelming. Since you like my stories I have relaxed and just realized what a good person you are. I 'm proud to call you my friend now. :circle-of-love:

And Oh, I try to use hooks when I can. :Namaste:
Actually OMM, I was wondering if you could stop the story.....
It is reminding me of how little I have done with MY life!!:rofl:
Kidding, I have stories too, but most wouldn't be allowed here lol....

Really though, this story is awesome, and som much more than I had hoped for! And Im so glad you're able to share it with us, and that its taking you down a road you need to go.
3 Cheers to OMM!!:Namaste:

Hey Quix :)

He He! Can't stop now..people would kill me.
You can write your stories too...just be very careful. I proof read everything three times to make damn sure I'm not violating any of 420's rules. A mistake would be a tragedy for me. :smokin:
new list is in papa________________
5) Pineapple Chunk
5)Vanilla Kush (Both Barney's)
5) Vortex (TGA Subcool)
3)SSOG (Emerald Triangle)
1)Frisian Dew (DP) just because
1)Aurora (Nirvana) {right price to finish the card} ;)
(DNA genetics) 1)Sour Cream 1)Connie Chung
(G13 Labs) 1)Sour AK 1)Hypnotic 1) Pinapple Express
All fems (except Subcool of course):thumb:
** I didn't wait for the 3free Paradise seeds for the monthly special....I couldn't risk not being here for the mail. It's the show season...(work season for me) Auburn Indiana next week....Pidgeon Forge Tennessee the following week...etc. etc. etc.
Should be a busy holiday season this year..... except for the Ak and the Hypnotic I already have 1 each of all those UFOs---- I believe you do too :)
EH??? toss 'em in the tin bean box with all the others
sorry to change the flow:Namaste:
Clock's ticking on this Utopia Haze.....cloudy w/ just a touch of amber for the last two weeks.....I'm near out of time but it sure looks pretty, and the hurricane didn't hurt 'em a bit:allgood::woohoo::eek:fftopic::focus:
Peace y'all

Some general thoughts:

  • Siscos back, and starting a new journal -- cool!
  • Autos look really great - love the Krip like LED pics. :)
  • Story just gets more and more interesting - nothing new there! Love it!
  • Most Importantly: Sure sorry to hear that Jo is still struggling and even having some things get worse. I'm sending you both positive thoughts and vibes. Please send her my best. Glad it sounds like your hand is feeling better though.

Take care my friend. :high-five:

Hey xlr8 ! ;)

Yea Sisco!
I couldn't resist!
Glad you like the story.
Most important.......Thanks for the good vibes and thoughts. Believe it or not we have a hell of lot fun comparing our aches and pains..we try to out do each other. :love: What else can we do? Just be mad about our luck. That's a waste of time. We love each other and we're best friends....what else could we want! :love:

:thanks: Thank you honey for letting me know! My goodness, I know I've been busy, but yer journal grows as big as yer buds!!!! YEEHAW!!!!

Gees - I didn't know 420 was having these troubles. Urrrrgggg.

Don't have much time, but have been worried about Sisco... I did see a later post from him, so know he is fine now (THANK YOU!!!). I'll watch for his signature link.

Mum-in-law has decided to be a nudist. LOL She went back to the hospital (not funny at all). Hospice is now involved and she is getting morphine, ativan, and a number of meds to help keep her calm. Now she is NOT feeling pain - what a relief to all of us (hard week last week). Of course, she is often in her own happy place now cuz of the constant morphine, but I figured out my hubby gets a lot of things from his momma... he told me if he is ever in a nursing home, they better be ready for him to run around naked... well, *chuckle* his mom is now constantly taking off her gown lol... I was sure glad when hubby left last night, cuz then me and my sis-in-law didn't have to even try to stop her, we just pulled the curtains and shut the door. Hey - if it makes her happy OK!!!!

Hope you can see I'm keepin' my chin up as much as possible. We are all (well, us girls that can) taking turns staying overnight with her. It's not time yet, but my nursing background tells me it probably won't be months... but we just never know.

I'll pop in as often as I can tho to catch up!!!

:circle-of-love:LUVIES TO OMM AND ALL!!!:circle-of-love:

Hey Sweetheart:circle-of-love:

Yea! I love this journal !!! It has a life of it's own! :cheer:

Yep! Sisco is back safe and sound....he has started a new journal too! :thumb:

420 and the staff have fixed the problem for us. I knew they would, it was just a matter of time. :love:

Actually....you folks have enough time to too say a proper good bye to your Mum-in-law. That's a blessing for sure. I'm getting kick out of her now....just keep her in her room! Bless you all Girl! :circle-of-love:
new list is in papa________________
5) Pineapple Chunk
5)Vanilla Kush (Both Barney's)
5) Vortex (TGA Subcool)
3)SSOG (Emerald Triangle)
1)Frisian Dew (DP) just because
1)Aurora (Nirvana) {right price to finish the card} ;)
(DNA genetics) 1)Sour Cream 1)Connie Chung
(G13 Labs) 1)Sour AK 1)Mum-in-law 1) Pinapple Express
All fems (except Subcool of course):thumb:
** I didn't wait for the 3free Paradise seeds for the monthly special....I couldn't risk not being here for the mail. It's the show season...(work season for me) Auburn Indiana next week....Pidgeon Forge Tennessee the following week...etc. etc. etc.
Should be a busy holiday season this year..... except for the Ak and the Hypnotic I already have 1 each of all those UFOs---- I believe you do too :)
EH??? toss 'em in the tin bean box with all the others
sorry to change the flow:Namaste:
Clock's ticking on this Utopia Haze.....cloudy w/ just a touch of amber for the last two weeks.....I'm near out of time but it sure looks pretty, and the hurricane didn't hurt 'em a bit:allgood::woohoo::eek:fftopic::focus:
Peace y'all

Hey Chopper!;)
That's a hell of a list.....some very familar....Hehe. Haven't heard of Hypnotic before...but, yeah I have most of them you listed. :yummy: In the bean box, here too.

Man, your going every where.....I wish you well and hope you get more business than you expect! See you around Xmas! :yahoo:
new list is in papa________________
5) Pineapple Chunk
5)Vanilla Kush (Both Barney's)
5) Vortex (TGA Subcool)
3)SSOG (Emerald Triangle)
1)Frisian Dew (DP) just because
1)Aurora (Nirvana) {right price to finish the card} ;)
(DNA genetics) 1)Sour Cream 1)Connie Chung
(G13 Labs) 1)Sour AK 1)Hypnotic 1) Pinapple Express
All fems (except Subcool of course):thumb:
** I didn't wait for the 3free Paradise seeds for the monthly special....I couldn't risk not being here for the mail. It's the show season...(work season for me) Auburn Indiana next week....Pidgeon Forge Tennessee the following week...etc. etc. etc.
Should be a busy holiday season this year..... except for the Ak and the Hypnotic I already have 1 each of all those UFOs---- I believe you do too :)
EH??? toss 'em in the tin bean box with all the others
sorry to change the flow:Namaste:
Clock's ticking on this Utopia Haze.....cloudy w/ just a touch of amber for the last two weeks.....I'm near out of time but it sure looks pretty, and the hurricane didn't hurt 'em a bit:allgood::woohoo::eek:fftopic::focus:
Peace y'all

Chopper my man, I know you may have your reasons for not doing a journal, may have missed a post about it in months past....But I know I can speak for a lot of us when I say, It'd be the bee's knees if you did a journal. You always have great updates...Just sayin! Hope all is well, safe travels, glad the Atlantic didnt get yer girls!
damn OMM its been a few sense i checked in.
Look at THAT COLA!!!! shes a monster!
your autos look good to brother.

i guess i missed alot of the drama.... saw a few of our growers disappeared but they are all here now and seems like there wasnt a beat skipped so.... ya!...
glad to see things are going so well for you in your growing ventures!
best wishes to you and jo~
damn OMM its been a few sense i checked in.
Look at THAT COLA!!!! shes a monster!
your autos look good to brother.

i guess i missed alot of the drama.... saw a few of our growers disappeared but they are all here now and seems like there wasnt a beat skipped so.... ya!...
glad to see things are going so well for you in your growing ventures!
best wishes to you and jo~

Hi shaggie ! ;)

Yep, my mouth waters when I look at that cola.:love:

420 fixed all that stuff and we are back to normal.:Namaste:

Congratulations to you and your bride. Have a great time on the Big Island.:circle-of-love:
We'll take what you can give us. Of all of the journals I follow (and there are a few), I usually go straight for the bud-porn to see what's shaking. This is the only journal that I skip over that and look for more of your story. Not that your plants aren't awesome to behold, just that your stories are amazing. I don't want you to feel like this has become a second job. I'm sure I speak for most of the members when I say, we're happy to get as much (or as little) as you can/want to provide.

Keep up the great work brother!
Hey OMM! I've been out of the loop for a while. I just went back a few pages and found out about the drama. Unbelievable! I'm glad we have a great staff to take care of this. This is the ONLY site I go to. It's the best, and I don't have enough time to go anywhere else. LOL
I hope you and Jo are feeling well. Those buds in the tent are looking heavy. You may have to pull some strings like Pit Viper. The autos are green and healthy.
Good vibes to you and all true 420ers!
Hey old friend haven't stopped by in awhile thought I would stop by an check up on those wild thai mhmm:welldone: I like that mouth watering huge cola brother anyways I started a new journal Omm check it out sometime when you get chance great job cant wait to see the final

Hi Buddy! :love:

Yea that Wild Thai is crazy......can't wait to try her! :yummy:

Already subbed....:Namaste:
We'll take what you can give us. Of all of the journals I follow (and there are a few), I usually go straight for the bud-porn to see what's shaking. This is the only journal that I skip over that and look for more of your story. Not that your plants aren't awesome to behold, just that your stories are amazing. I don't want you to feel like this has become a second job. I'm sure I speak for most of the members when I say, we're happy to get as much (or as little) as you can/want to provide.

Keep up the great work brother!

Thank you stevehman.
I knew you would understand. There's another one coming up sometime to day,
Maybe two if I can get together. :thumb::thanks:
Hey OMM! I've been out of the loop for a while. I just went back a few pages and found out about the drama. Unbelievable! I'm glad we have a great staff to take care of this. This is the ONLY site I go to. It's the best, and I don't have enough time to go anywhere else. LOL
I hope you and Jo are feeling well. Those buds in the tent are looking heavy. You may have to pull some strings like Pit Viper. The autos are green and healthy.
Good vibes to you and all true 420ers!

Hey tricome ! ;)
I have missed you. Hope that damn hurricane didn't get you too bad. :smokin:

Yep, drama....but it's over .....due to our great staff. They are the best!:love:

Good vibes back at you! :thumb:
Hi All :party:

First let me apologize for not visiting your journals the last day or so like I usually do.......been battling......pretty bad aches and pains. That's how I came up with OldMedMan in the first place. At least 20 pills a day and lots of home grown meds.

The last 14 or so hours have seemed like days. My legs and feet have been cramping like crazy. Sometimes I couldn't even stand up. So I pulled out my Vitamin book and my Disease Fighting Foods book and did some research. I have a pretty well stocked vitamin cabinet at all times. Well, I think I found some good info and have acted on it. The pain is getting better! Self medication isn't a bad way to go. I will be getting better now I'm sure.:morenutes:
In fact, there will be another part of the story coming up, if not two.

I promise soon as I can I'll be visiting again. :love:
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