OldMedman Goes Indoors

Frisen Dew Report !

Either I measured her wet weight wrong or this is the biggest shrink in growing history.:smokin:

Here she is...42 grams dry.


Here she is in jars.


I did a quick smoke test on her with my vape. Tasted very green of course.....But the High is outstanding and will only get better with time.

I felt like I was in a Commercial Laundromat and didn't know which washer was mine!

This girl goes in my personal stash! With a good cure,,,,she'll be dangerous :love:
That's great, OMM! Sounds like it's gonna be some awesome smoke! :bravo:

FYI...that looks like a lot more than 42g to me, too! I'd guess 60-70g just from the pics. Did you calibrate your scale? You may want to try zeroing the scale to an empty mason jar, then weighing the two jars and see if you still come up with 42g.

Either way, GREAT harvest! :welldone:
Congrats on the harvest - sounds like a good addition to your personal stash. I remember drooling over a description I read about Frisian Dew...

I'm still digging your story with RS. It's like a novel and I'm just waiting for the next chapter. :)
That's great, OMM! Sounds like it's gonna be some awesome smoke! :bravo:

FYI...that looks like a lot more than 42g to me, too! I'd guess 60-70g just from the pics. Did you calibrate your scale? You may want to try zeroing the scale to an empty mason jar, then weighing the two jars and see if you still come up with 42g.

Either way, GREAT harvest! :welldone:

Hi Mr. Krip! ;)

Yep, I always test the scale and zero it....usually twice to make sure.
This time I was so shocked, I weighed her with another scale...same results,
When I chopped her I mentioned that her buds were really airy fairy. In the wet weight I had a ton of stems in there too.

Her Buds are very fluffy and no weight. Dang it! :love:

Her smoke makes up for it. I was really getting low on Lucy, so this will sure help the stash. :love:
Hi Mr. Krip! ;)

Yep, I always test the scale and zero it....usually twice to make sure.
This time I was so shocked, I weighed her with another scale...same results,
When I chopped her I mentioned that her buds were really airy fairy. In the wet weight I had a ton of stems in there too.

Her Buds are very fluffy and no weight. Dang it! :love:

Her smoke makes up for it. I was really getting low on Lucy, so this will sure help the stash. :love:

Yeah, I hear ya! My last two harvests before the PE (AK & Haze) yielded some real airy buds. Until the PE harvest, I was starting to doubt my lights!

I'd rather have 42g of good quality meds than 84g of mids any day, plus, you got a LOT more coming REAL soon, so :welldone:
Congrats on the harvest - sounds like a good addition to your personal stash. I remember drooling over a description I read about Frisian Dew...

I'm still digging your story with RS. It's like a novel and I'm just waiting for the next chapter. :)

Hi xlr8. ;) Thanks.:thanks:

I smoked that sample a couple of hours ago and she is still pretty strong.
She is going to be great with a cure. :high-five: Note to self..get more seeds of her. ;)

Glad you like the story. I think I'll just highlight the things that stood out in the next few parts of the story. We are taking about 6 years worth of story.
There will be more coming shortly.

I did massive trich tests today and none will come down until next week and beyond. They just aren't where I like them to be. I'm all fired up about starting Part 2 of this continuing grow......there will be some surprises for sure...but I'm not telling until then. :grinjoint:

That girl still has me befuddled.! :circle-of-love:
Yeah, I hear ya! My last two harvests before the PE (AK & Haze) yielded some real airy buds. Until the PE harvest, I was starting to doubt my lights!

I'd rather have 42g of good quality meds than 84g of mids any day, plus, you got a LOT more coming REAL soon, so :welldone:

Hi Buddy! ;)

Yep, I've been thinking, is Gravity and BioBiz Top Max working???? Actually most of the other buds are still packing it on and are tight.....so it may have been the strain. I'm still high from that sample. WhooWe. :yummy::yummy:
The Story Continues.....Crete

This was at the end of year three in Greece. Not only did I supply Johnny, I had other customers too. There were 4 really nice young Greek Guys that wanted to stock a new bar on the island of Crete. Obviously that was right up my alley.
So they left Glyfada with enough stock to start a bar. About 6 months later they called me. There was an Egyptian lady there that I should meet. She would go to Amsterdam and bring back goodies. I never asked her how she did it, she would probably not tell me anyway.

So I flew down to Crete. RS didn't want to go, so it was just me. The airport there was on the opposite side of the island from my destination, so I rented a car. The drive across the island was beautiful. I drove by the Palace of Knossos. A very ancient civilization once lived there...all there is now is ruins. They are still trying to figure out what happened to them.

I was headed to Agia Galini. Translated it meant "House of the Sun". Was it ever! As I got closer the mountains got steeper...I was thinking "What the hell?" Then I turned into a small road that looked like it ended in a cliff .
Then the road took a turn and down below was Agia Galini shining brightly by the sea. It was beautiful.

Finding the bar was easy and in I went. After much hugging and slaps on the back, the guys turned around and said here is whom you came to see. Sitting in the corner was one the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. The Egyptian lady. She took me by the hand and we walked to her place. I can't tell you what she had to sell because of 420's rules. The following day I would make a pretty big buy from her.

She wouldn't let me buy anything, because she said it was going to be a big night all around town. As we walked along anyone that passed by she gave something to them. When we got back to the bar it was dark. She gave everyone in the bar a present too. Low and behold she introduced me to a band called "Dire Straits". You old timers have probably heard of them. They weren't playing they were there to party. The whole figgin town was partying.

Some how I ended up with a young blond lady and she took me to a place called "The Singing Rocks". It was amazing. The waves washed in and moved the rocks each time . It was beautiful to listen too. We stripped and jumped in. We played for what seemed like forever. That was close as I ever came to cheating on RS, but I didn't. Well, there was another time, but that's another story.

I woke up the next morning on a table in the bar, my arms around the Egyptian girl. All the tables were full. A couple of guys from Dire Straights was on one too. We had a party!!! The Egyptian lady and I ate and drank some strong coffee, Then we walked back to her place to do business.
I left with allot of what she had. again I can't say what it was because of 420's rules.

I wasn't too worried about flying back to Athens. The Greeks didn't check in country flights. When I got back home RS said "Did you have a good time ?"
All I said was yep...you should have gone with me. ;)

In all my dealings, this was the biggest profit margin of all. I paid 2 bucks each for them and sold them for 1000 Dracmas ......$27 dollars. The folks I sold to would sell them for twice that or 3 times that. Fat City again. Nice two day trip. ;)
A small part of the story.......... :popcorn: As you can imagine I ended up with tons of Greek Drachmas.
Of course I wanted dollars to put in the bank.

On the other side of Athens at our part of the base, every payday they would open a currency exchange. Out on the wall outside of the cage, they would post that days rate of exchange. Back then it was about 43 Dracs per dollar. Whatever it was I would stand there and offer them at least 5 Dracs more per dollar. So I had dollars again. Good deal for me...good deal for them. :thumb:
Ol Man, I have to say...You ARE one of the most interesting people I think I have ever got the honors to read about and listen too...Write a book...It is funny because every time I watch T.V. and the commercials for Dos Equis beer comes on with..."THE MOST INTERESTING MAN IN THE WORLD" I sit back and think of you!!! I almost think it is you on those commercials....If not, we need to vote you in and get him out...It seems like you have lived a great existence and still find time to enjoy life and share your stories with the rest of us who, by the way, (at least me) sit and wait to hear another interesting thing about your journey's in this crazy world!! I really think you need to write a book...Who knows, maybe you have..Your journals always have so much to read that I usually speed read through it and find all of the interesting things and by doing that I'm sure I have missed or passed up some other things I would like to have read or missed some part where you may have spoke about things I write about!!!...Nonetheless, you are a great provider of knowledge and interesting too...And You have my vote for "THE MOST INTERESTING MAN ALIVE"!! No B.S....Thanks for all of the great journals and stories that keep me coming...You are one of few people that I would like to meet in this world and just kick back, burn one and let you tell me about "The good times" and give me some good words of wisdom to run with!!!:thanks::thumb: Sorry if I sound like a nutcase, but I really enjoy reading your posts...
Ol Man, I have to say...You ARE one of the most interesting people I think I have ever got the honors to read about and listen too...Write a book...It is funny because every time I watch T.V. and the commercials for Dos Equis beer comes on with..."THE MOST INTERESTING MAN IN THE WORLD" I sit back and think of you!!! I almost think it is you on those commercials....If not, we need to vote you in and get him out...It seems like you have lived a great existence and still find time to enjoy life and share your stories with the rest of us who, by the way, (at least me) sit and wait to hear another interesting thing about your journey's in this crazy world!! I really think you need to write a book...Who knows, maybe you have..Your journals always have so much to read that I usually speed read through it and find all of the interesting things and by doing that I'm sure I have missed or passed up some other things I would like to have read or missed some part where you may have spoke about things I write about!!!...Nonetheless, you are a great provider of knowledge and interesting too...And You have my vote for "THE MOST INTERESTING MAN ALIVE"!! No B.S....Thanks for all of the great journals and stories that keep me coming...You are one of few people that I would like to meet in this world and just kick back, burn one and let you tell me about "The good times" and give me some good words of wisdom to run with!!!:thanks::thumb: Sorry if I sound like a nutcase, but I really enjoy reading your posts...

Hey Willoby...whats up in Lost Wages? :grinjoint:

Man, don't do this to me! How in the world can I sound humble with all you just said. I have to admit when I see that commercial, I do think to myself " Oh! Yeah! You fat old fart"! :Rasta:

There are some folks on 420 that could tell stories way much better than me.
Countless stories I'm sure. We all have a few tales to tell. I just know that old Chopper has a few tales to tell and a few others. You probably have few too, based on where you live. ;) Fear is a big part of it. No one wants to tell a story and get busted for it. Mine are so old and in different countries, if they decide to come get me they would realize it would be too much of a hassle, providing all the supplies I would need to keep living. :)

Actually, I have always wanted to write a SF book...I run out of ideas about the third page. :grinjoint:

From the age of 40 I started to change and got much more into things that I found I was good at. Aside from cancer my life took me to new things that were just as much fun and I was helping other people. In another journal on down the road I may tell a few tales about them.

In all truth my story is helping me to bury a few personal devils as I go.

Man, I can't thank you enough for your kind words. They do mean allot to me.
Enjoy the story..I am.:love:
Hey Girl !!!:circle-of-love:

Jo found a T-shirt for you and her.

Here's what it is:

T. G. I. F.

This Granny is Fabulous

Suits you both ! :yahoo:

:circle-of-love:LOVE IT!!:circle-of-love:

Hey, OMM... I tried to go to Siscokid's hempy journal this morning... I had subscribed to it and now it's not in my subscriptions... and I went to visit it from the link he left in your journal (bottom of page 77 in OMM journal)... but it said I didn't have access.


Any thoughts? I see his last post to you on 8/21 post #1363 on page 91 of your journal... What's going on????

I'm gonna give a shout out to him here...



Oh, Oh! :thedoubletake:

I think he may be going through now the same thing I went through last week!
I hope not! Who would spoof a 420 account to post on another site? I've heard that the other sites are dubious at best and will do what they can to recruit members from here and to discredit 420. I hope the Admins can get him back quickly.
WOW!!!! What a story OMM i would buy the book that blows my mind that other web sites would encourage some one to come over to there site i must be naive Ive been to some of them other sites and they are junk they don't try to help you they make you feel stupid and there way is the only way I think the 420 community is the cream of the crop people really try to help you without disrespecting you well i better hush and wait for the next chapter in the life of OMM :peacetwo:
Hey there OMM! Had to stop by and pay my respects. :adore: Like the others here I too find your stories, insight and knowledge, astounding! I just wish i had more time to hang. I'm constantly amazed at the posters on this site. The stories and people are fascinating. Anyway, I won't clutter your journal with a bunch of blather, just want to say keep on smiling, I get the positive vibes from here!

OMM, my friend, I think you may know my dad, some of this story is sounding familiar, kinda, gotta speak with him more and will PM you if so. He has some REALLY wild stories too, gotta ask if I can post the one about J. Buffet, a suitcase, and the 50 gallon drums, you will love that one too...
Wow i came in wayyyy late.. Ill have to buzz in on the next one... Your plants looked, past-tense lol, good. But your buds look like theyre ready to be sold at Byerly's. I like it. Will be in on the next one for sure
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