OldMedman Goes Indoors

Our pleasure my friend! When you do good...We feel good! :yahoo:

Actually, I'm going to read about the CFLs again, just to refresh my memory and get some more ideas. We old farts forget allot!

I when to many seed sites and looked at their top 10 strains and Frisen Dew was in them all. I'll give a smoke report after she's cured a bit. :goodluck:

.....ok thanks,...... are you using cfls exclusively or with mh and hps?
Hey OMM!! missed a couple of days over the weekend and had to go back like 4 or so pages... Holy Crap lol
Everything is looking just great, I was looking at I think photo update 1 and did you defolinate some of those, or is it the strain that looks like it has no leaves?
Just wondering as I defolinated last round and was wondering yours/anybodys thoughts on it.
Hope Jo feels right as rain very soon...
what kind of shots do you get (cortisone??) my wife gets them in her shoulder a couple of times a year to stop swelling and stiffness.
Can't wait to see the next round of chop chop... Lookin just great brother
Hello OMM Your buds look amazing you were right there's was something wrong with that 10 ft kushberry it was a hermie i cut it down and burned it. I noticed a couple of balls were open is that enough to ruin the crop. Hopen the best for you Jo
Well Thanks GT :thumb:

I'm still debating with myself what the next one's going to be like. The main thing is to have more control of the girls as for as height and numbers. I have another few surprises too. Just working out the ideas now.

Pictures coming in a few minutes......
Two Words:
"California Wildfire"

A tent full.

Too early to panic:popcorn::popcorn:....the Utopia Haze has just a touch of amber and really could use another week:yummy:....but it CAN go now if I'm pressed
Wouldn't take a whole lot to bust 'em up good at this point. The stems are near their limits
just busted into the Buddha Syrup jar......
This friggin Auto is really good!
Waaaay gooder than when it went into the jar
Best 90 day budz I've ever had.....I may just order a few more
Nice sleepy weed ......
G'nite all
Inherited one from my Dad's childhood. Was in a red, METAL, toolbox/suitcase. Weighed maybe 20lbs with electric motors and all sorts of pulleys and gears.
Sadly I gave it to my kids to play with, and it ended up spread across a 300 acre horse farm
I think kids were smarter in the twenties and thirties. Better educated for sure

Hi Chopper.;)

Thats the one I had. Think I got in 1948. All metal, motors, pulleys, you name it!

He gave me a Chemistry Set the next year....those were real chemistry sets.
I put a permanent black spot on the ceiling. Turned my hands purple for a while. :ganjamon:
We were taught manners too. ;)
I remember the red metal box too.....no idea where it went. I hate seeing my kids plastic crap. Looking good OMM.

You know .....if we had one now....we would still be building with it. Like you said .....plastic crap from China. :smokin:

Thanks Buddy. :thumb:
.....ok thanks,...... are you using cfls exclusively or with mh and hps?

Hi my Friend ;)

In the tent...its some CFLs for down low and HPS for the top.

The autos will be grown with only CFLs. :yummy:
Hey OMM!! missed a couple of days over the weekend and had to go back like 4 or so pages... Holy Crap lol
Everything is looking just great, I was looking at I think photo update 1 and did you defolinate some of those, or is it the strain that looks like it has no leaves?
Just wondering as I defolinated last round and was wondering yours/anybodys thoughts on it.
Hope Jo feels right as rain very soon...
what kind of shots do you get (cortisone??) my wife gets them in her shoulder a couple of times a year to stop swelling and stiffness.
Can't wait to see the next round of chop chop... Lookin just great brother

Hi MS :) I trimmed twice during the grow. First time I cleared out the under brush that would never get any light. The second time, I mostly just removed leaves that were blocking buds from the light.

The Blueberry, Frisen dew, and the Sour Cream shed their leaves themselves.
Those are the ones that look really bare.

As I described above....I think those trimmings really help. Saves the plant from using needless energy.

They stopped giving me cortisone (I had the same problems as your wife) because in the long run it will hurt you....like some athletes have done to them selves. My shoulder got better on it's on after a while.
I don't know what they shot my finger with. It sure helped.

Jo's hanging in.....she remains the same. Thanks for asking. She has a torn rotator cup, but refuses the shots. Tough lady.

Me too! on the next round of chopping. ;)

Take care my friend. :thumb:
Two Words:
"California Wildfire"

A tent full.

Too early to panic:popcorn::popcorn:....the Utopia Haze has just a touch of amber and really could use another week:yummy:....but it CAN go now if I'm pressed
Wouldn't take a whole lot to bust 'em up good at this point. The stems are near their limits

Hey Chopper! ;)

Thanks! That's right your in hurricane ally. I agree. see one coming and down she will come....good thing she is ready. :high-five:
just busted into the Buddha Syrup jar......
This friggin Auto is really good!
Waaaay gooder than when it went into the jar
Best 90 day budz I've ever had.....I may just order a few more
Nice sleepy weed ......
G'nite all

Thanks for the words on Syrup....my knid of smoke...good night! :yummy:
Hi Chopper.;)

Thats the one I had. Think I got in 1948. All metal, motors, pulleys, you name it!

He gave me a Chemistry Set the next year....those were real chemistry sets.
I put a permanent black spot on the ceiling. Turned my hands purple for a while. :ganjamon:
We were taught manners too. ;)

My wife and I found a full Tinker toy set from her youth (I had one just like it) really brought back memories. I had an erector set like that too, I think it was a hand me down. Oh man did I have a legit kids chemistry set - I believe it probably held ingredients that would make a toy safety expert crap their pants.

I remember "playing" with and passing around "lead" when I was a kid in grade-school - it was like really heavy tinfoil, and we could rub it on paper like a pencil. I also remember holding a tray full of mercury and watching the way it moved around the tray. They'd evacuate a school just for seeing or being near that sort of thing these days. Sheesh - how'd we ever survive! :)

Oh yeah, in high school, there was a designated smoking area for STUDENTS. Be they freshman, sophomore... it didn't matter.

LOTS has changed, huh?!? The question is ---- for the better?
Hello OMM Your buds look amazing you were right there's was something wrong with that 10 ft kushberry it was a hermie i cut it down and burned it. I noticed a couple of balls were open is that enough to ruin the crop. Hopen the best for you Jo

Hi papatater ! :)

I thought that I had answered you, but it looks like I didn't...sorry.

I remember thinking...that's just not right;) Buddy, that's a down right shame....to lose a 10 footer. :smokin::smokin:

I sure hope it didn't get to your other girls.

Thanks for the good words :love:

Still thinking how bad it is to lose a 10 foot plant. Crap! :smokin:
The Story Continues.......Two Crazy Englishmen ! :rofl::rofl:

RS and I had been in Greece for a year and we decided to move up town so to speak. We moved all the way up to the top of Glyfada, so far up the sheep herders would drive their sheep right down the street in front of us. It was great! We could see the three closest islands clearly. The sunsets were picture postcard stuff. The landlord was a marble cutter and marble dust designer. All our floors were marble and the designs were incredible.
We found out marble was cold as could be in the mornings. The landlord only turned on the heat 1 hour in the morning and one hour at night. That just wouldn't do for two spoiled Americans. I had a talk with him and he had a 3 ton tank to hold the fuel oil. He said it was too expensive to burn longer than 2 hours a day. I told him to let me take care of it. Service people got a discount and I kept it full from then on. His family loved it and so did we...heat all the time. It had a intercom and a push button door downstairs and we could buzz people in or not. By the way rent was $200 a month. ;)
We had balconies front and back and if we leaned over we could pick lemons right off the tree. Through the years I would stand on the front balcony
and think to myself "Life will never be this good again". I was right!
We has two kittens...Nuts and Buns. Nuts fell into the fuel oil and after much washing..he lost all his hair. RS and everyone else would not touch him...poor pink little thing. I did.

As we were moving a friend came over and said there were two English men down on the Glyfada beach and they had something to sell. Away I went to find them. I did. They had two keys hash oil to sell. Oh! Boy!. We made arrangements for them to come over to our old place the next day. I had to get the money out of the bank.

Sure enough they came over. You could run a toothpick's worth over a cigarette and it would knock you silly. I paid them one dollar a gram for it all!
Remember this was long ago.
I never ever sold on the street.....I was always the middle man. I sold it for 10 dollars a gram. The people I sold it too would double it, if not more. We furnished our new place with the money. A note...fisher men were making $500 a day back then, so folks did have plenty of money.

Talk about something hard to work with it was that oil in plastic bags. So I froze it and cut it off with a knife. Then weighted it.

This was not the last time I would see these guys.

What these guys did was leave England with something to sell. Their first stop was Morocco......Casablanca. There the would sell their goods and buy something else. The traveled all across Northern Africa buying and selling, then through the Holy Land and finally to Turkey, then Greece. I honestly don't know how they got the hash into Greece. The Greek borders were very hard on drugs. Usually nothing came across the boarders. That leads to another story later on.
By the end of their journey, they had something to sell when they got home to England. What a pair these two were. Really good dudes.

Like I said, I would see these guys again.

For you sex nuts.....RS was the same...in public very shy and demure.
At home she was totally different. Our house was typically Greek. It had another floor above us, which was unfinished..the brick at a time for tax reasons. When RS saw it...she wanted to have some pictures taken up there of her in a bikini. Who was I too refuse....we did this many times...each time she would lose her bikini in minutes. I always thought the neighbors with telescopes loved it.
SHOOT MAN would of loved it now that i think about it makes me sound like a peepintom OHWELL. I grew up CA every now and the some oil would come thru i bet you remember rorer 714 not them lemmons they were junk used to play around the old boardwalk down there wasent much down there tatoo parlor couple rides well just rambling Hope All Is Well with you and Jo:thumb: :peacetwo:
SHOOT MAN would of loved it now that i think about it makes me sound like a peepintom OHWELL. I grew up CA every now and the some oil would come thru i bet you remember rorer 714 not them lemmons they were junk used to play around the old boardwalk down there wasent much down there tatoo parlor couple rides well just rambling Hope All Is Well with you and Jo:thumb: :peacetwo:

Well, if you think about it, I don't think there's a male around that hasn't done some kind of peeping tom stuff. When I was in the orphanage in the Ozarks we had a girl's dormitory and a male dormitory.They locked us up at 10 pm. Before the lights went out all the older guys would climb the hill outside the girl's dormitory and take a seat for the show. The girls would leave the windows wide open and would get ready for bed. Can you say "strip show"? :circle-of-love:

Sounds like the board walk was fun for you back then!

Hash oil visits our island very infrequently. Bummer :smokin:
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