OldMedman Goes Indoors


It sure does take me a bit to catch up in here! BEAUTIFUL girls:yummy::goodjob::welldone: see you and THsea got some harvesting done:thumb::party: and more to come :woohoo:

and I've been keepin' up on the continuing story... :thanks: to those who added the first segments recently!! I appreciated it too!

I've been busy doin' something I didn't really want to mention, but will at least share a little. Very trying time here. My beloved mom-in-law (34 years hubby and I've been together) came down with some symptoms in late June... has been diagnosed with an inoperable cancerous brain tumor... had radiation treatments... and after all that is now unable to walk, feed herself, etc... was in the hospital for 5 weeks, and last week had to go to a nursing home. Considering in June she could walk, talk (and make sense), feed herself, etc (she camped with the family for 10 days in early July)... this has been real real real real real ... real hard on all of us - and it's a big family she started. My 6'4" 400lb father-in-law is a lost pup and helpless (as we all are).

Anyhoo... I've been spending time with her. And I'm very sad and cry every time I leave, and often when I think of her (like now). So I'm not always writing when I check in, but I am checking in as often as I can.

Enough of that and sorry to put any sad shit in anyone's journal. On to better topics...

My girls outside have sure done nice things. Some are 6 feet tall even tho I didn't even start the seeds until into June! They astound me with their beauty. If the deer don't get em... and the bugs don't eat em... and no stupid ditch weed would pollinate em... I may have a very nice crop. We'll see. I love just watchin' em grow. It gives me GOOD VIBES. :)

Your girls all look absolutely stunning, OMM. I'll keep lurking!! Promise!!

:love::love::love::love::love:LUVIES TO OMM & ALL:love::love::love::love::love:
Hi OMM -

Glad to see you had THSea there to help out. I'd love to sample the Frisen Dew someday, but I think it's primarily an outdoor plant - though you made it look great inside the Matterhorn! Congrats on the harvest my friend! :yahoo::party::rocker:

What a bummer that Jo is still having some issues with her legs/feet. I sure hope she gets better or at least feels better soon. Glad your hand/finger is doing better, but take care of those lungs...

I wish I could be there with you and THSea sharing in a few scissor hash moments... DO the Dew!:bongrip:

Take care - all of you! :)
BUDDHA SEEDS: The "White Dwarf" was 90 days from seed to jar....yield was right at 2oz. (cured) and the smoke is OK (I'm old and have a very hard head)
Buddha's SYRUP was 92 days from seed to jar...yield was 2.25oz. of sweet, nice tasting cured bud....smoke is good....particularly first thing in the day** after a day of doing Jack Herrer and Lucy swats....(chased with a joint of Quasar here and there) the Syrup will get lost
I guess autos have a place.....just not in my garden (unless they're free like the Buddhas) :)

Hi Chopper! :)

I'm growing these because of your recommendation. Still trying to figure out how I can grow the Green Triangle Giant. :high-five: I would be in bed if I smoked like you do everyday. :yahoo:
Thanks OldManMed and MSquared for the cfl pictures and info!
.....the buds look real good......:yummy:......bet she smokes up real nice!.......;)

Our pleasure my friend! When you do good...We feel good! :yahoo:

Actually, I'm going to read about the CFLs again, just to refresh my memory and get some more ideas. We old farts forget allot!

I when to many seed sites and looked at their top 10 strains and Frisen Dew was in them all. I'll give a smoke report after she's cured a bit. :goodluck:
It's a good shot OldMedMan, you flatter me.
Another member corrupted now, by poetry :smokin:

Yep! Totally corrupted. I think Browning started it and you finished the job. :)

Thinking about writing songs now.....after all, today they just sing one line over and over. :peace:

It sure does take me a bit to catch up in here! BEAUTIFUL girls:yummy::goodjob::welldone: see you and THsea got some harvesting done:thumb::party: and more to come :woohoo:

and I've been keepin' up on the continuing story... :thanks: to those who added the first segments recently!! I appreciated it too!

I've been busy doin' something I didn't really want to mention, but will at least share a little. Very trying time here. My beloved mom-in-law (34 years hubby and I've been together) came down with some symptoms in late June... has been diagnosed with an inoperable cancerous brain tumor... had radiation treatments... and after all that is now unable to walk, feed herself, etc... was in the hospital for 5 weeks, and last week had to go to a nursing home. Considering in June she could walk, talk (and make sense), feed herself, etc (she camped with the family for 10 days in early July)... this has been real real real real real ... real hard on all of us - and it's a big family she started. My 6'4" 400lb father-in-law is a lost pup and helpless (as we all are).

Anyhoo... I've been spending time with her. And I'm very sad and cry every time I leave, and often when I think of her (like now). So I'm not always writing when I check in, but I am checking in as often as I can.

Enough of that and sorry to put any sad shit in anyone's journal. On to better topics...

My girls outside have sure done nice things. Some are 6 feet tall even tho I didn't even start the seeds until into June! They astound me with their beauty. If the deer don't get em... and the bugs don't eat em... and no stupid ditch weed would pollinate em... I may have a very nice crop. We'll see. I love just watchin' em grow. It gives me GOOD VIBES. :)

Your girls all look absolutely stunning, OMM. I'll keep lurking!! Promise!!

:love::love::love::love::love:LUVIES TO OMM & ALL:love::love::love::love::love:

)))))) Hey granny girl !!! (((((

So good to see you! :yahoo:

No problem! about your mom-in-law. This is life, in these journals and especially mine. It's so terrible to watch someone you've loved for so long to be deteriorating right in front of you. It's a terrible thing to say, but I hope she goes without pain.
I so feel for her husband.....all those years of love and happiness. :smokin:
A terrible shock wave traveling through your whole clan. :sorry:


Glad you girls are reaching for the sky! Good luck with the critters. Guess you didn't pee enough.:love: I know what you mean, our girls just make us feel good by just looking at them. I do the same. :love:

Glad you like the story......I'll try to get more of it up soon as I can.:Rasta:

Glad you like my girls.....if you think about it.....we love them to death...and then kill them....but they do live on as we enjoy them. :yummy:

I know your lurking around so don't worry about that! :hippy:
Hi OMM -

Glad to see you had THSea there to help out. I'd love to sample the Frisen Dew someday, but I think it's primarily an outdoor plant - though you made it look great inside the Matterhorn! Congrats on the harvest my friend! :yahoo::party::rocker:

What a bummer that Jo is still having some issues with her legs/feet. I sure hope she gets better or at least feels better soon. Glad your hand/finger is doing better, but take care of those lungs...

I wish I could be there with you and THSea sharing in a few scissor hash moments... DO the Dew!:bongrip:

Take care - all of you! :)

Hi Buddy! :)
Thanks fior the kind words......last thing we did was smoke the scissor hash.
It was good! :surf: It's so good my buddy is back on the island. We get into to all sorts of stuff.

Thanks for thinking of Jo. She's holding her own, but is the same.
I may need a couple of more shots in my hand....although it is much better.
I'm smoking the electric vape cigs now and it's helping. Thanks. I really like the grape ones. :love:

You take care too Buddy! :thumb:
Right here, Bro! Just been a little "incognito" the past couple of days! :grinjoint:

So glad that's been straightened out Mr.Krip. I would really miss you.
But your here and that's all that matters!

Hi folks!
Just got done jarring some Master Kush (Nirvana) Very good smoke even before the cure..............................which brings me to a subject.
MOLD***** Maybe it's because I'm in the deep South East.
Every time I grow a strain that has that big knot of a bud cluster at the top (Emerald Jack, Master Kush, OG kush etc) and even some of the nuggy "Berry" Indica strains, I get grey mold down deep in the bud core.
This M.K. had a quarter lb. top knot. I don't even try to dry the big budz intact anymore...I break them down to hang, and sure enough! There it is....I cut out as much as I can, and water cure all the adjacent material (I don't think it's a great idea to smoke too much mold)
What a waste.....I didn't lose a bunch, because I've learned to not hang big chunks.....but I now have a collection of 1/2oz bags of water cured weeds
I don't really care for water cured weed :(
Any thoughts on prevention? I know the Sierra stuff will kill it, but you can't even see what I'm talking about, till you cut the flower open.....Hell....Hydrogen Peroxide in a squirt bottle will stop it dead....but only if you can see it to spray it......I need prevention
Or I just continue on my Hazey, Quasar, Sativa way and avoid the big budz and nuggs I prefer
Hey Chopper, Im pretty far southeast too, and we used to have the same problem, we had to re breed some of our strains and completely cut some out of our lineup. Ive definately noticed that the sativa dominent strains work out much better here.Our plants average 15 to 20 foot, and biggest problem is rippers. Even LEO doesnt fool around too much lately because of a very deadly drug called meth, which is what they are focussing on right now.
Cops are on temporary duty serving public safety, mopping up meth mess, but...
they'll be back to serve their corporate master's interests some more. Stand by

Nature gives its clue, showing how to do, controlled enviroment horticulture in a box.
Tropical air? Airy sativas. Arid Kush? the kind. Dehumidifiers, people.
Fungi spores are everywhere, and only need a home.
40% RH sends a message: No Vacancy, at the NoTell Motel
Guess you're correct. The more arid stuff will have to be indoors....I prefer outdoors for the most part, but adjustments are called for. **Good thing this Quasar is so good***
**I don't know that 40% is even possible here......one fuck of a dehumidifier maybe :)
HI OMM!!:) I was feeling like I missed something over here, I was right! I didnt see that you had chopped the DEW! Congrats on the first chop from the tent! Or did I miss one before this??

At any rate, they all are looking great, Hows my bluberry doing?
Hey OMM, lookin' real nice in the tent.


There you are Mr. Mmmmick ! :yahoo:

My computer crashed a while back and I lost your info....been worried about you.....and ....the roof. So good to see you my friend. :yahoo: We have to catch up. Damn good to see you!!! :thumb:
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