OldMedman Goes Indoors

Hey OMM, things are lookiin right on track! I know, that you know, the ol' saying goes, "When you think they're ready, wait a week"....If you ask me, I'd have to say that whoever coined that phrase was an indoor grower. Welcome to the world of indoor growing!!
Hey OMM, things are lookiin right on track! I know, that you know, the ol' saying goes, "When you think they're ready, wait a week"....If you ask me, I'd have to say that whoever coined that phrase was an indoor grower. Welcome to the world of indoor growing!!

Hey Quix! :)

Your right Bud, I should listen to myself, that's one of my favorite sayings.:high-five: For some reason it makes me think of Mr. Krip's first harvest, his girls just wouldn't finish. :popcorn:

I don't want to sound bitchy, but just setting up that little auto grow in the bedroom, just kicked my butt. I've been in bed all day trying to recover and that puts me in a funk. No wonder people have been looking for the fountain of youth for hundreds of years. :yahoo:
OMM, you're right, that Royal Haze I had seemed to take forever. Just start taking some samples, in case she's one of those phenos that kicks your butt with little-to-no amber. If possible (which it may not be with the other plants in flower) you can also try lowering the light cycle to 11/13 or 10/14 so the girls think winter's coming soon and get motivated to finish.

BTW...The plants look GREAT!!! :thumb:
Hey Quix! :)

Your right Bud, I should listen to myself, that's one of my favorite sayings.:high-five: For some reason it makes me think of Mr. Krip's first harvest, his girls just wouldn't finish. :popcorn:

I don't want to sound bitchy, but just setting up that little auto grow in the bedroom, just kicked my butt. I've been in bed all day trying to recover and that puts me in a funk. No wonder people have been looking for the fountain of youth for hundreds of years. :yahoo:

:amen: to that my friend. I just put some seedlings in some roto rooters, and that kicked my butt. Hopefully, health things will pick up for you, OMM. Sending you positive energy - hope it finds you well!

P.S. A stoner walks into a shop and asks if he can buy a microwave, the shop owner says "get out of my shop you pothead". so the stoner leaves.

The stoner comes back the next day and asks the same question and gets the same reply.

The stoner then comes in and says "why won't you sell me a microwave!?" the shop owner then replies "Because this is a tv shop!"
:amen: to that my friend. I just put some seedlings in some roto rooters, and that kicked my butt. Hopefully, health things will pick up for you, OMM. Sending you positive energy - hope it finds you well!

P.S. A stoner walks into a shop and asks if he can buy a microwave, the shop owner says "get out of my shop you pothead". so the stoner leaves.

The stoner comes back the next day and asks the same question and gets the same reply.

The stoner then comes in and says "why won't you sell me a microwave!?" the shop owner then replies "Because this is a tv shop!"

:rofl: Is it joke time? :)

I got one for you all:

A pothead calls the fire department and said "Hurry, come quick, my house is on fire!" The fireman asks "How do we get there?" The stoner says "Try that big red truck you guys have!"
Hey Uncle O, what about Cervantes saying that clear was done...

I even heard one guy with 22 years of growing outdoors, say he waits for the trichomes to pack up and look complete, all white hairs cause when they start to die it's like past or passing prime time. I didn't want to tell him he was wrong, I'm only in my 2nd year of trial and error.

Great to hear you have your right hand man around.. It's a small world and a wind can carry you to places...

I had a good time catching up as always, just like everyone here I'm floored by the beauties you're churning out in the Matterhorny :adore:

So any pics of that Italian chick? :)

Love to hear the stories you tell.;)
OMM, you're right, that Royal Haze I had seemed to take forever. Just start taking some samples, in case she's one of those phenos that kicks your butt with little-to-no amber. If possible (which it may not be with the other plants in flower) you can also try lowering the light cycle to 11/13 or 10/14 so the girls think winter's coming soon and get motivated to finish.

BTW...The plants look GREAT!!! :thumb:

HI Mr Krip:)

Samples it will be. :) Maybe later I will change the lights.

I went back to sleep again. When I woke up my mind was mush. It took me forever to figure out what posts I had answered and those I had not....and I'm, still not sure.:smokin::smokin:
Probably should get ripped...since that's my normal state.:high-five:
:amen: to that my friend. I just put some seedlings in some roto rooters, and that kicked my butt. Hopefully, health things will pick up for you, OMM. Sending you positive energy - hope it finds you well!

P.S. A stoner walks into a shop and asks if he can buy a microwave, the shop owner says "get out of my shop you pothead". so the stoner leaves.

The stoner comes back the next day and asks the same question and gets the same reply.

The stoner then comes in and says "why won't you sell me a microwave!?" the shop owner then replies "Because this is a tv shop!"

Hi xlr8.;)
Thanks for the positive vibes buddy, they are helping, I think. Well, you have a reason to feel bad...well actually I guess I do too old body.:)

Thanks for the bad joke...it did make me laugh!:high-five:
:rofl: Is it joke time? :)

I got one for you all:

A pothead calls the fire department and said "Hurry, come quick, my house is on fire!" The fireman asks "How do we get there?" The stoner says "Try that big red truck you guys have!"

Hey Uncle O, what about Cervantes saying that clear was done...

I even heard one guy with 22 years of growing outdoors, say he waits for the trichomes to pack up and look complete, all white hairs cause when they start to die it's like past or passing prime time. I didn't want to tell him he was wrong, I'm only in my 2nd year of trial and error.

Great to hear you have your right hand man around.. It's a small world and a wind can carry you to places...

I had a good time catching up as always, just like everyone here I'm floored by the beauties you're churning out in the Matterhorny :adore:

So any pics of that Italian chick? :)

Love to hear the stories you tell.;)

Hey Sisco :)

I hear that Buddy...can you say "wrong" ?:)

Sorry, my friend ...no more personal pictures.....but I do have picture of those moments. :cheer: I look at them.......:high-five:

Glad you like the stories....more coming up tonight.:)

It's great to have THsea back,,he's my buddy.:Namaste:

Matterhorney????? Love it! :bravo:
Man, one weekend of work and I'm like 3 pages behind, lol!!! I'm with granny, hard to catch up sometimes with 2 pages a day!!

Hey GT:)

Better hang in there...more of the story to follow tonight. ;)

When I woke up...felt totally confused, but you guys have got me back together mentally. :cheer: 420 is the best place in the world! :high-five:
The story continues....

My Job. :popcorn:

When I checked in on the Greek Airbase to my job I was in for a surprise.

I was promoted in route....so they pinned some new stripes on me. I was now a Buck Sargent. :) A little more money in my pocket. :) The big surprise was yet to come.

I was assigned to the comm center. It was a very secure place...push button keys to get in. Typical. It had a beep button on the message window, so we could have folks sign for any messages that they got...all the way up to top secret. More on that later.

As I saluted the Comm Center Officer......he said "Everything that happens in the comm center, stays in the comm center". I thought..well duh!

He said "We have 3 times the people that we need and you will work one 24 hour day and be off six days." :yahoo: It was all I could do to not start jumping up and down.:) I had walked into heaven. :love:
We worked our 24 hour shifts with one other person. If you had someone work our shift for us, we could be off 12 days in a row...or taken farther, 18 days. :)
Our duties were....keeping 6 old beat up Teletype machines going for messages. We answered the green phone..which was a secure phone to the 8 missile sites we had and notify those who rec'd messages so they could come get them and sign for them.
The other duty we had was to change security cards in a big old machine we had. It was the world com security net. We usually changed cards once a day. We did have nights where we changed the cards 6 or 8 times, because some one breached it. This was way before good computers came along.

Since I had checked in on Friday...my first shift...was the following Friday.
I went home to tell RS the good news! :)
And more of the story.:)

Vula! :)

Vula was about 50 and loved veils....she wore a lot of them. You could hardly see her face. She spoke very little English and I didn't speak much Greek, so she brought pictures and samples of what I should get for her. I did business with her for a while, but I found more and better customers later on.
Glad I did, because she got busted later on. By her husband! He was the chief of police in Glyfada. No joke!:)

It was rough at first, until one of my friends introduced me to Johnny. Big mistake by my friend. Johnny was not happy with him.

Johnny. He was a Greek that had a bar in New Jersey and one day some Italians came in and said "Can we use your bar and back room for our meetings? We will pay you well. 10 grand a month. Obviously Johnny said yes.
They would leave 50 dollar tips for a drink. He was in heaven.

Some years later there was a big soccer game being held in Athens and he flew over. Right after the game Johnny had a heart attack and could never travel again. Johnny faced reality and bought three big buildings on one property and they were full of condos. Jonny lived there in one of them.
But Johnny was bored....he had to be doing something...so he wanted to impress his rich Greek friends and stated to buy and sell. Johnny was well organized and needed some one who was reliable......that person turned out to be me. :) He gave me big orders and it was my responsibility to fill them.
So my little business turned into a big business.

How did I do it? It was easy....I would just tell couples "Buy what I ask for and I will double your money". In the end I had 23 couples working for me and I would keep everything over double...which was everything! Fat City!
Once every 6 months are so, I would take them all out to dinner at the same time and we had fun. :)
I remember that first run to Johnnies. RS and I took it over to Johnny's and had a drink with he and his wife. RS and I giggled and yelled all the way home. :high-five: We were set! That was what I did until I left Greece. :yahoo:
Next up...my other business. :ganjamon:
Some more of the story....just a bit. :)

After I had been there for a year and a half my OIC in the comm center called me to his office, There stood a young PFC. Then he told me the young soldier was going to send his wife back to the sates because he couldn't afford his rent.
The OIC said Sgt OMM would you tell this young man how to pay his rent here?
I thought to myself "Holy Sh*t" he knows what I'm doing!!! And I think he did, but it didn't matter evidently.

So I had another couple for my business. He was recruiting for me! :circle-of-love:
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