OldMedman Goes Indoors


The story gets more intriguing and things are looking great in the tent! I'm anxious to see where the story goes next. That was a great picture of you and RS.

I'm really itching to sprout some seeds again. Maybe later today I'll make that happen. The lack of activity is killing me!

Sorry for not being around more, the medications I'm on at the moment leave me a half awake zombie much of the time, and the healing process takes longer than I'd hoped.

There sure are going to be a lot of buds to trim soon! :yahoo:

Hey Buddy good to see your awake for few minutes. :)

Now, that I think of it...I should not have posted it! Maybe 420 is giving us break. I posted it without thinking of the rules. Duh! :smokin:

I know it's killing you not moving around.....you are doer....not a sitter.:)
Yep, germ a few and pamper them...that will make you feel better.

THsea came over today and we spent the afternoon talking shop. He looked in the tent and we talked about everything and how glad he is to be back.
He volunteered to help with the trimming. :) Now that's a friend.:high-five:

Hang in there Buddy, you'll be better than ever soon!:high-five:

wow, I've been trying all afternoon to catch up on your journal...Love the story and all the pics. Somehow I missed the first post about RS, ...I tried to look back and find it but I was never gonna catch up that way...tell me how/where you met, please

I don't remember who said it but I think a book is a good idea.

Happy to hear THsea is back, (I've got to know more about that too), looks like you're really gonna need the help. Those girls look amazing. :cheer:

Sorry to hear about your hand/finger problem, hope the dr. can help that.

Could you get Jo to help trim? I find it stress reducing, maybe get her to slow down a minute and smell the roses so to speak... :bong: Life goes by soo fast and the whole point is the journey, not the destination

Go tell that neighbor that he's f*@kin' it up for everybody, and leave sh*t alone, especially if it was done without any kind of prior communication ...what was he thinkin?

:popcorn: Waiting for future installments..:) Take care

Note to GT... The pic of OMM and RS. Look a couple of posts back, it's an old pic of them.

wow, I've been trying all afternoon to catch up on your journal...Love the story and all the pics. Somehow I missed the first post about RS, ...I tried to look back and find it but I was never gonna catch up that way...tell me how/where you met, please

I don't remember who said it but I think a book is a good idea.

Happy to hear THsea is back, (I've got to know more about that too), looks like you're really gonna need the help. Those girls look amazing. :cheer:

Sorry to hear about your hand/finger problem, hope the dr. can help that.

Could you get Jo to help trim? I find it stress reducing, maybe get her to slow down a minute and smell the roses so to speak... :bong: Life goes by soo fast and the whole point is the journey, not the destination

Go tell that neighbor that he's f*@kin' it up for everybody, and leave sh*t alone, especially if it was done without any kind of prior communication ...what was he thinkin?

:popcorn: Waiting for future installments..:) Take care

Note to GT... The pic of OMM and RS. Look a couple of posts back, it's an old pic of them.

Here you go Squeels....

OK.....here is a seemingly unimportant story. It's part one of a long story that I will post in parts. This story impacted the rest of my life later on although it just seems pretty meaningless.

When in Greece our headquarters was on a Greek Air Base at the other side of Athens. Very few of our troops lived there. On the weekends it was desolate. I worked in a comm center and it was a high security site. We had 8 Nuclear Missile sites to support. I had a Cosmic Top Secret clearance, if you can believe that. I'd never heard of it before.

My duty shifts where 24 hours long. More on that latter on. On the weekends it was usually me and the Officer of the day. Sometime a few guys would be at the little theater/snack bar next door watching porno movies or NFL reruns. It sold booze too. That is where the trouble began.

One Sunday about noon the Base Commander called and wanted to talk to the Officer of the day. The OD that day was a Chief Petty Officer. I went out to look for him, he was supposed to right there by the phone. I couldn't find that sucker! I told the CO he was out doing his rounds and I would have him call when he got back. I looked all over for that dude!

At around 3 pm the CO called back. I told him he had just missed the OD and that he was making his rounds again. The CO said if OD didn't call him within the hour he was coming out there.
I'm thinking "Holy Crap! Where is this guy?"
I found him on the floor of the snack bar, behind the counter. He was plastered. I thew cold water on him and drug him back to Headquarters. I slapped him, made him walk and finally got him awake barely. I dialed the number for him and handed him the phone......He said all the right things some how and the Co was happy. Whoooow!
I had saved this guys butt. He never forgot it either.

And then...

An other part of the story.......
In 1973-4 I was living in a junk yard apartment and going to college on the GI bill. The apartment was great. $125 dollars a month including utilities...and I could change furniture when ever I wanted. So what if there were little green frogs in the toilet. When ever I could afford it I sold a little weed. I worked in the college library putting away books as they came in. I would usually get the first three or four books put away and then one would catch my eye and I would stand there and read it. Always stoned ya know. In fact one of my friends had the first hydro grow I had ever seen. Really basic stuff back then.

I also did part time jobs. One of the those jobs was walking a picket line in downtown Napa. A perfect stoner job. I met a young lady there who was a trip.
She always walked bent over and wore a wool jacket with a hood. She looked like she was hiding all the time. Let's call her RS. She was so negative it was funny. She was permanently pissed off. At any and everything.
As we walked I got her to talk her and found out a bit about her. Her parents were older and her father was a teacher. Even my boys had heard about him being one person that you never wanted to take a class from. A mean SOB.

I found out that when she was born, all her mother's hair fell off....everywhere...no hair. She blamed RS for it. Not good. One summer her father and mother took her on a historical drive across the US. Before they left her father got all the homework assignments for her next year in school.
So as they drove, she studied. When they got to Virginia she popped a cork and went nuts. They put her in Napa State Hospital, a mental Hospital. She was in there for 6 months.
So finally she was out, but the father made her work at any job she could find, that's why she was on the picket line with me. A month of walking with her was a trip. She was 21 by then and she was brilliant, just confused. We would eat lunch together and I liked her, she was so funny without meaning to be.
After couple of months I asked her to have dinner with her. She got really pissed and started bitching during dinner. I just looked at her and said I didn't ask you to dinner to fight and she calmed down. We went to the junk yard and a had few glasses of wine. Once we kissed..we headed to the bedroom.
She was hopping up and down and making birds sounds?? Nervous as could be. She shed the frumpy cloths while hopping up and down and guess what?
She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen! I was stunned.
From that point on we were inseparable. This crazy girl had stolen my heart.....to be continued......

Hope I got them in the right order, I recited them from memory.....(kidding)

wow, I've been trying all afternoon to catch up on your journal...Love the story and all the pics. Somehow I missed the first post about RS, ...I tried to look back and find it but I was never gonna catch up that way...tell me how/where you met, please

I don't remember who said it but I think a book is a good idea.

Happy to hear THsea is back, (I've got to know more about that too), looks like you're really gonna need the help. Those girls look amazing. :cheer:

Sorry to hear about your hand/finger problem, hope the dr. can help that.

Could you get Jo to help trim? I find it stress reducing, maybe get her to slow down a minute and smell the roses so to speak... :bong: Life goes by soo fast and the whole point is the journey, not the destination

Go tell that neighbor that he's f*@kin' it up for everybody, and leave sh*t alone, especially if it was done without any kind of prior communication ...what was he thinkin?

:popcorn: Waiting for future installments..:) Take care

Amen...it's the Journey that counts.:bravo:
Note to GT... The pic of OMM and RS. Look a couple of posts back, it's an old pic of them.

Hi Girl! :love:

Page 74..post 1104....or look below..our Friend Quix brought them forward for us. The picture is gone now.....I've already said I wasn't thinking clearly when I posted it. Got carried away and forgot the rules. My Bad!

THsea went to house sit for his father, because they went to Ireland, for a while. Good to have him back. He'll start a grow soon. SC wasn't for him!

The finger had been crooked like a claw for about 5 months. The Dr. gave me a few shots in the finger and hand.....it's much better now..it's only locked for a while after I wake up. I can type again although you can't really tell it. :)

Jo would not trim a plant under any circumstance ! They stink! ;)

About the neighbor.....he and I had talked about it before, so he was OK...it was just Jo. She's just unhappy at the moment. She even complains that the neighbor across the street has a light on her yard at night.
The neighbor behind us..the guilty one....was in a rock band for 15 years back in the 70s and 80s. Wont tell me which group, but tells me I would know it. He doesn't work...just fools around with in his yard all day. He quit smoking weed about five years ago A cool guy. :Namaste:

Glad you like the story !!:cheer:
High All:high-five:

Well since my Journal's going so slow (Just Joking) I thought I would spice it up a bit with a new project...Growing some auto flowering strains.:)

Here is the first A LowRyder/Diesel Ryder.


The next is a Syrup.


Next is two Pakistan Ryders.



Here is their new home.


And their new home with the lights on.


The rest of the info:

Pot size 3 gallon.......no air pots ....saving them for later on,

Soil: Fox Farm Happy Frog

Nutes...The Bio Bizz ....the complete line.....all organic. This is what I've used so far.


So, obviously it's an all organic grow ! My first time doing an all organic grow...should be fun.:)

Info on the strains::popcorn:

From the World of seeds. Pakistan Ryder...A mixture of Pakistan and Rudelaris.

From Budda Seeds. Syrup. A mix of different autos and Sweet Indicas.

From Low Ryder Seeds. Diesel Ryder...a mix of NY City Diesel and Lowryder #2.

The CFLs are mix of 2700 and 6500. 100w, 150w and more to be added later.
The light cycle will be 14 hours on and 10 hours off.

All the girls are 3 weeks old. If I manage to get an oz out of each....I would be very happy....that would pay my electric bill. :high-five:
One of my first harvests was the Budda Syrup .........very nice relaxing, meditative.
I like all Budda strains. I am enjoying your story , I did some catch up reading this morning.
Does it takes getting older to realize the lesson we were taught as youngsters ?
I was always told, but never practiced until I was a bit older to, "Never judge a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins". AND " What's so funny about peace love and understanding?" Elvis Costello :popcorn: enjoying the story and pictures
I got along so much better in life when I realized that every one has a story to tell.
I'll be watching you brother, I'm enjoying the ride :high-five:
Biobizz,,, I almost opted for that over the fert's I'm using. Organic, thats covers everything as found in nature rite? Not synthesized. My girlfriends boy seems to thing because the Fox Farm supplements Cha Chi, Beasty Bloom, and Open Sesame, are mined straight from the ground. I use to see the big trucks hauling that stuff coming and going from the mine, Wood you thing thats Organic?
Hey Pop's those three fert's are worth every pennie. They mix with any feed regiment. Keepem Green Pop's

It took me forever to just catch up! Just shows how much we all love OMM!!! :)


Love the pics of the autos you have started. They sure look nice and healthy! :bravo:

:adore: Also loved the last pics of the flowering lady's buds!

I planted 6 outside (started inside tho). 3 turned out pretty short (14"-16") one cola mainly plants. 3 grew to 3 feet. I harvested one of the smaller ones (a blueberry) last week and ended up with 12 grams when dried. It's jarred for curing now. Today I harvested an auto White Moscow, once of the larger autos. I'm guessing I will get around twice as much from this one. The 2 auto mazar both grew larger and I may end up with an ounce each off of them.

From what I have read, you don't get a lot off the autos... but it was sure nice to have them flower outside in plenty of time to harvest! They are short enough to hide outside very easily. Especially wonderful for those with cooler climates wanting to hide them outdoors.

Love the continuing story and thank you all for including the first segment!!! I've got my popcorn... :popcorn:

:love::love::love::love::love:LUVIES TO OMM & ALL!!!:love::love::love::love::love:
One of my first harvests was the Budda Syrup .........very nice relaxing, meditative.
I like all Budda strains. I am enjoying your story , I did some catch up reading this morning.
Does it takes getting older to realize the lesson we were taught as youngsters ?
I was always told, but never practiced until I was a bit older to, "Never judge a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins". AND " What's so funny about peace love and understanding?" Elvis Costello :popcorn: enjoying the story and pictures
I got along so much better in life when I realized that every one has a story to tell.
I'll be watching you brother, I'm enjoying the ride :high-five:

Hey Buddy. :)

Thanks for the Syrup info..she sounded good.to me...my kind of smoke.;)

Unfortunately, we didn't understand what they were saying. Took me a long time just to realize I was just another ant in the ant hill. All is one brother.
Elvis was dead on.:high-five:
look n good omm ...did some lowryders my first grow killed 8 of the seeds and the two that survived were male well stay green bud:bong:

Yeah Buddy! :)
This my second lowryder. First one grew up and just died. :smokin:

I know that it's not funny, but right now it is! :)
Biobizz,,, I almost opted for that over the fert's I'm using. Organic, thats covers everything as found in nature rite? Not synthesized. My girlfriends boy seems to thing because the Fox Farm supplements Cha Chi, Beasty Bloom, and Open Sesame, are mined straight from the ground. I use to see the big trucks hauling that stuff coming and going from the mine, Wood you thing thats Organic?
Hey Pop's those three fert's are worth every pennie. They mix with any feed regiment. Keepem Green Pop's

Hey Sprout! :)

I wrote BioBizz for a sample, and by golly, they sent the whole line..all Quart size.
Least I can do is try them. :ganjamon:

Sounds organic to me Mate. :high-five:
:love: Hey granny girl ! :love:

Thanks, glad you liked them. I grew one other auto and it was a flop. :thedoubletake:

So I thought I'd try them again.......you just don't know how close these girls were to going out side. :) I better wait a while longer for that.:surf:

Glad you like the story. :)

Sounds like your pretty happy....Me too! :high-five:
A Small Update of the tent girls.

Day 60 of Bloom.

The Wild Thai


2 of the Bubblelicious



The rest ....bud shots.






Don't know what's happening, some of these girls should be ready by now. Very little amber in all of them. Some of them look ready, but they are not.
Impatience ! :high-five:

Sure looking delicious in there. :yummy:

Can't wait to see how the new auto experiment goes for you. Take care my friend. :)

Hi Buddy :)

Thanks for looking at them....I think you are the only one that's seen them. Saturdays are when every one takes off...I was feeling lonely in here. :)
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