OldMedman Goes Indoors

I am WAYYYY too far past 35....so yeah, OMM, I am right there with ya...If I had had the chance to be growing all these years too, I guess I'd be called OMW- OldMedWoman....Lol! Sorry, but that's the way I see it, and I have made so many many many mistakes, I musta had a TEAM of Angels, Fairy God Mothers, past grandmothers and great grandmothers, etc...looking out for me as well! My lowest point before my true sobriety- driving around a Crips gang member thru the Grape street projects back in the mid-80's trying to score some crack for cheap by giving him a ride there....and in my grandma's borrowed car! ( Yeah, she was still alive at the time, and she had no idea of my addiction, in fact I kept it hid for the rest of her life...I adored her and her love for me was all I had, I was too terrified to tell her what a f*@k up I was, or even had been.) but I am the real fool, because I wasted precious time I COULD have had with her to smoke crack with my son's father...He got me into all the other bad drugs I had never heard of or had heard of and had already decided for myself I wanted no part of them...I was an athlete ever since I was 10 years old, so I was not about to disappoint her! Well, I guess she found out all I did wrong on the day he died...Maybe that's why we cry so much....because we know that the others that have gone before us are up there somewhere and already know the mistakes we have made, the lies we told, the things we stole, the awful things we did...I sure wish we could develop a way to give young people a "conscious" at an early age, a way to feel the way we do some 20 years later....funny how time alone changes perception...stuff you do at 20 is NEVER what you would do at 40....Cuz you've come to learn how lucky you are to have every day at that point.....No more "time" to waste, as if we had any in the first place...Didn't mean to get too "real" on here, but then again, we are all anaonymous here really, so why not share my misfortunes and horrible mistakes...maybe I'll make one of you all think twice before trying the "real drugs" in the world...including the Rxs, the damn "bath salts", cough syrup, pills and you name it! I just want MMJ to take care of me, even if that means I have to stiff suffer more pain, I would rather be more healthy and in less pain, than to have no pain now, and die tomorrow! Just my sharing my two cents/sense.....Because I care lots for you all!!! LEARN from our mistakes, young ones...PLEASE!!! Make it WORTH our while! If YOU learn, then it is! PEACE!!!! :love::peace::Namaste::goodluck::goodluck::goodluck:
Sorry, that last post wasn't meant for anyone in particular, was just smiling at all the great posts, and at this life. I dig this family, and we should all feel fortunate to be be here, now, soaking up a part of history, a great history, with all its tragety, and love, and pain.

OMM, I asked you to share with us, knowing you had history. And after I asked that of you, I realized..."This is going to be big..."
It is...And I thank you so much for starting this journey within a journey, and for sharing with us, a part of yourself.
Remember, you dont have to rationalize, or justify, or apologize, for anything past. This is the healing process, you've already become the better person....So heal brother, and let us be so privilaged to witness that process....
Love and respect always, your brother
You know sometimes we dwell on the past some times good some times bad great piece of advice was given to me years ago i married a preachers daughter i told my father in law i said man im still havin thoughts of other women i said all that to say this you cant stop a bird from landing on your head meaning all these thoughts that weigh us down and burden us. But you can stop that bird from building a nest we don't have to keep dwelling on something we done in the past i thought that was one of the greatest pieces of advice i ever heard THANK YOU FOR THIS JOURNAL hope all is well with you and yours :Namaste:

Hey papatater :)

Great advise is right. Well said. Glad your still enjoying the journal. :high-five:
I am WAYYYY too far past 35....so yeah, OMM, I am right there with ya...If I had had the chance to be growing all these years too, I guess I'd be called OMW- OldMedWoman....Lol! Sorry, but that's the way I see it, and I have made so many many many mistakes, I musta had a TEAM of Angels, Fairy God Mothers, past grandmothers and great grandmothers, etc...looking out for me as well! My lowest point before my true sobriety- driving around a Crips gang member thru the Grape street projects back in the mid-80's trying to score some crack for cheap by giving him a ride there....and in my grandma's borrowed car! ( Yeah, she was still alive at the time, and she had no idea of my addiction, in fact I kept it hid for the rest of her life...I adored her and her love for me was all I had, I was too terrified to tell her what a f*@k up I was, or even had been.) but I am the real fool, because I wasted precious time I COULD have had with her to smoke crack with my son's father...He got me into all the other bad drugs I had never heard of or had heard of and had already decided for myself I wanted no part of them...I was an athlete ever since I was 10 years old, so I was not about to disappoint her! Well, I guess she found out all I did wrong on the day he died...Maybe that's why we cry so much....because we know that the others that have gone before us are up there somewhere and already know the mistakes we have made, the lies we told, the things we stole, the awful things we did...I sure wish we could develop a way to give young people a "conscious" at an early age, a way to feel the way we do some 20 years later....funny how time alone changes perception...stuff you do at 20 is NEVER what you would do at 40....Cuz you've come to learn how lucky you are to have every day at that point.....No more "time" to waste, as if we had any in the first place...Didn't mean to get too "real" on here, but then again, we are all anaonymous here really, so why not share my misfortunes and horrible mistakes...maybe I'll make one of you all think twice before trying the "real drugs" in the world...including the Rxs, the damn "bath salts", cough syrup, pills and you name it! I just want MMJ to take care of me, even if that means I have to stiff suffer more pain, I would rather be more healthy and in less pain, than to have no pain now, and die tomorrow! Just my sharing my two cents/sense.....Because I care lots for you all!!! LEARN from our mistakes, young ones...PLEASE!!! Make it WORTH our while! If YOU learn, then it is! PEACE!!!! :love::peace::Namaste::goodluck::goodluck::goodluck:

Hello Young Lady ! :)
At my age...I can call you that.:love:
Thank you for your moving post...it gave me a vivid picture of what it must have been like for you. What a way to live...if you can. Now looking back on things. That was really awful that your Granny found out about you on the day she passed away.,,,,I see all those ladies doing Hi Fives for you now.
Thank goodness we can now grow our own meds..it doesn't It doesn't take away all pain, but sure beats all alternatives.:high-five:
Share your wisdom with us any time,,,you damn sure know the truth.
Hope they learn from our mistakes.:circle-of-love:
Thank You!:Namaste:
Sorry, that last post wasn't meant for anyone in particular, was just smiling at all the great posts, and at this life. I dig this family, and we should all feel fortunate to be be here, now, soaking up a part of history, a great history, with all its tragety, and love, and pain.

OMM, I asked you to share with us, knowing you had history. And after I asked that of you, I realized..."This is going to be big..."
It is...And I thank you so much for starting this journey within a journey, and for sharing with us, a part of yourself.
Remember, you dont have to rationalize, or justify, or apologize, for anything past. This is the healing process, you've already become the better person....So heal brother, and let us be so privilaged to witness that process....
Love and respect always, your brother

Quix Buddy,,,,,,Thank You! :)
I have to admit you kinda started this.......and I took the invitation to heart and so here we are. You folks seem to like it and so do I. We have a win win going, thanks to you. :circle-of-love:.
Wow, so much love here, what true souls we have in our family here at :420:

And Quix, don't think I've heard it put just right until now, thank you, you are the epitame of the words you spoke.:Namaste:
And OMM, buddy, there is a light about your soul my friend, and it draws other people that share your past in their own ways, at diferent times...It is an honor sir, and I mean Sir, in the utmost respect form, not the ol' fart form, (hehe, gotta have a laugh in there somewhere, you know me) to have met you, and for you to share your experiences with us. Our pasts do not dictate our future, merely give us a record of experiences to base the rest of our decisions on, we can use them for good, or dwell on them and let them destroy us, free will, our choice. One post could change someone's life, I know I have grown from the experiences I have had here with all of ya'll, and continue everyday. So don't fret my friend, we are here for you. :circle-of-love:
The story continues.....:)

In all the time before moving to Greece. RS and I never had any real arguments.

Once we moved from the hotel to our first Greek apartment....we had quite a conflict. I mentioned that I wanted to bring my two sons over to live with us, there was a DOD school for them and I wanted to let them have the experience of living in a foreign country.

From RS....I don't want any f**king kids here! Never. In fact if I had one, I would probably kill it!......note to self...time to get that vasectomy.

Her behavior was changing......

We met a Greek Harley rider down on the beach, he had an all white one,
with Iron crosses all over it. He had ear rings and wild hair and a big beard. We became good friend with him and his Egyptian girl friend. He would lead the way and we would putt along behind in our VW. Man had some great hash too. We had traveled along the sea shore for a while and he turned across the hywy and stopped. Off jumped his girl friend who was a knockout, she turn towards the traffic and took off her top and waved at everyone. I turned around and there was RS sprawled across the VW hood tits flying, An other new behavior....which I loved..this is getting to be fun.:)
The story continues.....:)

In all the time before moving to Greece. RS and I never had any real arguments.

Once we moved from the hotel to our first Greek apartment....we had quite a conflict. I mentioned that I wanted to bring my two sons over to live with us, there was a DOD school for them and I wanted to let them have the experience of living in a foreign country.

From RS....I don't want any f**king kids here! Never. In fact if I had one, I would probably kill it!......note to self...time to get that vasectomy.

Her behavior was changing......

We met a Greek Harley rider down on the beach, he had an all white one,
with Iron crosses all over it. He had ear rings and wild hair and a big beard. We became good friends with him and his Egyptian girl friend. He would lead the way and we would putt along behind in our VW. Man had some great hash too. One day we had traveled along the sea shore for a while and he turned across the hywy and stopped. Off jumped his girl friend who was a knockout, she turned towards the traffic and took off her top and waved at everyone. I turned around and there was RS sprawled across the VW hood tits flying, An other new behavior....which I loved..this is getting to be fun.:)
Unfortunately they had to go back to Egypt. Bummer.

The base I was assigned to was on the other side of Athens. The place we lived in was a seaside town named Glyfada. It was a suburb east of Athens.
It was know as little America. It was populated by Navy, Air force, and the Army families...all renting. It was pretty cool.

Since we lived there, there was a bus to take us to work and back each day. I if you wanted to take your own car, that was fine too. The Bus was a big old deluxe Mercedes. It took a long route and went though one of the Communist districts. Every day they would throw stuff at us and raise hell...we just waved and smiled. If you drove your own car it was a great ride, you would go by the Acropolis each way. Just beautiful.

Believe me I will tell you about my job in detail later...big part of the story.

To get to the point, I rode the Bus over to the base one day, but I got off early and grabbed a ride with young black guy. He drove a gold Mercedes.
As we drove along, this guy said to me "God gave me this Mercedes".
What's when I asked how's that? The Lord introduced me to Vula. Vula and I do business. She tells me what to buy and she pays me very well for it.
OH! Yeah! Can I meet Vula? Sure, he said.
Remember...I had been wondering who to sell to.
Now I had a who.:) To be continued......:)
And OMM, buddy, there is a light about your soul my friend, and it draws other people that share your past in their own ways, at diferent times...It is an honor sir, and I mean Sir, in the utmost respect form, not the ol' fart form, (hehe, gotta have a laugh in there somewhere, you know me) to have met you, and for you to share your experiences with us. Our pasts do not dictate our future, merely give us a record of experiences to base the rest of our decisions on, we can use them for good, or dwell on them and let them destroy us, free will, our choice. One post could change someone's life, I know I have grown from the experiences I have had here with all of ya'll, and continue everyday. So don't fret my friend, we are here for you. :circle-of-love:

Hey GT Well that pretty much humbled me. Thank You. ;)
Once I started writing this story...by the comments I've received..made me realize that people were also reliving some similar parts of their lives too.
I know there's allot of "been there done that too" thinking going on.
I like to think that I'm a better person now, because of my past. I've learned from mistakes and many royal screw ups. Like any thing though it's a work in progress. Thank You Buddy! :high-five:
Hey GT Well that pretty much humbled me. Thank You. ;)
Once I started writing this story...by the comments I've received..made me realize that people were also reliving some similar parts of their lives too.
I know there's allot of "been there done that too" thinking going on.
I like to think that I'm a better person now, because of my past. I've learned from mistakes and many royal screw ups. Like any thing though it's a work in progress. Thank You Buddy! :high-five:

This is really getting good... its like a great novel on a rainy day just can't put it down.
Thats all anyone can is learn from his/her mistakes... and just about the time you think you get it, its time to go...

Keep em green and Keep em coming
Sorry, that last post wasn't meant for anyone in particular, was just smiling at all the great posts, and at this life. I dig this family, and we should all feel fortunate to be be here, now, soaking up a part of history, a great history, with all its tragety, and love, and pain.

OMM, I asked you to share with us, knowing you had history. And after I asked that of you, I realized..."This is going to be big..."
It is...And I thank you so much for starting this journey within a journey, and for sharing with us, a part of yourself.
Remember, you dont have to rationalize, or justify, or apologize, for anything past. This is the healing process, you've already become the better person....So heal brother, and let us be so privilaged to witness that process....
Love and respect always, your brother

YES!!!! Q YES!!!!!!! that is Life right there! we are all very lucky to "BE"..... to just Be in ones Heart is to "BE" in another.
Life is a journey! its a challenge! its a Pain lol but most of all Its a blessing!

we all come in and out of peoples lives, sometimes its fast, yet there is always a purpose to that meeting! every second of life is another lesson learned... as long as we take that opportunity! the only time we "fail" (and i realy hate that word because truly you cant "fail" unless you give up or dont attempt) is if we dont take the opportunity to grow and learn!

things happen in life "good or bad", easy or hard, the labels we place on things dont matter overall, because when it comes down to the wire.......
Life can only be Good and Easy! if it wasn't would you be here?
life can be difficult, challenging, a pain in the royal ass! yet ultimately....
we all get up, (it just happens you wake up! we have all tried not to at times lol) put on our clothing, and walk out under the same warm, loving, inviting Sun, and say "THATS RIGHT IM HERE! THIS IS MY TIME TO LIVE!"

Live life full with no regrets! cus life doesn't regret you!

The story gets more intriguing and things are looking great in the tent! I'm anxious to see where the story goes next. That was a great picture of you and RS.

I'm really itching to sprout some seeds again. Maybe later today I'll make that happen. The lack of activity is killing me!

Sorry for not being around more, the medications I'm on at the moment leave me a half awake zombie much of the time, and the healing process takes longer than I'd hoped.

There sure are going to be a lot of buds to trim soon! :yahoo:
This is really getting good... its like a great novel on a rainy day just can't put it down.
Thats all anyone can is learn from his/her mistakes... and just about the time you think you get it, its time to go...

Keep em green and Keep em coming

Hey Thanks my friend.

That's just great....I'm starting to want to post more of the story faster, problem is I got a grow to watch over and I spend allot of time with Jo.

Loved that last line....... and just about the time you think you get it, its time to go...:):)
Seriously, you need to find a good ghost writer to sit with you and do your life story, that would be a best seller, movie and tv series.

And I thought I day dream too much.....you out do me! Thanks Buddy! :Namaste:
Life is a journey! its a challenge! its a Pain lol but most of all Its a blessing!

we all come in and out of peoples lives, sometimes its fast, yet there is always a purpose to that meeting! every second of life is another lesson learned... as long as we take that opportunity! the only time we "fail" (and i realy hate that word because truly you cant "fail" unless you give up or dont attempt) is if we dont take the opportunity to grow and learn!

things happen in life "good or bad", easy or hard, the labels we place on things dont matter overall, because when it comes down to the wire.......
Life can only be Good and Easy! if it wasn't would you be here?
life can be difficult, challenging, a pain in the royal ass! yet ultimately....
we all get up, (it just happens you wake up! we have all tried not to at times lol) put on our clothing, and walk out under the same warm, loving, inviting Sun, and say "THATS RIGHT IM HERE! THIS IS MY TIME TO LIVE!"

Live life full with no regrets! cus life doesn't regret you!

Shaggie....well said! :bravo: I said the same thing to myself...I just had a different way of putting it. I call it "the here and now"...be in each moment of your life..live it.

Jo kinda drives me nuts sometimes, she is always too pissed to see what's in front of her. She really hates her life....she wanted allot more than what she got. She wants to kill all our neighbors.....he cut our tree back without asking,
the other neighbor's tree hangs in our yard and next door they make too much noise! I want to grab her and put her on our back porch and tell her "Look at where live..feel the sun, feel the trade winds! Be here with me!" :love:
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