OldMedman Goes Indoors

Oh my! I need to stop surfing the net so late at night! :) Don't mind THsea, senior moments at 24 are pretty sad.

I didn't even know I had been smoking... So it must be good ;)

I leave Tuesday morning! I hate plane rides :smokin:

Gonna get out of my heavy-duty posting mode... Gotta wrack up research to read on the plane. Got a copy of Catch 22 from my WeSM (wicked evil step-mother.. she made the name, not me!).

Hope your hand feels better! Peace my friend.

:circle-of-love::circle-of-love: I just couldn't resist...Sorry Brother! :circle-of-love::circle-of-love:

Well, 24 is a good time to practice for old age. :)

I don't like plane rides either...been on too many of them. Well, WeSM did give you a good book to read. I really want to hear about your grow plans,
sounds like you have a good idea of what your going to do.

The hand is getting better,,,,,but still locks up on me....I think it will actually be usable soon. She was pretty sure it would be OK soon. She made me another appointment just in case, but told me to cancel it if I was OK. :)

Have a save flight home.....don't think too much about that creature your crazy about! J/K. :high-five:
Hi All! :)

A little about Greece as I saw it. Even though there's only about 9 million Greeks. They are very proud of their country and it's history..with the exception
of Alexander the Great ...who they think was a savage person....He destroyed everything in his path including the great library at Alexandria. The world lost valuable histories in that fire.

Athens did not have even one freeway until they hosted the Summer Olympics a few years ago.....the Olympics bankrupted the county and they are in deep trouble now. Such a shame.

The very first day RS and I took a bus into Athens to look around. We were waiting for the bus and when it pulled in everyone just pushed their way in and we were left standing there. The Greeks do not believe in lines...it's every person for themselves. We got on the next bus ...lesson learned.
Going to a movie is a trip.....I was taller than most of them and we got right in.
They have 19 political parties and 19 news papers. Communist...whatever...it's a free country.
They like us as individuals, but not as a country. Twice we've had a hand in overthrowing their government. However back then we paid them 450 million a year to have our bases there...mostly missile sites.

I am sure there are still places that have no electricity. When we first got there we had an old VW bug. Noisy bugger too. We would go riding through the country side and as we came to small villages, every person would come out to wave and watch us go by.

Having a girl is a time of aghast to families there. Almost a time to cry. They still believe in putting to gather a small fortune to make the girl worthy.

The wealthy Greeks would go to the villages and more or less buy young girls
as servants. The would promise to give the girls a good education and would make sure they married well. A win win for everyone.

The Greeks have no industries. Wool, fur, and vegetables are all they have.

In other words everything is taxed 100 or 200 % that is imported. Autos are incredibly expensive.

We found out when we got there.....don't expect to eat in the middle of the day.....everything is closed from noon to 4. The whole country takes a nap.

If you went to a restaurant or Taverna to eat they will pretty much ignore you. All we knew to order was Bonn Fillet. (steak). After a while watching Greek customers, we learned to walk right into the kitchen and ask the cooks was good that day. After that we were waited on with much love and respect.

Eating in a restaurant or Taverna was great. They would never ever bring you the check unless you asked for it. Not like America where they can't wait to get you out so they could seat someone else.

There are over 2000 islands there and almost everyone is different. Some with trees, some with nothing but rock, some have cars or buses and some do not any vehicles at all . They are all very different and beautiful.
The Greeks do not like dogs at all, when Germans occupied Greece during WWII they would stack bodies on the streets and dogs would eat them, Cats on the other hand are all over the place. :)
A Random Picture Update!

Day 53 of Bloom

As you can tell, I shot these with both lights on..so they are not the greatest. :smokin::hmmmm::smokin:

Most of them are getting snowy now! :high-five:











Just really realized....there is going to be good amount of trimming coming up!
Ah the things we do for our smoke! :high-five:
Granny, we haven't been formally introduced, but I must say you are very wise and knowledgeable about growing as I can see...The colloidal silver method is a pretty surefire way , and it is quicker than forcing the female to create her own pollen through the method of heavy stress at late flowering stages, but like you said, DO NOT SMOKE any contaminated buds, please...also, trash bags over your plants durimng the application will help, just be carefull during the removel of the bags so that the runoff doesn't drip onto the plants. And human urine is a great way of detering pests such as deer, but there are also other great alternatives, if you know a barber, then ask for the hair clippings left over from their cuts, spreading this around in a large area around your grow will help also, you can tell em you want to spread out so that birds can use it for nests...Also, ANYTHING with a lot of human odor is great, and there are also sprays you can get from your local depot store that deter all sorts of pests, last one on my list would be the auditory deterents, they emit a high frequency sound that drives animals away and keeps them away, just try and localize it near your grow so not to disturb the balance of the areas wildlife, this could cause other problems. Good to finally meet you mam, it is an honor. Stay green, God bless, and PEEEEEAAAAACCCCEEEEE!!!!:circle-of-love:
:high-five:Hello GT Honey!!:high-five:No need for formalities, sweetie - I feel like OMM, sisco, and ALL the folks here are FAMILY! So hi honey! Hope (and know) OMM won't mind if I take a few just to respond to a few of you.

:thanks: so much for the colloidal silver info - I had thoughts of doing it just about how you described (so no drips on the soil or contamination of anything I'm gonna smoke in the end). And :thanks: for all the tips on other things to use to deter deer! I'm gonna try a few! Since I'd love to deter some of the other critters that seem to have moved in since we lost our beloved brittany a couple years ago... the audios are sounding pretty good to me! So far tho, the only time the deer have bothered is when it rained and then I didn't get out there for a couple days (twice). Since I started putting the detergent in the outer areas I haven't seen any new tracks or eating activity - so I'm hoping it's working. Maybe it's just all the pee is working!!!

So good to officially meet you GT!!!

Hey Granny, and GT!:)
I've recently become really interested in breeding, so naturally I was intrigued with your mentioning of colloidal silver to fem seeds, and self our plants, so I did some reading. Here is some VERY interesting information, I hope it proves useful in your grows!

Silver Colloids: Colloidal Silver Product Reports

Hey Q! How ya doin' honey? :thanks:for the link info! When my order arrives I'm gonna get out the salt to test the colloidal silver that I bought like the article says you can. Again, :thanks: honey!!!

Hello mis amigo! :hug:

The stories are great but what happened to the guy that was sloshed? Love stories are my wife's thing, but when you add comedy and some suspense... I'm in.

Them are some beauties growing, so it's just Osmo, soil, and air-pots??

I have a Kandy Kush in seedling stage, thanks to you..

Now don't you start selling aunt Jo's Pee to Granny420... It's family, so just give it to her for free. I can't stop the kids from tinkling all over the back 40, and you know the saying..j"if you can't beat them..." let's just say our compost pile is full of nitro!

Granny420, it really does bring me a lot of joy to READ you again! What's this about no journal??? Not even a little pic of the wonderful carta you've posted.. You tease..

I loved reading about your backyard/indoor Safari hunting :bravo: I shoot the hell out of chipmunks and squirrels out here (not to be a dick, but they have lots of ticks) we live in an area where Lyme disease is at an all time high..I think I'll cook up a squirrel one day to see if it's worth keeping.

I have a little (compared to your 11teen strains) out door grow in Hempy buckets. DNA Lemon Skunk Hempy Grow

Best of luck and much love to you all~



Kandy Kush sound SO GOOD to me too! I'm lookin' forward to smokin' reports on OMM strains!

Ok... whatcha think OMM is gonna charge me for Jo's pee???? I think FAMILY always gets charged double, eh? LOL! OMM - ya best ask Jo what the fee is!! :)

Squirrel soup... isn't that what granny from the Beverly Hillbillies used to make... hmm... maybe that was possum soup! I betcha could whip up a good ol' batch of chipmunk soup... wonder if it would sell if you used the chipmunks voices as advertisement?????? :) My grampa used to make turtle soup and they said it tasted like chicken - NOT TO ME. I don't know if it was just the idea of a turtle or what, but I did not like it! EEK!

When we get the recipe down... we'll take some to OMM and Jo and see if they like food from the continental states!!! :)

My question for you honey is: Have you grown any Kush's in the past and if so, what'd ya think of it? I've got Violator Kush and Vanilla Kush going and have fem seeds for Afghan Kush and Master Kush for down the road growing (when I have room to add them). Kandy Kush sounds really yummy.

Gots ta go - have a great day everyone!!!!
:circle-of-love:LUVIES TO ALL!!:circle-of-love:
My question for you honey is: Have you grown any Kush's in the past and if so, what'd ya think of it? I've got Violator Kush and Vanilla Kush going and have fem seeds for Afghan Kush and Master Kush for down the road growing (when I have room to add them). Kandy Kush sounds really yummy.

Hey Granny :circle-of-love:

I love the Kushes. Violator Kush will spring straight up, very fast growing and is one of the highs we both like. I think I may grow a Vanilla Kush this next time. All the ones you mentioned are very good too. I believe this is my 3rd Kandy Kush and she is outstanding smoke...don't wear socks...she will knock em off.
Every Kush you mentioned are good ones too. Go to it Girl! :cheer:
Granny, my lord! Those are lovely plants! One looks really hairy! Made me think of one of the Nug of the Month entries this month!
I have been researching a whole lot about lights lately, I've gotten help from Marley15 since he is running the type of lights I've decided to roll with. And DocBud helped about a lot of other stuff! Man, what would I do if you hadn't told me about this site OMM? Screwed up a lot more when I started growing! That's what! :circle-of-love:
THsea:high-five: So good to meet you, honey! I been readin' that you help OMM out:bravo::bravo::bravo:

And.... I am so glad that there are others here that git a bit confused at time (NOT JUST ME!!! EEK!!!)... The plants in my message are OMM's plants! I just copied the URL so I could look at his beauties again as I drooled over them. :) And I completely agree with you that they look so gorgeous!!!!! Oh... It is so wonderful to come back in and see how amazing some of my favorite ppl's grows are going! AND TO MEET NEW PPL LIKE YOU!!!!

You are sure in the right place to learn - I love it here. I learned so much... and had a ton of help. It's a wealth of info. The biggest thing I learned tho - is to not overdo. You can get so wrapped up in doing it all right, that you overdo and hurt the girls... I did... had some real sad lookin' girls for a bit, but loved em back to health and learned somethings NOT to do! I bet I was way down on the list of folks who've done that! MJ is a hardy plant. Whatever you do, do in moderation at first (like nukes). Once these plants get a start, they do pretty good just on their own.

Also, the only reason I wouldn't consume the sprayed buds, is because the PPMs of the solution used for this method is higher than that which is used medicinally...

Have you used colloidal silver? You say the PPMs of the solution is higher than the medicinal dosage? I'm a newbie at this solution and still researchin' myself... but when I was looking at the medicinal to purchase, I saw dosages up to 1000PPMs were being sold. The info I read said to use at least 30PPM, so I bought 40PPM??? Don't know what I'm doing tho! EEK!!! It's one of those... I'm gonna dig in and see what happens! Do you know?

I followed the link Quixilver listed and it gave some good info. TY!!!

And I had to laugh when I caught this, but forgot to mention it...
Granny, we haven't been formally introduced, but I must say you are very wise and knowledgeable about growing as I can see...

WISE AND KNOWLEDGEBLE???????:rofl::rofl::rofl: Oh my, you are just gettin' to know me - soon you'll be like OMM and you'll KNOW I'm just a silly ol' gal that loves my medicine :lot-o-toke: and gets confused :loopy: real easy. Thank God for folks in here... After doing battle with my carb scrubber (that I nicknamed the MOTHER SCRUBBER) and thinkin' I did pretty darn good... I think it was McBuds who enlightened me to the fact that I put the fan on upside down!!!! :loopy::loopy::loopy::loopy:

So any of you thinkin' ya don't know what yer doin' - you DO, cuz you came in here to a place where others can help!!!:bravo::bravo:

:circle-of-love:LUVIES TO OMM & ALL!!:circle-of-love:
Well, Thank You MSquared ! :) It's folks like you that make this so much fun. Come around anytime, there's aplenty room for you. I know it's a bit late, but glad you joined 420. We are better for it! :high-five:

Thank you so much. I bet your always smiling even with the med issues and all. I certainly know how trying that can be. I think besides the end product ;) growing alone can ease the stesses of life...

hopefully you have had a great weekend.
Hi Granny !! :love::love:

Sorry, but Jo said absolutely not! I told her about your temperature swings and she likes it just fine here and she is afraid to fly until they figure out her heart problems. Looks like you may have other volunteers though. :)

Jack Herer has been crossed with many strains and every one I've tried has been good. My seed bank doesn't carry Medijuana unfortunately and the only seed bank I know that has it, has really messed me up both times I've ordered it. Both times I ordered, the packages were empty when they arrived and they said tough. :smokin::smokin:

Girl you can post your pictures in my journal any time...we want to see em. :love:

After this answerer....you may want to forget that Guru stuff! :high-five:

I'll still take the hug though. :circle-of-love:

No coming here? OK - we'll have to come THERE someday!!! *on my bucket list*And I promise not to pee in your grow! :)

They sent you empty bags and said tough???!!! I've only ordered from that company once, that's where the medijuana, white widow, and super nova chronic all came from. I hope I come up with a seed of my own before I'm done smokin' the rest of my medijuana stash... but who knows, maybe I'll like one of these newer strains just as much. After knowing they sent you empty bags I certainly won't be goin' back. :thanks: for that info! If I find a seed and learn how to self-seed... won't need them SOBs anyway!

I took forever getting the message yesterday done (was at work with many interruptions). Many messages were posted before mine got submitted - you were BUSY OMM!! :high-five:
And :thanks: for sayin' I could post pics... honey, I just love :love::love: your sweet heart so very much. Actually, I haven't been able to find my camera for almost a year... don't know where the heck I lost it. So can't take any pics right now anyway. This is buggin' me cause I'm not getting enough pics of our youngest grandchildren!!!!

If ya don't wanna be our HI guru... would you prefer bein' my HI cabana boy??? I always wanted one of them!!! :):yahoo:
Hey Granny :circle-of-love:
I love the Kushes. Violator Kush will spring straight up, very fast growing and is one of the highs we both like. I think I may grow a Vanilla Kush this next time. All the ones you mentioned are very good too. I believe this is my 3rd Kandy Kush and she is outstanding smoke...don't wear socks...she will knock em off.
Every Kush you mentioned are good ones too. Go to it Girl! :cheer:

In my outside grow, one of the Vanilla Kush gals is now over 5 foot and smells wonderful - she looks to be an outstanding girl and is now beginning to flower. I planted late (mid-June) but there are 8 of them out there that are going to at least be 5 foot, if not 6 foot, by the time they finish growin' their tops. If you like the Kushes... I'm pretty sure I will! :high-five:
Those shots in your finger... OUCH!!! Did they give you some relief? I'm sure glad THsea is coming so you have help trimmin'... cuz my goodness will you have some trimmin' to do!!!!!!

AND YOUR GIRLS!!!!! :rocker::woohoo::goof::dreamy::adore::popcorn::cheer:

THEY ARE SO GORGEOUS!!! My Lord... He does wonderful work in MJ plants... I was gonna copy one of yer pics here...:dreamy: but I didn't want to confuse THsea :rofl: and also, I couldn't find a favorite cuz ya got too many to chose from!!! How you ever gonna decide what to smoke??? Ahh... I know, you'll do just as I do and SMOKE EM ALL!!! :lot-o-toke:
Love the continuing story... and Greece! I have this image of the VW toodlin' thru the country and the fun that mustta been! I learned a lot too!

Hope yer havin' a wonderful day!!!!!:high-five:

:circle-of-love:LUVIES TO OMM & ALL!:circle-of-love:

Just got caught up, whew! I've missed a lot of good stuff the last week. I, like everyone else I suspect is riveted by your story with RS. Hope your hand continues to get better - it sounded like there is some optimism after your last appointment. Let's hope!

Plants and buds look amazing - that Blueberry is sure gonna be a beauty it looks like.

I'm fascinated by the colloidial silver project Granny is talking about. If anyone is aware of a grow journal link on 420mag here where someone has done this to obtain fem pollen, please share - I'd love to read it. Quix, your link was very helpful as well.

Thanks my friend for everything, and it sure is nice to be back - even if in limited segments for now. Gonna go rest some more. AKA pass out from meds... zzzzzzzzzzzz :)
Ladies are looking fabulous brother. I have scissors in hand and ready to help you harvest. :) It will take me a few days to kayak across the big puddle, but should arrive in time for harvest...lol. I hope your health improves and Jo gets some relief soon. Been dealing with a sick stepfather for the last 2 weeks. Every day for a week straight spent in the hospital...ughh. If we weren't there, we were working on the house. MDVL has her house warming party the 20th, wish you all could be here. It is good to see Granny back online! Good luck friend, may good health be with you.
Granny's on top of the silver bullet thing like the Lone Ranger:
colloidal silver
Granny, you talk lively but your science appears scholarly, 1st class. :thumb:

WheeloFortune tried with STS (silver thiosulfate), but this did not work out any better than anything else he tried. I don't blame the process.
Hey granny!:circle-of-love:

Thsea should be here any time today! :cheer: :cheer:

Kush :love::love:

Hand is still locking up, but not bad as it was. It's getting better! ;)

Glad you like the story.....however......your going to find out....I was bad boy over there! Don't know what happened to me......well, actually greed and power!
Read the rest at your own risk! :smokin::smokin:

Just got caught up, whew! I've missed a lot of good stuff the last week. I, like everyone else I suspect is riveted by your story with RS. Hope your hand continues to get better - it sounded like there is some optimism after your last appointment. Let's hope!

Plants and buds look amazing - that Blueberry is sure gonna be a beauty it looks like.

I'm fascinated by the colloidial silver project Granny is talking about. If anyone is aware of a grow journal link on 420mag here where someone has done this to obtain fem pollen, please share - I'd love to read it. Quix, your link was very helpful as well.

Thanks my friend for everything, and it sure is nice to be back - even if in limited segments for now. Gonna go rest some more. AKA pass out from meds... zzzzzzzzzzzz :)

xlr8 so glad your feeling some what better! :cheer: Hang in there!
Glad you like the story...it's going to get better/worse, depending on you point of view. :popcorn: Bud, I've been looking at everything here about the silver process, I remember seeing it a long time ago. Can't find it.

Damn, man I keep trying to pass out on my meds, course I don't have your mixture. :Namaste:
Take your time getting back on your feet.....it's a slow process. :surf::surf::surf:

My hand is getting there.
Thank you so much. I bet your always smiling even with the med issues and all. I certainly know how trying that can be. I think besides the end product ;) growing alone can ease the stesses of life...

hopefully you have had a great weekend.

Hi Buddy, You are right about that.....I'm smiling from ear to ear, no matter how I feel. More pictures coming up in a minute. Take care. :)
Another Picture Update

Day 55 of Bloom

I was going to post two updates, But old senior moment me, accidentally erased the others. :lot-o-toke:

Lets just call this a Bud Update :)











Well, I finally did it! I found a way to have my CFLs on at the same time the big lights are on, so now I have 12 CFLS burning all the time. Not bad...it only took 2 months! :yahoo::yahoo:
Ladies are looking fabulous brother. I have scissors in hand and ready to help you harvest. :) It will take me a few days to kayak across the big puddle, but should arrive in time for harvest...lol. I hope your health improves and Jo gets some relief soon. Been dealing with a sick stepfather for the last 2 weeks. Every day for a week straight spent in the hospital...ughh. If we weren't there, we were working on the house. MDVL has her house warming party the 20th, wish you all could be here. It is good to see Granny back online! Good luck friend, may good health be with you.

Hey GMT ! :)

Paddle fast Buddy....I think this time I may need all the help I can get! Actually...that's a great thing to be saying. :Namaste:

Jo and I are hanging in there....I hope my finger is back to normal by then. :)
It's getting there.
Sorry the Stepfather is ill......hospitals make me nervous too.....hope he is on the way to recovery.

Glad MDVL is getting to show off a bit. From what I've seen she deserves to show it off. It's early.....but congratulations! :bravo:

granny is back in full force...as usual! I missed her. :circle-of-love:
Granny's on top of the silver bullet thing like the Lone Ranger:

Granny, you talk lively but your science appears scholarly, 1st class. :thumb:

WheeloFortune tried with STS (silver thiosulfate), but this did not work out any better than anything else he tried. I don't blame the process.

Your right Mr. Gator.....granny knows knows what she's doing alright. She does a lot of research. I knew some one had tried the silver, but couldn't remember who it was. Didn't work for him huh?

Kind of sounds like the superconductor that worked at room temperature.....but no one else could make it work....neither could the person that did it originally. :Rasta:
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