OldMedman Goes Indoors

Aloha OMM!! Just had to stop in and say hey! Looks like you have some seriously pampered ladies there!! very healthy looking and I couldn't see a single brown spot let alone yellow leaf anywhere. You are a spoiler, aren't ya! Very nice job on the transition to indoor!
Me, still struggling health wise, but rooms still running and turning out fun stuff!! Journal has been moved to completed, but just sent a note to hopefully get it back to in progress, but posted for the first time in months yesterday.
Much Aloha to you Bro, and keep on Truckin'!!

Aloha Van! :)

Man good to see you...wondered where you went. It's been a trip going indoors.
Starting to get the hang of it. Thanks for the nice comments.

I'm sure they will move your grow back for you. Glad your still turning them out.
Man whats this bad health stuff? Hope it's not too serious. Having my own battle with that too.

Let me know if I can help in any way Bro.:high-five:

I think we are the only Hawaiians on 420 now. A hui hou ! :high-five:
Great pics of the bud wallpaper, OMM! I think your "buds" theme must be a good as there sure are a ton of 'em in there. :thumb:

Jo sounds like someone who is sick of being laid up - come hell or high-water, she's going to get up and do something. I know I feel that way sometimes when I've been pinned down by health issues. Hopefully it's because she's feeling better, too.
Great pics of the bud wallpaper, OMM! I think your "buds" theme must be a good as there sure are a ton of 'em in there. :thumb:

Jo sounds like someone who is sick of being laid up - come hell or high-water, she's going to get up and do something. I know I feel that way sometimes when I've been pinned down by health issues. Hopefully it's because she's feeling better, too.

Thanks xlr8 ! :) Sisco hit it on the head....with the wallpaper comment. :ganjamon:

Your right Jo just gets fed up with things. We did a bit of shopping for some tight medical stockings today. This time she said forget it and we came home.
Over did it....doing two days in a row. She's asleep now...feet up, poor thing.
I love that girl. :circle-of-love:
damn this has to be the fastest growing journal in :420: history! every day you hit a new page old man!
damn this has to be the fastest growing journal in :420: history! every day you hit a new page old man!

When I got riped off. I closed the journal. But folks kept posting to it and it became "The Perpetually Closed Journal" :) it went to 147 pages. That was fun.:yahoo:
Thanks Buddy! :)

Your making my head even bigger. 6 people huh? I'm honored. :Namaste:
Thanks, for taking the time to read it, that took a while.:) You probably read my comment on it.....is a grow journal and a bad soap opera rolled in to one.
I just figure if I'm having fun everyone else will too. :thanks:

Check out Pit Viper's grow...it's over 300 pages long and full of good stuff. :peace:

No problemo! :thumb:

Yep! Your Journal is definitely a popular destination with many of the 420 crowd from what I was told, and have now seen for myself! :high-five:

Thanks for the tip on Pit Viper's Journal! I will definitely go check it out later today! Meanwhile, I am just finishing up my own journal update so gotta run for now.

Keep up the great work! :thanks:
I think we are the only Hawaiians on 420 now. A hui hou ! :high-five:

Gonna go up to three Hawaiians on the 9th. :)

Gonna be starting my own grow too! :yahoo:

Everything is looking good with you OMM! Just wanted to say hello and let ya know its official that I'm coming back to the islands!
Aloha OldMedMan, long time, no see your journal....It looks as awesome as always in that grow room of yours...I wish I had that much room to grow in, the next home we get to live in will, I hope. I know you and your lovely Jo have much to deal with, I completely understand. I have many health issues of my own I don't like to waste space here talking about....It's from a hard-working life, and a lot of us our age are going thru it, trying to keep ourselves from falling apart, you know? I need more duct tape I think...lol!
Anyways, I just wanted to stop by and see the latest since I am trying to catch up on my friends' journals while I feel up to it today....I am so happy for your continued successes...I also want to thank you for sharing your very valuable knowledge with me personally. I truly have no one but 420mag.com, and my few buddies on here that help me, you included. I always try to keep my eye on your journal and tabs on you & Jo, and I wanted to take the opportunity to tell you I was keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers to the Creator...
I pray that all we who are ill are cured by her miracle herb, our beloved cannabis, Nature's Miracle Cure!
Take care my friend, and I wish you blue skies and green buds forever...RVG:circle-of-love::thanks::green_heart:

It's been a few days, shaggie is right, your journal grows by the hour I think. I've only been away a few days and I missed like 5 pages. Yep your journal is always a stop for me...The Perpetual Grow was the first journal I read here, it took days, but was sooo worth it.:adore::adore:

Real sorry to hear about the health issues still plaguing you both. I may not be as old, but I sure know about the health thing...:Namaste: Best wishes and good vibes to you both always.

You're speaking in code again :yahoo: What's "a hui hou"?

Note to Granny 420...OMM has mentioned you b4, Nice to see you back, you sound like my kind of Granny.
No problemo! :thumb:

Yep! Your Journal is definitely a popular destination with many of the 420 crowd from what I was told, and have now seen for myself! :high-five:

Thanks for the tip on Pit Viper's Journal! I will definitely go check it out later today! Meanwhile, I am just finishing up my own journal update so gotta run for now.

Keep up the great work! :thanks:

Hi My New Friend! :)

I just came from your journal.....you are going to be a great asset for us all.
You certainly know what your doing! :yahoo: Nice Journal! :peace:
Gonna go up to three Hawaiians on the 9th. :)

Gonna be starting my own grow too! :yahoo:

Everything is looking good with you OMM! Just wanted to say hello and let ya know its official that I'm coming back to the islands!

Now, that is some good news! :yahoo: Can't wait to see you again...we have to catch up and talk story.
Can't wait until you get that grow going! :high-five:
Aloha OldMedMan, long time, no see your journal....It looks as awesome as always in that grow room of yours...I wish I had that much room to grow in, the next home we get to live in will, I hope. I know you and your lovely Jo have much to deal with, I completely understand. I have many health issues of my own I don't like to waste space here talking about....It's from a hard-working life, and a lot of us our age are going thru it, trying to keep ourselves from falling apart, you know? I need more duct tape I think...lol!
Anyways, I just wanted to stop by and see the latest since I am trying to catch up on my friends' journals while I feel up to it today....I am so happy for your continued successes...I also want to thank you for sharing your very valuable knowledge with me personally. I truly have no one but 420mag.com, and my few buddies on here that help me, you included. I always try to keep my eye on your journal and tabs on you & Jo, and I wanted to take the opportunity to tell you I was keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers to the Creator...
I pray that all we who are ill are cured by her miracle herb, our beloved cannabis, Nature's Miracle Cure!
Take care my friend, and I wish you blue skies and green buds forever...RVG:circle-of-love::thanks::green_heart:

I always love it when you come by my Friend, you always bring good vibes with you!:high-five:

If we ever have to move.....I would be just like you...it would have to have a place(s) to grow and easy access. Your talking about your problems would certainly be fine with me. We all need to talk about it. To me it helps. However, I do understand your feelings about it. 420 is a life saver for me too. Since Jo and I don't really socialize any more.....all our friends have moved or have passed away. My friends are right here. Most of whom I would have never met if it weren't for 420. This is one big fine place of help and love. It's like we moved the 60s and 70s here. :peace:

Your right, our beloved plants help us in many ways. I was just looking in my tent...I always smile when I see my girls. I know they are going to help me in more ways than I can count. :Namaste:

May you too...have blue skies and heavy harvests! :thanks:

It's been a few days, shaggie is right, your journal grows by the hour I think. I've only been away a few days and I missed like 5 pages. Yep your journal is always a stop for me...The Perpetual Grow was the first journal I read here, it took days, but was sooo worth it.:adore::adore:

Real sorry to hear about the health issues still plaguing you both. I may not be as old, but I sure know about the health thing...:Namaste: Best wishes and good vibes to you both always.

You're speaking in code again :yahoo: What's "a hui hou"?

Note to Granny 420...OMM has mentioned you b4, Nice to see you back, you sound like my kind of Granny.

Hi Girl. :) I keep telling everyone....it's not me...it's the folks that visit....just like yourself that make this journal move. :yahoo: The Perpetual Grow was a good one for me no matter what happened. That you read it warms my heart...that took time! :high-five:

You sure do know know about the heath thing.....but it sure don't stop you at all! :circle-of-love:

A Hui Hou.......till we meet again. :Namaste:

Now you know why I missed granny420...there is only one like her! It was love at first read! :thanks:
Hi OMM - the community seems to be building and coming back with so many new growers and journals. This seems to be the thread where members new and old converge. How cool is that?!?

Hope this weekend finds you both feeling a bit better.

I liked your comment about the smell from your tent being like perfume, 'cause it sure smells sweet to me too. I shared that with my wife - she sides with the perfume smell as well. That sure helps make my life easier around here! :)

I've shared before that she's in charge of drying and curing. I'm so used to running the show, it's hard to get used to her taking the reins from this part and telling ME what to do or not do with the jars. But, she's always been right. The only problem we had was when I was the one running the drying and curing... So I think we have the right job responsibilities.
Hi OMM - the community seems to be building and coming back with so many new growers and journals. This seems to be the thread where members new and old converge. How cool is that?!?

Hope this weekend finds you both feeling a bit better.

I liked your comment about the smell from your tent being like perfume, 'cause it sure smells sweet to me too. I shared that with my wife - she sides with the perfume smell as well. That sure helps make my life easier around here! :)

I've shared before that she's in charge of drying and curing. I'm so used to running the show, it's hard to get used to her taking the reins from this part and telling ME what to do or not do with the jars. But, she's always been right. The only problem we had was when I was the one running the drying and curing... So I think we have the right job responsibilities.

Hi xlr8. :)
It is cool....many new growers and good ones too...bringing even more experience to our favorite place. I am just enjoying the ride Buddy. All things change, so I just enjoying it, while it's here! :high-five:

Jo and I took the day off.....just relaxing. Feeding the birds and being together...very nice day. :circle-of-love:

Wish I could get a pair of scissors in Jo's hand. She was an accountant and has great attention to detail. She would be perfect for trimming. Not in this lifetime though. :)

Jo actually looked in the tent today....she went uhhhh huh and left! :yahoo:

Can't win em all! :)

You two are team for sure. I know, you know you are blessed. :love:

All this reminds me of an old movie..."The Sweet Smell of Success". :yahoo:
I'll be in your corner brother :yahoo: Cheering you on You've been around long enough to know whats going on . From one old fart to another :peace:

Amen Brother.....I got ya! Thanks! :high-five:
Hey OMM my old pal!!! Everything is looking GGGGRRRRREEEEEAAAAAATTTTT in your BAT!!:adore::bravo:
Laughed my butt off when I read Ms. Jo's reaction the the tent, LOL!! :rofl:
Been busy as always of course, but you know me, can't stay away from this journal/bad soap opera, hehehe. Always takes a few hours to catch up though, 71 pgs, 1800 likes!!!! Seems like yesterday you opened this journal up!!! Well, love to you an Ms. Jo my friend, I will keep praying for ya'll, and as always, Stay Green and God Bless!!! Peace!!:Namaste:
Hey OMM my old pal!!! Everything is looking GGGGRRRRREEEEEAAAAAATTTTT in your BAT!!:adore::bravo:
Laughed my butt off when I read Ms. Jo's reaction the the tent, LOL!! :rofl:
Been busy as always of course, but you know me, can't stay away from this journal/bad soap opera, hehehe. Always takes a few hours to catch up though, 71 pgs, 1800 likes!!!! Seems like yesterday you opened this journal up!!! Well, love to you an Ms. Jo my friend, I will keep praying for ya'll, and as always, Stay Green and God Bless!!! Peace!!:Namaste:

Hello there GT. :)

Jo is a riot sometimes. She dead pans allot. We got her a lawn chair that she can put her feet up to help with pain. So far so good. GT it does seem like yesterday this journal has started. Time flies when your having fun, :)
Ran into some pH problems..which is now fixed...lost a few leaves. Hopefully have it fixed now. Hope your home for the weekend and can relax a bit. Hope all is good on your end, Buddy! :high-five:
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