OldMedman Goes Indoors

:circle-of-love: I luv the new smilies!!!!

:high-five: Yowsa those plants look SOOOOO WONDERFUL!!!! :popcorn: I'm gonna try to visit more frequently!

You have so many journals - there is no way I can get thru all of them - EEK!!! LOL

Can you catch me up (briefer that the thousands of pages I can't catch up on)? I thought I read somewhere that you had an outside grow that got snatched?????? URRRGGG. But, my goodness, I could sure see that you have definitely figured out how to grow many different ways!!! KUDOS!!!!! :adore::adore::adore:

About my sweetie... no, he doesn't know YET. EEK! I got a late start, Cuz it was June when I saw the corn field next to us had an area of head rows (end rows) that didn't quite join the rows they ran into... leaving a very nice 30 foot x 8 foot area that is concealed in the field.... well, I began thinkin'... and you know what that did to me!!! LOL

My stash is getting lower - I share a LOT... so me lil pea brain got the idea to try growin' outside. Got a mixture of femmed seeds, auto-flowering and non-auto, started em inside and after they were done spraying the crops and the corn had grown tall enough, I trudged myself out there and planted them.

Since I'm worried the non-autos won't have time to finish before the corn comes out, or that the deer (tracks out there) will eat them (they love the buds when they are ready to harvest) I cloned 7 strains last week and have 15 clones going now... and I ordered more seeds... am even going to try breeding an auto strain with the non-autos for future seeds... and I have a single G13 seed and a single White Widow seed from my last grow... so I guess I'm back in it for the winter. I'll let the honey know when the plants are getting bigger.

FIM - Nice pic of that!!! I know that started cuz someone fuc*ed up - the reason for the "F" in FIM (don't remember the rest). I tell you what, I had a similar experience here... My autos are flowering nicely... but I only have so long before the farmer will harvest his corn... so I read a bit and last week I got the bright idea of putting the non-autos thru a 36 hour dark period to try to force flower them. I used cardboard boxes covered with black garbage bags and covered a number of them...

EEK - it has been hot here and when I uncovered them, I had 4 that I had pretty much toasted the TOP. The entire tops on them were wilted and looked very dead. Gees was I pissed at myself!!! One of them I just took the top 6 inches off because it looked so bad. The others I left alone. One week later, the 3 I left alone now have huge top growth - one of them has made it clear it now has FOUR tops!

This just goes to show what a hardy plant mj is. I screwed up and the plants are going to have a ton of tops instead of just one!

Where's Siscokid?????????? HELLO SISCO!!! LUV YOU HONEY!!!!!

AND I SO LOVE OMM!!!!!! :thanks: FOR STILL BEIN' HERE!!!!!
I'm gonna keep an eye on you now - so look out!!! :kisstwo::hug:
:circle-of-love: :green_heart:




Well, look who's here !!!! granny420! :circle-of-love:
I was just telling sqwheels about you not long ago......she's nice lady too!
I am really glad you stopped by to say Hello! You made my day! Hope all your family doing well too.
No! Work is not over loading you...you are! The old man must have changed his mind if your growing again. :high-five: Hope the back troubles are over.
Yep, there are a few of us old guys still around....they will be happy to see you. Your right I've been on a journey alright. As you can see I got serious about growing. :) Don't be a stranger.....Lovies to you too! :party:

Family is doing WONDERFUL :thanks: for askin' dear man!! After a long time of aching EVERYWHERE, and a number of trips to the doc... I went to the doc and on the way to the room, I told the nurse I wanted a pill that made me young again, she said they don't make one. As I continued hobbling to the room in great pain, I asked her if they could get me a new body. She said "I'm sorry, the sale ended this morning." LOL

The doc annoyed me cuz he referred me to a surgeon for my wrist and shoulder (rotary cuff & carpel tunnel - probably misspelled!), even tho I told him repeatedly that we can't afford for me to be off work for any surgery - no way I can replace myself and I need my arm to do my job - and financially I can't afford to replace myself either. And he gave me a prescription for a once a day pill to try for a week, without a lot of explanation of what it was going to do for me. So I left that office annoyed - and I cancelled the referral appointment they had just made for me.

I filled the prescription and started it that night... and soon began to love my doc again... That nurse lied to me... they DO make a pill that makes you feel young again! So look out, OMM - cuz granny is a young whipper snapper again!!!!!!! I researched the Meloxicam to see what side effects there are, and there are many. Doc made me come in last week after being on it a couple months. Now he wants me to use a non-prescription med and not to take my miracle pill daily unless I absolutely have to - said see if I can just take 2 to 3 times a week.

Enough of that... how are you??? Got anyone special in yer life other than those beautiful girls???? How's yer body been feelin'? It sure does look like you did a TON of work setting up outside and inside! I can only imagine the toll that took on those ol' man bones! Did you hire a cabana girl to help you??? :yahoo:

I can tell you I never brought the huge carb scrubber of mine out of the room, so I won't have to do battle with it again!

LOVE YA TOOTS! Gonna keep track of those gorgeous girls of yours... AND YOU!!! :kiss::hug:
they are looking healthy OMM granny is right you have come along way from 2009!
HI Granny!
lazy pics are still good pics IMO
:circle-of-love: I luv the new smilies!!!!

:high-five: Yowsa those plants look SOOOOO WONDERFUL!!!! :popcorn: I'm gonna try to visit more frequently!

You have so many journals - there is no way I can get thru all of them - EEK!!! LOL

Can you catch me up (briefer that the thousands of pages I can't catch up on)? I thought I read somewhere that you had an outside grow that got snatched?????? URRRGGG. But, my goodness, I could sure see that you have definitely figured out how to grow many different ways!!! KUDOS!!!!! :adore::adore::adore:

About my sweetie... no, he doesn't know YET. EEK! I got a late start, Cuz it was June when I saw the corn field next to us had an area of head rows (end rows) that didn't quite join the rows they ran into... leaving a very nice 30 foot x 8 foot area that is concealed in the field.... well, I began thinkin'... and you know what that did to me!!! LOL

My stash is getting lower - I share a LOT... so me lil pea brain got the idea to try growin' outside. Got a mixture of femmed seeds, auto-flowering and non-auto, started em inside and after they were done spraying the crops and the corn had grown tall enough, I trudged myself out there and planted them.

Since I'm worried the non-autos won't have time to finish before the corn comes out, or that the deer (tracks out there) will eat them (they love the buds when they are ready to harvest) I cloned 7 strains last week and have 15 clones going now... and I ordered more seeds... am even going to try breeding an auto strain with the non-autos for future seeds... and I have a single G13 seed and a single White Widow seed from my last grow... so I guess I'm back in it for the winter. I'll let the honey know when the plants are getting bigger.

FIM - Nice pic of that!!! I know that started cuz someone fuc*ed up - the reason for the "F" in FIM (don't remember the rest). I tell you what, I had a similar experience here... My autos are flowering nicely... but I only have so long before the farmer will harvest his corn... so I read a bit and last week I got the bright idea of putting the non-autos thru a 36 hour dark period to try to force flower them. I used cardboard boxes covered with black garbage bags and covered a number of them...

EEK - it has been hot here and when I uncovered them, I had 4 that I had pretty much toasted the TOP. The entire tops on them were wilted and looked very dead. Gees was I pissed at myself!!! One of them I just took the top 6 inches off because it looked so bad. The others I left alone. One week later, the 3 I left alone now have huge top growth - one of them has made it clear it now has FOUR tops!

This just goes to show what a hardy plant mj is. I screwed up and the plants are going to have a ton of tops instead of just one!

Where's Siscokid?????????? HELLO SISCO!!! LUV YOU HONEY!!!!!

AND I SO LOVE OMM!!!!!! :thanks: FOR STILL BEIN' HERE!!!!!
I'm gonna keep an eye on you now - so look out!!! :kisstwo::hug:
:circle-of-love: :green_heart:




Hey uncle O! :)
Love the random shots :bravo:

I'm so happy to see you around again Granny! I have to get my butt back to work but will be login in as soon as I get home..:yahoo::peace:
OK... I just took a bit of time to look back and find what happened and when. It took a bit cuz of the overwhelming amount of support ya got thru out that time... but for me reading what happened now, it SURE PISSED ME OFF!!!
I SOOO wish I had been there to offer support to you. :-(


Had wood chucks (ground hogs) burrow their way down into our basement. These critters dig a lot of holes and holes from their holes to other holes. I suspected that one had moved into our old half dirt/half cement basement last fall. But I couldn't get the hubby to do anything about it.

This spring I heard what I told the hubby was some animal giving birth to babies in our basement - I heard it thru the floor when I was doing laundry. He still did nothing. He has been working very late hours and has very little time. A couple weeks later, he worked out of town for a couple days. While he was gone, I heard something making noise in the basement. I opened the basement door and looked down... the momma ground hog looked at me and headed towards one of the two holes I could see she had dug on the dirt side of our basement - but I sure wasn't going down to look closer!

At this time I got out a 22 rifle. Didn't figure I better shoot a 12 or 20 gauge into our basement, but thought I might be able to shoot the 22. Dang thing had a scope on it tho and I couldn't see anything when I looked thru it. I tried to take it off, but couldn't get the screws to turn. When the hubby got home, I asked him, and I asked one of our sons, to take the scope off so I could shoot at it.

Mind you, I really didn't know if I COULD shoot at it... and I really preferred hubby would do this horrible deed cuz I knew it had babies down there somewhere.

Well, no one took the scope off and time ticked away. While outside scouting for places to possible put a few mj plants, I began to see mom... and 2 babies. I could have taken the cutest pic of mom's head popping up over a board, only to have two lil heads, one on each side of her pop up too. So, my heart was just not into killing this family.

Things changed in my heart the morning we woke up early to the smell of skunk - and not the kind of skunk smell we all love so much! A skunk had evidently found it's way down one of the ground hog holes and sprayed the ground hog inside our basement.

This finally got the hubbies attention too!! He went and got a live trap and set it up outside near the hole I knew they used frequently. Two days later - still no catch. One of our sons stopped by and I had just seen them so I got the gun, gave it to our son while telling him (again) how the scope sucked and I couldn't see anything with it on, and took him out back. As we rounded the corner of the house, there they were - inside the live trap, but coming back out! Fun toy for them cuz it didn't work right!

They saw us and went back in the hole (to our basement). I went in the house to make noise at the top of the basement to hopefully scare them to outside to where he could shoot them. He comes back in the house cussing about the scope on the gun. Said he shot a number of times, but couldn't see a thing with that old scope. He took the scope off and headed on his way.

Give granny a gun I can aim with, and... within 30 minutes, I had nailed all three of them - two when I only had their heads poking out of the hole to aim at! My grampa taught me to shoot, and he did a good job. I feel bad cuz it was a momma and young ones - but there are certain critters we just cannot live with!

Thieves are another. I wouldn't ever shoot to kill a person - but one can certainly shoot into the air and that would surely make a thief think twice about returning. Being ripped off leaves you "feeling" like you are not safe in your own home. And those son of a bitches even HIT our ol' med man!!!!!
LET ME AT EM'!!!!!
LET ME AT EM'!!!!!

Damn... I am SO PROUD OF YOU FOR NOT LETTING THEM KEEP YOU DOWN. Ya know what, OMM? You sure do pick yerself up and dust yerself off quite nicely. From here, yer quite a wonderful sight for sore eyes. I did read now (over and over), that you have a "Jo" in yer life! YES!!! Ya gotta catch me up! Is she the cabana girl I requested for you???? :battingeyelashes:

Gees am I windy, or what!!! Frickin' tornado of wind here. Musta really missed you!!! Sorry to go on and on in yer journal, but sure enjoyed catchin' up with ya!!!

:circle-of-love: Luvies to you and yours!!!
:circle-of-love: I luv the new smilies!!!!

...FIM - Nice pic of that!!! I know that started cuz someone fuc*ed up - the reason for the "F" in FIM (don't remember the rest).

Hello Granny! Welcome back! :welcome:

I'm fairly new to :420:, so not sure if we've ever interacted, but since any friend of OMM's... (you know the rest)...

I thought I'd help refresh the memory:

FIM = "F*ck I Missed!"

It originated when someone topped in the wrong spot! :)

Best wishes!
Hello Granny! Welcome back! :welcome:
I thought I'd help refresh the memory:

FIM = "F*ck I Missed!"

It originated when someone topped in the wrong spot! :)

Best wishes!

Yes! That was it! So wonderful to meet you, honey!

Hi sqwheels!!!! Hey Norcali, GMT, shaggie, Mr. Krip, Stevehman and EVERYONE!!!

Isn't 420magazine the best place in the world??????? Meet new and old friends... share... support... and not just for our wonderful medicine, but so much more. So much more. Words just don't quite capture the family we all find in this 420 home.

My dear sisco ... honey, I do hope you and yours are all doing well! I have so missed you! Family all good and healthy?

And OMM... I kept this one shorter and I sooooo thank you for letting me garb up yer journal a bit! I am SO TUNED for drooling over those gorgeous gals of yours! They truly look beautiful.
Drive bye Duck, Hey Pop's plants look great. A1 And WB Granny hope the smell has dissipated by now. Them thems can sure bring a tear to your eyes. I had a dog back home hunting rabbits. Guess it got tangled up with one. Well she rode home in the truck and was put way back in the back 40 for acouple weeks. I can still smell that oder. Or maybe thats a bud but. WB and Keep em Green Pop's
I'm surprised at how many skunks we have in San Diego. I see a flattened one on the highway every couple days. Occasionally one in my neighborhood as well. Sometimes I wonder if that smell is a skunk, or my grow room. At least I have an excuse if anyone mentions it. "must be another dead skunk you're smelling"
Well your plants are lookin as pretty inside as outside and just about as big. Just dropping in to say hey hope you and yours are doing better. A couple of my lucys are over 8 foot will post some pics next week in my gallery. I believe this has been the hottest and most humid Ive seen in years i hope it cools down a little wishin the best for you and yours :) :peace:
Family is doing WONDERFUL :thanks: for askin' dear man!! After a long time of aching EVERYWHERE, and a number of trips to the doc... I went to the doc and on the way to the room, I told the nurse I wanted a pill that made me young again, she said they don't make one. As I continued hobbling to the room in great pain, I asked her if they could get me a new body. She said "I'm sorry, the sale ended this morning." LOL

The doc annoyed me cuz he referred me to a surgeon for my wrist and shoulder (rotary cuff & carpel tunnel - probably misspelled!), even tho I told him repeatedly that we can't afford for me to be off work for any surgery - no way I can replace myself and I need my arm to do my job - and financially I can't afford to replace myself either. And he gave me a prescription for a once a day pill to try for a week, without a lot of explanation of what it was going to do for me. So I left that office annoyed - and I cancelled the referral appointment they had just made for me.

I filled the prescription and started it that night... and soon began to love my doc again... That nurse lied to me... they DO make a pill that makes you feel young again! So look out, OMM - cuz granny is a young whipper snapper again!!!!!!! I researched the Meloxicam to see what side effects there are, and there are many. Doc made me come in last week after being on it a couple months. Now he wants me to use a non-prescription med and not to take my miracle pill daily unless I absolutely have to - said see if I can just take 2 to 3 times a week.

Enough of that... how are you??? Got anyone special in yer life other than those beautiful girls???? How's yer body been feelin'? It sure does look like you did a TON of work setting up outside and inside! I can only imagine the toll that took on those ol' man bones! Did you hire a cabana girl to help you??? :yahoo:

I can tell you I never brought the huge carb scrubber of mine out of the room, so I won't have to do battle with it again!

LOVE YA TOOTS! Gonna keep track of those gorgeous girls of yours... AND YOU!!! :kiss::hug:

Hi Granny420. :)

I hate to do this to you, but I will try to answer your questions and posts tomorrow. My health is not the best anymore and it's hard to get around. To catch you up a bit...the third Mrs OMM....Joanne and I fell back in love, we are still divorced but we are once again are here for each other now. It's been pretty amazing. Both of us are battling different health problems. Jo is much worse off than me, but I've had a few flat tires too. Tomorrow she has some pretty serious tests on her heart, so we are getting our sleep tonight.
Last two grows I've had some helpers. At the moment I have none, but one is coming back to Hawaii any day now. He's a fine young man and is more like son than a helper. He's smart as whip and pretty astounding. Love him to death. So hopefully I'll be back to answer all your questions. Lovies to you Girl. OMM. :high-five:
I'm surprised at how many skunks we have in San Diego. I see a flattened one on the highway every couple days. Occasionally one in my neighborhood as well. Sometimes I wonder if that smell is a skunk, or my grow room. At least I have an excuse if anyone mentions it. "must be another dead skunk you're smelling"

Hi Buddy...believe it or not...there are no skunks in Hawaii! Thank goodness. :bravo:
Well your plants are lookin as pretty inside as outside and just about as big. Just dropping in to say hey hope you and yours are doing better. A couple of my lucys are over 8 foot will post some pics next week in my gallery. I believe this has been the hottest and most humid Ive seen in years i hope it cools down a little wishin the best for you and yours :) :peace:

Thank You My Friend! :)
I want to see those girls. Let me know when you post em in your gallery.
8 foot Lucy's ....envy! :yahoo:
Hey buddy. I'm sure bummed to hear that Jo's been having swelling issues again, and well... it sounds like it's a good thing we're not all horses around here. Take care of yourselves, and positive vibes for Jo's tests tomorrow. :goodluck:
One more thing OMM - those buds look like they're packing on some nice weight. I can't wait to see how those girls harvest for you. Sisco was right, bud wallpaper! :thumb:
Hi Granny420. :)

I hate to do this to you, but I will try to answer your questions and posts tomorrow. My health is not the best anymore and it's hard to get around. To catch you up a bit...the third Mrs OMM....Joanne and I fell back in love, we are still divorced but we are once again are here for each other now. It's been pretty amazing. Both of us are battling different health problems. Jo is much worse off than me, but I've had a few flat tires too. Tomorrow she has some pretty serious tests on her heart, so we are getting our sleep tonight.
Last two grows I've had some helpers. At the moment I have none, but one is coming back to Hawaii any day now. He's a fine young man and is more like son than a helper. He's smart as whip and pretty astounding. Love him to death. So hopefully I'll be back to answer all your questions. Lovies to you Girl. OMM. :high-five:

Oh Honey, thank you so much for responding - but please don't ever feel like you HAVE to! Just take care of yourself!!!

So GOOD to hear you and Jo are doing wonderful in the love department... and my prayers just went up for good test results today. It's hell to get old!!!!! Sure am glad we have our medicine to help relieve the aches and pains that grow as we age.

No skunks in Hawaii... hmmm.... I may just have to ship one to you! LOL

You and Lady Jo TAKE CARE!!!! I'll keep checkin' in to see how those beautiful ladies of yours grow!!!

Luvies to ALL!!!
:circle-of-love: I luv the new smilies!!!!

:high-five: Yowsa those plants look SOOOOO WONDERFUL!!!! :popcorn: I'm gonna try to visit more frequently!

You have so many journals - there is no way I can get thru all of them - EEK!!! LOL

Can you catch me up (briefer that the thousands of pages I can't catch up on)? I thought I read somewhere that you had an outside grow that got snatched?????? URRRGGG. But, my goodness, I could sure see that you have definitely figured out how to grow many different ways!!! KUDOS!!!!! :adore::adore::adore:

About my sweetie... no, he doesn't know YET. EEK! I got a late start, Cuz it was June when I saw the corn field next to us had an area of head rows (end rows) that didn't quite join the rows they ran into... leaving a very nice 30 foot x 8 foot area that is concealed in the field.... well, I began thinkin'... and you know what that did to me!!! LOL

My stash is getting lower - I share a LOT... so me lil pea brain got the idea to try growin' outside. Got a mixture of femmed seeds, auto-flowering and non-auto, started em inside and after they were done spraying the crops and the corn had grown tall enough, I trudged myself out there and planted them.

Since I'm worried the non-autos won't have time to finish before the corn comes out, or that the deer (tracks out there) will eat them (they love the buds when they are ready to harvest) I cloned 7 strains last week and have 15 clones going now... and I ordered more seeds... am even going to try breeding an auto strain with the non-autos for future seeds... and I have a single G13 seed and a single White Widow seed from my last grow... so I guess I'm back in it for the winter. I'll let the honey know when the plants are getting bigger.

FIM - Nice pic of that!!! I know that started cuz someone fuc*ed up - the reason for the "F" in FIM (don't remember the rest). I tell you what, I had a similar experience here... My autos are flowering nicely... but I only have so long before the farmer will harvest his corn... so I read a bit and last week I got the bright idea of putting the non-autos thru a 36 hour dark period to try to force flower them. I used cardboard boxes covered with black garbage bags and covered a number of them...

EEK - it has been hot here and when I uncovered them, I had 4 that I had pretty much toasted the TOP. The entire tops on them were wilted and looked very dead. Gees was I pissed at myself!!! One of them I just took the top 6 inches off because it looked so bad. The others I left alone. One week later, the 3 I left alone now have huge top growth - one of them has made it clear it now has FOUR tops!

This just goes to show what a hardy plant mj is. I screwed up and the plants are going to have a ton of tops instead of just one!

Where's Siscokid?????????? HELLO SISCO!!! LUV YOU HONEY!!!!!

AND I SO LOVE OMM!!!!!! :thanks: FOR STILL BEIN' HERE!!!!!
I'm gonna keep an eye on you now - so look out!!! :kisstwo::hug:
:circle-of-love: :green_heart:





Hi granny420. :high-five:

So the old man doesn't know yet! I like your plan, wait till their big and then tell him. I think he'll laugh his butt off. Granny is at it again! :)

Well, about the journals.....the ripped off bunch was the best bunch I had, so guess that tells it all. The ones have I now are amazing, so I wouldn't worry about other journals. Unless you just like a soap opera. :yahoo:
Thats amazing those girls pulled through for you.

Girl, I had to stick around just to see if you were coming back!!! Glad you did!
Love that your older than dirt too! :circle-of-love::hippy::circle-of-love:
OK... I just took a bit of time to look back and find what happened and when. It took a bit cuz of the overwhelming amount of support ya got thru out that time... but for me reading what happened now, it SURE PISSED ME OFF!!!
I SOOO wish I had been there to offer support to you. :-(


Had wood chucks (ground hogs) burrow their way down into our basement. These critters dig a lot of holes and holes from their holes to other holes. I suspected that one had moved into our old half dirt/half cement basement last fall. But I couldn't get the hubby to do anything about it.

This spring I heard what I told the hubby was some animal giving birth to babies in our basement - I heard it thru the floor when I was doing laundry. He still did nothing. He has been working very late hours and has very little time. A couple weeks later, he worked out of town for a couple days. While he was gone, I heard something making noise in the basement. I opened the basement door and looked down... the momma ground hog looked at me and headed towards one of the two holes I could see she had dug on the dirt side of our basement - but I sure wasn't going down to look closer!

At this time I got out a 22 rifle. Didn't figure I better shoot a 12 or 20 gauge into our basement, but thought I might be able to shoot the 22. Dang thing had a scope on it tho and I couldn't see anything when I looked thru it. I tried to take it off, but couldn't get the screws to turn. When the hubby got home, I asked him, and I asked one of our sons, to take the scope off so I could shoot at it.

Mind you, I really didn't know if I COULD shoot at it... and I really preferred hubby would do this horrible deed cuz I knew it had babies down there somewhere.

Well, no one took the scope off and time ticked away. While outside scouting for places to possible put a few mj plants, I began to see mom... and 2 babies. I could have taken the cutest pic of mom's head popping up over a board, only to have two lil heads, one on each side of her pop up too. So, my heart was just not into killing this family.

Things changed in my heart the morning we woke up early to the smell of skunk - and not the kind of skunk smell we all love so much! A skunk had evidently found it's way down one of the ground hog holes and sprayed the ground hog inside our basement.

This finally got the hubbies attention too!! He went and got a live trap and set it up outside near the hole I knew they used frequently. Two days later - still no catch. One of our sons stopped by and I had just seen them so I got the gun, gave it to our son while telling him (again) how the scope sucked and I couldn't see anything with it on, and took him out back. As we rounded the corner of the house, there they were - inside the live trap, but coming back out! Fun toy for them cuz it didn't work right!

They saw us and went back in the hole (to our basement). I went in the house to make noise at the top of the basement to hopefully scare them to outside to where he could shoot them. He comes back in the house cussing about the scope on the gun. Said he shot a number of times, but couldn't see a thing with that old scope. He took the scope off and headed on his way.

Give granny a gun I can aim with, and... within 30 minutes, I had nailed all three of them - two when I only had their heads poking out of the hole to aim at! My grampa taught me to shoot, and he did a good job. I feel bad cuz it was a momma and young ones - but there are certain critters we just cannot live with!

Thieves are another. I wouldn't ever shoot to kill a person - but one can certainly shoot into the air and that would surely make a thief think twice about returning. Being ripped off leaves you "feeling" like you are not safe in your own home. And those son of a bitches even HIT our ol' med man!!!!!
LET ME AT EM'!!!!!
LET ME AT EM'!!!!!

Damn... I am SO PROUD OF YOU FOR NOT LETTING THEM KEEP YOU DOWN. Ya know what, OMM? You sure do pick yerself up and dust yerself off quite nicely. From here, yer quite a wonderful sight for sore eyes. I did read now (over and over), that you have a "Jo" in yer life! YES!!! Ya gotta catch me up! Is she the cabana girl I requested for you???? :battingeyelashes:

Gees am I windy, or what!!! Frickin' tornado of wind here. Musta really missed you!!! Sorry to go on and on in yer journal, but sure enjoyed catchin' up with ya!!!

:circle-of-love: Luvies to you and yours!!!

granny420. It's so good to have you back! You crack me up! :yahoo::hippy::yahoo: I automatically start smiling when I see post from you. :bravo:
Dead eye granny strikes again...so much for ground hogs. Boom!

Years ago Hawaii was infested with rats from all the old ships that would dock here.So in their brilliance the Country (this was way before statehood came along) imported wombats to kill the rats. They did a good job and killed all the rats....but....now we have wombats everywhere!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Hawaii controls all animals that come here after that fiasco, This past week was amnesty week and folks could turn in all their weird animals and such.
So far 21 big ass snakes, raccoons, and other animals were turned. If they get caught with any animal that's not allowed, it's a big time fine and jail time.

Jo had her test today...of course....she wasn't told what the results were...that will be next week. :smokin::smokin:

We had to go the Federal building after that. It is not a friendly building for disabled folks. I was done by the time we reached the building...I can walk only a block or so at a time. Here is Jo...swollen feet and legs and all, she just kept going and left me on a bench. She was in there two hours!
The IRS had sent her two letters that they didn't believe she was a real citizen. She is a jersey girl and was pissed......she straighten them out and how! Took 2 hours to do it, but she did it....I am glad I was not the IRS person she talked to. :)

We had planned on eating out...a friend had sent us some money to buy us a nice meal. We got a slice of pizza and came home exhausted..she is still asleep. :) She one tough old bird. :yahoo:
they are looking healthy OMM granny is right you have come along way from 2009!
HI Granny!
lazy pics are still good pics IMO

Hi Shaggie! :)

Thanks...see you can teach an old dog new tricks after all! :high-five:

More and hopefully better pics tonight, but thanks! :)
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