OldMedman Goes Indoors

Beautiful ladies you have OMM hope mine start lookin a little better im dropping yellow leaves and still a got a good 4 weeks till bloom i think its a nitrogen problem. Them wild thai look outrages Hope all is well with you and yours

Hi my friend. :)

Thanks..they are trying to look good. The wild Thai is living up to it's name. Wild!

You better get those girls some nitrogen or something if you still have 4 weeks to go before bloom.
Take a look in here:
To make sure what's wrong. :high-five:

Same to you my friend...the best to you and yours. :Namaste:
Hi All and evening picture update...well it's my evening. :)

Some random bud shots.





The Sour Cream


Bubblelicious and Wild Thai




The Critical


2 of the Wild Thai



May as well talk about some problems now. :smokin:

I am losing tons of leaves from the bottoms now. There is a good reason. You may not have noticed that you never see the lights and the CFLs on at the same time. My circuit beaker kicks off every time I turn them on together.
I have tried every combination I can think of and it always kicks. I will continue to work on this, believe me.
The other big problem is the girls are just going every where and the lights can't cover them all. I've super cropped and tied them up where I can. I will probably harvest the ones that are ready and then pull the others under the lights and hopefully they will finish.
I bought a big switching device and will install it soon as I figure it out. If it works like it should, both my ballast will be running off 240v and that will free up a 120v plug. Then hopefully I can run both types of lights together.
Obviously the next run, I will have the girls more under control as to size and hopefully use my lights better.
Funny thing is I'm not going crazy...I expected many problems on this first run. It will work out sooner than later. Practice...Practice. :high-five:

Where'd the Matterhorn GO? All I see is Cannabis print wallpaper :)

Now don't go plugging your finger in any light socket that isn't off.. I know how you like to get buzzed..

I have never grown tall ladies.. so the problems you've found yourself in is still a bridge not yet crossed for me.

I'm sure you'll find a comfortable plant size or technique to try to keep the light at it's sweet spot... I think I learned from you to Fim from as early as the 4th node..

Great to see you having these experiences now, trial and error makes for a better grower right!?

Take care my man, Love respect and trust!
Pop's I'm pretty sure you got a all around ballast 220/110. One thing we learn to have to deal with inside is lights only really get the top 1' 1 1/2' of the canopy. In the long run you are better off losing the bottom leaves for the sake of air movment. After afew grows and lookinking at little bit's of nothings off the bottom couple branches, you'll see why all the bottom branches are good for is clones anyways. Pretty looking plants, Keep up the great work Pop's and Keepem Green
Where'd the Matterhorn GO? All I see is Cannabis print wallpaper :)

Now don't go plugging your finger in any light socket that isn't off.. I know how you like to get buzzed..

I have never grown tall ladies.. so the problems you've found yourself in is still a bridge not yet crossed for me.

I'm sure you'll find a comfortable plant size or technique to try to keep the light at it's sweet spot... I think I learned from you to Fim from as early as the 4th node..

Great to see you having these experiences now, trial and error makes for a better grower right!?

Take care my man, Love respect and trust!

Hey Sisco! :cheer:

You can only see the Matterhorn from the outside now. :)
The Cannabis print wallpaper is covering the walls inside now.;)
I stopped putting my finger in the sockets....was getting real jittery. Like a bad sativa high. :yahoo:
You got it man, new experiences. You know I'm loving this. Already putting together my next plan of attack on the Matterhorn. Little bitty FIMed plants.
No long vegging anymore.
I hope some day you get a place where you can grow tall ones...it's different for sure. Hello to the family my friend. :peace:
Pop's I'm pretty sure you got a all around ballast 220/110. One thing we learn to have to deal with inside is lights only really get the top 1' 1 1/2' of the canopy. In the long run you are better off losing the bottom leaves for the sake of air movment. After afew grows and lookinking at little bit's of nothings off the bottom couple branches, you'll see why all the bottom branches are good for is clones anyways. Pretty looking plants, Keep up the great work Pop's and Keepem Green

Well Thanks Sprout! :)

Your right both ballast can do 110/220, so no problems there. It's this old house's wiring that's the problem. Got to harvest these and gather a bit of money and have the room fixed properly. I'm just tickled by how they are growing. Keepem Green yourself old friend. :peace:
I think Norcaliwood put it really well. Unfortunately, it's a way of life indoors to have those bottom leaves die off a little. I do pull them off and keep the bottom trimmed up - it's about the only trimming I do most of the time - those bottom leaves that start to die. It's tough to get enough light down there as Wood said. Your plants still look amazing and really green and healthy - You must have a million buds. Should be a long trim party! :yahoo:
I think Norcaliwood put it really well. Unfortunately, it's a way of life indoors to have those bottom leaves die off a little. I do pull them off and keep the bottom trimmed up - it's about the only trimming I do most of the time - those bottom leaves that start to die. It's tough to get enough light down there as Wood said. Your plants still look amazing and really green and healthy - You must have a million buds. Should be a long trim party! :yahoo:

Hi xlr8. :)

Funny how you guys didn't tell me this before....now you tell me. :yahoo:

The Critical should finish first.....she'll be a snap to trim.....the others? I got my scissors sharpened and ready to go. Your right.....bud sites every where you look, never dreamed I would have this many. Maybe, I've finally paid off all my bad karma. :yahoo:
ment to ask you what is the switch that you bought throw up a pic of it. its all good info for peeps to see and know!
ment to ask you what is the switch that you bought throw up a pic of it. its all good info for peeps to see and know!

Good idea Shaggie! :)

I don't have a picture, but I do have a link to it here,

Hopefully 420 will let me do that. Not sure they are a sponsor. After reading the instructions, there is no way I can wire the thing. In fact they suggested that an electrician should do it. Even though they say it's 40 amps, it's actually 50 amp. My house wiring will have to be updated for it. That will be a while down the road. :)
Good idea Shaggie! :)

I don't have a picture, but I do have a link to it here,

Hopefully 420 will let me do that. Not sure they are a sponsor. After reading the instructions, there is no way I can wire the thing. In fact they suggested that an electrician should do it. Even though they say it's 40 amps, it's actually 50 amp. My house wiring will have to be updated for it. That will be a while down the road. :)

we wired ours ourself.... could get in trouble for it but it was really east as long as u dont bridge the wires lol you will be dead....
where did u find 50 Amps?
i would think you would be ok but im not an electrition..... i can ask for you though if u would like..... (buddy of mine is hes who told me how to hook up at the shop.)
the reason they say have an electrition is because it 240 V generaly..... liability..... but its just 2 wires to conect and u close the junction box up...
there might be some things you can do though.... ill see if i can find out if u like.
Good idea Shaggie! :)

I don't have a picture, but I do have a link to it here,

Hopefully 420 will let me do that. Not sure they are a sponsor. After reading the instructions, there is no way I can wire the thing. In fact they suggested that an electrician should do it. Even though they say it's 40 amps, it's actually 50 amp. My house wiring will have to be updated for it. That will be a while down the road. :)

Nice piece of hardware OMM. If your not real comfortable with working electricity then get an electrician for sure. It sounds like you'll be doing an upgrade anyway. Just have the electrician hook it up at the same time. Then you won't have to worry about getting fried or burning your house down, :). Your girls are looking beautiful.

we wired ours ourself.... could get in trouble for it but it was really east as long as u dont bridge the wires lol you will be dead....
where did u find 50 Amps?
i would think you would be ok but im not an electrition..... i can ask for you though if u would like..... (buddy of mine is hes who told me how to hook up at the shop.)
the reason they say have an electrition is because it 240 V generaly..... liability..... but its just 2 wires to conect and u close the junction box up...
there might be some things you can do though.... ill see if i can find out if u like.

Hey Shaggie. :)

On the one page instructions, they stated 50 amps now, instead of 40. My 240v has a breaker of 15 amps...so I would have get a larger breaker to hook it up to anyway. I think.:) Sure Man, I'm open to ideas. Thanks.:)
Nice piece of hardware OMM. If your not real comfortable with working electricity then get an electrician for sure. It sounds like you'll be doing an upgrade anyway. Just have the electrician hook it up at the same time. Then you won't have to worry about getting fried or burning your house down, :). Your girls are looking beautiful.


Hey Buddy!:)

I've built hundreds of computers and wired my own stereo components, but this is allot of amperage, so I am bit leery. I think I will probably let the electrician do the whole thing like you suggested. Of course I have to make a bit of money first, so it may be a while.:)
Thanks, I couldn't be happier about the girls.:high-five:
Hey Buddy!:)

I've built hundreds of computers and wired my own stereo components, but this is allot of amperage, so I am bit leery. I think I will probably let the electrician do the whole thing like you suggested. Of course I have to make a bit of money first, so it may be a while.:)
Thanks, I couldn't be happier about the girls.:high-five:

Hi OMM! We have something else in common. I had my own computer/network business. That was a while ago, when you couldn't walk into a store and buy your own routers computers and just plug 'em in and (presto chango!) you have a small network. You don't even need to program the routers these days! :) I have done some wiring for temp controllers (for my smoker) and for the GR lighting/fans/etc. But anything in the electrical panel I don't mess with. I leave that to the pros, I like my hair the way it is:)

Hey Sisco! :cheer:

You can only see the Matterhorn from the outside now. :)
The Cannabis print wallpaper is covering the walls inside now.;)
I stopped putting my finger in the sockets....was getting real jittery. Like a bad sativa high. :yahoo:
You got it man, new experiences. You know I'm loving this. Already putting together my next plan of attack on the Matterhorn. Little bitty FIMed plants.
No long vegging anymore.
I hope some day you get a place where you can grow tall ones...it's different for sure. Hello to the family my friend. :peace:


Ok, you're talking in code again...What's FIMed please. :bong:

I hope you sharpened more than one pair of scissors :) You're gonna need them.

How's Jo? Haven't seen any news about her foot, is it any better? Please tell her I said Hi, and hope she's feeling ok.

Also, did I somehow miss the end of the story you started? Haven't seen that either.

Hey friend, you have quite the tent show going on there. Ladies are looking great, as usual. I am glad indoor is treating you so well. Gotta love all the bud sites sprouting up! Hey, have you tried a Cole Train yet? I am impressed with the size and density of this plant. Just harvested and we are very happy with what she did for us. Keep em green and keep your head above your feet friend.
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