OldMedman Goes Indoors

Hi OMM! We have something else in common. I had my own computer/network business. That was a while ago, when you couldn't walk into a store and buy your own routers computers and just plug 'em in and (presto chango!) you have a small network. You don't even need to program the routers these days! :) I have done some wiring for temp controllers (for my smoker) and for the GR lighting/fans/etc. But anything in the electrical panel I don't mess with. I leave that to the pros, I like my hair the way it is:)


:):high-five::):yahoo: Amen Brother! :) Took all the fun out of it. When computers were just starting to get popular everyone was so concerned they would be replaced by one. Many have been. I did Systems Analysis for a while and it got to be so bad, people would quit in fear that they couldn't cope with the new system or they that would be replaced. The existential reality was they
were! :smokin:
It's a plug and play world. :)

I stay out of those panels too Buddy! :high-five:

Ok, you're talking in code again...What's FIMed please. :bong:

I hope you sharpened more than one pair of scissors :) You're gonna need them.

How's Jo? Haven't seen any news about her foot, is it any better? Please tell her I said Hi, and hope she's feeling ok.

Also, did I somehow miss the end of the story you started? Haven't seen that either.


Hi Young Lady. :)
Here is what Fimming is:


It's another way getting more bud sites/branches to grow and it helps keep your plants shorter and bushier. :) I need that to help control the size of my plants. Norcaliwood is the expert! When your babies have three are more nodes, that's when you do it, then you can fim/top again and again. I grew a Columbian that ended up with 8 colas this way...only plant I ever entered in POM.

I have three scissors ready for action! :)

Jo is not doing well again.....her feet and legs are swollen to twice their size again. She is mainly on the couch with her feet propped up. She sees the Dr. this Wednesday morning. Poor girl is miserable. :smokin:

I have been so busy with appointments for both Jo and I, I haven't posted any more of the story yet. I will though, I promise! :high-five:
Wow seems like forever but I caught up! I am learning so much from all of you guys! Thanks

Hey My Friend! :) Thank you for taking the time to read it all. Good for you! There is some good info in here, with many good growers posting their opinions and we all learn together. Good to see more new blood, like yourself in here! Always feel free to ask questions or make comments. :welcome:
Ladies are looking better by the day OMM I noticed you gave some more pictures for my wild thais :high-five: lol cant wait buddy

Hi Crower.....the Wild Thai pictures were just for you....no kidding! :high-five:
I love it! Now you can't wait for these!!!!:bravo:
Hey friend, you have quite the tent show going on there. Ladies are looking great, as usual. I am glad indoor is treating you so well. Gotta love all the bud sites sprouting up! Hey, have you tried a Cole Train yet? I am impressed with the size and density of this plant. Just harvested and we are very happy with what she did for us. Keep em green and keep your head above your feet friend.

Hi GMT :)
I never dreamed I would love indoors so much. The bud sites are great.

Well I have grown one Cole Train...she was a big beautiful girl. In her last week she was stolen...so I never got to try her. Was looking at her seeds last night as I figure out what's going in the tent next. So many strains...so little time! :high-five:

Great visual. Thanks so much. :Namaste:
Hey Oldmedman
Thanks for the warm :welcome: I've been trying navigate around this site but you know about us old guys vs technology. Trying to thank GMT also but I will find my way around soon. Will be posting a intro soon too.
I really like it here friendly, nice, comfortable place to be:thanks:
Aloha Dear Friend!!!
Oh MY!!! OMM, this is granny 420 saying OH MY!!! I ventured just a bit into your numerous journals - but clearly see I missed a ton of plants!!!

I remember the days when OMM was going to grow a few plants inside... I think you were even trying to keep the ex wives small enough to grow inside a small cupboard, or drawer??? LOL - LOOK AT OMM GO!!!!

I got stoned and I missed it... but I did see Sisco and Norcali and more!!!! Hey - a quick 420 hug from granny420!!!

Just to catch you up with me... work is still overloading me (added another business)... and haven't grown a thing since my grow in here...
BUT STARTING AGAIN for a short time! Have 25 going outside and 15 clones inside... and more seeds on the way. Wish I had plenty of time to journal them - but won't even start cuz I can't keep up with everything as it is!

My goodness, OMM... your current grow is FANTASTIC!!!! And it looks like you have had quite a journey since we last visited!!! GO GO GROW!!!

LOVIES TO SISCO & OMM!!!!! And everyone else too!!!
Hey Oldmedman
Thanks for the warm :welcome: I've been trying navigate around this site but you know about us old guys vs technology. Trying to thank GMT also but I will find my way around soon. Will be posting a intro soon too.
I really like it here friendly, nice, comfortable place to be:thanks:

My pleasure clayhead. :)

Yep, we old guys have to stick together. Do like me..do things over and over and all of a sudden you'll have it. Ask any thing you want to...that's why we're all here, to help each other. I remember when I joined, I thought Hallelujah !! They are going to help me, not criticize me.:high-five: Be looking for your intro.:bravo:
Aloha Dear Friend!!!
Oh MY!!! OMM, this is granny 420 saying OH MY!!! I ventured just a bit into your numerous journals - but clearly see I missed a ton of plants!!!

I remember the days when OMM was going to grow a few plants inside... I think you were even trying to keep the ex wives small enough to grow inside a small cupboard, or drawer??? LOL - LOOK AT OMM GO!!!!

I got stoned and I missed it... but I did see Sisco and Norcali and more!!!! Hey - a quick 420 hug from granny420!!!

Just to catch you up with me... work is still overloading me (added another business)... and haven't grown a thing since my grow in here...
BUT STARTING AGAIN for a short time! Have 25 going outside and 15 clones inside... and more seeds on the way. Wish I had plenty of time to journal them - but won't even start cuz I can't keep up with everything as it is!

My goodness, OMM... your current grow is FANTASTIC!!!! And it looks like you have had quite a journey since we last visited!!! GO GO GROW!!!

LOVIES TO SISCO & OMM!!!!! And everyone else too!!!

Well, look who's here !!!! granny420! :circle-of-love:
I was just telling sqwheels about you not long ago......she's nice lady too!
I am really glad you stopped by to say Hello! You made my day! Hope all your family doing well too.
No! Work is not over loading you...you are! The old man must have changed his mind if your growing again. :high-five: Hope the back troubles are over.
Yep, there are a few of us old guys still around....they will be happy to see you. Your right I've been on a journey alright. As you can see I got serious about growing. :) Don't be a stranger.....Lovies to you too! :party:
Thanks for the pic, but what is better as far as yield? Fimming or Topping?

Hi leebee. I top first and them FIM a few times, that seems to work good. I have topped the top and then topped the tops too....that seems to work good...either will increase yield.
If you have two plants....try each method and see what works best for you. :high-five: LST will increase yield too. :high-five:
Hi leebee. I top first and them FIM a few times, that seems to work good. I have topped the top and them topped the tops too....that seems to work good...either will increase yield.
If you have two plants....try each method and see what works best for you. :high-five: LST will increase yield too. :high-five:

Sounds good, I will experiment with it. Thanks again for the picture.
Great graphic on the FIM process. I have tried to explain it to other people before, this makes it easier to illustrate the method. I like to FIM my clones as soon as they have roots to support new growth.

Glad you liked it stevehman. :) I learn best when I can see it.:high-five:
Hi All.......A very small picture update. :)

I did bit of running of running around today, so I'm a bit pooped. Hence I was lazy doing pictures. These are just random shots of the ladies. Sorry for the quality.:smokin:

Day 40 of Bloom.






As you can see the stretch is over and they are starting to fill in a bit.
Truthfully I still trip out when I look in on them!
Your girls look fantastic, OMM! :welldone:

You've got some definite TREES growing in that tent of yours, and they all look healthy & happy! :bravo:

Thanks Mr. Krip. :)

Gave them a bit of silica and a good dose of Gravity tonight. Strong limbs and tight buds....I hope! :thanks:
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