OldMedman Goes Indoors

Sorry all, I could not resist this one! :cheer:

After their 11th child, an West Virginia couple decided that was enough,
as they could not afford a larger bed.

So the husband went to his veterinarian and told him that he and his
cousin didn't want to have any more children.

The doctor told him that there was a procedure called a vasectomy that
could fix the problem but that it was expensive. 'A less costly
alternative,' said the doctor, 'is to go home, get a cherry bomb,
(fireworks are legal in West Virginia) light it, put it in a beer can (COORS),
then, hold the can up to your ear and count to 10.'

The West Virginian said to the doctor, 'I may not be the smartest tool in the
shed, but I don't see how putting a cherry bomb in a beer can next to my
ear is going to help me.'

'Trust me,' said the doctor.

So the man went home, lit a cherry bomb and put it in a beer can.

He held the can up to his ear and began to count!


( you'll love this...)

At which point he paused, placed the beer can between his legs and
continued counting on his other hand.

This procedure also works in Tennessee , Kentucky , Louisiana , Arkansas , Mississippi,
Parts of Georgia, Missouri, Alabama, and , all of Washington DC

This, my friend, is being immortalized on my blog page here! :bravo:
Hey OMM, yeah, put more in the tent next time, but just start them smaller. I like starting sat dominants around 8 to 12 inches. Indicas can be up to 2 feet tall at the start of flower. The extra time spent on veg for the indicas works out at the end, since they should finish around the same time. Since you got the seed bank, you may want to do 12/12 from seed for the sativas.....
Hey OMM, yeah, put more in the tent next time, but just start them smaller. I like starting sat dominants around 8 to 12 inches. Indicas can be up to 2 feet tall at the start of flower. The extra time spent on veg for the indicas works out at the end, since they should finish around the same time. Since you got the seed bank, you may want to do 12/12 from seed for the sativas.....

Hey OG13 :)

Very,very well put. You just put into words what I had been trying to put on paper to myself. I'm a visual person and I have to see ideas. You just did that for me. This has been swirling around in my mind. Now I have a picture of it.

Thanks and I really mean thanks, my friend. :bravo:
THATS GREAT OMM i got to pass that to some of my buddys... they will get a kick out of that.... also going to send it to my brother inlaw that just got a vasectomy.... telling him he could have saved himself money :bravo:

just an FYI on how we run them in the shop... any sativa domonit phenos we put almost right in to bloom once they are well established (week to 2 from rooting)
the sativas still end up being 3- 4 Ft and they ALWAYS stay for Min 12 weeks (they never seem to be ready before)
the indicas we veg for longer and do things like topping and LST the MIN we veg for is 3 weeks (remember these are all clones as soon as they are rooted they get transplanted and put in veg any clones not used are brought to the club for sale to keep our plant count down)
we harvest 50-75 plants every 2 weeks (the sativas get harvested at odd times as they seem to NEVER stick to a schedule but really love the No mercy style of growing)

hope that helps old man!:)
THATS GREAT OMM i got to pass that to some of my buddys... they will get a kick out of that.... also going to send it to my brother inlaw that just got a vasectomy.... telling him he could have saved himself money :bravo:

just an FYI on how we run them in the shop... any sativa domonit phenos we put almost right in to bloom once they are well established (week to 2 from rooting)
the sativas still end up being 3- 4 Ft and they ALWAYS stay for Min 12 weeks (they never seem to be ready before)
the indicas we veg for longer and do things like topping and LST the MIN we veg for is 3 weeks (remember these are all clones as soon as they are rooted they get transplanted and put in veg any clones not used are brought to the club for sale to keep our plant count down)
we harvest 50-75 plants every 2 weeks (the sativas get harvested at odd times as they seem to NEVER stick to a schedule but really love the No mercy style of growing)

hope that helps old man!:)

Of Course that helped my friend......:high-five:
You and OG13 have got me on track now. :)
I personally prefer indica anyway. So there will be a majority of those next.
A few sativa will still will still be in the mix. The old mind of mine gets confused at times. More often than not these days. Jo gets a kick out of it. :popcorn: I guess you could say, my mind is getting Shaggie! :Rasta:

Glad you liked the joke. When I saw it...I just had to post it..:yahoo:
id veg em a ft then since the 2fters are get n to big :bong:

Your reading my mind SS! I sat down to day and really thought things over. The next wave of girls will be done much differently. I also have some lighting problems to solve. This room is wired so crazy, it's causing me lots of trouble. That's something I fight constantly. Thanks! :)
Hi All and evening picture update...well it's my evening. :)

Some random bud shots.





The Sour Cream


Bubblelicious and Wild Thai




The Critical


2 of the Wild Thai



May as well talk about some problems now. :smokin:

I am losing tons of leaves from the bottoms now. There is a good reason. You may not have noticed that you never see the lights and the CFLs on at the same time. My circuit beaker kicks off every time I turn them on together.
I have tried every combination I can think of and it always kicks. I will continue to work on this, believe me.
The other big problem is the girls are just going every where and the lights can't cover them all. I've super cropped and tied them up where I can. I will probably harvest the ones that are ready and then pull the others under the lights and hopefully they will finish.
I bought a big switching device and will install it soon as I figure it out. If it works like it should, both my ballast will be running off 240v and that will free up a 120v plug. Then hopefully I can run both types of lights together.
Obviously the next run, I will have the girls more under control as to size and hopefully use my lights better.
Funny thing is I'm not going crazy...I expected many problems on this first run. It will work out sooner than later. Practice...Practice. :high-five:
they look great omm hope you get those lights work n right i usually veg 3, 4 wks :bong:

Hi social smoker. That's the crazy part! They do look good in spite of all things I have going wrong. :)

Yea buddy...nothing over a foot tall will go in. :high-five:
Great photo update OMM

Wow, I don't know how you manage all those beauties, but they look amazing. Yep, challenges...we all have them, some worse than others, but if I've learned one thing it's that each grow has it's own unique set of them.

Good job on keepin' em green. :cheer:

Hope you get your breaker problem figured out.
Great photo update OMM

Wow, I don't know how you manage all those beauties, but they look amazing. Yep, challenges...we all have them, some worse than others, but if I've learned one thing it's that each grow has it's own unique set of them.

Good job on keepin' em green. :cheer:

Hope you get your breaker problem figured out.

Hi there Young Lady! :)

Yep, each grow has it's problems...that's when we learn. Going in I knew I would have some challenges and here they are by golly. I'm getting around in the tent much better now and feel more comfortable about the whole thing. Truth is I'm having fun. It would be boring not having a grow.....I think your kind of feeling that way too! No matter what we end up having some smoke.
first of all i got to say i like the white coffee cup..... god this is getting weird old man..... i have a blue one.... it was the old mans.....
stop it your creeping me out!
also on the switch... once you get the ballasts off of the 120 you will have an easyer time... they draw more on it as you know... good luck is all i can say... it can take time so situate sometimes lol

also you might pull some of those leaves of the sativas as they produce alot more than they need, it will put that energy to the nugs and it will save you time in the long run trimming..... i always really work my sativas..... might do it to the thai... it seems thick. it will help to get the penetration hopefully....

looks good old man.:)
first of all i got to say i like the white coffee cup..... god this is getting weird old man..... i have a blue one.... it was the old mans.....
stop it your creeping me out!
also on the switch... once you get the ballasts off of the 120 you will have an easyer time... they draw more on it as you know... good luck is all i can say... it can take time so situate sometimes lol

also you might pull some of those leaves of the sativas as they produce alot more than they need, it will put that energy to the nugs and it will save you time in the long run trimming..... i always really work my sativas..... might do it to the thai... it seems thick. it will help to get the penetration hopefully....

looks good old man.:)

Hi Shaggie. :)

I've had that cup for years. I need one like that..hard to turn over. Maybe old men think alike after a certain age. :high-five:

My thinking exactly on the 120v. Getting busy on the instructions for the switch, if it works like it should, it will solve a big problem. I take sativa leaves off daily, bastards keeps growing more.:)
Thanks Buddy.:high-five:
Beautiful ladies you have OMM hope mine start lookin a little better im dropping yellow leaves and still a got a good 4 weeks till bloom i think its a nitrogen problem. Them wild thai look outrages Hope all is well with you and yours
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