OldMedMan Goes Indoors Part 2

I forget what i ate the night before, really bad with remembering to do anything if i didn't have post its and my trusty note book id be lost...

How about raising your grow room so there is no bending down hey you could even just sit there and tend to your garden, i do not like working off the floor and everything is at least a foot off the ground makes life so much easier!


:amen: GodSpeed! :Namaste: I have Post Its everywhere and many bookmarks so I can find things. I have been known to sit on the floor in the tent working. Getting up is the job.:cheesygrinsmiley: Hmmmm raising the floor sounds good.

And here I thought you were a youngster. :high-five:
Hey Pop's. You know me I'm 'OLD' also. Raised beds rock. Bending over is for the youngsters. As long as height isn't a issue. Or you just have to keep your plants smaller. Or Super Crop. I invison in my head my grow room with 3 4X8 tables. The tables need to be about a foot or so tall. That way you cut back on the bending. And the run off if catchable from the drain holes. That wood make it a snap to flush plants. Miss J says hey. Keep em Green
147 pages holy moley! what a journal! its been a journey!! i could not work off the floor to save my life! with as bad as my back and knees are i have to put a pillow down on the floor to kneel and getting up makes me winded, and have to sit to regain my composure, i make the kid do it whenever possible!:thumb: makes me feel so much older than i am, most men twice my age are more spry than I:peace:

I've got 111 pages. . . . how the hell does everyone have a different count than me?
Hey Pop's. You know me I'm 'OLD' also. Raised beds rock. Bending over is for the youngsters. As long as height isn't a issue. Or you just have to keep your plants smaller. Or Super Crop. I invison in my head my grow room with 3 4X8 tables. The tables need to be about a foot or so tall. That way you cut back on the bending. And the run off if catchable from the drain holes. That wood make it a snap to flush plants. Miss J says hey. Keep em Green

Hey Sprout! Man. I'm thinking about it! Wouldn't be too hard to do either. Our junk store here has Japanese tea tables every once in a while. They are low to the floor and would be just perfect. I better go check em out.

Hey back Miss J! :Namaste:
The end of pictures........

Here's the Mekong High........she had a bit more weight than expected.



Wet weight 53 Grams.

Back in a couple of days with the dry weight and a wrap up.

Thank Goodness this one is over! :bravo:
147 pages holy moley! what a journal! its been a journey!! i could not work off the floor to save my life! with as bad as my back and knees are i have to put a pillow down on the floor to kneel and getting up makes me winded, and have to sit to regain my composure, i make the kid do it whenever possible!:thumb: makes me feel so much older than i am, most men twice my age are more spry than I:peace:

Too bad BID Sounds just like me. Getting up is an effort...short winded too. Poor us!:smokin:
Hey OMM, that SAGE is from seed! ;) She took about as long as a cutting for me though! Forever... Then she visited you and started putting out! Shes lucky I don't kick her over when I visit.

Just kidding! its prior makeshift pot was pretty atrocious

Edit! Sage was fim'd... Sorry, thought i had mentioned it.. Yikes!
Hey OMM, that SAGE is from seed! ;) She took about as long as a cutting for me though! Forever... Then she visited you and started putting out! Shes lucky I don't kick her over when I visit.

Just kidding! its prior makeshift pot was pretty atrocious

Here! Here! My Friend.....she may hear you! :love:
A seed huh? 50/50 odds on female. I'm starting to hope she is a fem. The more I read about her the more I like her. Strange she started with 2 stems. 2 colas would be fine with me. Narrowed down my choices for the SOG. Can't wait to try that! :surf:

Note! Ok! that makes sense to me now. FIMed.
Hey OMM, remember Sqwheels recent cuttings? Just cut a branch, stick it in a glass of water, and stick it under 12/12 to determine sex, don't worry about roots. Cloning is SO easy, this is a weed that wants to grow.

Great finish...can't believe you said you were glad it's over. I'm always depressed a little when I harvest...no more babies to care for...that's why I've gone to the mom's, always something to care for now. I don't understand why you don't clone. it's not hard. I'm right there with you on the post it notes and being forgetful but all I use is a calendar to keep track of whats what. I have calendars I printed from WP, one for each plant. But I have a limited amount of seeds and don't want to use up what I have too soon. You obviously don't have that worry. :) Can't wait for the new grow to start. and the stories!!

Hi to Jo


Great finish...can't believe you said you were glad it's over. I'm always depressed a little when I harvest...no more babies to care for...that's why I've gone to the mom's, always something to care for now. I don't understand why you don't clone. it's not hard. I'm right there with you on the post it notes and being forgetful but all I use is a calendar to keep track of whats what. I have calendars I printed from WP, one for each plant. But I have a limited amount of seeds and don't want to use up what I have too soon. You obviously don't have that worry. :) Can't wait for the new grow to start. and the stories!!

Hi to Jo


Hi Sqwheels. I felt the journal was just fine....BUT......production wise it was a flop. Doomed from the start.....will wrap it up in few days. I can't seem to think of it in any other way. All this time and effort for maybe 2 oz, just plain sucks.
You know me.....I'm still positive about things over all....this was just a bump in the road. I'm looking foreword to telling more stories too......I think they will be enjoyable. Maybe I'll get 3 oz from the next grow!:circle-of-love::morenutes::circle-of-love:
And Sqwheels....... :high-five:

Cloning......I just look at it as something that is good...very good....but, I just don't feel like it right now. I have a hard time keeping up with Jo.....we go all sorts of places now.......boy does that take time.........not that I'm complaining.....believe me.:high-five: She's great. I'm the one that's the tag along now! :surf: I'll tell her Hi for you! ;)

Sounds like she's keeping you on your toes...good, so happy to hear it.

Hahaha...maybe 3 oz next time...you're too funny. Ya, this grow had all kinds of problems from the start...but you'll bust that matterhorn yet, I have no doubt.

cloning...whatever works for you. Like I said earlier, you don't have to worry about using up all the seeds you have...sounds like you have plenty.


Sounds like she's keeping you on your toes...good, so happy to hear it.

Hahaha...maybe 3 oz next time...you're too funny. Ya, this grow had all kinds of problems from the start...but you'll bust that matterhorn yet, I have no doubt.

cloning...whatever works for you. Like I said earlier, you don't have to worry about using up all the seeds you have...sounds like you have plenty.


Hi sqwheels. You got that right, just got back from more shopping! Also while we were at the Marine Base, we went over to the runway and watched the big ones take off.

She's got a new T-Shirt that reads "I'm Not Short - I'm Fun Size" :circle-of-love:
A Wrap Up of the Grow that Didn’t!

Where do I start?

The first thing that wasn’t a good idea was to have an Outdoor and an Indoor grow.
I took a gamble that I wouldn’t be ripper off again. I was. With out thinking to much about it, moved all the plants indoors. I did not repot the girls into smaller pots. Big mistake there. It crowed my tent and one pot had bugs in it. Which only affected one pot, lucky with that.

Having an incredible power bill the previous grow, I decided to go with no AC. Since the tent was so crowed, I really could not do any work inside. I wanted to hook up two more intake fans, but couldn’t. So the tent was quite warm inside.

At Christmas time I changed my anti depression meds. Another bad decision. It freaked me out pretty badly. I didn’t know if I was coming or going. I was late on turning my lights on and off. It’s a wonder that I didn’t have any hermies.

The girls actually grew quite tall and they looked good.. It was very deceiving to look at.
In my brilliance I added two more girls. At that time things were looking pretty good to the eye. Underneath they were going no where. The roots in the large pots were not growing. Another thing is my lights were not close enough.

Obviously they all went past their due dates. I let them go until I saw a bit of amber, then
cut them down. None of them had any weight.

Here is what I got:

Emerald Jack wet = 99g Dry = 16g
Moby Dick wet = 82g Dry = 19g
Grapefruit Krush wet = 92g Dry = 19g
Chocolope wet = 39g Dry = 7g
Anesthesia wet = 32g Dry = 7g
Matanuska Tundra wet = 28g Dry = 6g
Mekong High wet = 53g Dry = 16g

A total of 90g or 3 oz. …A real surprise.

Here is the big surprise …….every plant was great smoke!

I don’t have many taste buds left so I can’t tell you how they taste.
My Friend THsea has company this week, so I didn’t bother him for a taste test.

What I can do is give my impression strength wise.

Emerald Jack = 8
Moby Dick = 7.5
Grapefruit Krush = 9.5
Chocolope = 8.5
Anesthesia = 9
Matanuska Tundra = 9.5
Mekong High = 8

So I ended up with 3 oz of good smoke. More than I thought and good stuff too.
It wasn’t a total loss and with luck it should it last me until next harvest.

What could have I done better.
Repotted to smaller pots
Kept the lights lower.
Paid more attention to the girls, even though they looked good.
More and better cool air.

I have already corrected many of the things that went wrong and
I will be watching the girls much more closely this next grow.
All changes will be made before next grow.

The next grow will start about in about month or less.

I am glad this one is over…believe me. Live and learn and do better next time!
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