OldMedMan Goes Indoors Part 2

Hey OMM congrats on your tenacity (meds, rippers, daily ups and downs). Through it all you continued your journal, and more importantly, your interaction with all the other great people in that journal. I realize your grow wasn't what you wanted/expected, but you did learn a bunch and so did everyone else. Now it's time (and cathartic) to wipe the slate clean and start another. We will all be in your corner rooting you on.:cheer:
Congratulations OMM on your harvest and journal, its been a great journey and iv loved your story, the girls looked great i would never of though there roots were not growing, not all bad 3 ounce of primo selection!

Good luck on your next grow ill be sitting in!

:goodjob: :love::peace:
Hey OMM congrats on your tenacity (meds, rippers, daily ups and downs). Through it all you continued your journal, and more importantly, your interaction with all the other great people in that journal. I realize your grow wasn't what you wanted/expected, but you did learn a bunch and so did everyone else. Now it's time (and cathartic) to wipe the slate clean and start another. We will all be in your corner rooting you on.:cheer:

Hi OG13! Buddy, you are a true friend. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. I loved my journal and all who visited. People make Journals good and I have the best visitors on 420. Learn, oh my, yes, I did. :Namaste: Yep! A clean slate for the next one and I am ready to go again. :thumb:
Hey, I do a great 'Mickey' impression (the coach from Rocky), I can yell words of encouragement at you from outside the ropes!

Great! Yell those words of encouragement. Putting on my gloves now.
Thanks my Friend. :cheer:
Congratulations OMM on your harvest and journal, its been a great journey and iv loved your story, the girls looked great i would never of though there roots were not growing, not all bad 3 ounce of primo selection!

Good luck on your next grow ill be sitting in!

:goodjob: :love::peace:

Thanks GodSpeed! :thumb:
The next one will have more stories for sure and some good growing too. I feel a weight off my shoulders now that it's over. Those girls fooled me big time.

You are right 3 oz of really good smoke aint to shabby. :thanks:
Yeah I know...... havn't smoked in several weeks scrapped up a bowl boy did it tasted good ... Nice buzz also

Jon, glad you found something! I bet it was good after an absence. :thumb:

Ok, it's over. Not much, but Good smoke, great! Like OG said -- clean slate and start over.

You've been mighty quiet on the "new" journal name, and only a few teases of what's really in there...I can't wait :)


You gave it a good go after them bastards ripped you off...now it's a whole new ballgame!

3z's of the finest herbs (on the block) that money can't buy. Many good things came out of this grow.

Your blessed with good company over there :circle-of-love:

Is your son moving to the island soon?
Hey there OMM! Sorry I have missed the journal, but I have read THE WHOLE THING! Wow what a journey as usual! :goodjob: I sure love and admire your spirit!
I can't wait for the new one.

I will be starting a new journal next week. I have made a few changes to my grow and hope to see you around from time to time.

:peace: and good LUCK!
Another first class journal OMM!

You've been pretty hard on yourself, but look at the challenges you've had to deal with. Dunno if many people would have done better given the circumstances. And it sounds like you have some pretty damned good herb to boot. Can't wait to see what you have next my friend! :)

You gave it a good go after them bastards ripped you off...now it's a whole new ballgame!

3z's of the finest herbs (on the block) that money can't buy. Many good things came out of this grow.

Your blessed with good company over there :circle-of-love:

Is your son moving to the island soon?

Hey Thanks Nephew! :thumb:

Yep! Clean Start for the next one. Trying my best not to grow too many this time! I seem to want to grow em all every time. It seems this one will be a bit crowed, but not my usual. Bud, your right...great smoke from these....should hold me for a while.

Amen, great company to help me! THsea and I got quite a bit done yesterday,
He's the man.

Cali won't let him leave yet, but soon........that's going to be fun when he get here. :circle-of-love:
Hey there OMM! Sorry I have missed the journal, but I have read THE WHOLE THING! Wow what a journey as usual! :goodjob: I sure love and admire your spirit!
I can't wait for the new one.

I will be starting a new journal next week. I have made a few changes to my grow and hope to see you around from time to time.

:peace: and good LUCK!

There you are MSquared!:thumb:

Been wondering were you got off to. Glad your back! I'll be looking for your new journal.
Believe it or not, I went back and read it too. That took you some time. Thanks!
Again an other "Thanks" about my spirit. I can't seem to get by without it. :thanks:
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