OldMedMan Goes Indoors Part 2

Funny you would say that Steve. I have a Frisian sprout going now for the next grow. Great minds think alike. :high-five:

Bet you were feeling no pain after the Hurricane...they last a long time sometimes. :surf:

Mine is doing really well too....
sproutin' right along
everyone doin' the Dew
Mine is doing really well too....
sproutin' right along
everyone doin' the Dew

Hi Chopper! Yeah man, a very good strain. When mine dried it was really hairy.
Wild Thai was too. Both are fine smoke.
Sure been thinking about your LEDs. I need to strike it rich. :allgood:
Hi Chopper! Yeah man, a very good strain. When mine dried it was really hairy.
Wild Thai was too. Both are fine smoke.
Sure been thinking about your LEDs. I need to strike it rich. :allgood:

I am vegging under them this time....just flipped the second switch yesterday. They suggest the lower power for a week on sprouts....they got fed too:morenutes::morenutes::morenutes:
The leaves all turn up on the edges, like under the sun....so it must be good. There's this otherworldly magenta glow emanating from that paint closet :) :)
I have them kicking at night when everything is closed up.
I just put the CFLs away Sunday.....I don't think I'll be needing them.
Yup.....every bit as advertised.......90 day what-ever-reason guarantee.....3 yr warranty on defects...parts and labor. All you could ask for, I figure.
And such an awesome color
12/12 from the git...by the by
Love ya daddy
Did you have the green-eye tint for the first few times you used them? It took my eyes a while to adjust to them.

HAHAHAHAHA...yeah. The entire world is green tinged for a few minutes when you leave the room. I'm sticking 100% UV sunglasses by the door....that cannot be good for the peepers......I leave the room feeling like my eyeballs just ran a 10K.....and I'm a surfer!
I am vegging under them this time....just flipped the second switch yesterday. They suggest the lower power for a week on sprouts....they got fed too:morenutes::morenutes::morenutes:
The leaves all turn up on the edges, like under the sun....so it must be good. There's this otherworldly magenta glow emanating from that paint closet :) :)
I have them kicking at night when everything is closed up.
I just put the CFLs away Sunday.....I don't think I'll be needing them.
Yup.....every bit as advertised.......90 day what-ever-reason guarantee.....3 yr warranty on defects...parts and labor. All you could ask for, I figure.
And such an awesome color
12/12 from the git...by the by
Love ya daddy

Hey Chopper. The more I hear of those lights the more I want one. Love that it has a low power switch. It's silly, but I'm with you on the color they produce. THsea has my old 90w UFO right now and it too is beautiful. Your putting your CFLs away.....I'm bring mine out...veg time for some indica s.
Cool on the 12/12 from the get go. Love you too youngster .:bravo:
Hey OMM! Hope you and Jo are having a good valentines! :)

Hi Buddy!:thumb:
I hope you sent the girl's Valentines gifts on time.....if they are late she will skin you. :thedoubletake:

I took Jo to Waikiki today for baby back ribs.....she's asleep already and happy.
We don't get to that side of the island much as you know. Can't remember last time we were there. Did a drive around to see all the changes. Went by the Zoo and the Aquarium. We didn't stop...to much walking for us. On the way back I took a drive up the back way. It's a 4 mile drive that the trees have grown a canopy over the road. It was beautiful. Water falls and a stream by the road all the way. Plants that I once grew as house plants on the mainland, have leaves as big as I am. I love Hawaii! Of course it's all old hat to you since you were born here.
I realized that I've had my car for 4 years now and it only has 14,000 miles on it. We are so lucky to live here! :bravo:
Hey OMM tell your ladies Happy V-day:Namaste:

Thanks kola bear. I will tell them for you. I have few secret girls vegging for next grow. Tell yours for me too! :circle-of-love:
Happy Valentines day to OMM, Jo, and the gals ya got growing!! :)


Hey Mr xlr8......I will do just that......if you have any going.....same to them.

My adopted Dad, was born on this day in 1893. If you can believe that. :peace:
Mine are like about 4 inches tall now and look like their stems are strong to support them now, i am planning on putting them in 1 gal pots now today and flipping switch to 12/12 so i can start and finish this grow by april before the summer heat then dismantle grow room until a next time. Might have to dismantle temp faster since easter will be at our house and that room is the toilet people will be using outdoors.:Namaste:
Mine are like about 4 inches tall now and look like their stems are strong to support them now, i am planning on putting them in 1 gal pots now today and flipping switch to 12/12 so i can start and finish this grow by april before the summer heat then dismantle grow room until a next time. Might have to dismantle temp faster since easter will be at our house and that room is the toilet people will be using outdoors.:Namaste:

Sounds like a good plan, kola bear. Easter at your place sounds good. I miss having kids around. All my eggs looked psychedelic. :love:
Sounds like a good plan, kola bear. Easter at your place sounds good. I miss having kids around. All my eggs looked psychedelic. :love:

"tie-dyed" my aunt Marge's Toy poodle, Pepe, once for Easter....
It was NOT appreciated
Just dropping in to say hello my friend!! Hello my friend!! LOL
Hey I got a call from us-postal-inspector-law-enforcement and am a bit concerned. If some jerk sent something illicit how do I handle this? Any thoughts brother would be appreciatted. :adore:
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