OldMedMan Goes Indoors Part 2


Don't know anything about the snow storm stuff, but I think there were gnats in my perm/verm mix...not bad, but I can't figure they came from anywhere else.

And the prices of additives...OMG, I was at the hydro store the other day and saw something by AN-bud buddy or bud booster or something like that, $23/qt for this stuff. :whoa: I looked at the ingredient list, 0.5% Magnesium. The guy at the store tried to tell me "Oh it's good stuff" and explained how they use the sugar cane to process, or something like that... Sugar Cane = Black Strap Molasses, $8/qt. You only need 1T/gal of molasses + 1t/gal of Epsom, and you basically get the same stuff.

I would not have known any of this without yall

Thanks 420 for being the best community ... EVER! :circle-of-love:
Blackstrap is for Horses....go to your local Feed store. $8 will get ya a gallon

Don't know anything about the snow storm stuff, but I think there were gnats in my perm/verm mix...not bad, but I can't figure they came from anywhere else.

And the prices of additives...OMG, I was at the hydro store the other day and saw something by AN-bud buddy or bud booster or something like that, $23/qt for this stuff. :whoa: I looked at the ingredient list, 0.5% Magnesium. The guy at the store tried to tell me "Oh it's good stuff" and explained how they use the sugar cane to process, or something like that... Sugar Cane = Black Strap Molasses, $8/qt. You only need 1T/gal of molasses + 1t/gal of Epsom, and you basically get the same stuff.

I would not have known any of this without yall

Thanks 420 for being the best community ... EVER! :circle-of-love:

Hi sqwheel. :high-five:
He wants to sell his stock. I love it that you knew better. By the way when you ask a question, it helps us by refreshing our memories and everyone else that is following along. There are whole bunch of watchers, not posters, and some will join just because of what you've asked. :morenutes:
Like I said before..your a full blown grower now! :high-five:
Your a big part of our 420 family now. :Namaste:

See Chopper's post below about molasses .:love:
Funny you mention that...I have never had that issue with my SSU, but, out of all the nutes/supplements I have, it's the ONLY one that I store in the refigerator.

I do this because the bottle warns that to prevent "undesirable growth" you need to replace the cap after every use and store in a cool location.

It never gets that cool where I am, so I just chose to store it in the fridge. But, a pre-mixed quart of SSU foliar spray will last me a few weeks stored out of the fridge with no problems.

Hi Mr. Krip ! :thumb:

I keep it in a cool place and always wash everything after each use. Guess your right should put it in the refrigerator. :bravo:
Hi Mr. Krip ! :thumb:

I keep it in a cool place and always wash everything after each use. Guess your right should put it in the refrigerator. :bravo:

I don't know...I'd still call them. It doesn't say to "Refridgerate after opening" or anything, it just says to store in a cool place.

It's just that where I live, the refridgerator is about the only "cool" place around! :cool:
I don't know...I'd still call them. It doesn't say to "Refridgerate after opening" or anything, it just says to store in a cool place.

It's just that where I live, the refridgerator is about the only "cool" place around! :cool:

Hi Mr. Krip. I agree, still going to call them. Thanks!:Namaste:
Was a Historic day around here today. The temperature did fall about 6 degrees and for the first time since I've had the tent, it was closed all day and night and the temperature was at most 82 degrees in the tent. This is very encouraging for my next grow. Hope this continues! :cheer:
Checkin in my friend, hope all is well with you and Ms. Jo!! Still in my prayers and thoughts. Man I wish I could afford to grab my wife and show her the islands one day!!

Peace and God bless,
Checkin in my friend, hope all is well with you and Ms. Jo!! Still in my prayers and thoughts. Man I wish I could afford to grab my wife and show her the islands one day!!

Peace and God bless,

Hey! GT ! :cheer:

Mrs Jo is without pain Buddy and things have changed. You would not be believe how sweet she can be. She's like she was when I met her.:love: Better!

Man, I wish you could too. We would go on a great scenic toke tour. I know the best spots. :surf:

Wow 6 degrees :clap: This winter has been exceptionally mild for MI and I'm loving it, but it's still only in the 40's here...cold, in my opinion. It's great that you could close the tent tho and keep temps under control, but what are you gonna look at now? :)

What should I have reminded our readers of? I'm missing something...sorry. My last post was just observation...no ??'s

@ Chopper

Thanks Chopper, ya know I knew that molasses was for horses, as a young girl I had a friend with horses...just had forgotten...what a great idea :idea: So...does molasses spoil? What's it's shelf life? A gallon would last a very long time with the size of my grows


Wow 6 degrees :clap: This winter has been exceptionally mild for MI and I'm loving it, but it's still only in the 40's here...cold, in my opinion. It's great that you could close the tent tho and keep temps under control, but what are you gonna look at now? :)

What should I have reminded our readers of? I'm missing something...sorry. My last post was just observation...no ??'s

@ Chopper

Thanks Chopper, ya know I knew that molasses was for horses, as a young girl I had a friend with horses...just had forgotten...what a great idea :idea: So...does molasses spoil? What's it's shelf life? A gallon would last a very long time with the size of my grows


Hi Sqwheels. :Namaste:

40 Degrees would be a nightmare for us! It dropped down in the mid seventies and we had to put sweaters on. And shoes! We've been here too long. :slide: Don't worry......I'll be looking at my girls! :circle-of-love:

I was speaking figuratively "when you ask a question everyone learns". Like the discussions we get into in anyone's journal, we all learn.

I think molasses lasts a long time if it's closed well. Years? :high-five:

How much does your wife charge you to grab her?

I grab my wife and show her a good time for free...lol j/k babe.

You have it wrong, I'm happy to say Nephew. :high-five:

She's the one grabbing me !!!! Loving it!:love::love::love::love:
Mine is all grabby too since the baby has been born....she gettin too frisky, gotta be careful or we may end up with another Turkey baby...

Watch out GT! :Namaste:
It's hard to resist tho. :circle-of-love:

How do I say this? Jo got part of me to move a bit and I thought it was gone for good. :bravo::high-five::thumb:

To be continued.......

Aaaaand...Caught up....


I'll never take a month and a half off from OMM's journal again!!

OMM, I'm SO glad to read some of the things I've read today, about your optimism for the upcoming grow, and moreover, your latest adventures with your Jo:high-five:
I'm just happy for you my friend, and happy to hear that Jo is pain free!!
Such awesome news!!
A pain free Jo has to mean a more relaxed OMM too!
Watching and waiting for the next adventure...Matterhorn V2.0:thumb:
I think molasses lasts a long time if it's closed well. Years? :high-five:

About 3 years, then it starts to get gummy, and you might not be able to open the bottle. LOL, but the molasses inside will still be good! I used 5 y.o. molasses for some cookies (munchie night) and they were pretty good- even AFTER the meds wore off!

Aaaaand...Caught up....


I'll never take a month and a half off from OMM's journal again!!

OMM, I'm SO glad to read some of the things I've read today, about your optimism for the upcoming grow, and moreover, your latest adventures with your Jo:high-five:
I'm just happy for you my friend, and happy to hear that Jo is pain free!!
Such awesome news!!
A pain free Jo has to mean a more relaxed OMM too!
Watching and waiting for the next adventure...Matterhorn V2.0:thumb:

Hi Quix :thanks:

I hear you Brother...this has been a long one.......and a little bit more to go.
I want this one over and to forget it. Not really, it's still been a trip. When you start one who knows where it will take you. Been educational if nothing else......and fun to tell the truth. When it turns out like this all you can do learn from it and go on. :high-five:

Yep! Really looking foreword to this next one. The logistics alone will keep me busy.
My Jo and I are like frisky kids again. It's like life starting all over again. Her sense of humor is an eye opener after all these years. She is a different person. I have a best friend again.:love:

Matterhorn V2.0 is coming soon to a journal near you. I'll put you by the vape, like you did for me! :thanks:
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