Looks like your arrows are snipping the bud sights off in the picture.
My thinking is those
stems will grow into branches
With bud sites well past the third week of flower.
Not what I want ! The goal is a limited number of full cola's, no side branches and minimum trim time.
The question is when to stop snipping to achieve this ? I figure up to another week, at least on the Maui Wowie.
Not sure how much this snipping will effect yield and I do not care, I'm sure I will have enough
To keep it simple I count "flower" from when I flip to 12/12.
But you could say that at day 14 of 12/12 I'm in pre-flower, the first sign of pistils...
I know you aren't but just for those fallowing along at home. Removing horizontal growth pushes vertical growth.
Ah, mixed opinions there. Pruning can also Slow the growth...
Maui Wowie does seem to be in a league of her own, my other three girls are growing more "normally"
But growth per day of 2" - 3" is not unusual for SIP's
Or perhaps she is just a big Girl, it wouldn't be the first plant I've grown that I had to supercrop at five feet
How much head room do you still have to work with?
Eight foot ceiling so I have more room than with my old HID bulb and hood....
The plan for now is to supercrop at 6 feet if necessary
It's just going to be a pain to keep raising the other girls but there is no lack of cat litter boxes
Definitely open to other opinions on this.....
Usually training is aimed towards maximizing yields, this is more about the final plant shape.