Old Strains - New LED Light!

Day 29

All of the girls have now been topped, the Train Wreck (back middle) will take a few more days before I can start training her !

For the numbers guys, this site rates my DLI score at 100% :yahoo:

Nudged the power knob up to the 60% setting, 405/450 par, 27000/30000 lux, VPI is 1.4

Judging by color, growth, feeding and leaf stance this is as much as I am willing to push them, for now ;)

Day 29 The Girls 15 Oct.jpg

Day 30

All good :yummy:

Everyone seems to be loving life although the coco girls are a little behind ?

But in the Hawaiian Snow's defence she is five days younger and it is early days yet !

I should say I do not plan (right now) to use Ph down or Cal/Mag on the coco girls, if they can't handle my KISS method, so be it 😵

Columbian Gold

Day 30 CG 16 Oct.jpg

Acapulco Gold

Day 30 AG 16 Oct.jpg

Maui Wowie, I would love to see what this girl can do unrestrained. Check out her stem and branches ;)

Her lowest/largest fan leaves have been removed !

Day 30 MW 16 Oct.jpg

The Girls

Day 30 The Girls 16 Oct.jpg

They are looking fantastic!!! How are you loving that light?
Couldn't be Happier :yummy:

I just did a test to check if I had the right/good/max par values.

No pictures but one of my coco girls was extreme praying !

She is sitting on two plant elevators and then a saucer with another elevator.

I removed one elevator (3") and about three hours later she is back to what I like to call the new normal :love:

Two others have a few slightly canoeing leaves but nothing to be concerned about !

Cheers, eh ?
Sounds like you know what to do and I appreciate your sharing
Thanks @KeithLemon !

Sharing and supporting each other is what this Community is all about ;)

There are so many ways to get to a successful harvest and if we share what works for us we All benefit !
I am going to be new to growing indoors.
I think you will enjoy growing indoors !

Much more control over your environment. The "sun" is out all day, every day, for as long as you want :yahoo:

And it "rains" when you want it to, he, he...

For the most part bugs, etc. are much less of an issue if you don't bring them in yourself o_O

What's your plan ?

Medium, containers, nutrients, space, lights, fans, etc. ? 😆

Day 31

Coco/fabric girls are taking a 1/2 gallon every two days.

Still need to rig up something to drain the run off but for now I'm hoping that will help a little getting the rh up !

Likely just drill a hole in the saucer and install a hose to drain to another container...

SIP's are using roughly 1/3, topped up to there every day.

Sneaking up on The Very vigorous Stage :yahoo:

Car hooks are being adjusted once a day, for now...

Day 31 The Girls 17 Oct.jpg

Yo Chuck!!! Looking good. Because you're a Chucky I'm obligated to play this for you. I NEVER fail to crack up laughing at this!!! Happy Saturday buddy. I hope you get a laugh out of it too!! 😎✌️🎧

Day 35

My coco/fabric bags grow using Only my well water and Mega Crop one part is coming to an end ;)

I've learned what I wanted to, ie., Cal/Mag and ph down Would be beneficial but $

The NYC Diesel is just now exhibiting purple veins on her leaves !

It's a small sample but they are growing slower than the SIP's with ProMix HP..

KISS doesn't see any reason to leave my old faithful ProMix HP, Mega Crop one part, Period :yahoo:

I've offered the two girls to a friend, if he does not accept they will be chopped 😵

This then brings me to the legal grow limit of four Flowering plants, can't remember how many in various stages of growth are allowed ? Hasn't mattered to me, he, he...

The Girls all tucked in...

Day 35 The Girls 21 Oct.jpg

Acapulco Gold missed her hair cut by one too many pulls on the bong :bongrip:

Day 35 AG 21 Oct.jpg

can't remember how many in various stages of growth are allowed ?
As far as I remember none of the provinces have limits of different stages of growth, it's just a hard limit of 4 plants, except for med growers.
That really hasn't stopped people from growing 5 or 6, and I don't know anyone who's gotten in trouble over having one or two extra.
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