Old G's New Auto Grow

:rofl::rofl: oopsies girls are getting so big G!!!
Big is what your plants are, I’d be thrilled with buds half that size. Mine are tiny compared to yours
Day 40
Plants look good, ones late to the party, one has small buds. But 2 are growing beautifully, 30days to harvest, I think I’m looking at at least 80,


I’m at 40 today I’m hoping in 40 more days I can harvest. It says 70-75 I’ve read a lot of guys going to 90. Just wishful thinking , something very special about smoking your own
Day 41 things are getting crowded in the grow and the plant that just started flowering is in stretch , I’m almost outta room. Do I let it grow into the lite, do I snap the cola sideways, suggestions people



You can twist and snap the branches...it will also increase resin production by doing so
Thank you Krissi, I’m gonna have too, it just started to stretch and it’s huge, the leaves are anyway, the pistils are green on all the flowers, gonna strange. I don’t remember if I germinated another strain. Lol I’ll find out
Day 43, tied my plant down , bending it didn’t work for me and snapping it this late would do more harm than good. Buds are starting to grow bigger, things are good


Do I snap inwards or outwards, the 3 others stopped growing 3inches before the lite, you can see the plant in the back that I gotta snap it

I'm trying to find you this link @copperrein gave me when I first came on here, she showed me how to do the bend and snap using her own girl but I need to look back a long time...I'm going to find it so at least you can use it next time...the you tube video I thought would at the very least be somewhat helpful
I'm trying to find you this link @copperrein gave me when I first came on here, she showed me how to do the bend and snap using her own girl but I need to look back a long time...I'm going to find it so at least you can use it next time...the you tube video I thought would at the very least be somewhat helpful
Awesome thank you
Day 44, buds are getting frosty and the buds are getting purple leaves about to sprout. Feel like a little kid at Christmas lol


Looks perfect.
Nice work my friend. :thumb:

Stay safe
Looks perfect.
Nice work my friend. :thumb:

Stay safe
I’m loving this, I’m running outta room width wise, I’m only planting 3 next grow, their growing into one another. It’s fine though, they really do look great, thanx Bill much appreciated
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