Old G's New Auto Grow

I’m loving this, I’m running outta room width wise, I’m only planting 3 next grow, their growing into one another. It’s fine though, they really do look great, thanx Bill much appreciated
Welcome to the jungle. :laugh: :rofl: :laugh: :rofl:

Stay safe
My first and only grow I kinda winged it, I found the seed put it in a solo cup, it sprouted, surprise ,I didn’t have a clue, I bought a lite that I think was 8watts. The plant actually thrived , I bought another 8 watt from Walmart, lol, I started reading and realized the soil I dug up from my outside garden wasn’t adequate, so I used the miracle gro for the outside garden, kept reading, saw that miracle gro was the worst soil so I got FF Ocean floor. It’s a miracle I got any yield at all, I battled spider mites that I have no doubt I brought in my room from outside, the entire grow, it actually got tiring to the point I was gonna torch my plant , just to hear the little nasty buggers pop and crackle. I had different colored lites hitting opposite sides of the cola , guess what the resin were at different stages of ripening , it was the biggest continuous cluster fuck you could imagine. But not giving up , yes I was determined to see it thru, I was actually sad when I chopped her down, but the pot was probably the best pot I’ve ever smoked.
This gro I actually was prepared for, I’ve got the important things pretty much down, I think watching these gro is as much fun as smoking it. I invested in a lite, proper nutrients, went with the FF Frog this time , it works. I’m on a 19/5 schedule and my lite has a remote so I don’t have to worry about turning them on and off.
The plants are doing awesome, I have so much to still learn, I actually just did LST on my late bloomer before she grew into the lite. I guess you have to really be into this to be successful, this is a godsend to me , I went to therapy for 6 years , I don’t anymore and I’ve found this to be extremely therapeutic, and trust me I need therapy, lol



Day 45, sorry for the babbling posts, alittle stoned last nite. Plants are definitely getting crowded, but I’m getting nice colors on the buds.I’ve got orange hairs coming out too. Some pics of the girls




Coming along nicely Oldie - good work
Looks like a sativa dominant strain so might take a while to finish
This gets me excited, different colored buds

Woohoo :woohoo:
Hopefully your buds turn purple also.
Keep up the good work. :thumb:

Stay safe
Did she stay purple, I have another plant throwing purple also. I’m hoping the buds are purple, it’s only on the cola all the other flowers are white, which as long as the weeds good I really don’t care
Yes, the pistils stayed pink until they turned orange, and a bunch of the top leaves turned purple. A lot of the calyxes were purple tipped too, but it was only a trace.
She was an outdoor plant though. Getting into October it was getting pretty cool at night.
Yes, the pistils stayed pink until they turned orange, and a bunch of the top leaves turned purple. A lot of the calyxes were purple tipped too, but it was only a trace.
She was an outdoor plant though. Getting into October it was getting pretty cool at night.
I’m sure , growing is a lot of fun
Day 46, fed and watered, getting yellow leaves on the bottom guess we’re in full flower mode now.Plants look great to me.The plant I tied down all the flowers are even with the cola, it’s kinda obvious how much more of a yield you get by LST, I’ve seen the little plastic elbows you can buy, I wonder if any of u guys have done that. Happy Thursday people

That pic sucked

Good morning my friend.
Second pic is beautiful.
Those elbows are quite popular and work well.

Stay safe
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