Old G's New Auto Grow

Looking good, glad that everything is working out. Cool photos how did you take them? Before I got the digital microscope I was taking photos dual handed with a magnifying glass lol
I have an iPhone 12, I take the pic up close then enlarge it on the phone and screenshot it. I know it’s really cool. I caught a lot of things on the white widow I grew that I didn’t see with the naked eye.I found several webs from spider mites that I never would’ve seen. I take pics ,enlarge them and inspect the plants. I don’t think there’s a worse feeling than finding spider mites on your plants. Not fun seeing your ladies sick.
I have an iPhone 12, I take the pic up close then enlarge it on the phone and screenshot it. I know it’s really cool. I caught a lot of things on the white widow I grew that I didn’t see with the naked eye.I found several webs from spider mites that I never would’ve seen. I take pics ,enlarge them and inspect the plants. I don’t think there’s a worse feeling than finding spider mites on your plants. Not fun seeing your ladies sick.
My first attempt at the beginning of the year was ended by spider mites and fungus gnats :/ but when we had it I was looking all over the internet and almost bought praying mantis to guard the plant....but it died before I could pull the trigger on bringing giant bugs into my house on purpose lol but yea old g your plants are looking great.
Day 34 I fed and watered yesterday with bloom mix. I believe I had a cal mag def going on . My plants were hungry they look much better today. Lots of flowers, their still stretching, keeps up I’m gonna improvise with the lite.34 days goes by quickly, another 34 I’ll be close to harvest. My plant with the yellow leaves seems fine now, no further yellowing and that plant is growing faster than the others. Happy Saturday people


Hey @Old g glad your enjoying yourself.
You said it had flowers an no pistols.
But I can clearly see pistols.
Looks good.

Stay safe
Hey @Old g glad your enjoying yourself.
You said it had flowers an no pistols.
But I can clearly see pistols.
Looks good.

Stay safe
Thanx Bill, I looked this morning there was none. At least I could see. I watered , was at the gym , took that pic and when I enlarged I saw a couple.It had nothing for a week, the other plants have them everywhere.Does nitrogen slow the pistils from coming out, I thought maybe that was it.I used some guano this morning also, it’s supposed to be loaded w micronutrients , I’ve been getting alittle yellow right at the ends of some of the leaves on the very top
My first attempt at the beginning of the year was ended by spider mites and fungus gnats :/ but when we had it I was looking all over the internet and almost bought praying mantis to guard the plant....but it died before I could pull the trigger on bringing giant bugs into my house on purpose lol but yea old g your plants are looking great.
Thank you, I’m happy especially after that one plants bottom leaves turned yellow, I said oh no here we go Guess they were hungry , everything you do with these plants , there’s a small margin for error, at least a me it has been
Thanx Bill, I looked this morning there was none. At least I could see. I watered , was at the gym , took that pic and when I enlarged I saw a couple.It had nothing for a week, the other plants have them everywhere.Does nitrogen slow the pistils from coming out, I thought maybe that was it.I used some guano this morning also, it’s supposed to be loaded w micronutrients , I’ve been getting alittle yellow right at the ends of some of the leaves on the very top
Hey @Old g
Stop with the bat poop.
Your in flower so your nitrogen uptake will start to diminish.
Excess nitrogen shouldn't bother the formation of pistols but you need to start diminishing its availability.
They need p and k now in flower more than n.
Just a little for nutrient uptake.
Don't fret about a little tip burn no harm or foul there.

Stay safe
Hey @Old g
Stop with the bat poop.
Your in flower so your nitrogen uptake will start to diminish.
Excess nitrogen shouldn't bother the formation of pistols but you need to start diminishing its availability.
They need p and k now in flower more than n.
Just a little for nutrient uptake.
Don't fret about a little tip burn no harm or foul there.

Stay safe
Will do , ill just use the bloom booster, Ghana Bill much appreciated
Hey G! Sorry I got behind on you!! Looking so much better adding that bloom in!! :woohoo:

Growing is better. Once you stop being so nervous...believe me...
I went back looking at my grow, 19 days ago these plants were tiny, it’s unbelievable how fast they grow. 2 weeks I have flowers everywhere, if someone even showed me pictures of how fast they grow, I’d never believe them lol . I’ve watched ands there’s days I couldn’t believe the growth, it’s definitely fun but I’m thinking I’m running outta room I’m at 28inches


Hey G! Sorry I got behind on you!! Looking so much better adding that bloom in!! :woohoo:

Growing is better. Once you stop being so nervous...believe me...
I’m good Krissi, I’m not nervous, I just check things before something bad does happen
Day 35, pulled all the pots out, inspected all the plants. I filled the pots to the top with Fff and watered them all they were bone dry. Honestly didn’t think they’d get this big








And by big I mean tall, 2 plants are producing nicely, the 2 others idk , the clay pot has a lot of buds but they look like popcorn buds, the other skittles only has a few flowers and there’s hardly any pistils. I guess that’s why u plant 4 , average it out lol, it’s ok it’s still fun
Happy growing for everyone!
Welcome to join us here:
Day 36, plants are looking good guess now I just sit back and watch it happen. My only other grow was a constant battle with spider mites, it’s cold here now I doubt their active in this cold. I used soil from my outdoor garden I musta bought them into my grow, I didn’t even know what they were when I first saw them . I got a quick education that’s for sure.



Happy growing for everyone!
Welcome to join us here:
Hopefully someday I’ll be able to afford one of your lites . Thanx for stopping by
Day 35, pulled all the pots out, inspected all the plants. I filled the pots to the top with Fff and watered them all they were bone dry. Honestly didn’t think they’d get this big








Oh my God they're so perfect for your space. Look so good!!!
Thank you, I’m happy especially after that one plants bottom leaves turned yellow, I said oh no here we go Guess they were hungry , everything you do with these plants , there’s a small margin for error, at least a me it has been
Yup literally the smallest room for error...I just had to throw away my main plant last night lol just what ever you do don't mess up the light schedule. But I'm happy for ya old g everything is going your way :)
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