Old G's New Auto Grow

Clay vs plastic not an improvement.
But pop the pot off the worst looking one and take a pic of roots please.
Then just put it back in for a minute.
We can confirm roots or water issue.
I've grown some big plants in tiny pots , so I'm skeptical is all.
Stay safe.
Won’t that damage the plant
Clay vs plastic not an improvement.
But pop the pot off the worst looking one and take a pic of roots please.
Then just put it back in for a minute.
We can confirm roots or water issue.
I've grown some big plants in tiny pots , so I'm skeptical is all.
Stay safe.
Hey bill, so I know you said the plastic isn't an upgrade from the clay but it is bigger... Can he drill holes into the side and bottom to basically create an air pot? This way he can utilize the pot, give some air flow to soil and give the lady room to grow.
Hey bill, so I know you said the plastic isn't an upgrade from the clay but it is bigger... Can he drill holes into the side and bottom to basically create an air pot? This way he can utilize the pot, give some air flow to soil and give the lady room to grow.
My apologies :Namaste:
I get mixed up sometimes trying to keep track of everyone, you will have to excuse me.
That sounds great.
Be gentle , if you don't have gloves wash your hands first and get a pic of roots please if you can.
Stay safe.
Hey bill, so I know you said the plastic isn't an upgrade from the clay but it is bigger... Can he drill holes into the side and bottom to basically create an air pot? This way he can utilize the pot, give some air flow to soil and give the lady room to grow.
That’s what I’m doing first thing in the morning. I don’t think it’s overwatered, the leaves are straight up, from what I’ve read it’s what bill said, nute def. I put new soil In and gave it bloom nutes and I put bat guano on top, I can’t transplant it now. See what happens, it’s definitely a problem, the leaves on the other side were worse. If the plant looks worse in the morning I don’t think I should waste my time transplanting it. I still have 3 very healthy plants so I’ll concentrate on them and try not to screw them up
Hey bill, so I know you said the plastic isn't an upgrade from the clay but it is bigger... Can he drill holes into the side and bottom to basically create an air pot? This way he can utilize the pot, give some air flow to soil and give the lady room to grow.
Brother I saw u had the same problem, did u fix it
You can just put a layer of compost/coco/perlite under the pot to give the roots somewhere to go
Brother I saw u had the same problem, did u fix it
Yea I literally put my main in a bigger pot with better drainage and it solved the issue... Still don't know what ate the leaf but it stopped at that one. But both of my new plants are in plastic pots with holes in the side, and they seem happy....just one is weird looking lol


Yea I literally put my main in a bigger pot with better drainage and it solved the issue... Still don't know what are the leaf but it stopped at that one. But both of my new plants are in plastic pots with holes in the side, and they seem happy....just one is weird looking lol


I tried tilling the soil with new soil , I added guano and gave it a bloom nute shot. It might be nute lock or it might be I need the bigger pot. It’s definitely something with the nutes, the leaves aren’t drooping. I read a lot of grow journals, 80% of the guys have 1.75 to 3 gallon pots. I grew a 6 foot white widow in that clay pot. I don’t think it’s the pot. There’s a journal a guy grew an auto in a silo cup.Hey I wanna grow killer weed, I’m gonna lose some plants along the way, I’m sure most people starting out have lost a plant or two. I’m not giving up on it, if it’s nute lock I’ll flush it and let it dry out. Apart from the yellow leaves the plant looks great.Thanks for answering me I saw ur journal and ur leaves looked identical


I’ve got 3plants I couldn’t be happier with, people posting like my whole grow is shot. This is day 31, I like where my plants are



What strain is the red pot? That sucker is growing quick lol and no I don't think anyone is saying it's shot...just everyone is trying to help at once lol maybe overwhelming!? You got this, it's all a learning process...I know I'm still learning alot.
What strain is the red pot? That sucker is growing quick lol and no I don't think anyone is saying it's shot...just everyone is trying to help at once lol maybe overwhelming!? You got this, it's all a learning process...I know I'm still learning alot.
I got you, I just had to slow down and research. I could be wrong but my money is on nute def. I backed off the nitro when I saw the flowers. I went too lite on the bloom nutes I believe. Everything I read said to go real lite on nutes with autos. I think I went too lite.
The red pot is the one I said I thought I mighta germinated another strain, it’s supposed to be zskittles but the one next to it is zskittles and they look nothing alike. I tilt the lite forward because that plant is now 5 full inches taller. Yes it’s scary how fast it’s growing. Is it zskittles, guess I’ll find out, hopefully in a good way
Thank you
I have a 2 gallon plastic pot, should I transplant, take the plant outta the clay pot

only if the clay pot is smaller. the shape of clay pots and a couple other things kinda make them crappy as well. they steal water and can both capture and leach stuff. also they are porous without being porous enough to actually breathe well.

clay pots are meant to keep house plants in stasis, not developing, and are mostly decorative.

Clay vs plastic not an improvement.

plastic is an improvement. see above. you can also mod a plastic pot to make it better.

@Old g for the most part you are rolling fine. just keep watch and hold the line on the others. up pot or ride a rail with the clay pot. it might not make it but you can still let it try. there's a bit to go.
only if the clay pot is smaller. the shape of clay pots and a couple other things kinda make them crappy as well. they steal water and can both capture and leach stuff. also they are porous without being porous enough to actually breathe well.

clay pots are meant to keep house plants in stasis, not developing, and are mostly decorative.

plastic is an improvement. see above. you can also mod a plastic pot to make it better.

@Old g for the most part you are rolling fine. just keep watch and hold the line on the others. up pot or ride a rail with the clay pot. it might not make it but you can still let it try. there's a bit to go.
Thank you, I love growing but it’s not fun when this happens. I made this plant sick some how, I wish I knew how to correct it.I’m just gonna let it be , I guess flush it and let the pot dry out completely. I’ll never use that clay pot again, I didn’t know it wasn’t a good choice, part of the learning curve I guess
My apologies :Namaste:
I get mixed up sometimes trying to keep track of everyone, you will have to excuse me.
That sounds great.
Be gentle , if you don't have gloves wash your hands first and get a pic of roots please if you can.
Stay safe.
Bill I took your advice and gave my plant a nitrogen and bloom nute boost, I also filled the soil with FF Frog, plant looks much better this morning. It was lite green last nite and this morning it’s taking on a darker green. I know it’s hard for people to give advice from a picture and I appreciate everyone’s suggestions. The plant looked too healthy to be root bound after a month, apart from yellowing the leaves looked fine. I’m not gonna transplant I’m gonna let it go and see what happens
Bill I took your advice and gave my plant a nitrogen and bloom nute boost, I also filled the soil with FF Frog, plant looks much better this morning. It was lite green last nite and this morning it’s taking on a darker green. I know it’s hard for people to give advice from a picture and I appreciate everyone’s suggestions. The plant looked too healthy to be root bound after a month, apart from yellowing the leaves looked fine. I’m not gonna transplant I’m gonna let it go and see what happens
Just be careful watering.
I still think that was your issue.
Have you read any threads on watering?

Stay safe
Just be careful watering.
I still think that was your issue.
Have you read any threads on watering?

Stay safe
Yes maybe it was overwatered previously and just yellowed , the leaves are all very perky , it’ says overwatered leaves are fat and droopy. I’m letting the pot dry out now though and gonna be more careful when watering. It’s right in front of the fan and it seemed to be drying out faster so I may have overwatered, the plant looks great so I’m not that worried
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