Old G's New Auto Grow

You're pretty much there Old G - sit back and watch them buds turn white
Have you thought how you're gonna dry/cure these beauties. I don’
I’m not thinking that far ahead yet , I’m hoping these plants are almost done stretching. That’s got me worried, I upped the power on my lites and trained side lites to see if that will slow down the stretch. I also read where if it gets cold that’ll make them stretch as well. It’s cold where I live and it gets chilly at nite, last nite was in the 20s. I’m gonna keep the heat up, I was letting it get cold because it says if your plants have purple genes they really come out in the cold, they left out that it causes ur plants to stretch lol. A lot of the suggestions that are very good also can have negative impact on your plants, I’m learning that’s for sure
Yea I wanna grow purple buds like Krissi has, then I’ll be happy. I planted skittles and blue dream hoping for color , if they turn that’s awesome but I have to keep them warm
I’m not thinking that far ahead yet , I’m hoping these plants are almost done stretching. That’s got me worried, I upped the power on my lites and trained side lites to see if that will slow down the stretch. I also read where if it gets cold that’ll make them stretch as well. It’s cold where I live and it gets chilly at nite, last nite was in the 20s. I’m gonna keep the heat up, I was letting it get cold because it says if your plants have purple genes they really come out in the cold, they left out that it causes ur plants to stretch lol. A lot of the suggestions that are very good also can have negative impact on your plants, I’m learning that’s for sure
How tall are they now G?
Yup agreed old g, weed is to expensive and it's really not all that good for medical. My father beat cancer earlier this year and has been on the pills since he cannot pay for the medical garbage they're trying to give Him...we both smoke ALOT of green....so that was the whole idea is help me save money and smoke pure green and help my dad get off the pills or cut back. I really enjoy hearing about people growing for helpful reasons other than to make money :)
I believe the tin foil is blocking the cold off the walls , without a doubt my plants wouldn’t look as good as they do. I’ve read white paint is the best as you’ve said, maybe the floor I can paint white , but the walls are too pourus and it costs too much. It gets real cold where I live, it’s 40 out now, for that reason im not worried about burning the plants
How tall are they now G?
The one in the back is 21 inches, the other 3 are 18. I’ve really only have another foot to work with. I’ve done everything I’ve read to slow down the stretch. This picture is the one that’s the tallest, the others are very bushy and more full, this one has thin leaves, I guess a lot of sativa in its genes

Not many preflowers either, the others look much more productive. I guess if it gets to 35 inches I’ll take it out and put the lites on it. Big difference between that one and the others.


Maybe get another 10 inches...I think you will have just enough space...they look good, coloring is so much better, they're perky. Looks good
This was my last autoflower awhile back.
First is day 12, then the rest are another 12 days each pic.
Grew more than 4" per day everyday for 8 days straight during the stretch.
Got to 6' 8" tall.
Fortunately your pot size and type should be slowing yours down pretty soon.
They're looking really good so far.

That’s a serious grow, beautiful. I’ve been reading peoples journals and it seems a lot grow 20s into the 30s inches . 7 feet tall I couldn’t handle. I’m praying for 20something , these have been growing 2 inches daily, it’s crazy . Yes I’m hoping these stop growing in a week , heightwise anyway .
This was my last autoflower awhile back.
First is day 12, then the rest are another 12 days each pic.
Grew more than 4" per day everyday for 8 days straight during the stretch.
Got to 6' 8" tall.
Fortunately your pot size and type should be slowing yours down pretty soon.
They're looking really good so far.

I thought the first pic was outside.
What a fabulous garden my friend.
Is that one huge pot and everything is together?
Stay safe.
That’s a serious grow, beautiful. I’ve been reading peoples journals and it seems a lot grow 20s into the 30s inches . 7 feet tall I couldn’t handle. I’m praying for 20something , these have been growing 2 inches daily, it’s crazy . Yes I’m hoping these stop growing in a week , heightwise anyway .
Mine either grow 7 foot tall or 7 inches tall.
My preferred method of growing doesn't seem to work that well with most autoflowers, I think the soil is just too active, lots of worms and bugs, a lot of chitin in the soil probably just freaks autoflowers out.
When they grow they grow like a SOB, but I get way too many that get stunted for my taste.
I stick to photo-periods.
Yup agreed old g, weed is to expensive and it's really not all that good for medical. My father beat cancer earlier this year and has been on the pills since he cannot pay for the medical garbage they're trying to give Him...we both smoke ALOT of green....so that was the whole idea is help me save money and smoke pure green and help my dad get off the pills or cut back. I really enjoy hearing about people growing for helpful reasons other than to make money :)t

That’s awesome, pot makes the pills very easy to manage. Can’t explain it, a lot of times the pot works better than the pills . I think pot is a godsend for people that are suffering, best thing is for sleeping, I wake up take a hit and I’m right back asleep. I used to take Xanax for anxiety and to sleep, I was severely hooked . I quit them and I went thru the worst withdrawals for 3 months. I wouldn’t touch one ever again. Sometimes I wonder why it took so long to get pot medically recognized, then I remember big pharma pays off the politicians who make the laws
That’s awesome, pot makes the pills very easy to manage. Can’t explain it, a lot of times the pot works better than the pills . I think pot is a godsend for people that are suffering, best thing is for sleeping, I wake up take a hit and I’m right back asleep. I used to take Xanax for anxiety and to sleep, I was severely hooked . I quit them and I went thru the worst withdrawals for 3 months. I wouldn’t touch one ever again. Sometimes I wonder why it took so long to get pot medically recognized, then I remember big pharma pays off the politicians who make the laws
Prior to 1930s cannabis was in 65% of every compound medication listed in the pharmacopeia.

We are simply rediscovering what we already knew 200+ years ago.
Yes, this was growing in my 25 gallon LOS no-till pot.
Wow , I wondered the same thing. That’s incredible. You must get serious buds growing on your plants. No wonder an auto grew 7 feet. Your lite years ahead of where I’ll ever get , impressive very impressive
Prior to 1930s cannabis was in 65% of every compound medication listed in the pharmacopeia.

We are simply rediscovering what we already knew 200+ years ago.
The government has always known, the government has a patent on everything even related to marijuana. Think I read they got the patent in the early 60s , kinda no it does suck that they know how good it works medically and they let the pharmaceutical companies get you hooked on pills and anything else they profit from
Wow , I wondered the same thing. That’s incredible. You must get serious buds growing on your plants. No wonder an auto grew 7 feet. Your lite years ahead of where I’ll ever get , impressive very impressive
Bah, you'll be doing the same in no time, you just have to find what method works best for you and perfect that method.
Its shockingly easy to grow excellent bud once you get the hang of it.
Do you start seeds directly in it?
Stay safe.
Not with autoflowers, the worms never leave it alone and that really phucks with an autoflower.
Also rove beetles will eat the cotyledons, its like candy to them, they don't touch any other part of the plant just that tender little cotyledon.
So I start them in a solo cup for 7 to 9 days then transplant carefully.
That way they start in the pot with a good footing.
Bah, you'll be doing the same in no time, you just have to find what method works best for you and perfect that method.
Its shockingly easy to grow excellent bud once you get the hang of it.
So you created the ideal outdoor environment and created it inside. That’s unbelievable, my minds not that creative , I couldn’t even think of doing that. I wouldn’t grow autos either, I can’t even think what it must feel like to look at a plant like that. Giant buds everywhere, insane.
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