Old G's New Auto Grow

A week ago these plants were barely 5 inches, the plants were very leafy, too leafy. I had my lite too low, I’ve been raising the lite about 3 inches daily, the plants are almost 17inches and the one skittles is 20. They keep stretching I’m gonna run outta height. The low watts I used on my first grow , I bought a new lite cause I knew it was the lack of watts that I hardly got any yield.
My lite I got seems to be doing its job it’s just the plants are gonna outgrow it.
This is a never ending learning curve , I’m getting great tips on how to do this right. I’ll get there, I love growing, it’s very therapeutic for me. And I’m glad it’s hard , means I have tons to learn and that keeps it interesting. And there’s some great people in here , I’ll get it and I’m enjoying learning
Small it’s 4 by 4 but it’s a closet and it’s slanted . These plants keep growing I’m in trouble
For me a 4x4 is a good size area. What do you have for vertical height? I grow 3 autos in 5gal fabric pots at a time in my 2x4 tent. I’ve grown 4 plants by accident in it and it gets to full for my liking. I keep my plants down low with an aggressive LST but with the vertical height in my tent I could allow them to go much taller.

If you are out of height you may need to start super cropping soon.
Can’t figure out if I germinated a different seed, the plant looks nothing like the others. Oh well it’s a beautiful plant, it’s a full 4 inches taller


For me a 4x4 is a good size area. What do you have for vertical height? I grow 3 autos in 5gal fabric pots at a time in my 2x4 tent. I’ve grown 4 plants by accident in it and it gets to full for my liking. I keep my plants down low with an aggressive LST but with the vertical height in my tent I could allow them to go much taller.

If you are out of height you may need to start super cropping soon.
I should be fine, I have about 4 ft in height. I actually have a decent sized closet. I just need to set it up better.

I went back and checked how they were 1 week ago and wow Mr G those have exploded... Looking great I'm glad I decided to stick around and watch the operation. But I did want to ask about the side lights...did those have any affect or could you notice a difference in the growing? I was going to try the same thing but I do not have enough room to add lights the plant in my grow space.
My first grow was a serious shit show, I found the seed in my med pot , white widow. I started it in a silo cup with a gro lite regular lite bulb. I was able to grow the plant but I only got like half an ounce. I had lites on the sides pointed upwards like it was the Empire State Building lol . I couldn’t really tell if it helped or not.These plants are really nice so I researched it, I read a good article the guy said it could screw up the growth hormone reaching the main cola, seeing I didn’t LST or top them I didn’t wanna risk losing any growth. I didn’t top or LST because this is really my first serious grow, figured it might be good to see how they grow. I’m using tin foil to try and get the sides lite
What I’ve noticed about auto plants is that nothing is normal with them and you can have completely different phenos of the same strain.

I’m using tin foil to try and get the sides lite
Tin foil may not be a good thing for reflecting your light and can actually cause hot spots. If it isn’t a big concern you could possibly paint the area with white paint. I believe it would do a better job for you. Spray paint may even work.
What I’ve noticed about auto plants is that nothing is normal with them and you can have completely different phenos of the same strain.

Tin foil may not be a good thing for reflecting your light and can actually cause hot spots. If it isn’t a big concern you could possibly paint the area with white paint. I believe it would do a better job for you. Spray paint may even work.
Thank you, it’s not that strong of a lite. Seems to be perfect right now, I’m worried when buds start growing it might not be as strong as it should be.
I love growing autos , I’m not patient enough for photos. I didn’t know that about tin foil, thanx
You got a real light.
I thought you were using some plain old LED light bulbs of a few watts each.

Can still use some side lighting once they get bigger though.
The small bulbs I used on my first grow, I didn’t have a clue what these plants needed. The new lite isn’t that powerful either but it’s working. Yes I put the weak lites trained on the sides, like u say the more the better. I noticed these plants were stretching too much so I’m keeping the lite lower and put the others on the sides.These plants grew 10inches in a week, keeps growing like that I’m in trouble height wise


I wish I had the finances to grow properly, as long as I get enough for myself I’ll be happy. I have my med card but the dispensary’s are too expensive and the weed isn’t that good . To keep my prescription active it’s 125 every 3 months and the weed is 60 an eight . I smoke everyday I have a bad leg and it keeps my pill intake really low . The supposed reason for the state to allow people to get weed is it’s supposed to alleviate stress and pain. It creates more stress not knowing where ur gonna get money when you run out of cash at the end of the month. Selling weed is purely a money grab for the state and the dispensary, it sucks . I couldn’t be happier I found that seed and decided to grow my own. I couldn’t ask for better therapy than growing weed , and I love getting high . Since covid were living in a new world , everybody’s stressed . This works for me
What I’ve noticed about auto plants is that nothing is normal with them and you can have completely different phenos of the same strain.

Tin foil may not be a good thing for reflecting your light and can actually cause hot spots. If it isn’t a big concern you could possibly paint the area with white paint. I believe it would do a better job for you. Spray paint may even work.
Hey @Nev, quick question so I know the aluminum foil can create warm spots... But I see in the photo a brick wall on the left and a half insulated wall in the rear. If he's in a colder climate such as myself where the walls emmenate cold, cold the aluminum foil act almost as its own off hand heating source through reflection?
The small bulbs I used on my first grow, I didn’t have a clue what these plants needed. The new lite isn’t that powerful either but it’s working. Yes I put the weak lites trained on the sides, like u say the more the better. I noticed these plants were stretching too much so I’m keeping the lite lower and put the others on the sides.These plants grew 10inches in a week, keeps growing like that I’m in trouble height wise


Awesome old g, and nice new light glad ya got some more power for the ladies :) and yes agreed above the light should be up about 30cm/12 inches from tops. I'm sure your light came with a lux output hieght chart. But thanks for posting your grow, it is keeping me occupied until I get to the next stages of my own :p
I wish I had the finances to grow properly, as long as I get enough for myself I’ll be happy. I have my med card but the dispensary’s are too expensive and the weed isn’t that good . To keep my prescription active it’s 125 every 3 months and the weed is 60 an eight . I smoke everyday I have a bad leg and it keeps my pill intake really low . The supposed reason for the state to allow people to get weed is it’s supposed to alleviate stress and pain. It creates more stress not knowing where ur gonna get money when you run out of cash at the end of the month. Selling weed is purely a money grab for the state and the dispensary, it sucks . I couldn’t be happier I found that seed and decided to grow my own. I couldn’t ask for better therapy than growing weed , and I love getting high . Since covid were living in a new world , everybody’s stressed . This works for me
Yup agreed old g, weed is to expensive and it's really not all that good for medical. My father beat cancer earlier this year and has been on the pills since he cannot pay for the medical garbage they're trying to give Him...we both smoke ALOT of green....so that was the whole idea is help me save money and smoke pure green and help my dad get off the pills or cut back. I really enjoy hearing about people growing for helpful reasons other than to make money :)
I wish I had the finances to grow properly, as long as I get enough for myself I’ll be happy. I have my med card but the dispensary’s are too expensive and the weed isn’t that good . To keep my prescription active it’s 125 every 3 months and the weed is 60 an eight . I smoke everyday I have a bad leg and it keeps my pill intake really low . The supposed reason for the state to allow people to get weed is it’s supposed to alleviate stress and pain. It creates more stress not knowing where ur gonna get money when you run out of cash at the end of the month. Selling weed is purely a money grab for the state and the dispensary, it sucks . I couldn’t be happier I found that seed and decided to grow my own. I couldn’t ask for better therapy than growing weed , and I love getting high . Since covid were living in a new world , everybody’s stressed . This works for me
Holy crap.

You mean it cost $125 every 3 months just for the card? $500 a year for literally nothing at all but a card that says you can go buy poor quality over priced weed?
Or is it you must purchase at least $125 worth of weed every 3 months in order to keep the card active?

Either way thats flat out criminal.

It just needs to be taken off the drug schedule and made federally legal that would stop the majority of this robbery.
Holy crap.

You mean it cost $125 every 3 months just for the card? $500 a year for literally nothing at all but a card that says you can go buy poor quality over priced weed?
Or is it you must purchase at least $125 worth of weed every 3 months in order to keep the card active?

Either way thats flat out criminal.

It just needs to be taken off the drug schedule and made federally legal that would stop the majority of this robbery.
Yep!!! I live here too....I haven't bought one dispensary product with my card...just had it before it became legalized to possess
G!!! Look at you and your followers!!! Look at your light!! You gonna have more soon, too!!!

Proud of you. I know you are managing the best you can and you know I hear your frustrations on the costs and non benefits of our dispensary and med card program.

Loving seeing you so active and finding all of these new friends! Don't forget me though when you make it big!! :):high-five::bravo:
I hooked them up and researched it, it said not to shine lites from the side it confuses the plant. I read others that used them, I didn’t wanna take any chances I took them down, I was gonna ask Krissi but I bother her enough lol
I missed this question...you never bother me...
You're pretty much there Old G - sit back and watch them buds turn white
Have you thought how you're gonna dry/cure these beauties?
Hey @Nev, quick question so I know the aluminum foil can create warm spots... But I see in the photo a brick wall on the left and a half insulated wall in the rear. If he's in a colder climate such as myself where the walls emmenate cold, cold the aluminum foil act almost as its own off hand heating source through reflection?
That’s a good question. I’m sure there could be an overwhelming debate on the subject.
I’ve not done a lot of research on this for a number of years but to the best of my knowledge flat white is a better source of reflection of light and heat. I believe that’s why I see so many grow rooms in white.

Here‘s an article from the Washington Post. 2021/04/16
How much sunlight does white paint reflect?

White paint now on the market reflects 80 to 90 percent of sunlight, but it gets warmer, not cooler, by absorbing ultraviolet light. The breakthrough Ruan and his team say they have made is creating a paint that both reflects and cools.Apr 16, 2021

Researchers say cool white paint could combat urban heat​

https://www.washingtonpost.com › 2021/04/16 › urban-h.

All said in the very end you just need to work with your budget and with a little love and care your plants will always reward you.:peace:
Holy crap.

You mean it cost $125 every 3 months just for the card? $500 a year for literally nothing at all but a card that says you can go buy poor quality over priced weed?
Or is it you must purchase at least $125 worth of weed every 3 months in order to keep the card active?

Either way thats flat out criminal.

It just needs to be taken off the drug schedule and made federally legal that would stop the majority of this robbery.
Yes it’s a huge ripoff, and it’s 125 every 3 months to keep ur prescription active. Then you buy weed that isn’t good at all 60 bucks an eighth. I smoke an eighth a week, it gets very expensive.I read an article that the dispensary’s put the weed in a dryer type machine to shake all the crystals off the buds to make vapes and edibles. The weed I grew from my med white widow was 10 times better than the pot I bought, the skittles when I decided to only grow my own
I missed this question...you never bother me...
Krissi your awesome, I put lites trained on the sides . My plants seem to be stretching too much , I read it’s probably the lite isn’t strong enough, so I turned up my lite and put the lites on the sides. They grew 10 inches in not even a week, and that rate I’d outgrow my closet. I knew something was gonna happen lol . I’ll figure it out.
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