Old G's New Auto Grow

OK cool I thought I saw a rip on the edge prolly just from being moved around and not from a little biter then! Yes that shows you are pushing it to their max on nutes. Still good to go...I do it with mine because all strains are different, I see what each one needs. Just don't go overboard...Bloom feed moving forward for sure
Krissi thank you
Anytime G...imma inbox you about the lights
I’ve read different opinions on side lites, even full power my lighting isn’t gonna cut it. If I’ve done it I’m sure it’s fine
Watered a liter each plant, they’ve opened up nicely. Have a bunch of preflowers on my super plant, it’s twice as full as the others.My blue dreams have plenty of preflowers, the skittles not so much.Lites getting into the plants much better now. Day 26, now I get to watch buds grow for idk 6 weeks.I’m really praying I get thick dense buds, I really enjoy getting high, when at first I got my script for pot it seemed so so . Now 2years later I love it,just very relaxing.


I found this from July 11. I signed up here July 21st with :420:. I have come a long way but you have come further...keep pressing. I hope seeing how I started so small just proves you can do a whole lot.

I found this from July 11. I signed up here July 21st with :420:. I have come a long way but you have come further...keep pressing. I hope seeing how I started so small just proves you can do a whole lot.

Thank you, maybe there’s hope for me lol.I’ll tell you I wish I did LST instead of worrying I’d hurt the plants. I’ve got a bunch of preflowers that would be growing beautiful but their under leaves . It’s really cool you went from this to the harvests your getting now . This is beautiful too you know what I mean



Day 27 , a week ago my plants were 6 inches, today 3 are 14 inches and one skittles is 16 . Their opening up really nice, freeing up the preflowers to get lite. I’m watering EOD, I was feeding EOW, I watered yesterday and am just watering tomorrow, I think I’ve given too much nitrogen and wanna flush them. Apart from I think their gonna outgrow my room, things are going really well.




Day 29, fed and watered today. The blue dream look beautiful, the skittles look good but not many preflowers, when I potted my plants I ran out of FF soil and potted 1 skittles in miracle grow soil. The plants leaves are huge but there’s only the main cola and 2 other preflowers. Soil idk , it’s also 4 inches taller than the rest.I pulled a lot of the soil out and replaced it w FF I’ll have to see if it starts growing more flowers, if not I’ll pull it out to give the other plants more room. Happy Monday people



I went back and looked all over your New Grow thread. How fun is this. Nothing is quite as exciting as a 1st time grow.

I think your doing a great job. I always think it’s best to keep it as simple as possible the 1st couple grows and get the feeling of what the plants do through the different cycles of their life.

Roughly what is the size of your grow area?
I went back and checked how they were 1 week ago and wow Mr G those have exploded... Looking great I'm glad I decided to stick around and watch the operation. But I did want to ask about the side lights...did those have any affect or could you notice a difference in the growing? I was going to try the same thing but I do not have enough room to add lights the plant in my grow space.
I went back and checked how they were 1 week ago and wow Mr G those have exploded... Looking great I'm glad I decided to stick around and watch the operation. But I did want to ask about the side lights...did those have any affect or could you notice a difference in the growing? I was going to try the same thing but I do not have enough room to add lights the plant in my grow space.
I hooked them up and researched it, it said not to shine lites from the side it confuses the plant. I read others that used them, I didn’t wanna take any chances I took them down, I was gonna ask Krissi but I bother her enough lol
I went back and looked all over your New Grow thread. How fun is this. Nothing is quite as exciting as a 1st time grow.

I think your doing a great job. I always think it’s best to keep it as simple as possible the 1st couple grows and get the feeling of what the plants do through the different cycles of their life.

Roughly what is the size of your grow area?
Small it’s 4 by 4 but it’s a closet and it’s slanted . These plants keep growing I’m in trouble .
Nothing wrong with side lighting.
It’s ok to do that, there only 7 watts , ones blue and ones red and I have a white one. Any suggestions
My obvious suggestion would be for you to get real grow lights as soon as you're able.
Other than that, load em up, more the merrier when you're talking such low wattage
My obvious suggestion would be for you to get real grow lights as soon as you're able.
Other than that, load em up, more the merrier when you're talking such low wattage
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